Chapter Sixteen

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Amabelle's POV

Sunlight picked at my eyelids, making me flinch awake. The blankets covering me were warm and provided a welcoming heat. Pressed directly behind me in the bed was the other source of warmth. I smiled at the outstretched arm draped across my body. Dante's hand lied right next to mine, I noticed, inching it closer.

Curious, and since Dante was still fast asleep, I slid my hands to his empty one. I moved my thumbs over his palm. The skin felt harshened, his callouses rough. It was the hand of a working man. A king, with working hands... it made me wonder what Dante did in his spare time.

Nevertheless, the hand was my mate's, and as I fingered the shape and lines of it, little bites of tingles simmered through the tips of my fingers. The tingles went all the way into my arm, causing shivers down my spine.

Dante's fingers twitched, making my eyes widen. Then his whole body shifted, his chest moving closer against my back. His lower half came along with it, resting fully against my bottom. My cheeks blossomed pink as I felt a morning surprise against my bum.

His lips were right next to the back of my neck as he breathed. "Good morning, mon amour."

I swallowed, letting out air I didn't realize I was holding. "Good morning."

"Mmmm, belle, turn, I want to see your face." His voice was a tad hoarse, and I must say, gave me butterflies.

Rolling over, my eyes met with a pair of soft blue ones. Dante smiled, and placed his hand on the side of my face, caressing my cheek. Sighing at his touch, and the comfort it brought me, I shut my eyes briefly.

"Je t' adore," Dante murmured under his breath thinking I could not hear him.

Opening my eyes, I grinned. "What did you say?"

Dante just smirked and moved his head closer. "I adore you."

I bit my bottom lip, hearing this made me giddy. He adored me, and secretly I was beginning to adore him. My heart started beating a little faster in my chest. I wondered if he could tell, his effect on me.

Heat rose to my cheeks like a slow lantern drifting toward the sky. Dante noticed the change in temperature of my skin, his eyes drifting down towards my lips... was he going to kiss me?

I took a steadying breath, his fingers fumbling downward until they slid over my peeled lips. At that moment I felt my heart thundering in my ears, the shivers flowing along my entire body. Inside my wolf almost purred, a slow whine that was anything but innocent.

And then he moved his fingers back to my cheeks and tilted my chin so our eyes could meet. The sunlight bounced off his crystallized ones, captivating me. He grinned, a charming sultry smile that gave me butterflies.

"I would like to make things easy for you today. I will not leave your side today, and if you're interested, I would like to take you somewhere special." Dante boasted, sounding both mysteriously alluring and protective.

This King just keeps making me nervous...

It wasn't just that I was excited about whatever he had planned for me.

It also made me incredibly grateful. I didn't want to think about Kamil, or what had happened. I accepted that it had, and I wasn't avoiding it, I just wanted to be done with the situation. I didn't want to reimagine the betrayal of someone I thought was a friend.

Besides, there were far more important matters to be dealt with...

"I would love that," I answered simply, the blush never leaving my face.

He leaned forward and pressed his ever-so-soft lips against my forehead for a gentle kiss. "I will go get dressed then."

Words failed me as he got out of the covers, leaving his tall, clothless broad shoulders in full view. All I could see was back, nevertheless, I was flustered at how attractive that alone was.

"I thought you said you weren't going to leave my side today." Came an unexpected tease from my own traitorous mouth.

Then Dante turned around.


I couldn't help but stare at his rippling, muscly front half. My eyes trailed past his chest and to his abs, hips... and mistakenly further south. My mouth grew dry, and my face felt hot knowing I had been looking far too long.

Suddenly Dante was back at my bedside and he pulled the sheets off of the bed revealing my practically see-through nightgown. I took a deep breath as he looked long and hard at me.

"Is that what you want?" He smirked with a darkened gaze.

Before I could respond he reached for me and pulled my hips forward until my legs dangled off the edge of the bed. My hips were perfectly positioned around his waist...

Oh, goddess.

I could feel the warmth previously from my face transfer more south and make my heart race faster somehow.

Dante closed the distance between us, his face now directly in front of me. I abruptly became aware of one of his hands on my thigh, and another gliding all the way up to the back of my neck to command it up. His lips fell to my ear, his hot breath causing tingles down my entire spine.

"I'll stay. Joined completely to you, no space. True vulnerability."

I took a shaky breath. "I don't know what you're alluding to..."

Lie number one.

His grip on my neck tightened and he raised his eyes to look into mine. I felt his hand creep to my inner upper thigh, a new aching in my bones appearing. My skin felt like molten lava, my core a new combination of damp, hot, and tingly.

"Do you want me to show you?" I felt the pressure of his fingertips clamp down on my thigh.

A shudder of pure desire went through me. "N-no. That's unnecessary."

Lie number two.

"You sound unsure." He started, releasing his grip on my neck, only to pin my shoulders down on the bed.

I bit my lip without thinking, our eyes locking. Something made me forget how to breathe, maybe it was the way he could see through to my soul or the fact that he had complete control over me. I didn't have the strength to stop him.

I didn't want to.

Dante curled his lip over his teeth, a slow smirk that sent ripples of excitement down my body. "I didn't expect you to be so submissive."

It was true, I wasn't myself, I was under a spell of sorts. Wordless still, I stared into his gleaming eyes.

"Maybe because you're doing all the right things... things I want," I whispered, still breathless.

He smiled this time, a sweet smile. Then he stood up and started for the door again. I sat straight up, confused.

"Why did you stop?" I asked, more disappointed than I should have been.

Dante turned slightly, and just enough so that I could see his smirk. "You're not ready yet."

Taken back, I blinked several times. He chuckled at my bewildered stare and continued out of my room. I had no further protest, simply because I was caught off guard.

Groaning, I flopped back down on the bed. I allowed my body to finally be still, and filter all the lustful thoughts of Dante out of my brain. Every single one. This man was one tease away from making me lose my mind. Perhaps that was his intention, to tease me to the point that I beg him.

Pouting, I got out of bed. "I don't beg."

Rummaging through my closet I searched for something that would make him bow down to me. Something that would make his wolf drool. A dress he wouldn't be able to resist.

My fingers smoothed over so many fabrics I almost skipped over frail nude silk. The dress was like no other that I had worn here before. A smug smile crossed my lips.

The dress was indeed gorgeous, but it was altogether a different kind of beauty. The cloth itself was see-through and hugged my body tightly at the top. It was shimmery like actual threads of gold and silver were intertwined in the dress. I wasn't naked, though the dress was nude. Sparkly white doves and flowers with vinery covered my breasts and parts of my upper body so that I didn't reveal my body in an inappropriate way. At the waist started white soft, small ripply, frills that ended at my feet. The dress had long sleeves but was puffy, lightweight, and see-through as well with the same designs from the top.

I twirled in the mirror, and I felt... sexy for the first time. This was also the first time I found myself wearing something for not just myself but for a man. I've never cared about someone's opinion as much as I do about Dante's.

Feeling confident, I started on my hair and brushed through the tangles. Next, I did an extensive braid. My hair was so long that the braid went down to the middle of my back.

For makeup, I lightly applied mascara and a red lip gloss. Now I was finished. Admiring myself in the mirror gave me chills. They were feelings of anticipation... I knew I looked good, and I couldn't wait to see Dante's face.

I wandered out of my room and to Dante's door. Lightly knocking, I heard the sudden shuffle of footsteps.

When the door opened, it revealed Dante in dark brown dress pants, and a light red button-up shirt with black boots. His hair was in that same unruly, but simultaneously perfect place on his head. An inner, dark, part of me wanted to run my hands through it...

"Maudire, Amabelle..." Dante swore under his breath, watching him look me up and down, and unashamedly.

I grinned and curtseyed. "You like?"

Dante bit his lip, and then a smirk snuck across his pretty mouth. "Indeed, I do, mmm, très séduisante."

I stepped closer and peered up into his eyes. "Such pretty language, I only wish I could understand it."

"Just know that you look exquisite, Amabelle." Dante complimented.

"As do you, Dante." I returned his genuine admiration.

He smiled, such a delighted gleam. "Are you ready for our day together, my queen?"

Ripples of excitement went down my spine at his words; queen. I shuddered and grinned. "In fact, yes I am, my king."

Dante offered his arm, which I eagerly took, feeling the tingly sensation of our connection. I could feel the quiet, but passionate tension between us like a solid brick of invisible air that we were walking through. It caused me to smirk, a slow teasing one that I knew Dante would be able to see in his peripheral vision.

No matter the obvious flustered energy surrounding us, we continued on our way. My heart lept, the mystery of Dante's plans making my insides fly about as if they were not stationary.

Through the castle we walked, and out the back entrance. Our feet crunched across the crisp grass while he lead us forward past the butterfly garden and finally to the horse stalls. There waiting was Eden, the horse I had befriended earlier in my stay here.

Squealing, I left Dante's arm to greet Eden. Eden seemed just as happy to see me, as she whinnied gleefully when I wrapped my arms around her neck. Dante chuckled behind me, sounding childlike.

I turned my head back at him with a wild grin. "Are you taking me horseback riding?"

Dante mirrored my smile. "For a while. Until we get to where I'm taking you today. You'll be doing most of the riding while I lead Eden though, I'm taking the reins."

I bit my lip. Letting someone else have control... I could tell you I was not good at that. But with Dante, it felt so different. In most cases giving up control was handing my freedom away but when I gave up control to Dante it was the opposite... I felt free. And when I looked into his eyes I knew that I could finally trust him.

"I think I'd be up for that," I teased with a wink.

He smirked then and without another word, his hands were on my waist. Immediately I felt my heart race, the firmness of his grip enough to make my knees feel weak. I let out an uncontrollable giggle as he lifted me up onto Eden like I weighed nothing.

Then he saddled up onto Eden in front of me, an alluring smirk crossed his lips. "You might want to hang on tight, little wolf."

Smirking back at him, I slid my hands around his chest and down toward his waist as slowly as possible. I heard him suck in a breath when I got lower. I giggled in his ear intentionally and laughed further upon his quick take-off with Eden.

I felt alive, exhilarated with the wind hitting my face, and my body pressed against Dante. Eden was going fast, incredibly fast, it was almost like I couldn't catch my breath.

Eventually, along the way to wherever Dante was taking me, Eden slowed her pace to a calm stroll. We must have been getting closer to this unknown location.

Not much longer after that, we reached a circle of trees that surrounded what appeared to be a pond. At least that's what I thought at first glance. Once we got off Eden and came close, I saw that it was something else entirely.

"I discovered this place when I was exploring this entrapped kingdom. It's a moon pool." Dante explained.

It made more sense, for the water itself was clear and blue. It was such a vibrant deep blue, I questioned if I was seeing it glow, or if I was imagining things. What was also weird was that I was called to the water.

"It's beautiful," I murmured and kneeled beside the edge.

"It's incredible at night. The pool is very unique, for the water has healing abilities. We created our healing pool in our medical wing based on this one." He said, amazing me.

"Healing abilities?" I asked in curiosity.

"Yes, the water can heal wounds that are beyond our medical wing's control. In all honesty, I believe it is meant to be part of the curse. No one can die with a miraculous moon pool. No one can escape the eternity of misery." Dante enlightened me grimly.

"Would this remain here if the curse was broken?" I wondered aloud.

He turned to me as we sat by the moon pool. My words were suggestive, I realized, that I perhaps had melted my stone heart to Dante. Though, that had to be obvious by now.

His eyes lowered from my lips and back to my eyes. "I don't know, but I hope to find out."

I swallowed, feeling the dryness return to my throat. "Does the pool have any other mystical properties?"

Dante grinned. "Rumor has it that when mates are in the moon pool, something magical happens."

I laughed. "That sounds made up. Are you serious?"

He smirked. "Only one way to find out."

Hmm... I considered this in my head. It would be very easy to tease Dante right now. Drive him mad, and I will admit I was tempted.

Without replying, I stood up and undressed in front of him. His mouth dropped open as I revealed myself in a different kind of undergarments. A corset, small bottoms, and stockings. While I still had him gaping, I slowly removed the stockings.

Smirking, I put my hands on my hips. "Are you going to join me or sit there and drool?"

This caused an immediate dark chuckle. He stood up quickly and removed his shirt and pants in seconds. Now we were both practically naked and completely alone, more alone than we'd ever been.

I couldn't help but gaze upon his rippling chest and abdomen once more today. Goddess, he was gorgeous. All I could focus on was how I wanted our bodies pressed together.

He stepped next to me and slid his hands under my chin and neck. Then Dante tilted my head so that our eyes met.

"What was that you said about drooling?" He teased, making me bite my lip.

In an attempt to surprise him. I spun around out of his grasp and ran to the edge of the moon pool where I jumped in. The water that greeted me wasn't cold. It felt lukewarm probably due to the sun's heat. This water was different to swim in like it was thinner and almost softer than the normal touch of water in lakes or rivers.

Coming up for air, I was just in time to see Dante hit the water beside me as he jumped in. I laughed, wiping his splash from my eyes. When he came up for air, he was again right next to me. If I thought this man couldn't get more attractive, I was wrong.

Soaked now, he ran a hand through his dark wet hair. Giving me a darkened leer, he pulled me close to him, so close I could feel the entire frame of my body against his.

"Did you think you could get away with that so easily?" Dante asked me, his hand trailing down my waist.

I felt the breath leave my lungs. Not willing to back down quite yet, I leaned my lips next to his ear and slid my hands up his stomach.

"I think I can get away with anything I want." I challenged, letting my raspy breath hit his ear.

He laughed, a deep wicked laugh. One of his hands grabbed the back of my neck and pulled it back so he could peer into my eyes. His hold was just aggressive enough not to hurt me.

Wow, wow, wow.

My body was... warm.

"Is that what you think?" He smirked.

As a response, I aligned my hips with his and wrapped my legs around him. His grip on my neck loosened as a slow moan left his lips. Gritting his teeth, he lowered his lips to my neck and planted a small kiss.

"Are you trying to make me mark you right now?" He whispered in my ear.

I let out a shaky breath, starting to lose control of the wolf inside me. She was ready to pounce, and I was almost ready to let her.

"Maybe... or maybe I just wanna see you break." I finally say, grinning.

"Merde, little wolf, you're going to make me lose my mind," Dante told me, his eyes saying that he was telling the truth.

Giggling, my hands slipped behind his neck and pulled his face close to mine. He looked into my eyes, a grin forming across those lips I can't keep my eyes off of.

"Amabelle, I need to tell you something," his fingers cupped my face incredibly gently.

My head felt light. "You can tell me anything."

Dante took a deep breath. "I am in love with you."

I gasped his words a straight shot to my heart. I've never felt more alive, more cared for than in that moment when he said those words to me. That's when I knew the moment was right.

Without another second going by, I pressed my lips against Dante's. It was like lightning and fire exploded from our connected lips and neither of us could get enough. I kissed him earnestly, deeply, and with a need that was like no other.

My hands went through his hair, and his went down my back to pull me closer to him. I felt the pinch of his fingertips into my back like the need for me was clawing at him just like it was at me.

Our mouths intertwined over and over, his kisses like the air I didn't know needed. I gripped his hair intensely, feeling his hands tighten along my hips.

The touching...

The kissing...

It was all so intoxicating, a drug I never thought I would be addicted to.

"Goddess, you're magnificent," Dante whispered, out of breath.

I smiled, laughing as he picked me up with my hips and legs still straddling his waist.

"Where are we going?" I giggled.

He set me down beside my dress and started to put his clothes back on. I glanced up at him with an arched eyebrow and a slight smirk.

"To the castle for dinner, of course. I promised you a full day with me." Dante winked at me.

Grinning, I started to dress back into the gorgeous gown. It was tricky since I was still soaked, but it wasn't like I could saunter back into the castle in my undergarments.

Once we were back on Eden, Dante took off. He traveled fast, eager to get back. For what, I didn't know. The daylight was starting to fade. So maybe he wanted to be back before the sun disappeared.

What I did know, was that I was eager for what was in store.


Author's Note


I know, it's been a longgg time. Don't judge me. Life gets hectic as hell. But here is the update! ANd I hope it was worth the wait! Don't worry I'll have another one by next week. (;

Comment and vote my lovelies!

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