Chapter Ten

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Amabelle's POV

"Why would he be hiding Bonny-Lee?" I asked her, still staring up at the ceiling in question.

Bonny-Lee rolled over slowly, with a serious look on her face. "Did your breath stink?"

I glanced at her amused face and glared. "No, but, hah hah."

She giggled and poked me in the side. "I'm just teasing."

Groaning, I dragged my hands across my eyes. The last time we spoke was a couple days ago, and since then I hadn't seen him. He hadn't even been at dinner, though the cooks told me he had been having dinner sent to his room. It was almost like he regretted telling me so much about himself in that short of time. Maybe he was ashamed of himself.

I wasn't sure, but it was driving me crazy not knowing what was going through his mind.

"Hey, I have an idea on how to get him out of his room." Bonny-Lee sat up on my bed.

"How?" I asked cautiously, wondering if perhaps just knocking on his door was a better plan than accepting whatever insane scheme Bonny-Lee had in mind.

"What if we had a celebration?" She suggested, smirking.

My eyebrows narrowed. "Okay, but what exactly are we celebrating?"

She shrugged. "I hadn't thought that far."

I laughed incredulously at her ridiculousness and paced the floor. "Well we can't exactly just make up a holiday..."

"Actually, that's not a bad idea."

I turned to her dumbfounded. "Are you kidding?"

She stood up, holding her hands up. "Hear me out, I know of an ancient holiday of sorts that our people used to celebrate, called the Lunar Festival. It probably hasn't been celebrated in decades."

My lips perked. "That could maybe, actually work..."

Bonny-Lee grinned ear to ear. "See, I'm a genius."

I smirked. "Okay then, genius, what kind of things does the Lunar Festival entail?"

Her eyes were wide. "Oh ancient rituals... lamb sacrifices under a full moon, and then there's the mating ceremonies-"

"Oh wow, okay forget that. We will have to make some new traditions then." I said.

Suddenly my door opened and in walked both Jirri and Kamil. Kamil and I shared an awkward stare, but we both said nothing. Jirri was grinning as he usually was and his eyes were twinkling.

"What are you ladies chatting about?" Jirri asked curiously.

"Well-" I started, but Bonny-Lee cut me off in her excitement.

"We're planning a celebration!" She cheerfully spouted.

Kamil looked to me, his amber eyes flashing warmth and intensity. "What kind of celebration?"

Swallowing, I got out, "It's called the Lunar Festival."

Jirri bursted out laughing. "That old festival where mates bathe each other in-"

"Yes, that one." I replied, rubbing my face in embarrassment.

Of course he knew about it. What did Jirri not know?

"We should have music, and everyone should wear themed dresses." Bonny-Lee gushed, twirling around each of us.

"I think a celebration is just what everyone needs right now," Jirri said, smiling genuinely.

"This time, hopefully one that doesn't end in our Alpha being a prideful asshole and scaring you away," Kamil said lowly, his eyes watching me intently.

I sighed, thinking back to that horrible night in the woods with the rogues. At first it made me sick to my stomach, thinking about how awful the fight had been between Dante and I. But then I remembered he risked his life for me, knowing that it was his own fault I was in the woods.

Dante was good.

That's what I told him, and I meant it.

"This time will be different." I told Kamil, hard and stern. His face went through several expressions, one being pain.

Quickly in recovery however, he simply nodded, his face turning robotic and unreadable. Jirri, Bonny-Lee, Kamil, and I were all in agreement that this celebration would take place. Now we all needed to come up with what this celebration would represent and the specifications of how it would take place.

Many suggestions were made, and several by Bonny-Lee I had to disregard. Especially the one where she would steal the liquor that Dante was hiding and spike the drinks with it. She also said we should all go skinny dipping in the moon pools out in the garden afterward. I told her she was nuts and she just teased me saying I should go with Dante. Even though my heart leapt out of my body when she mentioned it, I told her that she needed to give me actual ideas that were possible.

Kamil suggested that we have the celebration be about it's "divine gift" to us. Luckily that fit well with the name so we all agreed that it was the perfect explanation for what the Lunar Festival represents.

Bonny-Lee and I agreed that the theme could be "Night Sky". We got word out fast. Several people helped us all decorate the ball room. Even Gavina, who was being suspiciously nice to me. She seemed genuinely happy about the idea of the Lunar Festival. And maybe she was, but I couldn't help wonder if she would try to use it as an excuse to be all over Dante.

I tried not to give it too much thought, perhaps because I knew that was exactly what she wanted.

"Wow, guys this looks amazing." I said to my friends once everything had been set up.

The whole ballroom glittered. Ice sculptures had been created to look like stars, and shiny diamond crystal chandeliers had been hung up along the center of the room, creating a shimmering light that spun across the room.

"Beautiful," I whispered, imaging how wonderful it would be to share an evening with Dante in this room, just us two spinning endlessly into the hours of the night.

"We'd better go get ready guys, it will start in a couple of hours." Bonny-Lee nudged me.

"I'll see you two boys tonight," I said, giving them both an excited grin.

"Oh and Jirri, do clean yourself up, this isn't a cave." Bonny-Lee teased Jirri.

Jirri raised his eyebrows. "Well make sure you wax your upper lip dear, you're starting to grow a mustache."

I howled in laughter while Bonny-Lee sent the finger to Jirri who chuckled as we walked away. In truth they were the closest friends I had ever had, and even if Dante didn't show up tonight, I was excited to spend the evening with them and laugh the night away.

"I'll meet you down there, Amabelle." Bonny-Lee told me, smiling goofily.

"Okay," I responded, and quickly headed for my room.

I wondered what I would wear. There were so many wonderful, spectacular fabrics and styles in my closet that it made picking something to wear everyday extremely hard. Interestingly enough, the reason for not knowing what to wear to the ball tonight was not because of how many choices I had, but instead because I wondered what would impress Dante the most...

Then suddenly as I turned the corner, I ran straight into a hard chest. Being the clumsy person that I am, I almost fell backward because of it. Luckily hands came and grasped my waist to steady me.

"I'm so sorry—" Abruptly, in the next moment my breath was stolen from my very lungs.

Dante was an inch away from me, his gentle hands were on my waist, his lips were turned in an amused boyish smirk, and I was so, so close. Goddess, so close that I could smell his delectable scent. My heart was hammering inside my chest and my wolf purred uncontrollably.

"Don't be," He said, taking a step back. "I hear you've been busy."

"Well I... I—yes. Yes I have." I stumbled on my words, feeling my cheeks inflamed.

His smirk turned into a wide, beautiful smile. "You act as though planning a celebration is crime."

My mouth fell open. Closed. I bit my lip. "I was hoping..."

"Yes?" He grinned.

"You'd come. I was afraid you might not." I swallowed the tenseness in my throat.

He dipped his head. Smiled. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Unable to hold his stare, I dropped my gaze, smiling so wide it hurt my cheeks.

"Oh and Amabelle," he leaned forward, "save a dance for me."

My knees were weak as I grinned. "I'll save a few."

He smiled once more, and walked off to where ever he was going. I turned watching him, bit my lips again. I was drowning. Now I was sure of it. Whether he was bad for me or not, I was tripping down a well after him.

And, goddess was it scary.

Hurrying off to my room, I was giddy thinking about getting to see him again. I hadn't been confident that this celebration idea would actually work. The fact that it did made me dream once more about having the whole night with Dante under the shining lights.

Finally at my room, I went to my closet to find the perfect dress to knock the breath out of Dante. After several minutes I decided on a strapless black gown that was covered completely in small rhinestones. It shined in the light with every move I made. Still going along with the theme I curled my hair and then put it in a side pony. In my bathroom drawers I found these white shiny pearls laced on wire so I curved them into the shape of my ponytail.

For makeup, I simply added this shimmery powder to my cheeks, mascara and a pretty gloss to my naturally pink lips. For a touch of added desire, I thought to spray a little bit of perfume.

Satisfied with my appearance, I took a deep breath, and went to the ballroom. There waiting like she promised was Bonny-Lee in a violet dress that shimmered with gold highlights in the skirt. Her blond hair was styled up on her head and her makeup brought out the beautiful blue hue in her eyes.

"Holy crap, you look gorgeous!" She squealed with a big smile.

I returned her smile. "And you look so beautiful."

"Thank you." She replied warmly.

Jirri and Kamil came over shortly after. Kamil couldn't help himself. He swallowed, and looked me up and down before meeting my eyes. His eyes were heartbreakingly sad. He smiled like it physically hurt him.

"Well, you two ladies look lovely. Your feminine side is showing Bonny-Lee." Jirri kidded, making me grin and slap his arm.

"Yes. You look absolutely perfect." Kamil murmured, but he was staring at me the whole time.

I offered an awkward smile, but it felt strange to hear such a compliment from him. We might have been friends, but it still felt weird.

"Thank you," I finally responded.

Bonny-Lee casted me a glance but didn't say anything. She knew now was not the right time. Especially since Jirri, for some reason was still clueless to Kamil's obvious flirting.

Just then, the bane of my existence appeared.


"Well hello, I must say Bonny-Lee, I don't hate that dress on you, and you look less revolting than usual Amabelle."

There she is.


"You look like you can barely fit in your dress, dog slut." Bonny-Lee surprised me with her snappy retort back at Gavina.

Gavina gasped and I giggled. Her eyes flew to me in pure rage. "You listen here, Amabelle, I don't understand Dante's infatuation with you, you're nothing. You remember that you're nothing, because tonight, despite what you may have been thinking with this so called Lunar Festival scheme, is my night with Dante."

Then she stormed off to God knows where, probably to gossip further about me. Even though I knew I shouldn't let her words get to me, I couldn't help but feel the bitterness of their sting. I wanted to believe I was worth something to Dante, and to this pack in general. I couldn't listen to her, but still it hurt to hear.

"Goddess, she's a psychopath." Bonny-Lee reeled, watching Gavina in disgust.

"Why Dante ever decided she was worth his time beats me." Jirri whispered.

I stood there in utter silence still rebuilding my self esteem. Kamil touched my hand delicately. "Do you want to get some air?"

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. "Just for a moment."

He took my arm and lead me to the balcony. Once outside, I rushed to edge of the railing. Before me was the entrance to the castle and the rose garden. The sky was fading in shades of purple, pink and deep orange. I breathed in the evening air, focusing. Gavina was not going to ruin my night.

"You know what she said isn't true, right?" Kamil softly said beside me.

"Of course, it just hurts to hear when you sometimes think it about yourself." I explained.

He took my hand cautiously. When I didn't pull it away he gave it a delicate squeeze. "You're so beautiful Amabelle, inside and out. Never, ever, think that you are unworthy, or undeserving, because it's not true."

I looked at him then, smiling. "I wish I could explain how much that means to me."

He grinned. "I'll settle for a dance."

Laughing a little I smiled, "Just one."

"One's all I need." He told me.

Just as we were about to walk back into the ballroom, the doors were slammed shut. Through the window pane I could see Gavina as the culprit.

"Oh no..." I whispered, feeling a rising fear building in me.

Before I could turn the knob and open it, Gavina pushed a key into the lock and twisted, removing any chance of me getting back into the ballroom. Desperation filled me, my hands pulling uselessly at the door, pushing my entire body weight against it. Even with the help of Kamil pushing we couldn't get the door open.

I let out deep sigh, then another. And a third.

Anger fused with sadness, and fear of what Dante would think, a hyperventilating feeling crept into me. What would Dante think, after I saw him earlier, promising a dance to him, and then not show up? His anger, his confusion... will he think I'm playing some cruel joke? That I couldn't possibly have feelings for him?

In my last fleeting attempt, I began banging on the doors, hoping someone would hear me, someone would come unlock the doors, and I could just explain myself when Dante got here. But nothing. No one heard me yelling.

"I'm so sorry, Amabelle," Kamil whispered, his face seemingly tortured just watching me in desperation.

Sad, pathetic tears filled my eyes. Why would Gavina do this? Does she honestly hate me so much that she would be this cruel?

Watching the window pane I see from a distance Dante entering the ballroom. He's smiling at first, looking around... looking for me. My heart hurt, watching his smile slowly fade from his face. In his search, he walked to Bonny-Lee and Jirri, who shook their heads sadly. The tears in my eyes rolled down my cheeks, watching him look down in disappointment.

Failing to find me, he walked away and sat at a table in despair. "He's going to hate me all over again."

Kamil touched my shoulder, but I couldn't feel his warmth. "No he won't, Amabelle. You can just explain what Gavina did to you."

I turned to him in fury, in agonizing anger. "I did this! I planned this celebration all for him! And she took it from me! She ruined this night for me."

Kamil looked taken back, and unsure what to say. I continued watching Dante through the window pane, now seeing Gavina standing in front of Dante. A jealousy so raw and heated tore through me like a sword. She swayed her body seductively, trying her hardest to get his attention. Something is said between the two of them because her body language changes. It becomes sturdy and stiff.

More dialogue takes places, voices seeming to raise. Several bystanders stop and stare. Of course, Gavina would make a scene.

Out of nowhere, Dante stands up, points directly at Gavina. She thrusts her fists at her sides while she replies angrily. Something that is said, prompts Dante to leave. Stunned, Gavina turns around and walks back into the ballroom where I can't see. Defeated, I slide down the door.

"Someone will find us, don't worry," Kamil assured me.

I knew that he said it out of comfort, but I was anything but at the moment. My night might as well have been over. The most important part of it just stalked away, maybe to not come outside his room for several more days. And I could do nothing but sit here and let it happen.

I wasn't sure how long we sat, but eventually Bonny-Lee and Jirri found us with the key. By then it didn't matter. The celebration was just about over. It was nearly midnight, so I told everyone I was going to bed. In that moment, I think I was more angry at Gavina than I had ever been. Unlike the other times of me being here when something bad happened, I didn't cry.

I simply got undressed and put my nightgown on. Robotically, I removed the pearls from my hair, washed my face free of the makeup, and went to bed. That night my bed felt like a rock. And when I shut my eyes all I could picture was Gavina's face as I humiliated her just as she humiliated me.

This was not the end.

It wasn't even close.

If Gavina wanted a fight, I would end it.


Author's Note

I know this very much so delayed, and I'm so so soryyyyy!!

I'm also sorry that I'm such a tease and you thought that Amabelle and Dante were gonna have a moment! 😂

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