It was HIM

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Wei Ying wakes up on the floor of a place he doesn't exactly remember being in before.
He looks around. There is no one there except him. He is dressed in Lan Zhan's outer robes. '???'.
He sits on the bed and calms himself down. He remembers his dream.

"It was Lan has always been him." Wei Ying says out loud as tips of his ears turn red and his heart does a summersault in his chest.

It is then that he hears the clanging sound of swords...'Bichen'...he thinks.

He puts on his shoes, takes his flute and runs out of the room.

He tries to open the door but realises that it has been locked by a spell.

'Lan Zhan's spell' , he smiles.
He takes care of the spell with another spell and opens the door. He steps out and finds blood a few feet way.

'Lan Zhan...Lan Zhan....why...' he doesn't finish that train of thought. He knows Lan Zhan never asks for anything. He just gives.'His Lan Zhan'

Wei Ying looks around and sees a few more corps being led away from the house. 

He hears the music of the zither but it doesn't sound powerful. It sounds hollow...empty somehow.

'Is Lan Zhan Ok?' he panicks.

Wei Ying picks up his flute and starts playing a tune.

Through the corner of his eyes Lan Zhan sees that something is attracting the corpses back towards the house 'The same house where his Wei Ying is lying defenseless'.

He doubles his efforts and chops of limb after limb of the undead things as he makes his way back towards the dwelling.

All the corpses turn and face the house as if waiting for someone to tell them what to do.

When Lan Zhan finally gets a view of the house he sees that the corpses are gathered in front to the house.

There are at lest twenty to thirty corpses 'Maybe more,' gathered in front of the house.
'How are there so many? When did they get there? ' he wonders as he sees more and more corpses joining in.

'Something is wrong.' he thinks looking at he corpses that are just standing there without much movement. They look to be swaying on the spot.

As Lan Zhan gets closer he hears a familiar flute music.

'Wei's's his music'.
'He woken up already???'
'But he is still hurt.'
'He should not have left our bed.....the bed...THE BED.'
'There is one bed and Only Wei Ying will be using it.'

Needless to say Lan Zhan's mind is a very chaotic ,confused, anxious place at that moment .
There is worry itched all over his face as he runs towards the house. Towards Wei Ying.

Wei Ying observes that the corpes are not fighting each other. They just seem to be in a daze... 'What the heck!'

He had been working on a new piece of music, that if it worked would be deadly to the corpses. But since it is a powerful tune it would invariably hurt him too. He knows it's risky but even so he decides to give it a try.

'Here goes nothing...well there is still my life I have to think about... but I AM desperate....if I don't do this both me and Lan Zhan might not make it out alive. ' he thinks and starts playing a completely different tune.

The corpses first still and then fall to the ground and combust.

Wei Ying feels drained and he spits out blood. 'ooookkk... So that happened. But at least ...I am still in one piece... Also,  Lan Zhan didn't witness it...hehe... . ' he thinks , thanking his lucky stars.

"Wei Wuxian" , Lan Zhan says in a hard, cold and angry voice.
But his heart is singing a different tune 'Why Wei Ying... You stupid brave fool. Why do you keep risking your life!'

"Well fuck, this is regretable.", Wei Ying says.... to no one in particular after being caught spitting blood.

"Hanguang Jun , well I... " he starts but is cut off.

"Reckless" Lan Zhan says in the same cold hard angry voice as before.

'I must do some damage control.' Wei Ying thinks and as if on cue he staggers back and holds on to the door frame for support.

Lan Zhan is instantly by his side worried and concerned. Gently holding him...wrapping  his one arm around Wei Ying's shoulders and supporting his waist with the other.

"Wei Ying....why ?" Lan Zhan says softly looking at the man in his arms lovingly.

Wei Ying's heart does another flip-flop in his chest.
'Since when has Lan Zhan been this gentle with me?' Wei Ying tries to recall as he puts his hand over his chest to make it calm down.

"Wei Ying... What is it?" Lan Zhan says, misinterpreting the situation and puts his hand over Wei Ying's.

'Wei Ying you have been so blind...Lan Zhan has always been there for you...protecting you. He truly is a magnificent man... And hot as Fuck... Wait where did that come from.... Oh you know where it came from Wei Ying... You Pervert. For all you know he likes Mianmian...afterall he did get jealous that one time in the cave.'...' but then he had said that I shoudn't flirt without meaning it.... Did he think I was flirting with him then? But even if he thought I was flirting with him, he did not get disgusted with me... so maybe I have a chance. ', his brain supplies. His mind blanks out for a few seconds.

Lan Zhan who is looking at Wei Ying's face all this time doesn't understand why his usually talkative friend has gone quiet and is staring at him.

'Wei Ying say something'

'Did he by chance remember what I did to him when he was not in a position to give consent or stop me?'
'Has he remembered that I hurt him and almost took him?' Hanguang Jun wonders.
His heart hurts the same way it did when he had seen Wei Ying fall to his death so many years ago.

"Wei Ying... Focus" is all that comes out of Hanguang Jun's mouth.

"Haha.. I am ok Lan Zhan...much better now. See...all better." Wei Ying smiles and wipes the blood from his mouth on the robes. 

'Shit. Lan Zhan's robes.' Wei Ying thinks looking at the once beautiful but now bloody robes.

'I am going to die.... What's more... I am going to die a virgin... this life as well. Lan Zhan will kill me before I can confess my love to him... Wait ...hold on right there... Did I just say confess my love to him.... Do I really love him? ...Do I? Or am I just infatuated with him?.. Wait am I a cut-sleeve for wanting to kiss his beautiful face and spend the rest of my life with him? But Lan Zhan can never be a cut-sleeve... he is gorgeous enough to convert men to become cut sleeve though right... That would explain it. '  Wei Ying thinks completely zoning out.

"Wei Ying...Wei Ying." Lan Zhan calls his friend's name while waving his hand in front of his face.

"Hmm? " Wei Ying murmurs and smiles at Lan Zhan in a goofy way.

'I think I broke him' , Lan Zhan thinks dejectedly.

{Note :- Hello WangXian fans. Hope you are liking the story so far.  I do try to update every day but weekends are busy so the update may be pushed by a day or two.
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Thank you for reading }

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