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Carrying Wei Ying was not difficult. The new body he had acquired was not as strong as his old one had been. The problem was that the wounded man in his arms was squirming a LOT, his hands kept stroking Lan Zhan's neck and shoulders .

"Lan Zhan, now that you have taken me in your arms without my consent , what are you planning to do? Lan Zhan...ouch ...slow down...I am not kidding...it hurts...Ah." Hanguang Jun stills and looks at the man in his arms. "Stop moving so much. It will hurt less if you stay still". With that being said he starts walking once again but there is a very restless look on his face.

Wei Ying thinking that he is making things harder for his friend stops moving and puts his arms around his friend's neck and pulls himself closer to Lan Zhan. In doing so invariably Wei Ying's ears are right over Wangji's heart. Being wounded and now not having any energy left he puts his head on Wangji's chest. 'He must be really tired, his heart is beating so fast'. Wei Ying looks up to see his face but as usual it shows nothing except resolve.

"Lan Zhan" Wei Ying whispers "I am sorry for being a burden to you. Now you have lost your hard earned reputation because you chose to stand by me. I don't even know how to thank you. And even if I can ever repay you..I wouldn't know where to start. I never knew that in this life time I would burden you again...sorry."

Lan Zhan's voice is soft when he replies,"You are not a burden, I do it because this is what I should do. I care about you Wei Ying". He looks to see how his answer has been received but his friend has already lost consciousness. "Wei Ying...don't fall asleep...Wei Ying we are almost there." Hanguang Jun says loosing his cool facade for once and starts walking faster panic clearly visible on his unusally expressionless face.

They reach the said dwelling. Hanguang Jun puts his friend down gently and knocks on the door. "Hello...is anyone home?" . 

"Who is it?" comes a females voice from inside. "Madam, we are cultivators and were ambushed . And my friend is hurt. We are looking for a place to spend the night. Please.." before Hanguang Jun can say more the door opens to reveal an old woman in her 60's . 

"Did you say you are cultivators?" she asks, the Light bearer nods. "So can you help me get rid of the undead corpses that have been lurking around my house? They seem to only be scared of certain talismans. But they are hard to come by and are expensive. I can't afford it so me and my husband take turns staying awake at and chanting prayers taught by the monks to protect ourself."

"Yes, I give you my word. I will help. But first I need to get my friend's wounds treated."  he says pointing towards an unconscious Wei Ying.

"Oh dear, look at this child's face." she says bending down and putting her hands on his fore head. "He is burning up. Quickly bring him in. There is a spare room on the left. There is a bed...." 

Lan Zhan doesn't need to be told twice, he is already carrying his friend in side the room. He lays him down gently on the bed. "Madam would you happen to have clean water and dry cloths?" The old woman who has followed the pair inside the room nods. "Has he been cut by a blade?" she asks . Lan Zhan nods. "I see that you are not comfortable with disclosing the situation so I will not push. You are in luck young man,I am a midwife for this village so I have all that you would need to take care of your friend. " She pauses "I can see that you don't need my assistance with him". Lan Zhan nods again.

"Give me a few minutes. I will get want you would need." Lan Zhan nods again. "You don't speak much do you young man." the woman says with a hint of amusement in her voice she continues "Your partner must get awfully bored."

A nerve twitched in Lan Zhan's face , he said nervousness and uncertainty seeping into his voice "Madam you are mistaken, he is not my..."  the midwife agin stops him with a hand on his forearm and smiles gently , "It's ok young master...I will be back with the things. Lock the door once I leave if that makes you feel more secure." 

"Thank you madam" he whispers looking at the retreating back of their saviour. He locks the door and faces his unconscious friend. 'Wei ya...please ...you have to live ...for me.' He gently opens the belts that are holding  his robes ...'my robes' he thinks. Discarding the first layer he places them on the floor. His hands tremble as he inspects Wei Ying's torn robes. The cut is at the lower side of his stomach. 'It must have hurt when Jin Ling plunged that sword in you' he thinks.

He had not estimated the wound to be located in such an intimate place. He swallows hard and averting his eyes from his friend's body he slowly opens the belts that hold his all too familiar black robes. His hands hesitate in mid air before he pulls the robe completely off his friend's body , leaving him only in his trousers. He realises that Wei Ying was not wearing any other layers over his dress robes. His eyes invariably fall on first his face that had rolled to face Lan Zhan. He looks beautiful with lips shaped like flower buds and a jawline that could cut steel. His cheek bones are high and  Hanguang Jun invariable touches his closed eyelids. His eyes travel lower and get a full view of Wei Yings long neck....before his eyes can travel further down, he stops himself. 'Get a grip....what are you looking at. He is your best friend.'...'who you are in love with' ...his brain again supplies unhelpfully.

'If I am to treat the wound I will have to look at him'...'then get your mind out of the drain' his logical side of brain adds. 

'Yes that is what I need to do. I need to be logical and practical. We are two men who have known each other for years. There is no need for awkwardness. It's not like he is a maiden... He is a man'. 'and I am in love with him' his brain whispers again. 

He takes a deep breath and is about to turn towards Wei Ying again but he stops at the sound of the knock on the door. "Young master, I am leaving the things you would need outside the door. I am going into the town for assisting a young couple. It may take a few hours. My husband has gone out of town so you will not be disturbed. I will hopefully return before the night fall. Please remember your promise to get rid of the undead corpses."

With that said the old woman leaves, there a sound of door closing. And Lan Zhan is left all alone with the man he loves in an unconscious state. 

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