Special 8: A Day and a Night

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{Note :- Sub story arc 8 picks up where 7 left off.
All special arc chapters connect to the main arc.}

That had been the first night that Wangji had shared a room with Wei Ying.

When Wangji had woken up, he had found himself on the floor instead of the bed. He had felt weak and drained.

When he had looked to the side he had seen Wei Ying laughing at something... someone actually. That someone had been none other than Wangji.

Wangji had immediately felt embarrassed and angry at the same time.

"Lan Zhan...hehe, do you remember what you did last night?" Wei Ying had asked coming closer.

Wangji had stood up and taken a few steps away from Wei Ying.
"No." Wangji had lied and added, "Don't come closer."
Wangji had gotten confused.

According to what had happened... what he had done, Wei Ying should have been upset or angry.
But Wei Ying instead, had been smiling.
'Had he liked it.'Wangji had thought hopefully.

"Lan Zhan, I like you better when you are drunk...hehe....you talk more." Wei Ying had said and smiled.

"What.. What did I say?" Wangji had asked. He had not forgotten anything... He had remembered every single thing that had happened between them.
His face had flushed then and Wei Ying had thought that Wangji was embarrassed.

"Hehe, Lan Zhan...I am sorry I was just kidding. You just drank and fell asleep... Hehe...Lan Zhan you clearly can't hold your liquor." Wei Ying had said smiling.

'He doesn't remember.. He doesn't remember anything.' Wangji had realized then. He had felt utterly confused.
He felt relieved...he had felt angry... He had felt embarrassed...but above all, he had felt guilty.

That is exactly when the disciples had entered the room to escort them to be punished.

Wangji had walked ahead. He had gone looking for his brother.

He had found both Uncle and Zewu Jun looking very disappointed.

"Uncle, Wangji is here to be punished." He had said, bowing to them.

"Wangji, I can't believe it. I am sure it was that Wei Wuxian." The uncle had said shaking his head.

"Uncle, it was me. Please punish me." Wangji had begged.

"Wangji, I know you don't drink. You must have been tricked somehow." Uncle had offered an escape again.
Uncle had really not wanted to punish his favorite nephew.

"It was me. I was in the wrong. I want to be punished." Wangji had continued stubbornly.

"Wangji!" This had angered the uncle finally.
"All of you will be punished." He had ordered.

'Wei Ying... sorry.' Wangji's heart had whispered.
This was the first time Wangji had failed to protect 'his boy'

So when the time for getting punished had come he had willingly received the punishment.

Truth be told, even though his body was being targeted for punishment... It was his heart that had hurt far more looking at Wei Ying getting beaten up right in front of his eyes.

After the punishment Wangji had rushed of to the cold spring.

Even while soaking in the spring his mind had wandered of to the events of the night before.
'Wrong.. I must not go near him... I hurt him twice already... What is wrong with me.' Wangji had thought.

But the more he had thought about distancing himself from Wei Ying.. the worse it had hurt in his heart.

'I must go to the library and search for a cure.' He had told himself.

It was precisely at this moment that he had heard Wei Ying.

'Damn it!' Lan Zhan had thought before covering himself.

"Lan Zhan, why didn't you tell me that you have such a place in Cloud Reassess." Wei Ying had said and joined him in the spring.

Wei Ying had again called him his friend and he had again spoken about girls. Which had made Wangji feel happy and angry respectively.

Wei Ying had then started disrobing and.. Nope... Wangji could not have that.
Wangji knew he did not have it in him to stay close to all that...and control himself.
So Wangji had tried to walk away.

But before he knew it Wei Ying had disappeared into the spring and shortly he had been pulled into it too.

In the cave Wei Ying had felt cold. The younger boy had been rubbing himself.
Wangji had ignored it.
When they had walked further into the cave Wei Ying was attacked by blue waves.

Wei Ying being a smart boy, had deduced that it was the Lan headband that had the power to protect him.

"Lan Zhan, quick. Give me the headband." Wei Ying had said before smiling brightly.

Lan Zhan had told the importance of the headband to Wei Ying, but Wei Ying had forgotten.
Lan Zhan had known what it meant for 'A Lan' to give his headband to someone and yet when Wei Ying had asked him.. Wangji had not refused.

Wangji knew that if he shares it with Wei Ying they would be bound. Yet Lan Wangji had hesitated only for a moment before trying it securely around them... Joining them.

They had then bowed to the Elder of Lan Clan, Lady Yi.
She had passed on part of the cursed Yin Iron to Wangji. Wei Ying had pledged to protect it too.
Wangji had refused...not because he thought that Wei Ying couldn't help, but because it was dangerous and Wangji's need to protect the younger man had only grown with each passing day.

Wei Ying had been stubborn. He had refused to listen to Wangji. He had wanted to help.
'Stubborn....brave....Mine!' Wangji had thought before looking away from Wei Ying's determined face.

Lady Yi had disappeared. She had left behind many questions.

Wei Ying and Wangji had looked for an exit then. But after searching for a long time they had still not found the place they had entered from.

In the time they had been looking for the exit the cave had gotten considerably colder.

During the entire time the boys had looked for an exit, Wangji had not looked at Wei Ying even once.

"Lan Zhan, I am tired. Can we please sit for a while?" Wei Ying had finally asked.
"No." Wei Ying had said almost dragging the younger boy.

"Ouch... Ah. Lan Zhan! It hurts." Wei Ying had winced.

Wangji had finally looked at Wei Ying then.
The boy looked pale. All color had left his beautiful face. His brows were knit together.

Wangji had stopped then.
He had looked around and walked out of the water to a spot where rabbits were roaming around.
"Sit. Rest." Wangji had said to a very surprised Wei Ying.
"Lan Zhan.. you listened." Wei Ying had said smiling at Wangji.

Wangji had not seen the smile... But he had felt it. It had made his heart race just a little bit faster.

Both the men had sat next to each other. Not touching... Yet connected.

Wei Ying had furiously started rubbing his arms and legs.

"Stop fidgeting!" Wangji had ordered.
"Lan Zhan! Stop being so cruel. It's cold. Aren't you feeling cold?" Wei Ying had said looking hurt.

"Are you very cold?" Wangji had asked feeling guilty somehow.

"Mn." Wei Ying had nodded.
Then Wei Ying had shifted closer.
"What are you doing!?" Wangji had asked leaning away.

"Lan Zhan... Don't take it the wrong way. I just think it will feel warmer if we sit closer." Wei Ying had said.

"You want to sit closer?" Wangji had asked.
"Mn." Wei Ying had nodded again and smiled a soft sweet smile.

Wangji had told himself then that it was his responsibility to make the younger boy comfortable.
Wangji had pulled Wei Ying into his lap and hugged him.

Wei Ying had yelped. He had thought Wangji was planning to hit him.
But when Wangji had thrown his arms around his waist and pulled him close, Wei Ying had realized that Wangji had wanted to hug him.

"Lan Zhan.. Ammm.... what are you doing?" He had asked in a surprised tone.

"Warm." Wangji had answered.

Young master Wei had been very surprised then.
But after a few seconds of hesitation Wei Ying had wrapped his arms around Lan Zhan's neck.

Lan Zhan had gasped.

"Relax Lan Zhan, you are safe with me. I won't do anything to you." Wei Ying had said.

Wangji would never admit it but he had been highly disappointed to hear that.

"Mn." Wangji had said before pulling Wei Ying closer.

"Lan Zhan... Hehe... What will happen to your reputation if anyone sees us like this." Wei Ying had asked.

"Don't care." Wangji had answered and stared rubbing soothing circles on Wei Ying's back.

Wei Ying had then buried his face in Wangji's neck.
Wangji had gasped again.
Wei Ying had giggled before looking at Lan Zhan's face.

"Lan Zhan, did it tickle?... Sorry. My face is so cold and your neck was warm.. " Wei Ying had said but not completed his sentence because Wangji had removed his hands from Wei Ying's back, blown into them, rubbed them together and cupped Wei Ying's face.
"Warm." Wangji had said.

Wei Ying had blinked several times.

Wei Ying had gulped and closed his eyes.

Wei Ying had leaned in and kissed the tip of Lan Zhan's nose and giggled.

"Wei Ying!" Wangji had bitten out.
But Wangji had not pulled away.
This had only encouraged the younger man who had brought his hands up to cup Wangji's cheeks.

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan had warned again.. Wei Ying had giggled again.

Wei Ying was close and he was giggling, Wangji had not been able to bare it. He had closed his eyes.

"Lan Zhan, are you going back to ignoring me again?" Wei Ying had said before pouting.

Lan Zhan had felt it. But he had ignored the warm fuzzy feeling that had stared engulfing him.

"Lan Zhan... " Wei Ying had whispered coming closer.

Lan Zhan had some how found the strength to ignore it.

Then Wangji had felt Wei Ying's fingers on his neck.

The younger boy had only felt encouraged when Lan Zhan had not responded to his touch.

Wei Ying had giggled again before he had touched Wangji's lips.
"Lan Zhan...how can you be this beautiful." Wei Ying had whispered coming closer to Lan Zhan's ears.
Wangji had realized by now that Wei Ying was in fact teasing him.

But then Wei Ying had stopped.
He had buried his face in Lan Zhan's neck again and murmured,
"Lan Zhan... this headband... it's sacred right? You said only parents, children and significant others can touch it....Lan Zhan... what am I then? What am I to you?"

Wangji had been listening. He had heard everything.
'Does he think that I am truly asleep. Does he remember what happened last night?' Wangji's had thought.

Wangji had continued to pretend.

"Lan Zhan...why do I feel like I want to kiss you... why do I feel like you have kissed me before.... I must be going mad...it must be the cave....Lan Zhan you smell like sandalwood.. Do you know that... Lan Zhan... why does it feel so familiar with you..like this." Wei Ying had continued to murmur into Wangji's neck... breathing him in.

"Lan Zhan... Sorry." Wei Ying had said before placing his lips gently on Lan Zhan's before removing them.

"Fuck! what am I doing?" Wei Ying had whispered and tried to get off of Wangji's lap.
"Don't." Wangji had said before opening his eyes and looking at a very shocked Wei Ying.

Wei Ying had blinked several times again.
"Don't what?" Wei Ying had asked.

"Don't go." Lan Zhan had said innocently.

Something had come over Wei Wuxian then.
He had once again touched Lan Zhan's lips gently and looked into Wangji's eyes.
"Lan Zhan... Can I kiss you again." Wei Ying had asked hesitantly.

"Mn." Wangji had nodded.

'Why is he asking this? Why is he doing this? I think I really transferred the curse to him? It must have been last night when we.. when I...' Lan Zhan had tried to come up with excuses to explain Wei Ying's behavior before Wei Ying had leaned in once more and placed his lips on Wangji's.

Wei Ying had looked into Lan Zhan's eyes after that.
"Lan Zhan, how did it feel? Was it gross? Did it repulse you?" Wei Ying had asked innocently.

"Did it repulse you?" Wangji had asked instead of answering.

"No." Wei Ying had answered feeling confused.

Wangji had cupped Wei Ying's face again and brought their lips together and taken the younger boy's lips between his gently before breaking the kiss.

"Did you hate it...did you hate this?" Wangji had asked.
"No. I didn't...I liked it." Wei Ying had said utterly confused.

Wangji had kept looking at Wei Ying... 'What do you want Wei Ying?' Wangji had thought to ask but words had failed him.

"Lan Zhan... Do you think it's this place... I feel... I want...I think this place is enchanted Lan Zhan....it's wrong what I am feeling...so very wrong... Lan Zhan, my chest feels funny... I think I am coming down with something... My heart is racing Lan Zhan....." Wei Ying hadn't been able to continue.
His eyes had dropped to Lan Zhan's lips.
"Lan Zhan... it's wrong... Lan Zhan do you feel it too?" Wei Ying's breathing had started to get laboured.

"Wei Ying.. I am... I did something.. " Lan Zhan had wanted to confess what he had done the night before but Wei Ying had buried his face in Lan Zhan's neck again so Lan Zhan had not been able to tell him.

"Lan Zhan, I am cold. Just hold me. That should be enough... Enough for now." Wei Ying had murmured into Lan Zhan's neck.
"Ok." Wangji had said, holding the younger boy closer rubbing soothing circles on his back.

As had been happening lately, after a few minutes, Wei Ying had fallen asleep in Lan Zhan's arms.
This time however Wangji had neither thought anything inappropriate nor touched the boy inappropriately.
A new need had arise in Wangji...a need to make Wei Ying feel comfortable and secure.

When Wangji had tied the headband around Wei Ying, he had felt that from then on Wei Ying's well being and safety had become his responsibility.

In the cold cave, what Wei Ying had craved most, was warmth and comfort ...nothing else and that is exactly what Wangji had given to Wei Ying.
When it had gotten colder Lan Zhan had lost consciousness as well.

The cave had shook then and the sleeping boys had toppled over and fallen into the cold spring.
They had then unexpectedly fallout out of the cave and on top of each other.
Unfortunately both had forgotten everything that had happened in the cave after Lady Yi had disappeared and Wangji had picked up the Yin Iron.

So when the Jiang boy and Wen Girl had told them that they had been missing for a day and a night... They had been confused.

They had hurried back to meet Lan XiChen and Uncle Qiren. They had handed over the Yin Iron. And they had been dismissed.

When they had walked out, the Jiang boy had once again stolen Wei Ying away from Wangji.
'It's for the best. I can't have him follow me if brother asks me to investigate the Yin Iron matter.' Wangji had thought before walking away in the opposite direction.

That evening everyone had made lanterns.
Wei Ying had once again approached a sulking Wangji and had dragged him to where everyone was busy making lanterns.
"Why me?" Wangji had asked totally surprised.
"Lan Zhan Lan Zhan...I told you already, in my heart you are my friend. No come, we are already late. Let's get to work." Wei Ying had said handing over the items needed to make the lantern frame to Wangji.
The boys had then immersed themselves in making the lantern.
Wangji had felt happy and content just sitting in silence next to Wei Ying.

When Wei Ying was done he had shown his work to Wangji.
An out of character soft smile had appeared on Wangji's face.

"Hehe... Lan Zhan, you smiled." Wei Ying had teased.
Wangji had felt embarrassed somehow. He had threatened the younger boy.
Wei Ying had not known then that Wangji would rather cut himself than lay a finger on Wei Ying to hurt him.

When finally they had finished making the lantern and let them float away Wei Ying had made a sincere pure wish.
"Stand with justice and live with no regrets." Wei Ying had prayed.

Wangji had not been able to stop himself from looking at Wei Ying's innocent lovely face.

That had been the day Wangji had finally realized what place Wei Ying had come to hold in his life and he too had made the same sincere and pure wish.

{Note :- My fudging feels are not ok. I love these two so much that I can't put it into words.

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Have a nice day.}

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