Shameless Lan Zhan!?

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Wei Ying puts his hand on Lan Zhan's mouth and moves closer. With is body pressed against his husband's, Wei Ying catches Lan Zhan's eyes, "Lan Zhan, I am sorry for the way I behaved ok. I really didn't think how my actions would make you feel. But I can't take you being upset with me." Wei Ying says with eyes full of affection, "I love you." he adds, his voice barely a whisper.

Lan Zhan gulps and his eyes soften. Wei Ying takes his hand off of his husband's mouth and before the light bearer can say anything, he puts his hands on Lan Zhan's sides, effectively trapping the older man and brings their lips together.

Lan Zhan's breath hitches in his chest, when Wei Ying's hand comes to rest on the nape of the older's neck. The Yiling patriarch smiles feeling the skin under his palm heat up.

Slowly and reluctantly, Lan Zhan's hands come up and snake around the younger man's waist. He pulls Wei Ying closer. The younger doesn't resist. He gives in, he parts his mouth inviting Lan Zhan to taste him and the light bearer does what is expected of him...and more. The kiss deepens as the tongues come together first gently carassing each other and then trying to dominate each other.
Time stops as the kiss becomes hungrier.
'More!' Lan Zhan's heart demands and his hands move between their bodies and once more he palms his husband's hard member.
Wei Ying's eyes widen and he breaks the kiss, "Lan Zhan!" he exclaims catching his husband's lust filled gazes.

"Mn?" Lan Zhan asks his eyes glued to Wei Ying's lips.

Wei Ying cups Lan Zhan's face and makes him look into his eyes, "Lan Zhan, my eyes are here!"

Lan Zhan finally looks at Wei Ying's eyes but his eyes still have a dazed look.

"Lan Zhan, have you forgotten where we are? Why are you being so shameless?.....Ah!" Wei Ying moans, when instead of pulling his hand away from between Wei Ying's legs, Lan Zhan's grip tightens and he strokes Wei Ying.

Wei Ying immediately holds Lan Zhan's wrist, "What are you doing?"

"I love you, Wei Ying." Lan Zhan says capturing Wei Ying's lips between his once more.

Wei Ying reluctantly kisses back 'What is wrong with Lan Zhan? He is a private person... Something is definitely wrong here.' The Yiling patriarch wonders. Closing his eyes, he tries to concentrate. Then he feels it, 'Damn it... Resentful energy...why here?'
Wei Ying tries to push Lan Zhan away but fails.

Lan Zhan's grip on Wei Ying tightens and he takes the younger's lower lip between his lips and bites.

"Ah!...Stop!" Wei Ying says, breaking the kiss. A look of hurt crosses Lan Zhan's face before getting replaced with anger.
He pushes Wei Ying using his spiritual power and the younger falls to the ground.

"Ouch Lan Zhan! Snap out of it." Wei Ying bites out, standing up and rubbing his behind.

Lan Zhan is about to say something when Wei Ying's eyes look past Lan Zhan and fall on Wen Ning who is changing towards them.

Wei Ying pushes Lan Zhan out of the way and hits Wen Ning with a talisman, which hits the Ghost General square in the chest and immobilizes him.

Lan Zhan looks at Wen Ning and draws Bichen. But before he can injure Wen Ning, Wei Ying takes out Chenqing and starts playing a tune.

Wen Ning closes his ears, and starts struggling once the spot and Lan Zhan closes his eyes and ears and falls to his knees.

"Stop it!" Lan Zhan yells but Wei Ying continues to play and within seconds black smoke that was previously going unnoticed, starts to gather a few feet away from where Wei Ying is playing Chenqing.

Wen Ning growls and continues to struggle for a few more seconds till a string of black matter leaves his chest.
Once the string disconnects from Wen Ning's body, the Ghost General's eyes roll back into his head and he falls unconscious.

Wei Ying's eyes fall on Lan Zhan whose entire being seems to be surrounded by the same black smoke. Wei Ying continues to play and walks closer to his husband. He watches as a multitude of emotions dance across Lan Zhan's face before his features contort in pain. His breathing becomes laboured and he sways on the spot. Wei Ying changes the tune a little, inducing the melody his heart loves the most and the smoke starts to clear up instantly.
A second later, the black matter dissipates and Lan Zhan looses conciseness and falls into Wei Ying's arms.

"Lan Zhan... " Wei Ying whispers, laying the light bearer down on the ground. He rampages through his pouch and finds a water sack. He opens it and sprinkles a few drops on Lan Zhan's face. Lan Zhan's eyes flutter open slowly and the first thing the light bearer sees is Wei Ying's smiling face, "Welcome back, Hanguang Jun." Wei Ying whispers and kisses his husband's lips tenderly.

Lan Zhan sits up, "What happened?" He asks feeling out of sorts.

"What happened was that you tried to fuck me right in the middle of these woods." Wei Ying says looking away and pouting.

"Wei Ying!....I... I am so sorry... Did I hurt you... I don't... I didn't... " Lan Zhan starts to blabber pulling himself away from Wei Ying's lap.

"Hehe... Lan Zhan... I am sorry." Wei Ying says, putting a finger on his husband's lips, "It's true that you wanted to do me here, but it was not your fault.... " Wei Ying's tone turns serious, "Lan Zhan, there is a lot of resentful energy here. It looks like whoever created the undead corpses, did not intend to return their consciousness once he had used them. Or, that they did not know how to control them properly."

Lan Zhan nods before adding, "Or maybe, they don't have the things required to control the corpses fully."

They look at each other and nod. Both know that the corpses can only be controlled fully if all the pieces of Yin iron are joined together. And they both knew that two important parts were at present, held by Wei Ying. That was also the reason, Wei Ying was able to control and defuse the negative energy.

"Did it effect him too?" Lan Zhan asks following Wei Ying who was walking towards an unconscious Wen Ning.

"Yes, he lost his will....but it helped me understand the situation."

"Can you fix it?" Lan Zhan asks doubtfully.

"I already did." Wei Ying answers, and stares at the Ghost General, "Open your eyes Wen Ning, Lan Zhan won't hurt you."

"Mn?" Lan Zhan looks at Wei Ying questioningly, but before Wei Ying can answer, Wen Ning opens his eyes and hesitantly looks at Lan Zhan before muttering, "I am sorry Master Lan.... for everything. I really didn't mean to upset you."

Lan Zhan understands what Wen Ning is talking about, "I am sorry too, Wen Ning. attitude has always been a little unfair towards you, when all you have ever done is try to help... Wen Ning, you have been loyal to My Wei Ying, you were with him, when I wasn't. For that, I am truly grateful." Lan Zhan bows to the Ghost General.

"No.. No... Please it's my duty... Master Lan." Wen Ning says stepping back feeling embarrassed.

Wei Ying smiles at the sight in front of him and shakes his head.

"Lan Zhan, let him be. You are embarrassing him. He holds you in very high regard." Wei Ying says, before turning to Wen Ning, and removing the talisman from his chest.

He cuts his finger and with blood he modifies the symbol and stuffs the talisman inside the front of Wen Ning's robes.

Then he turns to Lan Zhan and takes out another talisman and draws a different pattern on it and hands it to his husband.

Lan Zhan puts it inside his robes. "What about you?" he asks Wei Ying, who doesn't seem to be making any talisman for himself.

Wei Ying smiles mischievously, "Lan Zhan, I don't need protection from things that Yin Iron has manipulated. Since my Chenqing is the master of all the pieces, they can't control or hurt me....Wen Ning, make sure that you keep the talisman with you at all times." Wei Ying directs and turns to Lan Zhan, "Lan Zhan, can you contact Zewu Jun?"

Lan Zhan nods.

"Tell him, that Meng Yao has captured young disciples and is keeping them at Burial mounds."

"Mn." Lan Zhan nods and opens his palm to summon a paper and a Quill, but before he can actually do it, he stops and turns, his eyes fall on a dimly glowing butterfly that lands on his palm and coverts into a faded pieces of paper.

Lan Zhan reads it out loud.


Meng Yao, has blamed the kidnapping of our children on Wei Ying. We are planning to go to a cave located on the outskirts of Yunmeng to retrieve an object that Meng Yao says will help us defeat Wei Ying and save the children in a few hours... Wangji, I think....

Lan Zhan stops abruptly.

"Lan Zhan, why did you stop?" Wei Ying asks shaking Lan Zhan's shoulder.

"There is no more... Wei Ying, the letter barely made it to us... I think we should make haste and rescue the children... our A Yuan.. " Lan Zhan trails off.

"Lan Zhan, what about him?"

"Nothing, we need to go to them now."

"I agree." Wei Ying says, and adds after a second of contemplation, "Lan Zhan, I know it might be risky, but I think it's better to let Zewu Jun know out the situation. Tell him that the kids are at burial mounds and that we are on our way to rescue them... " Wei Ying pauses before continuing, "Lan Zhan, I have always felt that Meng Yao holds Zewu Jun in high regard, we should take advantage of this."

"What do you mean, Wei Ying?"

"Lan Zhan, ask Zewu Jun to delay Meng Yao's plans with whatever means possible... The more time we get to rescue the kids, the better. And tell him about Meng Yao controlling the undead corpses too and about the resentful energy that they might encounter at the cave they are planning to visit." Wei Ying suggests.

Lan Zhan immediately sends a letter with the request and the information. He puts an extra layer of protection around the letter as it transforms into a glowing butterfly and leaves his palm.

With that, the three men hurry towards burial mounds.

{Note :- For a change, no cliffhanger... well sort of 😅

I updated Mine yesterday in case you guys missed the notification. Please let me know how you are liking the story so far. I realize that it's a little dark and twisted... but at least it's not complicated 😅😅😅

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Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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