You have no Idea...

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{Note :- Mature content. Readers discretion advised. I am not marking it, since it will spoil the flow of the chapter.}

It is still dark when Wei Ying walks towards the mouth of the cave while Lan Zhan and Wen Ning scout the area.

Having hidden the disciples a few hundred meters away, the three men had started the last leg of their journey. As expected, they had encountered Meng Yao's men who had been standing guard around the cave.

After having dealt with them swiftly, Lan Zhan had handed over the Ying iron to Wei Ying and mutually concluded that Wei Ying will assess the situation at the cave while the other two kept watch.

Needless to say, both Lan Zhan and Wei Ying had been surprised at not finding Meng Yao and the rest of the clan leaders at the sight.

"Is it possible that Meng Yao changed his mind?" Lan Zhan wonders to which Wei Ying shakes his head, "He won't. As long as he thinks the Yin Iron is here, he will come to fetch it."

Just as Wei Ying is about to use his demonic cultivation to assess the situation, Lan Zhan stops him, "Wei Ying, wait."

The light bearer walks to his husband and hands him a parchment paper, with a note in a familiar handwriting. 

"Jiang Cheng?" Wei Ying exclaims.

Hanguang Jun, 

After receiving your message, Zewu Jun and I devised a plan to stall Meng Yao. I hope that was enough for you to rescue the children. We are on our way to the cave, and according to Meng Yao, we will be there an hour after sunrise. 

We are okay, I hope you all are too. 

Jiang Cheng

Wei Ying reads the letter and nods understandingly, "This explains why they are not here yet."

"And that we have a little over an hour or so till they get here." Lan Zhan adds.

Wei Ying nods and puts his ears to the wall of the cave. But steps away almost immediately. "Lan Zhan, last time when we came here, I was weak. And the power that I did have, was getting drained because of the blood spell, remember?"

Lan Zhan nods, "You were both spiritually and physically weak at that time. And I was so worried about your well-being, that my spiritual power was not calm either... Are you thinking of entering the cave again?"

"Mn. Lan Zhan, last time, we did manage to get the Yin Iron, but we were unsuccessful in calming the souls. They are in pain, Lan Zhan. Hundreds of souls, manipulated to keep Ying Iron guarded. We need to put them out of their misery."

Lan Zhan nods, "I understand, but if we do that now, Meng Yao will sense it. He will sense the change. Though the energy here is not as polluted as it was before we took the Yin Iron, any cultivator can feel that this place is not positive. The residual negative energy still lingers, alerting anyone with spiritual power that this area is tainted by demonic cultivation."

Wei Ying's face falls, "Just like me." He chuckles humorlessly.

Lan Zhan can't see Wei Ying once again pull himself down. He pulls the younger man in his arms, "Wei Ying, please don't say that."

Wei Ying returns the embrace, "Lan Zhan, I am such an idiot. Had I realized that you were this perfect during my time in Cloud Recesses," Wei Ying cups Lan Zhan's face and traces his lips, "Lan Zhan, I wish we were not so exposed right now."

Lan Zhan's eyes fall to his husband's lips as they part, he sighs, "Hanguang Jun..." Wei Ying whispers prying the light bearer's lips open and pushing the tip of his thumb between them.

Wei Ying sighs again, "We are out in the open and all I want...Hanguang Jun, I regret the time we wasted in Cloud Recesses. All the times we... Amm.. AMMMM!"

Lan Zhan pulls Wei Ying behind a tree. Once hidden from view, he cups Wei Ying's angry, protesting face between his palms and leans in. He licks the shell of Wei Ying's ear, and the Yiling patriarch stops struggling.

"Wei Ying, I keep telling you not to bring up Cloud Recesses. You have no idea what those memories do to me." The light bearer trails his fingertips over his husband's lips and jaw. "If you promise not to be loud, I will lift the silencing charm off of you." The light bearer whispers in his husband's ears.

Wei Ying nods eagerly.

Lan Zhan looks around before looking at the moon that has yet to give way to the sun, "I reckon we have ten minutes." Lan Zhan contemplates before turning his eyes to look at Wei Ying once again.

"Am?" Wei Ying questions through sealed lips.

Lan Zhan's smirks, and kisses Wei Ying's lips, "You have no idea of the things I have have no idea how bad I have been..You are as beautiful now as you were then...maybe more now...but you didn't want me then."

Wei Ying's brows knit together. He shakes his head.

The light bearer kisses the mole just below his husband's lips. Like always, it makes his heart beat a little faster. "Wei Ya..." Lan Zhan whispers, sounding like a thirsty man looking at the oasis in the middle of a desert.

Wei Ying shudders at the desire and want the two words exude. Color rises to his cheeks and his heart starts racing. He cups Lan Zhan's face and nods, answering the question the light bearer has yet to ask.

Smiling, Lan Zhan trails kisses along his husband's neck before engulfing him in his arms once again. Wei Ying buries his face in the nape of Lan Zhan's neck and breaths him in.

"Hanguang Jun, touch me." He whispers as he feels Lan Zhan lift the charm from him.

Without hesitation, Lan Zhan tugs on the belts holding Wei Ying's upper garments in place and exposes his chest to the cool night air.

Wei Ying gasps as Lan Zhan steps closer and bites his husband's lower lip. Wei Ying pulls himself closer and traces Lan Zhan's lips with his fingertips. "I love your mouth, Er gege!" He whispers against Lan Zhan's lips.

Lan Zhan's eyes widened at Wei Ying's words, and the next moment the Yiling patriarch finds himself on the ground with his husband hovering over him.

Wei Ying chuckles, "Are you waiting for me to say the magic words, Hanguang Jun?"

A deep throaty growl leaves the light bearer's chest and he roughly pulls the belts holding his husband's lower garments while closing his lips over the now hard nub on Wei Ying's chest.

"Ah!" Wei Ying moans softly as Lan Zhan' starts lapping at his now sensitive bud. 

The Yiling patriarch arches his back, "Lan Zhan, you need to take me in your mouth. Now!" He orders.

A split second later, Wei Ying's hardness finds itself surrounded by wet heat of Lan Zhan's mouth. He closes his eyes and throws his head back. His hands travel to Lan Zhan's shoulder, holding him there.

The light bearer hums at the low soft moans of pleasure that escape Wei Ying's lips, and within no time, Wei Ying spills into Lan Zhan's mouth.

Lan Zhan lets go when he has sucked and licked the last of Wei Ying's seed, before once again capturing Wei Ying's lips. The two kiss till Wei Ying reluctantly pushes at Lan Zhan's chest.

"Mn?" Lan Zhan looks at his husband fondly and Wei Ying smiles. He gestures at his exposed torso and lower half and Lan Zhan's face colors.

With practiced hands, he fixes Wei Ying's clothes but when Wei Ying tries to sit up, Lan Zhan pushes him into the ground once again, "I am not ready to let go yet." He announces before claiming his partner's mouth once again.

Wei Ying smiles into the kiss before pursing his lips.

Lan Zhan looks up at his husband's face and frowns, "Wei Ying, please, let me." He requests.

"Do you not want me to take care of you?" Wei Ying asks, and presses on, "I can feel you." He gestures towards his husband's crotch.

A pained look crosses Lan Zhan's face, and he moves away. 

Wei Ying's brows knit together, "Why do... "

Someone clears their throat, "Master Wei, I have looked around. There are no more spies around here." Wen Ning informs.

Lan Zhan stands up and pulls Wei Ying up before walking out from behind the tree.

"Wen Ning, go to the kids and make sure that Su She doesn't make a run for it." Wei Ying commands.

The ghost general nods and turns to leave, but Lan Lan stops him, "Wait."

Wen Ning stops and turns to look at the light bearer expressionlessly, albeit a little flushed cheeks.

"Wei Ying, we have a little less than an hour, what do you plan to do?"

*Outskirts of The forest in Yunmeng*

"A Yao, I haven't pushed you to reveal the plan, and I am not going to either, but I can see that the other clan leaders are wiery. Why aren't you telling them how you plan on saving the children? Don't you think they will be better prepared to handle the situation if they are aware of it?" XiChen suggests.

"Er ge, the truth is I don't know how we will deal with it. I just know that there is darkness there, and we need a lot of power to subdue it." Meng Yao reveals.

'A Yao, you are my closest friend, my sworn brother. I hope you haven't done anything that will make it impossible for you to redeem yourself in my eyes.' The jade of Lan thinks wistfully. "What do you plan to do once you have subdued the negative energy?" Lan XiChen adds and stops dead in his tracks. His hand hovers over his chest.

Meng Yao's brows crease, "Er ge, what's wrong?"

"A Yao, all of a sudden, my chest feels strange." The older Jade of Lan informs. "There is something not quite right here. Don't you feel it?" Zewu Jun questions.

'I don't feel anything. Is it because I am already in possession of a part of Ying iron?' The chief cultivator wonders and purses his lips, "Now that you mentioned it, yes, I do feel heaviness in my chest." Meng Yao lies and looks around if XiChen is the only one feeling that way.

Jiang Cheng is right behind the two. Meng Yao observes that there is nothing different about the perpetually irritated clan leader.

'If he would have felt the negative energy, he would definitely have complained by now.' Meng Yao concludes and looks at the others.

He sees that most of the clan leaders are wincing and murmuring amongst themselves. The only people who seem unaffected are a few senior Lan clan members, Jiang Cheng and him.

'What the hell is happening?' Meng Yao wonders.

"Chief cultivator, " One of the smaller clan's leader calls out and briskly catches up with Meng Yao.

The middleaged man bows humbly before voicing his thoughts, "There is something not quite right about these woods. We, " The man gestures at his acquaintances and adds, "Are feeling like we are coming down with something. Some of us are even finding it hard to breathe." He informs.

With a heart filled with malice and tongue dripping with honey, Meng Yao lies, "I too am feeling the same, Clan leader Ming. I was informed that Wei Wuxian had taken refuge in these woods a few days ago." Putting a comforting hand on the clueless man's shoulder, the man with deadly dimples suggests, "Maybe, he has put a spell on the woods to dissuade people from entering here."

The old man stops trying to keep up with the Chief cultivator."Are you telling me that there is a possibility that we may encounter him before we can get our hands on the weapon you told us about?" Trembling, the petrified Clan leader asks.

{Note :- My apologies for not tagging the mature content.

On another note, I started updating The Fine Print (my YiZhan inspired fic) again. So if you guys are looking for some lighthearted fic, please give it a read.

As always, please Vote ⭐ to show your support for this update and let me know how you guys are liking it so far in the comments section ❤

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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