Chapter Six

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Amabelle's POV

It was becoming harder to hold myself up in this room. Every time I needed food I snuck out from the safety of my bedroom, hoping I didn't wind up running into Dante, and asked the cooks to make me a meal. As unusual as my request was, and weirder perhaps that I managed to find the kitchens, they made me dinner, lunch, and breakfast.

I always brought the food back to my room, and ate in silence. The quiet kept me company, which meant my thoughts became strangers muddled at a party. In fact the tranquility was too loud.

My thoughts were drunk and depressed, on the verge of becoming sober. None of my choices of what I could do seemed reasonable or smart so I resorted to being a hermit inside the room that was supposedly mine. What I wanted the most was to be with my family.

I missed my brothers taking me hunting with them when they could sneak me past my parents, trying to cook with Josie, laughing and gardening with my mom, my Dad teaching me things he's learned as Alpha and telling me stories... I even missed my annoying sisters who drove me crazy. The memories were now a beautiful broken puzzle piece of life that no longer could be part of me.

Tragic as it was, what was more tragic was my itch to leave this room and still I stayed holed in. In my head, distance was better. Distance kept me from feeling. But now, I counted the dresses in my closet, anything was better than feeling like I was trapped here.

"Gah, ughh." I groaned, frustrated.

Am I insane to think that staying in this room is more healthy than leaving it?

Suddenly there was a tentative knock at my door. Surprised that anyone would even think of coming near me, I drifted closer cautiously. It was then that I felt tingles down my spine, and his scent fill my nose. Pinewood and jasmine.

It was no doubt Dante.

Stiff once more, I closed myself off of my feelings and anything that could cloud my judgement on who he was and who he could be.

"Amabelle, I know you're there." He said, his voice was strangely hoarse and tender.

Hearing it created uncontrollable flutters in my stomach. If only it was nausea instead of the anticipation of seeing him. My wolf was entranced by him and it infuriated me on how hard it was to hide my emotions from him.

He sighed, "Amabelle, you can't hide here forever."

"Oh I beg to differ," I finally found my voice.

"Amabelle, I came here to invite you to dinner." He completely ignored my last response, choosing to annoy me further.

"Dinner?! Dante, you do realize I'm a prisoner right?" I retorted angrily.

"Stop! Amabelle, just listen to yourself! You are telling yourself you are a prisoner, but look at you!" He shouted, his fury now being spun out on me.

His words had meaning however so I continued to listen.

"You have one of the finest rooms in the palace, access to anything on the property, access to me, the alpha, access to anyone here! I've even been letting you eat dinner here by yourself!"

He paused for a breath.
"Amabelle, you are not a prisoner. And... I... I want..." He stopped, fumbling over his words.

"Forget it." He murmured, clearly feeling like his attempts meant nothing to me.

I only wish that they did.

Sighing, I rested my head on the door. His scent slowly drifted away until it was gone, Dante had sauntered off to dinner by himself. He was right. Despite me not wanting to admit it, Dante was one hundred percent correct about me.

Even though I definitely felt like a prisoner, and I hadn't come to this pack willingingly, I wasn't being tortured. In fact I lived like a queen. In all honesty I was acting like a spoiled child.

Dante had given me more than I think I've ever had in my life. What still bothered me was my family.

He did take me away from them.

That was what hurt me.

"Open up Amabelle!"

I jumped back just in time for Bonny-Lee to come bulldozing in... along with Jirri. Bonny-Lee looked at me disapprovingly. And Jirri just folded his arms across his chest. Clearly they knew what had happened moments ago.

"You must know that our alpha, as heartless and cold blooded as he can be at times, he is smitten with you. I would go as far as to say that he's changed because of you." Jirri said, startling me.

"He really wants to see you, and you're hiding from him." Bonny-Lee added, pouting.

"Guys, I'm not really even a pack member. You aren't and can't replace my family." I told them harshly.

Jirri didn't bat an eye. "We can't possibly replace them Amabelle. We know that. We just want you to open your heart to us."

What he was saying made perfect sense. He knew that this would never be like what it was for me back at my old pack. It would be what I made of it, whether I decided to let these strangers into my life personally or closed myself off from everyone and everything for the rest of my life. I just had to accept that.

But I didn't want to.

"I just don't-"

Bonny-Lee interrupted me; "Amabelle, can I ask you something?"

I swallowed nervously at her intense gazing and strangely serious tone. "Of course," I replied, even though I was shaking.

"What are you so afraid of?" Her eyes were crisp and bold, their intention was to rattle me.

For a while I pondered this, thinking that the only answer could be linked to Dante. I was afraid of falling for him. The fact that I could feel anything other than hatred of the person holding me hostage both riveted and terrified me.

But I couldn't tell her that.

So I lied.

"I'm afraid of being close to people. I'm afraid of getting hurt." I whispered, even though it was an understatement.

She had the faint outline of a smile. "That's not an irrational fear, but it's also hypocritical. You will never have any friends with that kind of mindset. And I am absolutely dying to make your acquaintance."

I grinned at that, and shook my head. "Okay. I'll go to dinner."

Her already bulging eyes grew twice the size and her lips parted as what sounded like a whale choking on a canoe paddle came out. I backed away a little startled as she bounded and pumped her fists in a victorious salute. Jirri rolled his eyes, but his lips curved slightly in amusement.

"Wait till I tell Dante—" Somehow I choked on air, and I felt panic tangling up inside me.

Latching a hand onto her wrist I pulled her closer. "No, under no circumstance must you tell Dante. Please." I begged, desperate.

Bonny-Lee pouted but the smile came back almost instantly. "Oh alright. But you're letting me dress you up like a princess."

I sighed, hating the fact that the idea of dressing in pretty gowns and getting my hair done secretly enticed me. "Okay, deal."


By the time I was ready, twenty minutes had passed since Dante originally came to ask me to dinner. Nervous again, I drifted my fingers numbly over the deep lapiz jeweled and silked gown flowering around my waist. The rising anxiety of seeing Dante began to fill me, like a poisoning of constant uncertainty. I knew he would be surprised to see me, maybe even pleased, and that sort of infuriated me. It was like giving in, again. Every step I took to deprive myself of feelings for him, ended up bringing me closer.

"Let's go already, you look amazing and I'm starving!" Bonny-Lee yelled, again pulling my arm down the hall.

"OW!" I cried, feeling my entire body be lurched in her direction.

She giggled at my pain, continuing to drag me to the dining hall. Eventually I pulled myself away from her rubbing my arm in discomfort.

"God, trying to pull my arm off?" I commented, which she ignored, giving a full smile of pearly white teeth.

She reached down for the handle of the door to the dining hall, when suddenly she retracted it and stared at me with an eager grin. My body began itching, like the delay of entering had prolonged my anxiety of seeing Dante. Scratching at my wrist, I asked her what we were waiting for.

"We have to make an entrance!" She whisper shouted at me.

I sighed, tucking a curl of hair behind my ear. "Let's just go in."

My hand extended for the latch but she smacked it. Crying out I glared at her in annoyance.

"Ouch! What was that for?" I demanded.

"You go last and I'll go in first, that way you give Dante the shock of his life with a more dramatic effect." She instructed me.

I rolled my eyes but waited patiently for her to enter. She smiled and bounded through the doors, and I swear she shouted FOOD! as she went in. A few brief moments followed before I finally gained enough courage to go inside after her.

Immediately after my entrance, a silence took over the room and invaded the space. Keeping my head held high, I met eyes with everyone casually, even offering a small smile.

Eventually my eyes met with familiar hazel ones, and I recognized Kamil. His wild grin and excitement was blatant on his handsome facial features the moment he saw me.

Swallowing I lifted my gaze to the real reason I came to dinner. It shocked me then how fast Dante's complexion had changed since the last time I'd seen him. I'd heard from the cooks that he'd healed from the rogue attack rather quickly. However those were physical wounds, and what really unnerved me were the bags under his eyes, the desperation in them, and even his outfit choice gave away how my absence was directly affecting him.

A smile formed across his full lips, and I dropped my eyes away from him because I couldn't stand myself heating up. I felt flustered and startled to be around him again. My wolf was driving me crazy, yipping inside me and begging to be closer to him.

Instead of sitting next Dante, I took an empty seat next to Jirri and Kamil, at least saving myself from breathing in his scent so closely. Jirri gave me a thumbs up, and patted my back softly.

Slowly everyone returned to their previous conversations, my presence falling back to a natural fitting among them as one of their own finally returning home. A new warm welcoming feeling fell over me, realization that maybe this could be my new family. Not a replacement, but someone to start new with.

A server brought me a platter of food soon after, along with champagne, which was not allowed so I glanced questioningly at the waiter and asked about it.

He grinned at me and pointed at Dante. "A small token of his gratitude."

My head spun in his direction, and I found a smirk waiting for me. He had this disturbingly attractive way of singling me out among his pack. Even little special treatments like these, I did not understand why.

Why was I an exception?

Better, why was I his exception?

Gavina glared daggers at me while I sipped the bubbly fluid, her obvious jealousy springing up once again. My wolf adored the hurt and fury that Gavina felt and that terrified me a bit.

"I'm glad to have you back at my table, Amabelle." Dante told me, and winked, causing a rippling butterfly migration in my stomach.

"It's nice to talk to someone other than the bedroom walls of my quarters." I responded jokingly.

The corners of his mouth turned slightly while others cracked a giggle or chuckle.

"We missed you," Kamil said, his eyes twinkling longingly.

I read in between the lines. The last time him and I spoke, was the night I ran away and almost got Dante killed. The way I fled from him hadn't been right, and while it should have made seeing him awkward, it somehow wasn't. I think that was only because Kamil wasn't holding it against me.

"I missed you too." I replied honestly, watching an affectionate expression cross into his tender eyes.

"Amabelle, despite my hospitality in short supply, how have you enjoyed your first few weeks in our pack?" Dante asked, bringing my attention to him once more.

Hah. That was a difficult question, although I was finally greeted with a half apology in his words. I sighed, thinking through how miserable I had been living without connection of other people. Especially my family who I miss dearly.

I swallowed a bite a steak, and took another drink of champagne to wash it down. "While your kingdom is beautiful, and I haven't seen more than a quarter of it, I do miss my family. I can't help it. They were all I ever knew."

He nodded, an understanding forming. "Family is a lifeline, I rely on mine."

Gavin slid her hand to his on the table, a true look of admiration and affection in her eyes. I wanted to hate her, and truthfully a part of me did, but I understood that she depended on Dante. Dante didn't acknowledge her, yet he did squeeze her hand back, a small gesture that fed Gavina's hopeless love for him.

"Amabelle, you are welcome to explore the property, you are not a prisoner, you are one of us now, and..." He then pulled his hand away from Gavina, "You're part of my family now, and I rely on you too."

Not visible to anyone, I made sure my increased breathing remained only noticeable to myself. It was embarrassing how warm my heart just became and how uncontrollably happy I was to hear that I meant something to him.

"Thank you," was all I could manage, and continued with my dinner until it was gone.

After dinner grew to an end, I made my way to leave just like everyone else. However before I could, Dante called my name. A shiver went down my spine at his voice saying my name. Every part of me became liquid and weak feeling. Still, I couldn't ignore him unfortunately.

Just as the room cleared and it was only Dante and I, the air thickened. There was something unsaid between us and it drove me mad. He watched me for a split second, his captivating blue eyes unreadable.

"I wanted to tell you personally that I missed you. And I..." He trailed off.

I couldn't help myself this time. I took a step closer and reached for his hand. "I'm scared of you Dante, not because you intimidate me, but because I know I feel myself want to give in to you."

His eyes widened at that and he took my hand. Right as he did so something startling happened. A blinding light filled my eyes and all I could see was red. So much red.

I cried out, stepping away from him, closing my eyes as images filled my head. Dead bodies and fire. Screams echoing in my ears. It all consumed me and I let out a whimper of fear.


And death.

"Amabelle!" His voice broke the cloud of red and my sight was regained.

It was over so quickly, I debated whether it had really happened. But I know it had to, because Dante looked terrified and confused. He had come up to me, even had his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I... I probably just need sleep." I whispered weakly, still seeing the dead children lying in piles around rubble.

Shaking, I took a deep breath and stepped away from him. "Forgive me, I'm going to bed."

Hurriedly I fled from the dining hall, ignoring Dante's pleas. My heart and my head was pounding. I don't know what that was, but it happened as soon as I touched Dante. Mortifyingly so, the images were of war, something I was innocent to in my pack.

Once in my bedroom, I shut the door, leaning against it. Steadying my breathing, I tried to block the images surfacing below my self consciousness. The images came from whatever happened when our fingers interlocked. I knew that for sure. I just wasn't sure why.

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

I couldn't ever have one normal encounter with Dante Reddick.


Author's Note

Uh... *cough cough* it's been a while..


*nervous sweats*

Sorry for the prolonged update!🥺😅

Thanks for reading anyway! Voice your opinions in the comments! Love you guys💞

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