Needs and Wants

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*Lotus Cove*

As soon as Wei Ying is done voicing his concerns, Jiang Cheng shakes his head vigorously, "We need to go to Zewu Jun now. Wei Wuxian, can you teleport us there now?"

Wei Ying takes a deep breath and stands up on shaky legs, "Yes, I can." He says resolutely.

Though Wei Ying tries to hide it, Lan Zhan can tell that Wei Ying is not fine. "Jiang Wanyin, can you give us a few moments, please?" Lan Zhan requests, and Jiang Cheng nods understandingly, "I will let Jinling and Yenay know that we will be gone for a bit."

"Can you send Wen Ning here?" Wei Ying asks, and Jiang Cheng nods before leaving through the main door.

As soon as the clan leader leaves, Wei Ying collapses on Lan Zhan.

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan exclaims and carries his husband to bed. "Wei Ying, what's wrong?" Lan Zhan urges, sprinkling water on Wei Ying's face. It doesn't help; Wei Ying remains unconscious.

Lan Zhan puts his hand on Wei Ying's forehead and notices that his husband is burning up. 'Like always, he decided to ignore his safety.' Lan Zhan closes his eyes and transfers spiritual energy to Wei Ying. "Wake up, Wei Ying. Please."

A few minutes pass; Wei Ying slowly opens his eyes, "Lan Zhan..." He whispers, sitting up, "What happened?" He asks, looking around.

The light bearer pulls him in his arms.
"I am sorry, Wei Ya... " Lan Zhan apologies, "I knew you were not up for it, yet I let you proceed. I was selfish."

Wei Ying smiles, and returns the embrace, "Lan Zhan... Lan Zhan... don't you know me at all? Even if you would have stopped me, I would still have done what I did. At least like this, we did not end up fighting."

"I love you." Lan Zhan confesses again, looking into Wei Ying's dark orbs. "How are you feeling? I want the truth?"

"I am fine. Really." Wei Ying lies.

Lan Zhan sighs and traces Wei Ying brows, "You still have a fever. Aren't you cold?"

"Not anymore." Wei Ying replies, burying his face in his husband's chest, "I want you to do me now, Hanguang Jun, but alas, we have other more important things to do."

"Shameless... " Lan Zhan whispers under his breath, and Wei Ying looks up at his husband's worry stricken face, "Hanguang Jun, now you are being unfair. You know calling me shameless makes me want to do more shameless things, right?"

Lan Zhan takes Wei Ying's hand in his and kisses each of his knuckles before leaning in, "I know, Wei Ying. I know that you like to get me riled up." He traces Wei Ying's lips and parts them, but before he can do more, there is a knock on the door, and Wen Ning enters.

Wei Ying looks at his husband apologetically and leans away, but Lan Zhan doesn't let go, "Not so fast, I haven't punished you yet." He says, ignoring the Ghost General who doesn't know where to look. 

The light bearer captures his husband's lips; he pulls the younger man close and kisses him with urgency, till Wei Ying relents and forgets about the poor defenseless Ghost General: Always an unfortunate third wheel.

Out of habit, Lan Wei pushes Wei Ying into the sheets and intertwines their fingers, looming over the younger man. 

Somewhere in the room, the innocent Ghost General mutters, 'Please let me know when you are done, Masters.' and turns to face the wall to protect his eyes from getting tainted. 

The two cultivators get carried away, as the need to be with each other overpowers every other thought. Lan Zhan takes the opportunity to transfer more spiritual energy to Wei Ying without his knowledge. 

Rejuvenated, Wei Ying moans, pulling Lan Zhan closer. As their lower bodies connect, Lan Zhan bites Wei Ying's lips. His hand moves to the belts holding Wei Ying's lower garments, but before he can make his desires a reality, Jiang Cheng enters the chamber and clears his throat, loudly, "Wei Wuxian, I expect as much from you, but what is wrong with you, Hanguang Jun!" Jiang Cheng exclaims irritatedly, making the lovers stop. Wei Ying looks at his brother, his face colors. "Sorry, Jiang Cheng. We didn't mean to rub it in like this." Wei Ying blurts out, and sighs, "I promise we will get Zewu Jun back, safe and sound." He adds.

"Yes, I know." Jiang Cheng agrees and adds, "But can't you control yourself..."

"Clan leader Jiang, " Wen Ning interrupts, and pokes Jiang Cheng's shoulder lightly.


"Actually, this time, Master Wei was not at fault." The Ghost General confesses, and Lan Zhan clears his throat loudly, trying to drown Wen Ning's words.

"We must make haste." The light bearer urges, snaking his arm around Wei Ying's wrist. Helping his husband to his feet, Lan Zhan enquires, "Any better?" 

"Mn. I feel quite energized." Wei Ying winks, before dawning a serious face, "Jiang Cheng, when we arrived here, I could feel a force stopping me from entering. I think it might be working both ways. I think something is stopping magic from entering and exiting Lotus Cove."

"But his message made it to us." Lan Zhan states, referring to the glowing butterfly. 

Jiang Cheng shrugs, "I know nothing about it. Also, I did not send you the message from Lotus Cove."

"Why?" Lan Zhan questions. 

"I received a mysterious letter that stated that there were too many eyes at Lotus Cove and I need to be discreet. So I went out and found an isolated place. I sent the message from there."

"Any idea who it could have been?" Wei Ying enquires to which Jiang Cheng shakes his head. "I have no idea. By the way, how could have put a barrier around Lotus Cove?"

"It must have been Meng Yao." Lan Zhan states and adds, "Maybe he put a barrier around Lotus Cove just like he did at burial mounds."

"But why?" Wei Ying questions.

"Maybe he wanted to stop something from entering?" Wei Ying guesses.

"Su She!" Jiang Cheng bites out. "Meng Yao wanted to stop Su She from entering. I think he had completely fallen for our act and had suspected Su She. He knew that Su She could teleport, and he feared that he may harm Zewu Jun. I think that's why he might have put the barrier around Lotus Cove."

The two cultivators nod.

"If the barrier is still up, it means that Meng Yao is alive and well." Wei Ying observes and presses on, "Once we arrive, if we are lucky, we will be able to find Zewu Jun in the spot where you saw him, but if we are late, Meng Yao might have found him. My gut is telling me that Meng Yao is at the temple."

Wei Ying's stops and beckons Wen Ning to come over, "Wen Ning, with all three of us gone, I need you to safeguard Lotus Cove if any problem crops up."

"I will do that, Master Wei." The ghost general promises and leaves.

"Jiang Cheng, if it comes to face to face confrontation, I need you to keep your cool. Our priority is getting back to Lotus cove in one piece. Alright?"

"Wei Wuxian, I am not as useless as you think. I am aware of what is expected of me!" Jiang Cheng growls, and Wei Ying chuckles, "I know. I know. Now, hold me."

"No." Lan Zhan blurts out, "Jiang Wanyin, can hold me instead. I think the spell will work that way too."

"I am sorry, Hanguang Jun, but I am afraid Jiang Cheng needs to hold me." Wei Ying pauses and holds Lan Zhan's hand, "He is my brother, Lan Zhan. I am only yours." He whispers and smiles mischievously at his husband.

Exasperated, Jiang Cheng clears his throat again and holds Wei Ying's shoulder.

"Jiang Cheng, close your eyes and think of the place as clearly as you can." The Yiling patriarch turns to his husband, "And Lan Zhan, you think about Zewu Jun, okay?"

"Mn. We got it, Wei Ying. Now, let's go."

*The Temple*

As Meng Yao waits for his guards to return from the perimeter check, his mind wanders to Lan XiChen. He thinks about the first time they had met and instantly bonded. He thinks of XiChen's warm heart and kind accepting nature. He thinks about how the older Jade had stood protecting him from their eldest sworn brother at every turn, and feels guilty at the way the things had turned out.

He reflects on his actions and realizes that he could and should have stopped when he had XiChen by his side; when they were happy.

If only he would have done what he showed the world that he had done; if only his heart was as pure as XiChen thought it to be, he would not be in this situation now: Alone and scared.

Alone, because everyone that mattered, had left him, and scared, because he had no one except himself to rely on. Wei Ying had made sure of that. 

But he didn't hate Wei Ying, at least not anymore, but he did envy the Yiling patriarch. Cause even after Wei Ying had lost everything, including his life, one man had stood by him. A Jade had stood by him, always.

Meng Yao wanted the same. He had concluded that he needed nothing else other than Lan XiChen. His company, his trust...maybe even his love.

But the chief cultivator knew that that would never happen, at least not in this lifetime.

Meng Yao is pulled out of his thoughts when one of his guards calls him, "Clan leader Jin! We found someone while checking the perimeter."

"Who is it?" Meng Yao stands and walks out of the temple to find a few men dragging an unconscious Lan XiChen towards him.

"Stop!" He commands, and runs to the unconscious man, "Who hurt him!?" He growls, looking at his men accusingly.

But before the bewildered men can answer, more soldiers arrive, "Master, we found him loitering around and thought we should bring him to you." The guards inform, gesturing at another unconscious man that they had come across.

"Huaisang!" Meng Yao wonders aloud, and orders the young clan leader to be taken inside.

"What about him?" The guard asks, pointing at Lan XiChen.

"Bring him inside. Be gentle." Meng Yao instructs, guiding his guards and helping them carry the older Jade inside.

As soon as the guards put the older Lan on the floor, XiChen's body starts to convulse. He opens his eyes but almost immediately, they roll back into his head.

"Er ge!" Meng Yao panics and pulls the shuddering man into his lap, "Er ge, please wake up... Er ge, what's wrong with you!?... Er ge!" The chief cultivator tries to restrain Zewu Jun's body, but fails.

"Clan leader, he looks like he has been bewitched!" A guard guesses.

"I think he is dangerous." Other offers.

"Shut up! All of you!" Meng Yao fumes, "He needs help! Get someone...Anyone!"

The guards look at each other helplessly. "Clan leader..." One of the guards tries to approach the perturbed clan leader, but Meng Yao pushes him away, "Did you not hear me? Get me a physician... Go to Lotus cove and get me their physician." He orders.

But before the guards can do anything, the temple door bursts open and Wei Ying accompanied by Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng, walk inside.

"What did you do to Zewu Jun!?" Jiang Cheng exclaims and rushes over to where Meng Yao is cradling XiChen's shuddering body in his arms.

He pushes Meng Yao away and takes his place, "Zewu Jun... wake up!" Jiang Cheng urges.

"Brother... " Lan Zhan calls and joins Jiang Cheng on the floor next to his brother.

In the meanwhile, Wei Ying's eyes fall on his old friend Nie Huaisang. He walks over to his unconscious friend and shakes him, "Brother Nie, wake up."

However, feeling a powerful presence around them, the Yiling patriarch pauses and his brows crease. He abandons his unconscious friend and looks for the source of the power.

Wei Ying's eyes fall on the now still form of Zewu Jun, who at that precise moment, screams. The force is such that both Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan get flung to either side of the temple; the walls of the temple shake and the candles go out, plunging the temple into darkness.

{Note :- That's it for today's update. If you come across any errors, please let me know ❤

I am planning to finish TLB as soon as possible, so I was thinking of putting 'Mine' on hold as well. But I am not sure at the moment.

My eye situation is not improving as fast as I had expected so the updates will continue to be slow 😭😭😭

The next update will probably be of TBL, either on Wednesday or Thursday. That is if I don't update Mine.

I am aware that I am sounding like a crazy person. My apologies.

Please Vote to show your support for this update if you have enjoyed it.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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