Special 13 :- He too, had wanted 'More'

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{Note :- Continues from last special. It's Wei Ying's POV.}

'Wei Yaaa.... '

The body on top of him had pressed closer. It had felt amazing to Wei Ying. 'Ammmm' he had hummed. 'How can skin taste like this?', he had thought. 'It's intoxicating.' he had whispered to the man on top of him. He was sure it was a man... Wei Ying knew it was wrong... So very wrong... And yet he had kept asking for more, and the man on top of him had obliged. As he felt the man's hardness between his legs, he shivered. 'More...' his heart had craved more. He had sucked harder. Maybe it was too soon to ask for more, Wei Ying had thought. But, the man on top had cupped the nape of his neck, encouraging him to suck harder. Wei Ying had done just that. He had planned to take as much as the man on top was willing to give. But unfortunately, a screech from far somewhere far away had interrupted them, and the man had disappeared, taking all the warmth with him.
Wei Ying was alone now. Alone in bed. He had looked around but there was no other person in sight.
Then he was being roughly shaken.

The first thing Wei Ying had seen, when he was so rudely pulled out of the dream, was Lan Wangji's angry face.
'Does he ever smile?' Wei Ying had thought, "I was having such a good dream." Wei Ying had blurted out, before realizing what they had been doing on the tree in the first place. He had looked around and apologized.
Wangji had ignored him as usual but something had caught Wei Ying's eyes, "How did you get that?" He had enquired pointing at the red bruise on Wangji's neck.

"You bit me." Wangji had replied.

Wei Ying's heart had started to race at the thought of his lips on Wangji.
'Why didn't he stop me?' The younger had thought before remembering that Wangji was probably remaining quiet because he did not want them to be detected... Yet, how can a man be so emotionless even after....
Wei Ying had abandoned that train of thought and the boys had walked quietly for a few minutes.

Wei Ying had expected Wangji to bring up the bruise again or at least said anything else, but the older had chosen to remain silent. Wei Ying had had enough. He wanted Wangji to react.... To emote.

'How exactly did he feel, when I kissed him there?' Wei Ying had wondered before shamelessly asking, "Lan Zhan, how did it feel?"

Of course Wangji had not understood it, but Wei Ying had not let go of the topic. He had asked Wangji again and again. Till Wangji had finally lost it and pushed him till he was trapped between a Wangji's body with his back pressed against a tree.

Unexpectedly Wei Ying's heart had started racing again. 'This close he is more gorgeous.' Wei Ying had thought when Wangji had pined his hands over his head. Wei Ying should have felt scared or at least intimidated by the older's angry stare....he should have stopped teasing. After all, Wei Ying knew how much Lan Zhan hated shameless things... Yet somehow, Wei Ying had wanted to tease more....he had wanted more...more of Lan Zhan's stares, more of his disapproving looks... Wei Ying had wanted more of everything and anything the older was ready to give him.

"Stop calling me like that!" Wangji had bitten out.

This had only served to encourage Wei Ying. A fever like excitement was coursing through him by then. He had felt,  like he was being challenged. And Wei Ying had never been the one to back down. "Or else what Er gege....what if I don't stop?"

What had happened next was something Wei Ying had not expected at all. When Lan Zhan's lips had landed on the nape of his neck, his first thoughts had been to push the older man away, 'Teasing is one thing... But this was not...this was not OK.' Wei Ying had tried to push Wangji away, it had not helped.
But every time he pushed, Wangji sucked harder... Wei Ying's heart had started to race once more....his resolve to push Wangji away was breaking.... A new want was replacing it.
But Wei Ying had been aware of what was happening between them was wrong, as he had pushed Wangji one last time, he had said the words... words he didn't really mean, "Lan Zhan... Lan... Fuck... What are you... "
Wei Ying had not been able to complete his sentence or his thoughts as Wangji's teeth had sunk into his skin, "Ahhhhh! Funk!" Wei Ying had moaned.

Wei Ying's mind and his heart had only want one thing then. Wei Ying had stopped pushing. He didn't want Wangji to move away, he didn't want Wangji to stop ...he wanted MORE.
Wei Ying had pulled Wangji closer then and tilted his head and voiced his thoughts, "More!"

But Wei Ying's demand had had an opposite effect. Wangji had suddenly distanced himself from the younger boy.

Wei Ying had realized two things then, one, that he had most definitely fucked up, and second, that, Lan Wangji would never forgive him for what he had made him do. Of course, Wei Ying had completely ignored the pain he had felt in his chest when Wangji had let go of him like he was something disgusting.

Wei Ying had tried to salvage the situation by sprouting nonsense as usual. Lan Zhan had remained silent. That had only confirmed the younger's belief that Wangji hated him more now than he had before the things that had happened.

The next few days in the library pavilion had been quiet. Wei Ying had thought that it was best not to irritate Lan Zhan who could revel their, as in his gangs nightly activities, to his brother or worse his uncle!

Time had passed and Wei Ying's last day of punishment had arrived. He won't admit it, by the young master Wei had been a little bit upset.
Of course, he had blamed it on all the time he had wasted in Library pavilion, when he could have been enjoying himself.

Wei Ying had decided then that he would make Lan Zhan emote one last time. By now the young boy had realized what was most likely to get a reaction from His Lan Zhan.

He had gifted Lan Zhan a portrait. Wei Ying won't admit it to even himself, but half the reason for making it was that he can justify looking at Lan Zhan... And Wei Ying did... He loved looking at Lan Zhan.

After Wei Ying had thoroughly scandalised the young Jade of Lan, by showing him a pornographic book, he had gotten the exact reaction he had expected.
Lan Zhan's face had, for the first time, displayed a multitude of emotions.
Anger was the most prominent one of all.... Anger.
That was the first time Wei Ying had thought to himself, 'Lan Zhan, do you know, I love it most when you are angry.'

Of course, young master Wei hadn't known at the time that he was going to think of this particular trait of his Friend many times, over the years to come.

After being threatened by Wangji's sword... Bichen, master Wei had scurried away. But not before taking one last look at the fuming and flushed second Jade of Lan.

Wei Ying had thought that now that he was done with the punishment, he would have little reason to spend time with Wangji, but XiChen *bless him* had put Wei Ying and Wangji in the same room... He too had probably noticed that his usually recluse of a brother had wanted Wei Ying... Obviously in a most brotherly way.

But, even after trying his best to extract emotions from him, Wei Ying had failed.... That was untill bed time. At bed time, things had gotten... A little hot.

Once again Wei Ying's shameless side had take over. He had pulled Wangji into his bed and pined his hands over his head.
Wei Ying had liked the feel of Wangji's fingers between his. The younger Lan had struggled but only till Wei Ying had asked him, "Lan Zhan, you bit me like that... Is that the way to treat a friend?"

Wei Ying had been laughing on the inside, but as soon as he had seen something akin to guilt and remorse on the older boy's face, Wei Ying had decided to lighten the mood, "Lan Er gege... Did I taste good?"

As expected, Wangji had gotten annoyed, "Stop calling me like that."

What Wei Ying had wanted to know was, why did it bother Lan Zhan doesn't much when Wei Ying called him, Er gege.

Wangji had been staring at Wei Ying. His breaths were shallow.... It was exciting... Gorgeous...
Wei Ying had wanted to nip Wangji's jaw where it had ticked. It was attractive. 'Lucky will be the woman who has you in her bed.' Wei Ying had thought... But this time, the prospect of a woman next to Wangji, had not sat well with master Wei.

"Lan Er gege, will you bite me again if I don't stop calling you like that?" Wei Ying had teased and bitten his lips like a maiden trying to seduce her man.

'Is it my imagination or is Lan Zhan looking at my lips.' Wei Ying had thought, his chest had felt uncomfortable. Wei Ying had ignored it.

He had continued to pester the older boy. Wangji had lost most of his restrain... more of his calm. Wei Ying had not remained unaffected either.
This close, pressing himself on Wangji, did not feel wrong to Wei Ying...and yet he knew it was not right.
'Just a little bit more... I will tease him just a little more.' Wei Ying had thought and kissed the older boy's cheek. The softness of Lan Zhan's skin had surprised him, but he had decided not to dwell on it. He had laughed.

"Apologize now!" Wangji had ordered,  Wei Ying had ignored that as well. He had continued to laugh.

"Lan Zhan, I dare you to kiss me." Wei Ying had challenged. Wei Ying had been curious. He had wanted to feel those lips on him once again. Wei had expected Lan Zhan to do something then, but he had guessed wrong.
Lan Zhan had tried to leave the bed.

Wei Ying couldn't have that! 'How dare he reject me so!?' Wei Ying had thought before pulling Lan Zhan on the bed and settling on top of him before putting his lips on Lan Zhan's neck.

"Wei Ying!... what are you doing?" Wangji had asked.

'Yes! Mission accomplished!' Wei Ying had thought. He could have let go then. He should have let go then.... But Wei Ying hadn't.
After teasing Wangji some more Wei Ying had once again put his lips on the tantalizing skin on Wangji's neck and sucked.

"Wei Ying, stop!  I think there is something wrong with you." Wangji had said. His voice was rough. He was out of breath... Yet concern was visible in his each syllable.

Wei Ying had stopped then, 'Does he really think something is wrong with me? Does he really care? Is there something wrong with me?' Wei Ying had thought looking at Wangji.
Wei Ying had voiced his thoughts, "Lan Er gege, what is wrong with me?"

Something had shifted in Wangji's eyes then, and the next moment, Wei Ying had found himself under Wangji's muscular body.
Warmth and something else... something yet unknown to Wei Ying, had filled his heart then. He knew that he shouldn't like the way Wangji's weight felt on him... Yet he also knew that no one had to know about how he should or shouldn't feel... And right then... he had just wanted and enjoyed being held down and pushed into the sheets. It was much like the beautiful dream he had had very recently.... And Wei Ying had liked it... He had like it, a lot.

{Note :- Once again my apologies for the late update ☹️
I will try to update more regularly ☹️

A few things, (please bear with me 😅)

I have updated a new poem that is inspired by WangXian, to my poetry book, 'Snippets from my wandering soul' , it's called Forever 'Mine'
You can find the link in my message board.
I would like to know how you felt about it. I became emotional when I wrote it. WangXian makes me emotional.

Dusk and Dawn will be over by the end of this week and I will work on its summery so that readers don't get dissuaded from reading it further 😭😭😭😭😭
I know that my favorite book keeps changing, but of all the books I have written Dusk and Dawn has become my favorite ☹️☹️☹️
If any of you are reading it, then I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me rewrite the summary, without giving away too much. It is after all, a mystery.

I have not forgotten about Us and Them. I will update it before the end of the week.

Lastly, I have started two new stories. The Fine Print (fantasy / humor, like Us and them) and Destinies : Connected by Fate (science fiction / fantasy)
They are both pretty straight forward stories. Please check them out if you can spare a few moments.
Those who have already added these books to your library, thank you sooooo much ❤

Here are their cover pages. *Please pardon my terrible editing skills*

Please Vote for this update, if you have enjoyed it.
It keeps me motivated to write more often.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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