Chapter Thirty-Two

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Amabelle's POV

My nerves were rattling me harder than the carriage was as we traveled up the narrow icy road to Alpha Lyall's pack—Dante's father's city. Grimacing, I cursed myself for even thinking that it belonged to the deranged ruler we were about to meet.

Dante was desperately trying to cover up how nervous he was, but it wasn't working. I could feel his leg periodically shake violently next to me until he visibly noticed it was happening. Following that he would stop and pinch his thumb. He also kept chewing at the inner corner of his cheek, gnawing like it was a hard piece of candy.

I closed my eyes, wishing I could take away how he was feeling. I wanted the strong, confident Dante who I knew and loved to be the version that walked through his father's city, in fact, we all needed him to be. Surely, his people would recognize him, therefore he had to be the powerful, charismatic Alpha he was before. Despite that, I couldn't imagine what he was feeling, knowing that after half a century he had lost his father's land to his greatest enemy. He was cursed to be a monster and when he finally broke it, he was surrounded by snakes in a garden, all of them waiting, calculating his next move. The world had moved on without them, which was more devastating than the curse itself.

Sliding my hand over his closed fist, the tension in his back lessened, causing him to lean against the seat. He gave me a glance, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"You can do this, love," I reminded him, squeezing my hands over his.

Sighing, he let the smile widen across his handsome face. "If he so much as threatens you or my people, I will kill him today."

Rolling my eyes, I grinned. "No, you won't—"

The smile vanished. "Yes. I will."

Gulping quietly, I leaned in a little closer to my mate. I knew he was telling the truth, he would fight anyone and everyone until his final breath all for me. All for the people he loved most. I understood that, and maybe it was dangerous to have that kind of passion for someone else, but all it did was make me less afraid of what we had to do. It reinforced the strength I already felt we had, like an iron sword being sharpened by a blacksmith.

Nevertheless, we had to stick to what Caius had instructed. Though I was still a little skeptical of trusting the immortal, I didn't have much of a choice. Neither did anyone else. Besides, if Caius was lying it wouldn't take long to find out. For now, we had determine the truth for ourselves, keeping Caius word of warning to heart.

"Play nice," I teased him and pecked his cheek.

Dante chuckled, lowering his lips near my ear. "You know how I play, mon amour."

"I certainly do," I replied, swallowing while butterflies danced about in my stomach.

Suddenly the carriage lurched to a stop, interrupting what was about to be a repeat of yesterday's events. The abrupt ceasing of our carriage made Dante and I look at each other suspiciously. Frantically, we made our way to the door and climbed out. As Dante helped me down to the snowy ground, I saw that we were standing in front of an enormously tall gated wall. The wall itself was built into the sides of the snowy mountain we were traveling up, like a natural barrier to the outside world. Clearly, the wall was intended to keep its people in and enemies out.

By the entrance of the gate stood several militants who had their weapons drawn. Clearly, they were not expecting guests, nor were they friendly to those unannounced. Surrounding us, the guards prowled around like a cage circling Dante and I. The lead guard drew closer,  prompting Xavier, who was still atop his horse, to stride in front of us like a shield.

"Halt!" The female guard commanded, her deep voice echoing through the air.

Dante threw himself in front of me, drawing his own weapon. "Stay behind me."

Shivering in the freezing air, I hid behind Dante, grateful for more than just his flesh for the protection aspect, but also the warmth. The cold air atop the mountain chilled my skin to the bone in contrast to the temperature in the carriage.

"Who are you, unnamed alpha?" Another guard growled, clearly smelling Dante's scent.

Dante stood his ground, loud and proud to announce who he was. "I am Alpha Dante, of the Ember Wolf pack."


"Stand down," The lead guard commanded to her men.

Then all of the guards collectively sheathed their weapons. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, the air visible in the frigid weather like smoke off a warm fire. Eventually, Xavier moved to the right of us, allowing the guards to come closer.

"Dante Reddick? Is it truly you?" The same deep voice of the woman who had spoken before.

An elderly lady, with silver hair, twisted into a long braid and kind but worn honey eyes stepped out near us, those same eyes shining with tears. Dante's body eased instantly as if he were in the presence of someone familiar. Even her scent was almost identical to those of the Ember wolf pack, of fresh winter, pine trees, and vanilla.

"I'm home, Delilah," Dante murmured with a small smile. 

I took in the older woman who was clothed in silver armor and armed to the tooth with weapons. Though she had aged, she was probably a better warrior than I was. She appeared strong, despite her wrinkles. Her baggy eyes and facial lines told me more about her past than she could have told me.

"I can't believe it, the rumors are true. We had heard about the curse... I am so sorry, I don't know how we could have forgotten about you," The woman's voice was softer than silk now that she wasn't threatened, and her tears ran down her face freely.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault." Dante's voice was tender as he swallowed with difficulty.

I smiled, stepping out beside him. The guard finally noticed me, her face lighting up. "You must be Amabelle, wow. You are absolutely divine, my cousin is one lucky man."


"Thank you, ma'am," I replied sweetly, my cheeks blushing even though the snow pelting us threatened to turn my whole body to ice itself.

"And polite too, I am impressed. Next, you'll tell me you know how to use a sword," She teased me.

I cracked a grin. "Actually ma'am, I do."

The woman let out a fit of cackling laughter that was contagious and echoed through the mountain. "Damn, the Moon Goddess did a good job with this one."

Dante pulled me against him, noticing my shivering, and smiled at his cousin. The woman offered her hand to me. "I'm Delilah Reddick."

"Well met," I replied simply, shaking her hand.

After exchanging pleasantries, she stepped back with the other guards who still seemed to be tense, unlike her. I wondered if it would be like that in the city too, divided, with people who were happy to welcome us in, and others who were uncomfortable with us just being here. What Caius had told us was about to be proved true if the pattern continued.

"Are you going to let us in or what, Delilah? I want to see how my father's city has been doing without me." Dante joked, half seriously.

Delilah's jaw locked, making my blood turn cold. "Dante, it might not be the best time, people are on edge right now. And our Alpha Lyall... he might not appreciate your visit."

My heart snapped.

So it was true.

Dante stiffened against me. "I don't want any trouble, I just want to talk."

She contemplated something in her mind for a moment. "I can let you through to stay for a couple of nights, but then I want you to leave."

I opened my mouth to speak but a guard spoke first.

"Do as Delilah says. Our Alpha does not wish to talk to you. We will only let you in under the condition you promise to obey our laws," His tone was rigid, the statement undebatable.

Each of the guards rested their hands on the hilts of their weapons, ready to draw blood if necessary. I swallowed and placed my hand on Dante's forearm gently. My mate glanced down at me. I tilted my head knowingly, pleading him with my eyes. If this was how we had to go about this, we would. We couldn't not give any indication of unfriendly relations. Perhaps is Lyall saw that we stayed in the city for a night without causing conflict he would be more open to an alliance.

Dante relaxed and attempted to smile at Delilah. "We would love to stay for a few nights."

Delilah could sense his disapproval it seemed, but she was grateful for no further argument nonetheless.

"I would be glad to host my cousin and his friends. It's the least I could do for forgetting about you for half a century," She kidded, winking at him to lighten the mood.

I couldn't help but smile. The guard's warmth was infectious and I was surprised Dante hadn't mentioned her before. There was still so much to learn about him it felt. Every time I thought I wouldn't be surprised, I was.

Eventually, Dante and I climbed back into the carriage and we were escorted by the guards through the gates. Part of me wished I could have walked through the city, but with how cold it was and my attire, it was best to observe it from the carriage. Not to mention, our presence was not necessarily wanted by the citizens it sounded, so it might not have been safe to roam the streets unprotected.

When the gates opened and our transport ambled its way in, I glued my face to the window, eager to see the city. Dante had claimed this was the most beautiful place on earth, so I planned on determining for myself if that was true. Perched behind me, Dante seemed just as excited to see his father's city as I was.

My mouth fell open in awe when I finally got a view. Through the window, I could see a city of vibrant warm light, built into the mountain in a zigzag pattern. The buildings speckled like jewels, and somehow the cobblestone streets were clean, clear of any trace of snow. Some of the designs of the structures were older, while others were modern, or a mix of both. Unlike Arcowes, the city inhabitants, though the city was glamorous and gorgeous, were few. Those who did stroll through the city were reserved, quiet, and stoic. I could see how a city like this would be suffocating, the bleakness of the sorrow in people's eyes sucked the life out of the joyfully bright landscape.

Some citizens were dressed like kings and queens, in contrast to others, the small amount that was seen, who barely wore enough to keep them warm. I swallowed, quickly registering an unhealthy social construct. While in Arcowes I could taste the freedom in the air, here I could tell the mountain was an isolated prison for those less fortunate in the pack.

Nevertheless, the city itself was quite a sight. I marveled at the snow-topped white, brown, and red-brick buildings that numbered the streets, seeing a yellowed amber glow in the numerous windows. As we traveled up the barren streets, we headed deeper into the city, and further up the mountain. I imagined seeing the city from the sky would show just how massive it was, which made it all the more intimidating. Despite that the city was impressive, it was missing something and I couldn't decipher what.

Sighing, I sat back against the seat where Dante was already slouched. He appeared gloomy, his frown and furrowed eyebrows making my heart pang painfully. My wolf did not like seeing her mate so unhappy these past two days. It was out of her control of course, and mine. But I wanted him to remember who he was and that it was not impossible to get his father's city back.

"Not what it used to be?" I dared ask, my voice small like a mouse's squeak.

Dante's expression didn't change, nor did he raise his head to look at me. "It's somehow worse than what I imagined."

I felt my jaw lock. "How so?"

He glanced in my direction, but aimlessly so. Carelessly so.

"I don't know how to explain it, but this place is dark now. Darker than what it was when my father ruled. It's true that my father ruled with an iron fist and his laws could be harsh, but nobody starved, and nobody ached. We were still a family, dysfunctional at times, and brutal when things got hard, but we had each other," Dante attempted to explain.

In a split second, I decided how ruthlessly honest I wanted to be. "Isn't it possible your eyes have opened to what life truly looked like in the city? You are not the same man you once were, I wonder if maybe you didn't know what lurked under your father's rule because it was simply mundane and routine for you."

Dante's jaw rocked uncomfortably. I knew I had overstepped, but maybe he needed to hear it. He had explained before that his father was not a kind man. Knowing what little I did, I had enough insight into the daily life of his father's citizens. The mountain itself represented cold and labored living conditions, which could only add to whatever harsh law was in place over the pack.

"My father, he cared about his own people..." Dante said lowly, clearly a little hurt.

I reached out, but he pulled away, making my wolf whimper. "I never said he didn't, I just meant that-"

"You meant that I was blind to how I was treating my people, you mean that my people were suffering and I had no idea." He finished for me roughly.

Dropping my gaze, I returned to the window, the chill of the mountain creeping back into my bones. Or perhaps it was Dante's bitterness... either way, I wrapped my arms around myself to prevent myself from shivering.

Unsure of what to say, I remained quiet, staring out the window at my dreary view. We had turned down a path that was out of the city. Instead of the many buildings, there were dozens of tall and full pine trees, blocking my sight from much anything else. The snow and ice had glazed everything out here, including greenery and the new roadway we were traveling down. I considered that only the city streets were cleared off so the citizens and pack could easily travel. His cousin's place was clearly more secluded and rural.

A few mere moments passed before the carriage came to another stop. Wordlessly, Dante helped me out of the carriage. When I glanced past the intense group of armored guards, I saw a massive structure in front of us. It took me longer than I wanted to admit to understand that it was his cousin's house.

It was made of tan, gray, and brown stone, and outlined in wooden beams. There was a giant oak balcony that overlooked the second floor of the huge cabin. I wasn't sure cabin was even the right word since it looked like two or three houses combined. Calling it a mansion probably suited the place better.

I was even more excited to see inside once I noticed the thick cloud of smoke spiraling up into the sky from the chimney. Trembling already in the winter air, I couldn't wait to be inside the warmly lit home.

Delilah dismissed the guards back to their posts. They gave us one last weary glance before nodding their heads and leaving. Clearly, they did not trust us, or like our presence. It was going to take time, maybe a long time, but either way, we were going to have to earn their respect.

"Thank you for escorting us," I thanked them as they passed by Dante and I.

Of course, they did not reply. Obviously, they did not do it for us, but for Delilah. Still, I had to do everything in my power to be as cordial as possible. If that meant thanking people who could not care less if I lived or died, that was what I had to do.

For now, at least.

I wouldn't bow forever.

Neither would my mate.

"This is my home, you are all welcome to come inside. I have plenty of space." Delilah offered politely, her heavy silver boots crunching the snow.

Happily, we all entered our host's house, relieved to feel the warmth that the outside air had stolen. Immediately, we were met with Delilah's servants, who were solemn as they were quiet. Each of them took our luggage and coats to our lodging. Delilah bowed her head and thanked them.

Seconds later, Delilah began removing her armor, struggling with her shaking hands. I wondered if the servants normally helped her, and that since they were busy taking our stuff to our rooms, she was left to do it herself. When no one moved to help her, I stepped up and took over.

Delilah gave me a grin of surprise, her eyes lit with appreciation. "Thank you, my dear, you don't have to—"

"It's quite alright," I responded quickly, giving her a knowing, gentle smile.

Once her armor was taken off, she stored it away in the closet next to the front door. After, she led us into the open-spaced living and dining room. There were intricate wood designs on the ceiling above us, making the area seem larger. The large windows that made up most of the wall to the side of the living space also added to that effect. All in all, it was a gorgeous, warmly decorated part of the house. She must entertain guests often to need this kind of room, or she just wanted a large home.

We sat ourselves in the comfortable, and durably crafted lounging furniture after she suggested we make ourselves at home while she had the servants bring us warm coffee and tea cakes. Collectively, we gladly accepted the refreshments, eager to get warm. Even the others were trembling, and they were used to this, at least I assumed they were.

Dante must have noticed my quivering body because he draped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him while we sat on the soft sofa. I resisted at first, still conscious of the disagreement we had in the carriage, but the heat was too welcoming for me to decline.

Bonny-Lee, who was reclined in a sage green leather oversized chair opposite of us, raised her eyebrows at my conflicted facial expression while stuffing her face with tea cakes. I shook my head at her to leave it, so she shrugged and gleefully continued to indulge in the assortment of sweets.

"Quite the appetite," Delilah remarked, sipping her coffee as she stood by the fireplace.

Jirri and Xavier snickered, to which Bonny-Lee gave them a not-so-kind hand gesture. That, I laughed at.

"Your cook is a wizard," Bonny-Lee simply complimented.

Dante's cousin smiled, amused. "I'll be sure to let him know you said that."

The room fell into silence once more, strangely making me feel awkward. Delilah watched the flames in her fireplace dance and Dante didn't attempt to make conversation. Our friends followed suit, probably unsure of what to say. Someone needed to, or else this was going to be several uncomfortable days.

"Thank you," I blurted a little too loudly, clearing my throat and drawing everyone's attention, "For letting us stay here."

I was pretty sure I had already thanked her, but I didn't have a list of topics in my head to talk about and Dante apparently had given up, so I supposed it was up to me.

Delilah waved her hand. "Oh, it's no trouble really. I wish I could have you stay longer than a few days, but with Alpha Lyall here, it would not be wise."

I cringed hearing his name, knowing Dante would be fuming inside next to me. "Do tell me, cousin, are you loyal to this Alpha Lyall?"

She turned from the flames, her face coated in darkness. "I don't know if loyal is the right term, but he is my Alpha."

Dante sat straighter, his eyes burning. "What does that make me?"

Delilah was quiet for a moment. "Family."

Jirri and Xavier had grown still, waiting and watching the pair. I too, had felt my body become stone.

"You would betray your own flesh and blood, you would give up-" Dante started, his voice a low growl.

"No, that is not it, Dante. But what am I supposed to do? I can't start a rebellion because you have returned. There is finally peace," Delilah's eyes were heavy, worn.

Dante stood, his fists clenched. "There was peace before I left too, do not forget, I ensured-"

"There was no such thing as peace before you disappeared. And a long time after, there was still no peace. Alpha Lyall is not a good man, but he has kept his promises. He hasn't gotten us into war, and people can sleep at night knowing they're safe." Delilah argued painfully, my stomach sinking into oblivion.

Dante opened and closed his mouth a few times before sitting back down next to me. Ever so calmly, I placed my hand on his forearm. I could tell he wasn't far off from another breakdown as he shut his eyes.

"You may have defeated Alpha Percival, and you did your best when your father passed, but our pack... our people... we were in shambles by the end of the war. Then when you disappeared, we lacked leadership. Out of nowhere, Alpha Lyall, Percival's son came a few years later. He saw how we were struggling. At first, he was kind, he lured us in and taught us how to be strong. Lyall was excellent at being a diplomat and before we knew it, we had allies that helped us rebuild our great city. But once we had it, his true colors surfaced. Where he could be kind, he could be cruel. He was calculative, intelligent, and ruthless. In fact, there were still some of us who rejected Lyall. However, he hunted each of them down and hung them in the streets to make examples of them. I decided it better to keep my life and play his game. He made me Captain of the Shadow Guard. It came with a high salary and a good reputation in the pack. I finally felt seen, where your father and mine just wanted to marry me off to someone for money and power," Delilah explained lightly,

"But I wouldn't have, cousin. I was still learning, I am still learning. This was my father's home, my home. Our home. How could you let him, our enemy at that, take it?" Dante's voice was heartbreakingly hurt.

Delilah sighed and sat herself in a chair with a thud. "We were desperate, I don't know what else to say. We didn't have a choice. With you gone, he came in and helped us to our feet. We had no recollection of you, and we needed what he could give."

He sighed deeply running his hands across his face. "Was life really that miserable, before I left?"

She hesitated, flinching even as she recalled her memory of the city. "You were so busy with the war, and things had not been easy under your father's rule anyway, it wasn't your fault. And for me, for our close friends and family, life was okay. But a lot of the pack was starving. The wealthy seemed to grow wealthier, and the poor got poorer. We had hard winters too."

Though I had been right, I still ached for Dante. He was in despair, clutching his hands in his dark curls. I closed my eyes, wanting to help in some way, but unsure how to. Coming back here, it was clear that the world had completely moved on without him and the pack. What's worse is that he was just now realizing his father's kingdom was lost to his enemy, an enemy whom Delilah believed to have saved them from destruction.

"You said Lyall is cruel, why have the people not risen against him?" I asked, taking over for Dante.

Delilah's gaze clouded over like an oncoming storm. "Alpha Lyall is no ordinary werewolf. He is said to be immortal. He has many witch and warlock friends, one in particular who spelled him with eternal youth a long time ago, or so he claims. Besides, people are too afraid to revolt, especially with our past. Though life can be bleak here, we are not at war. Many remember when we were constantly at war, or at the very least on bad terms with other packs due to Dante's father, Alpha Tieran. It was a time of great hardship, one that no one wishes to return to."

"I understand, but if Lyall's rule is also miserable, then life cannot go on with him as king either," I retorted, taking a drink of my coffee.

It was warm and oddly familiar, the flavor better than any coffee I had ever tasted. It was smooth going down and had a sweet, nutty savoriness.

"Dante is the true king," Xavier agreed, setting his now empty cup on the table in front of us. 

"I won't sacrifice the lives of this city so you can have a pissing match with Alpha Lyall," Delilah hissed, seeming more agitated.

"So you'll continue to let people suffer under his hand?" Dante snarled, his tone deadly now.

"You'd have me trade his for yours? Is that really any better?" Delilah shouted, her once gentle elder features, now contorted in an ugly scowl.

How dare she.

My wolf was furious.

"You wouldn't be trading anything! Dante will rule with kindness, with fair law. He is not his father," I bared my teeth, leaning off the sofa.

Delilah smiled coldly. "Oh, and how would you know? You've known him for what, a few weeks? Trust me, give it time."

I'd snap her neck in a second.

"I've known him long enough to not turn my back on him, no matter what. You act so highly, so righteous, even though he's sitting on your couch changed, you still turn your back on him. He might as well still be cursed because you act like you never knew him!" I yelled, my face hot.

Delilah seemed to be taken back, her face paling slightly with her eyes wide. I considered stopping, but I couldn't reel my anger back in now that it was out.

"You have no right to deny him what's rightfully his." I threatened, suddenly aware of Dante watching me with awe.

She blinked a few times, her lips pursed. "We can't afford more loss in this city."

Relaxing, I was relieved she didn't continue to fight me. She wasn't in agreement necessarily, but it wasn't an argument either. I understood her concern, I also did not want to lose my friends or family. And I certainly did not want a war.

"You said Lyall is a good diplomat, couldn't we try to speak to him before any violence occurs?" I asked, remembering Caius' plan.

Delilah sighed heavily. "When he chooses to be, he can be very charismatic. But I suspect he will take your presence as a threat. One he will not take lightly."

"Can you set up a meeting?" Dante asked intently, his eyes pleading with Delilah.

She lowered her head, took a sip of her coffee, and set it back down on the table. His cousin seemed to wager her thoughts in her mind.

"I can't promise anything, but I can talk to him tomorrow," Delilah finally answered, relenting to our needs.

"Thank you, cousin," Dante replied gracefully, bowing his head and squeezing my hand.

Delilah tilted her head at him in surprise and sat back against the couch in thought. "You really have changed, Dante."

Dante swung his gaze to me, his eyes locking with mine. I could have sworn I saw the flash of a flame flicker in his crystalline blue eyes, his lips turning up into that smirk that made my skin flush.

"I owe it to her, I am trying to change for her," Dante explained to Delilah, never looking away from me.

Biting my lip, I couldn't help the smile that broke across my face. Dante laced his fingers with mine, knitting them together perfectly. I felt the simmering sparks spring up my wrist and along my arm from our unified touch.

"I owe her my life," He whispered, the room shrinking down to just us. "I owe her everything."


"You know, I basically saved your ass back there," I teased Dante, rolling over in the luxurious tub.

The hot water sloshed around me as I peered up at my mate. He was brushing his teeth before bed. Half naked, he had just finished his shower. I couldn't help but admire Dante's muscular backside and shoulders which were tense. If he had joined me in the tub like I had tried to convince him, I could have helped him release that tension...

Spitting his toothpaste in the sink, he peeked over at me. I rested my elbows on the side of the tub, licking my lips. His cool eyes immediately caught sight of my breasts which hung nearly right above the edge. I felt my stomach jump as his jaw locked. When he eventually made eye contact he smirked at me.

"Yes, you keep saving my ass. I'm very grateful, mon amour."

"I think I deserve some compensation," I baited him, tilting my head slightly.

I nearly lost it when he flexed his hands, gripping the edge of the counter so hard that his knuckles turned white.

"Oh, what might that be?"

Swallowing, I forced myself onto my now wobbly feet. Bare, and sopping wet, I climbed out of the tub. I relished in the fact that Dante sucked in a breath as he watched me tip-toe my way to the towel that was sitting on the counter next to him.

"You know what I want," I whispered huskily, tapping my fingertips up Dante's waist and to his chest.

Dante stilled under my touch, his eyes trailing up and down my body. He was letting me have the power, whether he was simply paralyzed or he wanted me to take control, I wasn't sure. Either way, I enjoyed seeing him rattled by my touch.

"Tell me," His breathing picked up.

Smirking, I stepped closer, an inch of space separating our bodies. His mouth fell open as I fingered the waistband of his pants, tugging on the edges.

"I want what you promised me," I leered, my hand sneaking beneath his shorts.

He took a deep breath. Then a gasp released from his lips when my hand slid along his hardened length.

My wolf whined in earnest need, while the burn in my loins flooded between my thighs. I bit my bottom lip, barely able to restrain myself from what we both clearly wanted... needed. Dante eyed me now, the hunger in his stare making a shiver rip me apart.

"Tell me, what it is that you want, little wolf?" Dante growled, no longer playing along.

"Mark me, Dante," I whispered, breathlessly.

That's all it took.

Dante grabbed my waist and hoisted me up onto the bathroom countertop. I didn't have time to think or breathe before his face was between my thighs sending me far off into the wintery air outside. Gazing out the window that stretched from the floor to the ceiling, I could see the whole city awake across the mountain.

Moaning, my hands twisted in his curls like an anchor to the world. It was barely enough to keep myself there as he destroyed me from below. It didn't take long before I broke apart for Dante, nearly falling backward off the counter. Dante was gentle to catch me and carry me back to the bedroom.

My soul was still falling back into my body when it hit the flannel sheets of the bed. His whole body collided against mine, sending flames across my skin. Crying out, I wrapped my thighs around his waist, my hands clawing down his back.

"Please," I begged, desperately, my chest aching painfully.

Dante smirked, taking me with no warning. I practically screamed his name as I felt the impact of his full-length thrust into my entrance. The pleasure overwhelmed me in ways I couldn't describe accurately enough. I had caught on fire, burning alive.

I was fire.

"I will make you mine, you are mine," He paused kissing the spot on my neck, "And I am yours, Amabelle, forever and always."

Dante let out a roar, his wolf unleashing and morphing him into the beast he was under his flesh. A true wolf in sheep's clothing, finally revealed in true form.

Heaven itself cracked open when I felt his sharp predatory teeth sink into the skin on my throat above my collarbone.

All I could see were stars. I was gone, entangled in Dante's soul, welded together with him. We were one, finally, completely one. Dante and I were united in the cosmos, threaded together by the vows of the sacred moon that bound our souls.

At last, my wolf whimpered in joy.

Now we were linked, and there was nothing that could separate us.

Not even death.

When I opened my eyes, I was back in my body, and I was overwhelmed with pain and pleasure. There was a searing tear in my flesh while Dante was still thrusting at an unrelenting tempo. I felt tears brim in my eyes and spill out, my nails digging into Dante's back hard enough to draw blood.

"Dante," I moaned, nearly crying.

He was panting, sweat painted along his skin and a single drop of blood, my blood, lingered on his lips. The sight alone almost sent me over the edge.

"I love you," Dante told me.

"I love you too," I moaned, feeling lighter by the second.

That night Dante flew me over the mountaintop, and across the stars that kissed them until I fell asleep in the clouds that cradled me.


Author's Note

Hello loves! How is everyone doing?

Thank you for reading! I hope you are all finally satisfied. Tehe😘

(Oh, also I feel like I rushed this one a bit so if you notice grammar or spelling issues let me know! Thanks!)

I'm so sorry for the delay in the chapter, but I hope it was worth the wait. I will upload again soon! I have some significant time off the next few days, so be prepared!

Love you guys! Have a great week! ❤️

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