Three Return, One Doesn't

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*Cloud recesses*

"Look, Bao, Master Wei's injuries are healing!" Elder Lai states, dragging everyone's attention towards Wei Ying's unmoving form.

A few minutes after the cord had turned black, the Elders had stopped. For physician Bao had observed that the pull on their energies had reduced. Afterward, the elders had stood waiting for the physician's next command.

Bao walks closer and checks Wei Ying's pulse. The tips of his lips turn up slightly. He lets go of Wei Ying's wrist and turns to the others, "His pulse is stronger, much stronger than before." He checks his wounds next, "The resentful energy that was stopping us from healing him has reduced as well." He sighs and pinches his brows, "However, it's slow; I had expected it to be much faster." He wonders aloud.

"What do you mean?" One of the elder enquires, but before Bao can answer, Lan Qiren interrupts, "What about my nephews?" He demands.

One by one, Bao checks everyone's pulse and nods, "Lan XiChen and Jiang Cheng's vitals are steady. Lan Wangji's, however, is still very unstable."

Lan Qiren's temper rises, "It has to be that evil Yiling patriarch! Wangji has done so much for him, and yet, this ungrateful man is leaching on to... "

"Qiren!" The physician reprimands, "Stop it, will you. You are the head Elder of the Lan clan. Show some maturity! One is not to judge without proof; one must not blame without reason; one must not be bias or show favoritism. These are our rules. Rules that you expect your disciples to follow. Rules that you teach. What will your disciples say if they see you now!?"

The old cultivator falls silent. He takes a deep breath and leaves the room.

No one stops him.

Bao turns to the others, "I think we have done all we can. You all can leave as well. I doubt that we will require to transfer more energy. I will continue to monitor them, and if I feel that I need you, I will send for you."

No one argues. The elder cultivators nod and leave the unconscious men in the physician's care.

Bao makes himself comfortable and sighs, "Master Wei, why did you use resentful energy when you know that it will hurt you and delay your healing?" He turns to Lan Zhan and smiles, "I commend you for your devotion to master Wei, but something tells me that master Wei is as devoted to you as you are to him."

He turns to Wei Ying again, "Whatever you are doing, Master Wei, you are doing it for him, aren't you?" With that, the physician lets out a heavy sigh and shaking his head, he leans back in his seat, wondering if it was possible to love someone this much.


*The in-between realm*

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan calls, trying to wake up his husband while transferring spiritual energy to him. 

Wei Ying's body trembles. Dark smoke forms over his wounds. 

"Wei Ying!"

"Wei WuXian!"

"Master Wei!" 

The three cultivators exclaim simultaneously as the smoke moves and enters Yiling patriarch's veins. Wei Ying opens his eyes and smiles weakly at Lan Zhan. His eyes turn red, and a drop of tear slides down his cheek. 

"What is hurting you, Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan demands, continuing to transfer energy to the latter. Wei Ying shakes his head, "Hold me, Lan Zhan. Please, I need you to anchor me."

Immediately, Lan Zhan stops and pulls his husband into his arms, "I am here. I always will be."

Without Lan Zhan's connection, Zewu Jun staggers back as if being pushed by an invisible force. 

Jiang Cheng supports the older Jade, "What happened?" 

"Our connection broke." 

"Try again." Jiang Cheng suggests, but Lan XiChen fails to establish it again. "I can't reach his core. It's like he has shut himself off."

Something clicks in Jiang Cheng's mind just then, and he moves towards Wei Ying, "He is unconscious, but looks better than before. I think I can reach him. Zewu Jun, help me." He requests. The cultivators switch positions, and Jiang starts transferring energy into Wei Ying, who accepts it. Meanwhile, Zewu Jun transfers his spiritual power into Jiang Cheng. 

Jiang Cheng's fingers shake as his energy makes contact with Wei Ying. But, thankfully, the latter doesn't offer much resistance. After the initial effort, the energy transfer resumes. 

And gradually, the black matter visible in Wei Ying's veins starts to recede, until the black substance vanishes altogether and color returns to the Yiling patriarch's cheeks. He opens his eyes and wraps his arms around Lan Zhan, "Hanguang Jun... " He whispers, burying his face in the light bearer's neck. 

Just like it had happened with Zewu Jun before, Jiang Cheng gets pushed back by an invisible force. His back collides with the older Jade's chest, and both fall. 


*Cloud recesses*

 *Lan XiChen's Chamber*

The clan leaders stir. Their movement catches physician Bao's eyes, and he is at their side in a flash. He checks their pulse, and the two men open their eyes almost simultaneously.

"Welcome back." He greets, helping them sit up one by one. He notices that both of them have a slight fever; their pulse is racing as well. 'Perhaps it's because they came in contact with resentful energy in Wei WuXian's body.' He guesses.

"Elder Bao," XiChen calls, dragging him back from this musings, "How are you feeling, Zewu Jun?"

Zewu Jun takes a deep breath, "My head is spinning. I can't remember-" He trails off and looks at Jiang Cheng, who is sitting with his face buried in his hands. "Clan leader Jiang?" He calls; The latter looks at him, "I am feeling disoriented as well..." His eyes widen, and he at once stands up; he sways.

Elder Bao supports him and walks him towards Wei Ying. "His wounds," Jiang Cheng leans in and observes the wound on his brother's abdomen, "they haven't healed completely. Why?"

"Clan leader, your brother's injuries were not normal. A lot of resentful energy was stopping the wounds from healing. I estimated that they would get cleaned once the core heals. But something happened during the energy transfer. Something I can't explain. The negative energy, instead of leaving..."

"It entered Wei WuXian again!" Jiang Cheng completes.

Zewu Jun arrives next to Jiang Cheng, "I saw it too. It was like it was getting absorbed in him."

"Exactly," Jiang Cheng concurs, "Elder Bao, why do you think it happened?"

"Frankly, I am confused. But from what I have been observing, the resentful energy that had surrounded the wound has reduced greatly."

"So, can we try healing it again?" Jiang Cheng questions. Bao shakes his head. "Let us give them some time to wake up." He looks at Jiang Cheng and Zewu Jun, "I suggest you meditate. It will help you repel any negative energy that might have latched on to you in the in-between realm."

He pauses and takes his previous position, "I will stay here and keep an eye... " The physician trails off as Lan Zhan's body trembles, and a moment later, his eyes flicker open, "Wei Ying... " He whispers, trying to sit up.

"Wangji!" Zewu Jun moves to support his brother, "take it slow. You are weak."

Lan Zhan grips his brother's wrist, "Where is Wei Ying? Is he alright?" He demands, looking around. His eyes stop searching as soon as he spots his husband, "Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan, being supported by Zewu Jun, sits next to the unconscious man and holds his hand. "Wei Ying, I am here. Come back. Please."

"Hanguang Jun," The physician calls, "What happened?" he enquires, making Lan Wangji look at Bao. He quirks his brow, looking confused, "Elder?"

"Wangji, don't you remember Elder Bao?"

Lan Zhan blinks and pinches the bridge of his nose, "You are our head physician."

"Yes, I am. If you don't mind, Hanguang Jun, I would like to examine you." The physician requests, but when Lan Zhan doesn't respond, he adds, "It might help me understand Yiling patriarch's situation better."

Lan Zhan nods and does as asked. All the while, his eyes keep drifting over to where Wei Ying is still lying unconscious.

"Hanguang Jun, your core is stronger than before, but its strength is not up to par. There is also a strong residue of dark energy on you." Elder Bao informs, looking at him questioningly, "From what I have observed, and what the clan leaders have told me, negative energy has latched on to him; it is obstructing his recovery. Hanguang Jun, it looks like the Yiling patriarch used demonic cultivation while in the in-between realm. Are you aware of it?"

"What!? No. That's not possible. He knows how dangerous it is to use demonic cultivation in the in-between realm. He knows how easy it is to get possessed by it! He is not that stupid-" Lan Zhan trails off. His brows creased, and eyes widen as understanding dons on him.

"No... Tell me you didn't do it, Wei Ying. Please, tell me you didn't." Lan Zhan closes his eyes and pulls his husband in his lap. Tears stain his cheeks as they escape the close lids. "Wei Ying, I am not worth it. You shouldn't have." He whispers, stroking his head, feeling more guilty than he has ever felt.

{Note :- That's it for today's update.
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Have a nice day.}

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