Chapter Thirty

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Amabelle's POV

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" I asked while lying in my mate's warm embrace.

Dante hummed, brushing his nose through the tendrils of my curls until it was against the back of my neck. I let out a breathless sigh as he kissed the sensitive skin between my neck and my ear. My stomach fluttered, a shiver chasing after ecstasy down my spine. Still recovering from our fun, I reveled in the high he had already given me.

"I'm taking you," he paused, drawing his index finger up and down my bare abdomen so gently that I almost let out a moan, "Far away, to the place I grew up in."

A smile touched my lips softly while I twisted in his grasp so I could look up at him. "Oh really?"

Dante's perfect lips curved into a smirk. "Yes mon amour, it's actually my favorite place in existence."

I batted my eyelashes. "Besides being between my thighs?"

His eyes narrowed, but the smirk remained. "Oh sweet rose, there is no other place I love more than that, you must know that by now."

I giggled flirtatiously and sunk into his warm chest. His skin was hot coal against my shivering body. The carriage was insulated, but not warm, and with our clothes piled on the floor, it was a bit chilly. Now that it was night, it was cooler outside too. We had already traveled almost a whole day's worth and wherever we were heading, the air was growing more bitter the further we got.

"How far away is it?" I pried, resting my fingers along his waist.

Dante sucked in a breath as I traced his hip bone. "Not much farther..."

I smirked, nearing his inner thigh. "Are we close?"

His breathing hitched. "Very close."

"Hmmm," I murmured, teasing my fingertips along his—

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Flying up out of his arms, I snatched my clothes and quickly dressed myself while Dante did the same. My face was on fire and my heart was racing. I had warned Dante of this the second he had started kissing me hours before, but he had told me we wouldn't be stopping for a long time. And now here we were, naked in the carriage whilst our friends were waiting outside the door.

Xavier cleared his throat after we didn't reply immediately. "Alpha Dante, Luna Amabelle, we have arrived at the halfway point."

"We'll be out momentarily," Dante growled, making me flinch at his harsh tone.

Xavier and the others must have been silent because no one said a word in response to Dante. Once we were both entirely dressed, we unlocked the carriage entry door and opened it. I breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Bonny-Lee and Adonia were only now exiting their own carriage while Marek and Jirri had just begun to dismount from their horses. No one except, perhaps Xavier was aware of just how unprepared we were to leave the carriage.

Thank the moon goddess.

Dante helped me out of the carriage, holding his hand out for me. Upon stepping out onto the cobblestone road, Xavier averted his eyes from mine, his face reddened and flustered. My mate simply rolled his eyes and playfully smacked the back of his shoulder. I frowned at Dante and moved away from him to my friends while he threatened Xavier to keep his mouth shut.

The nighttime air whipped around us as we trotted down the cobblestone path. Adonia informed me that we were in a settlement named Arcowes, which was a small city a little ways from where Dante and the pack were originally settled. Bonny-Lee chimed in to say that this place was known for its nightlife and some of the pack would frequent the city for dancing, drinking, and eating to forget their troubles. Some came in hopes of finding their mates, but more often than not, most did not leave with their soul-bound partners.

Stopped right outside the city, some of Dante's men stayed behind with the horses and the carriage while the rest of us started into the city. It was unlike anything I had ever seen, with dark-colored buildings as tall as mountains that were lit up like midnight stars. Stunned, my mouth fell open in wonder, watching modernly dressed, supernaturally blessed people wander the city, carefree and exuberant. The city streets were awake, loud, and unashamedly alive with music at every corner, laughter in each bend, and excitement at every open door.

"Beautiful," I murmured softly, earning a smirk from Dante who treaded slightly in front of me.

"Did you also come here often?" I asked him with a calculated grin.

Dante gave me a chuckle and shook his head. "No, I was too busy training with my father to take over the pack. He would have beat me bloody if he had ever found me here."

I glanced around at the magically boisterous place with my eyebrows furrowed, trying to decipher what was so bad about this place that his father didn't want him to see. Wherever I looked, people were enjoying themselves, some a little too much maybe, but it was still refreshing to see so much love and freedom.

"This is one of the only places that no matter if you belong to a pack, or if you are a rogue with no boundaries, all werewolves can gather, even witches. People come from all over to escape, to feel at home. And well, my father was never the type to believe in that sort of thing, if anything, he would have burned the city and its inhabitants to the ground in an attempt to conquer it. Thankfully, he never had his sights set on Arcowes," Dante explained without me having to ask.

He must have already seen the question in my eyes.

"It is a pity because you missed out on many memorable nights," Xavier jabbed him with his elbow.

Adonia and Bonny-Lee rolled their eyes, Bonny-Lee in particular who sent him a slight glare.

"Yes, we know what your habits were Mr. Promiscuous." Bonny-Lee snapped, making my eyes widen in surprise.

Xavier tilted his head, his eyes slanted. "Oh, and I'm sure you never indulged in any big, strong, tattooed warriors?"

That was oddly specific.

I casted a curious peek at her, to which she only bared her teeth at Xavier. "Don't bring him up."

Apparently, this mystery man was off limits, dually noted. Though, I wasn't sure Xavier knew to stop...

"I'm sure he is waiting for you after all these years, though he may be a decrepit old man now, but I'm sure he'd still love to have you-"

"Xavier, we may be in Arcowes, but I will still kick your ass if you say one more word about Arik," Bonny-Lee cut in, her voice dark and deadly.

Jirri stilled beside his friend and even offered a grave look of warning at Xavier who had silenced. Pursing my lips, I eyed Bonny-Lee carefully who was now staring straight out beyond the glimmering city. Just barely noticeable, there was a watery shine to her pained pale blue eyes. Despite that I didn't know the details of Arik, or what troubled her, I reached out and grabbed her hand as we walked. A single tear rolled past her cheek but she did not wipe it away.

Xavier heaved a big sigh. "Sorry," He muttered quietly.

Well, that dampened the mood. Dante and I locked eyes, the uncomfortable pressure in the air putting a pause on the celebration. He gave a slight grin, which calmed my nerves. Taking a deep breath of air, I turned to Jirri.

"So where, in this gorgeous city would you recommend that we see, Jirri?" I brought the light conversation back as best I could.

Jirri's face lit up, a wicked gleam glazing his eyes. "I don't think we'll have time to see it all, but there is one club we can't miss."


I knew the moment we entered Oasis I would fall in love with it. Amazed, I froze in the entryway, taking the view of the underground club. Electric and lyrical music poured in from the echoes of the lit cave walls, surrounding me like a magnetic field. We had been let into one of the skyscraper buildings, only to be evaluated by tall muscular men in suits.  Apparently, the club was very exclusive about who they accepted. Once the two guards determined who were and if they would allow us in, we had to walk down two eerie, chilly flights of stairs, and into an arena-shaped opening. I had expected a cold dark room, but instead, I found a huge open-air cavern. When I looked up, due to how far down we were, all I could see were the glittering stars. The sky itself was a kaleidoscope, shining over the guests who were dancing passionately in the low light of the cavern.

"Mon amour?"

Dante's voice broke my trance, my eyes meeting his. The world around us spun out of view, everything flashing and passing by in a blur. I raked my eyes down his figure, from his dark ringlets, piercing tear-drop eyes, and navy suit, he melted into view so that I could see nothing else. All of a sudden I relived everything that happened, from the first time Dante and I met, to the first time we touched, the moment we realized we were mates, to seeing Dante crying over my death and coming back to life.


This was why I had come back, for more moments like this one.

Saying nothing, I careened forward until my lips were on his and the music was crashing around us. I kissed him breathlessly, my hands in his hair and my mind in the clouds. The crowd behind us faded from memory, their dancing in the background creating a magical aura. Dizzied with his sparking touch, I could feel nothing else but Dante.

Peeling away slightly, with the stars above Dante's blue eyes, I smiled up at my mate. "I love you, endlessly."

Dante's mouth parted slowly, a million kisses trapped in his gaze. "And I love you more than the number of stars that exist, little wolf."

My smile widened. He would forever be mine, this moment and countless future others belonged to us. We would reign here and again in the next life with the Moon Goddess. Tears of unbreakable joy prickled in the corners of my eyes.

"Would you like to dance, my Luna?" Dante's eyes glinted in the low light as he offered his hand.

"I would love to dance with you, my Alpha," I answered, with a small smirk.

Dante led me through the cavern where our friends waited deep in the mass of the people who were twirling and gyrating in the pale light of the moon. Bonny-Lee was waiting with a glass of a fizzing, sparkly blue liquid for me.

"Drink this, it's why they call this place the Oasis," She told me with a crooked grin.

Raising my eyebrows inquisitively and slightly alarmed, I took the glass cautiously. "What is it?"

"Just drink it," She replied simply and disappeared into the sea of beautifully dressed people to mingle.

I looked to Dante, but he shrugged. Frowning, I tilted my head and gave him a frustrated pout.

"Well, you're no help," I scolded him.

He tossed his head back in a hearty laugh that had the corners of my mouth twitching to smile. "I can't help it, I've never done this either."

Sighing, I let the smile appear. "Then let's do this together."

"Together," He agreed, smirking.

First, I took a sip, allowing myself to taste the strange bubbling liquid. It had a tangy, fruity flavor with a hint of burning cinnamon. It felt like ice sinking through my body, waking my skin, my heart, and my soul. Seeping through me, I took a long drink, my head starting to feel like light altogether, and not just any light, but starlight. I closed my eyes, the music growing louder and louder. Whether that was in my head, or not, I wasn't sure.

"Are you alright?" Dante's fiery hand brushed against my cheek, sending my head spinning.

"Yes—" I replied, feeling my words echo off the cave walls and through my ears.

I handed the glass to him and shut my eyes while swaying my body to the melody. Without waiting for him to drink, I found myself spinning amongst the crowd, my head fuzzy, but my vision more vivid, as if I could see new colors. The colors were bright and changing while I spun to the rhythm, letting it all carry me away in what I understood to be the Oasis.

Both gentle and erotic, I felt the hands of strangers grasp at me, each pair a new set as I mingled with the others in the crowd. My laughter blended with the music, making my world shrink down to this very cavern. Smiles of beautiful women, and tantalizing eyes of handsome men all surrounded me in a loop of madness, yet it was somehow hypnotically paradise. I felt like I had wings, that I could truly fly, and maybe we all were flying.


This was a utopia.

My spinning landed me right back into Dante's arms, that or he found me. His growl in my ear vibrated through my body leaving a thrilling buzz. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle, tilting back against his chest as the air swirled around us. His firm statue body behind me grounded my muddled mind slightly but not enough to stop the thrilling high.

"I don't want anyone else to touch you, not tonight," He snarled, sending capsizing shivers across my freezing skin.

I twirled in his grasp, now facing him as the world spun around us. His blue oceanic eyes swallowed me whole, while his lips curved over his teeth in hunger. Based on the stiffness of his body, I knew he was serious, yet I couldn't help but grin.

"You are not my boss," I teased, though partially serious.

Dante grabbed my arms and yanked me forward against his upper half, making the air rush out of my chest. His bold smirk and narrowed eyebrows dared me to argue further.

"Oh, I'm not? Am I not Alpha?" He questioned, his grip on my forearms tightening.

I licked my lips, my body light and airy as I leaned into his pull. "You're an alpha, but not of me. I am Luna, my love."

The glare he sent me made the pit in my stomach set on fire. "I see... so if I bent you over right here in this crowded room, you wouldn't beg your alpha to continue?"

Oh, goddess.

I nearly let my knees drop but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Instead, I snatched my arms away from him and took a half step away.

"If you tried that I would make sure you were unable to give me any children, right here in this crowded room." I retorted, my body begging me to go back to dancing.

Dante chuckled, trying to move closer to me. "Menteuse."

I glared at him and turned around with my arms crossed.

That was a mistake.

I let a yelp when I felt his arms snag my waist against his body. My back pressed against his front tightly, setting off sparks in every direction. For a moment, I almost believed I could see them jumping down our colliding bodies.

"Dance with me, little wolf," Dante whispered below my ear huskily, while his hands slid up my waist and across my hips.

The simple touch of his fingertips made my stomach pool like a hot geyser. A carnal need crept into my bones, making the vivid world bend around us. I closed my eyes and swayed my body gently against Dante's, letting the desire take over. My breaths grew raspy as he dragged his fiery hands lower across my pelvis.

"That's it, just like that," He praised my movements, making me bite back a moan. 

Everything around me faded out of view like it was just Dante and I dancing in the stars and no one else. My heart should have been beating out of my chest but it was surprisingly mellow, humming and beating along with the tempo of the melodious song that was playing by the band. It was a magical moment I would never forget, one that I would think about for years to come.

"I get why it's called the Oasis," I told Dante, running my hands over his and reveling in the electrical zing that was caused by it.

Dante pulled my hair away from the side of my neck and laid fervent kisses along my throat. In response to his irresistible touches, I let out a sharp intake of air.

"Indeed, mon amour, I too understand," He purred.

I swallowed, gripping his hands hard now. My driving need for Dante seemed to be intensified with that drink. In fact, I could barely hold myself back. At the same time, I was more relaxed than I had ever been, not caring at all that I was grinding against my mate in the public eye. It felt too good for me to care.

So the night went on for several more hours, of dancing, drinking, and laughing. I was ready to leave by the time we were done... and not because I was tired. I was very much wide awake, aware of every nudge, every small insignificant touch between Dante and I. It was nearly maddening, making me want to rip off his clothes like a crazed animal.

Adonia explained that we would be staying in what was called a hotel. I had stayed in an inn and in lodges the few times I had traveled from our rural town, but I hadn't even seen a hotel before. She described the building as being exclusive, sort of like Oasis. Only a certain crowd was allowed in and when I asked her what that crowd was, she winced, but answered, "Those that can afford it." Something about her expression made me feel a little nauseous, but I didn't say anything. Deep down I knew that if I wasn't with Dante, I would never have been able to stay in a place like this, or even visit Oasis.

Dante must have noticed my uneasiness because he grabbed my hand while we walked. I tried to smile at him, but it didn't meet my eyes. Glancing away, I sighed quietly. I might have been  Luna of the pack now but sometimes I still felt out of place among them. They were my family, but I was not born into wealth. Not like them, anyway.

Thankfully, as my teeth were starting to chatter from the chilly air, the resort was very close to Oasis. We didn't walk much further until it was standing taller than a mountain in front of our feet. It was a slender, hourglass-shaped skyscraper, and almost appeared to be glowing purple. Unlike a lot of the other businesses in Arcowes, the hotel's doors were shut with militants posted outside.

They politely nodded their heads at us as we made our way to the entrance.

"Alpha Dante, Luna Amabelle, the Master of Arcowes is inside, waiting upon your arrival," One of the guards informed us.

"Thank you," Dante replied cordially, squeezing my hand.

Bowing my head wordlessly, unsure of what to think, I continued alongside Dante with our group of friends around us.

"Master?" I whispered.

Dante's jaw shifted. "You'll see."

Confused, I took that as my answer and we entered the hotel without further interruption. Immediately upon strolling inside the building, a blast of heat soothed over my cold body. I breathed in, relieved from the bitter outside air. Each of us had a similar reaction, grateful to be indoors.

I barely had time to take in the shiny marble floors, white leather seating, and exquisitely dressed receptionists in the lobby before a young man was prowling toward us. He had black hair that was highlighted violet in the light and strangely bright-hued amber eyes. The man smelled of jasmine, clean air, and cinnamon cloves. Dressed in a grey designer suit, I assumed it was high dollar, as everything about him screamed rich.

"Greetings!" He exclaimed, his voice melodic and powerful and words accented from a language I didn't know.

Dante nodded his head at the stranger, while Xavier offered a grin. "Thank you for your hospitality."

The man held his hand out to Dante, still not acknowledging my presence, which I was oddly happy about. There was something off about this man, and I couldn't place why I felt that way, but my wolf was on edge.

I noticed that the man's knuckles were decorated in silver rings with detailed etchings. Studying him further, I noticed an intricate tattoo of something that started on the top of his hand. The sleeve of its markings was concealed beneath his suit so I couldn't make out what it was.

"Nice to finally meet you, Alpha Dante," The man said as he and my mate shook hands.

"Likewise, Master Caius, this is Luna Amabelle," Dante gestured to me.

Master Caius.

His gaze rolled over to me, those peculiar eyes locking with mine. My back straightened automatically like my wolf wanted me to appear taller.

"Ah, the curse-breaker and the savior of Dante and his people in the flesh. Hello, my dear, my name is Caius, and I am the ruler of this city," He introduced himself, giving me a wink.

Raising my eyebrows, I took his extended hand. "Pleased to meet you, Caius."

I noticed Bonny-Lee's face was paler than usual and Adonia was stiffer than a tree. Either Xavier was putting on the best act of his life, or he truly liked whoever this man was. And Jirri, I couldn't tell what he was thinking, his face remained neutral, neither smiling nor frowning.

The ruler smirked, dropping my hand and placing both of them in his suit pockets casually. "Not big on titles, are you, curse-breaker?"

I tilted my chin up, frowning at his cocky face. "No, I'm not."

"Master Caius, my old friend, aren't you going to say hello to me?" Xavier's voice dragged the man's attention away from me.

Caius grinned wickedly at Xavier and the two patted each other on the back. "I can't believe you're still alive."

Xavier winked at him. "I'm hard to kill, but you know that already."

Caius chuckled. "As am I, old friend, and you know that."

Blinking a few times, I wasn't sure what this conversation meant, or how these two were old friends. The man who ruled this city didn't look older than 25, but I didn't know how that was possible if he had been around since before Dante and his pack were cursed. Curious, I stared at Caius in wonder at just what he was. He didn't have a scent that he belonged to a pack, so he wasn't a werewolf.

Could he have been a warlock?

But then, that still didn't explain the immunity to time.

"We'd love to catch up and get to know you Caius, and we are incredibly thankful for letting us stay in your hotel, but we would like to get some rest from our long journey," Dante cut in, his back and shoulders rigid.

I swallowed, my wolf raising her hackles. She didn't like that Dante appeared threatened. Whether he truly was, I didn't know, but I also didn't like it.

Who exactly were we befriending?

"Of course," Caius pursed his lips for a moment, sliding his amber eyes from Dante to me. "I know you must be weary from your travel, feel free to take the penthouse suit. I understand that you may want some alone time with your, beloved."

"Thank you again, Master Caius," Dante replied simply, not loosening his grip on my hand.

"As for your friends, they can have their pick of the other rooms, I will be staying in my home in the east of the city outskirts. Let my assistants know if you need anything. I will be back in the morning to send you off," Caius told us, plastering the fakest smile I had ever seen onto his perfectly sculpted facial features.

I crossed my arms over my chest, eyeing him suspiciously. Maybe I should have just thanked him and moved on, but I didn't like his snarky attitude or the way my friends reacted to his presence. However I froze instantly when his calculating eyes found mine once again, but this time, I could feel something deeper within his stare, almost like a dark inky void of vileness. Shaken to my core, I swallowed down the fear in my chest.

"I hope you enjoyed your stay in my city, Luna Amabelle, though I do wish that you and your mate consider dining with me sometime to discuss our alliance,"  Caius' words haunted me as he walked past, his coldness sucking the warmth out of me.

Once he was gone, I could breathe properly again. I glanced at Dante whose eyes had become weary. Before I could question him, Cauis' assistants were interceding us and taking us to our rooms.

I was distracted by our morbid encounter when the servants led us to what was explained to me as an elevator. Technology was clearly more advanced in other parts of the world, as this was all new to me. Once we were inside the small metallic room, it carried us up into the skyscraper, like magic we were flying toward the top.

Our friends filed out the floor below ours, while we went the rest of the way. A few seconds later, we had made it to the penthouse level. The kind servants took us to the room and asked if we needed anything for the night. We both answered no so they left hastily, leaving us alone in one of the most beautiful rooms I had ever seen.

Spiraled and wrapped all around us were windows that overlooked the entire city. There were three levels to the room, with everything open concept designed. The first level was large, with a long, round salmon-pink seating arrangement on a white marble rug that covered the black hardwood floors. I didn't mind the low lighting of the few lamps that were there, since the stars of the night lit some of the room up on their own.

I glanced up at the high ceiling, finding a glamorously modern chandelier hanging overhead. It almost appeared to be made of diamonds.

"Wow," I murmured, wondering just how expensive this stay was.

"Master Caius is very well off," Dante sufficed in a hushed tone.

"Is this his hotel?" I questioned, planting my hands on my hips.

Dante sighed, stepping closer to me. "So I have been told."

I rolled my eyes, slightly annoyed I was staying in that jackass' hotel. "Great."

Dante gave a small laugh. "He might be a jerk, but we're reaping his benefits for the night."

Groaning, I attempted to protest in detest when Dante tugged on my waist and pulled me close to him.

"But who is he?" I asked.

"Do you have to know right now?" Dante grumbled, kissing the top of my head.

I sighed, his hands leaving devastating fires up my waist and spine. Despite this, I was still curious. "I would like to know whose bed I'm sleeping in."

Abruptly, Dante reached under my backside and picked me up, causing my legs to straddle his waist as he hoisted me above his hips. His mouth curled back slowly while his eyes dripped down to my lips. A tremble started in me, arousing the desire from earlier all over again.

"What if I make love to my mate in his bed until the sun arises, and then if you are still concerned about it, we can discuss it in the morning?" Dante tempted, licking his lips in ravenous hunger.

My pulsating core thundered against his long arousal. Biting my bottom lip, I determined I no longer cared about Caius. I simply wanted to be wrapped in the sheets with my mate.

"You make a compelling argument," I gasped as he jolted forward while walking us up the stairs, his length hitting my sensitive bud.

Dante's smirk was enough to make me gulp. "Good, because I want to make you remember who your alpha is."

Ah yes, the comments I made earlier had come to bite me in the ass. I had completely forgotten about what I had told him until this moment.

"What was it you said... something about me, not being your boss?"

I gave him a shy grin with my cheeks blooming. "Something like that."

Dante's eyes drifted up and down my face while he bit at his bottom lip. My breathing caught in my throat when he plopped me down onto the large king-sized bed, my back smacking into the heavenly soft mattress. Even so, my dignity left before I could grab onto it. I knew the moment he started, I would be begging him for my release.

"We'll see about that, won't we?"


Author's Note

Hello! Sorry for the late update! I have had a lot going on! Especially with writing my entry for Wattpad's Halloween Vault this year. I hope this suffices you guys for a few days until I get the next update out! I've decided to give this a book a few more chapters before its ending.

Anyways, thank you, as always, for reading, voting and commenting. I'm so thrilled to be this close to finishing my first novel. Thank you everyone for the continued support! ❤️

Have a great rest of your week! See ya in the next update! 😊

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