Chapter Twenty

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Amabelle's POV

Wiping the sweat off my forehead, I stood back up again, planting my feet in the stance Xavier had been teaching me for the last hour. Though the sun had begun to set, it was humid, making the air stuffy and hot. Which in turn made my training more difficult. My clothes were glued to my body from the perspiration drenching me from head to toe. Thankfully, since I had put my hair up in a ponytail, the breeze cooled me as it drifted across the back of my neck.

"Remember, use your opponent's weight against them. Your opponent might be stronger, but you are faster. The taller they are, the harder they fall." He reminded me, again.

At this point, I was convinced he was saying it to spite me. Maybe what he was telling me would have mattered if I was in fact faster than him. Unfortunately, I wasn't stronger or faster than Xavier, despite what he kept telling me.

My face contorted into an ugly glare as we circled. Xavier was teaching me to mimic his movements but in the opposite. If he stepped forward, I stepped backward, whereas if he dodged to the right, I would counter before he could see me coming. It was a game of guessing the unpredictable. Learning your opponent's fighting pattern, along with their footpath.

"Are you going to frown at me the whole time, princess?" Xavier teased, arching an eyebrow.

Without responding, I leaped forward and swung, my wooden sword hitting him with such force, I almost fell backward. Xavier blocked my next swing and the following.

In retaliation, he swung back at me. Luckily, I blocked it, holding his sword in a battle of who could push away the hardest. Gritting my teeth, I used all my strength to hold my sword against his. Xavier smirked at me, and my eyes flashed wide.

Before I could think to respond, he broke free of our connected swords and swiped his at my bowed knees. Pain stung my eyes, my legs giving out from underneath me, leaving me to fall straight onto my ass. He had hit hard enough to cause bruising this time. Whether it was to encourage me to fight harder or just to prove a point, it had not had the effect he wanted.

Now I was more defeated than ever.

Xavier held the wooden sword out towards my neck. "And you're dead, again."

Growling in fury, my wolf threatened to morph out of my skin. We had been training for so many hours I could hardly hold her back.

"This is hopeless," I muttered under my breath, gripping the sand underneath me.

"Oh come on, you're not giving up now, are you?" Xavier taunted, waiting for me to stand back up.

Shaking my head, I climbed back onto my feet. Once I was in my stance, Xavier didn't hesitate. He didn't give me a single moment to plan my attack or be ready for his. Striking me immediately, I toppled to the ground, again.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, giving him a scowl. "What the hell?!"

Xavier shrugged. "You have to be prepared for anything. Do you think that Kamil will play fair?"

Blinking, I thought this over. He was right of course, Kamil would likely not offer me any type of mercy. While I did need to be prepared for that, I was still royally pissed with the way he was behaving.

"Now, get up princess, we're not even close to being done." Xavier instructed.

I hoped my anger was palpable by Xavier at this point. Now ready for his blow, I stood up and blocked his first swing. And the one after that.

He did, however, keep swinging, one after another. Luckily, even though my arms were screaming, I was able to block each one. I even counter swung after the last one. Something like a second wind erupted from my body, and I swung again and again, and again.

Xavier took each hit, but staggered slightly on the last. Leering viciously, I took the advantage, slashing low twice. The first one he blocked, but the second he didn't see coming. The wooden sword collided with his side, causing him to double over.

He groaned, dropped the sword. A grin spread from ear to ear on my face.


This was my moment of victory. Xavier and I had been dueling for at least three and half hours now. All of which had been previously ending in my failure to beat him.

"And now," I stammered, catching my breath and holding my sword to his throat, "you're dead."

A roar of laughter erupted from outside our circle, followed by a few claps. Xavier did not appear amused at Marek's giggling fit. I watched Dante continue to clap, a look of pride in his eyes as he walked over to us.

"I think that is an excellent way to end today's training session," Dante's cool voice announced over the two of us.

Xavier held his side slightly, standing up with his sword. I wanted to feel guilty for hitting him so hard, but I basically had my ass handed to me all, day. I was sure my body was covered in hideous, black and indigo colored contusions.

My smile faltered slightly, suddenly being overcome by the exhaustion in my body. Dante seemed to notice, his eyes softening in understanding.

"Good work today, little wolf," He praised me with a wink, making my wolf yip in joy.

"Thank you," I replied, my cheeks probably blooming redder than cherries.

Xavier turned to me next, giving a smirk. "Not too shabby for your first day, princess."

Both slightly irritated and endeared by his nickname, I returned his cocky expression with one of my own. "I still have a lot to learn, old man."

Xavier frowned at his new nickname, and stalked off to the weapon wall. Chuckling, I faced Dante again, his eyes glinting in delight. I grinned at him, feeling my skin start to ignite with his dangerously addicting stare.

"Let's get you something to eat, little wolf," Dante told me, leading me away with him as he guided the small of my back.

A cascade of shivers and tingles dropped down my spine with his touch. Dante was making it hard to remember how to breathe properly. I could feel the burning bit in my stomach create wildfires throughout my whole system.

Marek said his goodbyes as we parted the arena and headed for Dante's room. I hobbled alongside Dante, more sore than I'd ever been in my entire life. Despite the warmth of Dante's touch and his close proximity, my whole body ached like it never had before.

"Are you alright, ma rose?" Dante's woody voice sang through my ears.

"Yes, just... tired," I told him avoiding his eyes.

There was no way I was about to admit how beat I was from today's training. First, I didn't want to be seen as weak, and secondly, I was concerned he would stop training altogether if he knew just how badly I was cramping. That, and I didn't need him to be more worried about me than he already was.

My body continued to protest the further we walked. Thankfully it wasn't much longer when we reached Dante's room. Once we were there, I could relax. Letting out a sigh of relief, I sat for a few brief moments on one of Dante's seating arrangements in his room.

At last.

My joints let me know how good sitting felt, an overwhelming sense of comfort easing the tightness in my muscles. The only thing left to take care of was my hunger problem. My stomach was growling, the emptiness gnawing at me in a newfound fury.

"Servants will be bringing up the food soon, but before that, I thought... I could, well, surprise you." Dante mumbled, his face a little pink.

The corners of my mouth were twitching, begging to smile. But I held it down. "Oh?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, and tilted his face up. Down. Up. "I figured you'd be fatigued after training today. Come with me."

Nervous but excited jitters exhilarated me. I took a shaky breath and followed Dante into his large bathroom. If I hadn't mentioned before, Dante's bathroom was literally the size of another bedroom. It had a shower made out of stone and it was like standing under a waterfall when it was turned on... I knew that because I had used it before my training today.

There was a bathtub made from the same red and orange stone to match the shower a few paces away from it. When I looked over at it, I noticed the bathtub was in the process of being filled. Big, pink, fizzy bubbles were building their way up in the tub, and the smell emanating from them was sweet but subtle, like vanilla and honey.

Dante's face was adoringly bashful but still confident. Once he turned off the faucet, he beckoned for me by the tub. With every step toward him, my heart pounded harder... faster. I licked my lips, watching his eyes scan over me.

He patted the chair next to the tub. Taking a staggering breath, I sat in front of him. My throat dried up as Dante knelt beside me. Without saying a word, he began to untie the laces on my boots. Ever so carefully and slowly, he slid the boots off.

My knuckles were white as I gripped the edges of the chair. Dante scooted forward in between my legs, making my mouth part. Noticing my breathing hitching, his eyes met mine.

There was no disguising the pure hunger in his eyes for anything else. His back had tensed up like he would break in any second and ravage me whole.

I shuddered, imagining him devouring every last part of me.

"I am going to take care of you now," Dante stated, nothing about his tone suggestive of inviting me to argue.

That was good, because I wasn't strong enough to regardless.

Dante worked his hands all the way up to my hips where he pulled on the waistband of the pants. Again, at a turtle's pace, he slipped them off. Now left in Dante's shirt and my underwear, the drafty air chilled my skin. Shivering, I resisted the urge to wrap my arms around myself.

"Mon amour..." Dante murmured, caressing the dark fuchsia bruising on my knees.

I let out another quivering breath, his scorching touch like a warm compress on my aching skin. Peering down, I saw that there were a few more bruises on my upper thigh and one on my lower calf. I was sure it was from training today at some point.

"Do you know what seeing you hurt does to me?" Dante's steel voice cut through me.

Before I could answer I felt his soft lips against the bruise on my upper thigh. A whimper came out of my mouth, fire erupting across my skin where his lips touched. The once sore skin now burned until he moved his lips away. Shockingly enough, all I wanted was more.

Dante peered up at me, his eyes ablaze. "I wanted to tear Xavier apart, into tiny, little, pieces. My best friend, family..."

I swallowed, his stare unnerving. My blood ran cold knowing that was how Dante had been feeling. It was true that he hadn't said much and for the most part had hidden his head down during my training. Originally I had thought that he was ashamed, afraid to watch me fail continuously. But that was clearly not the case...

Now I understood why.

My wolf was either growling or purring, but either way, she wanted her mate.


I almost jolted as Dante's big, roughened hands slid up my legs. It left trails of sizzling goosebumps, a horribly addictive feeling. It was like he could sense how much I enjoyed it, how much I reveled in it because that's what he did. For several moments, he ran his hands up and down my slender legs.

"I'm s-sorry—" I finally started to reply.

"No, don't," Dante paused, clenching his hand in his hair, "I don't need an apology."

I didn't breathe.

Oh, goddess...

His hands were back on my thighs and he was breathing hard all of a sudden.

"I just need you." He replied, his eyes flashing.

I thought Dante had completely lost control, but he didn't pounce on me, he just continued to undress me at a maddeningly slow pace. He asked me to lift my arms up so he could take the shirt off and over my head. I obeyed, wanting nothing but the feel of his hands on my skin. It might have been pathetic, but I thought I probably would have begged on my knees to take it off if he hadn't done it himself.

I just need you.

My heart couldn't beat any faster or I might have fainted. The air around us had become so warm, so quickly it was like steam surrounding us. With the hot bath water, it very well could have been. Though part of me thought it was simply the heat of our breaths consuming the space around us.

Now that Dante had all of my clothes removed, he made me remain sitting. Watching me with his cool blue eyes, he slipped his own shirt off. I automatically swallowed, my eyes uncontrollably running up and down Dante's torso. His muscular upper half made my throat even drier if that was possible. If I hadn't been so consumed in memorizing his chest, abs, and hips I would have noticed him drinking me in.

"You are the type of art that is unpaintable, the type that artists could spend hours, days, weeks, months, years trying to capture yet to no avail..." Dante trailed off, sliding his hand under my chin to tilt my head up at him.

My lips peeled open in surprise at his words. That was possibly the most flattering thing someone had ever told me. And for it to come from him made it all the more endearing.

Rendering me speechless, Dante took the opportunity to capture my lips with his. His soft kiss quickly turned hungry as I slid my hands up around his neck. We shared heavy, fast breaths, my lips eagerly fumbling his in a frenzy.

Dante drifted his hands down to my bare hips, causing a flame to eat away the flesh and change me into a ball of fire. Gripping my sides, he continued to kiss me, seemingly lost in his own haze of desperation. I kissed him back, opening my mouth only slightly. It was enough for Dante to notice, and he took my bottom lip in between his and sucked until a quiet moan echoed out of me.

Abruptly he pulled away, panting. I wanted nothing more than to grab him and pull him back to me, but Dante had other plans. For the first time, I didn't care about fighting for dominance, whether that was my weak feeble body or just the fact that I was lost in the moment, I didn't care and it didn't matter. I would've let Dante do anything he wanted without a second thought.

"Stand, I'll lead you." His words were hushed... hoarse.

I was positive my wolf purred this time at the sound of his roughened voice.

A lovely hum sounded throughout my body as I stood up. He did as he said and took my hand to help me into the very large tub next to us. Instantly my aching body was soothed as I sat into the hot water. Dante remained outside the tub, to my dismay, which internally made my wolf whine. She was extremely unhappy with that decision. If I hadn't been exhausted I, too, would have been, but the water felt so nice on my skin that I didn't have it in me to argue or try to drag him in with me.

"Lie back," Dante commanded gently.

Without hesitation, I did as asked. Once I was in the position he wanted he began to massage my shoulders.

"Ohhh..." I couldn't help the moan of relief from slipping out of my mouth.

The combination of his sparking touch and his apparent healing massage ability made the tension in my upper body fade. It felt so damn good I lied my head back on the edge of the tub with my eyes closed. Dante sure knew how to use those hands.

I was in paradise.

Dante continued his massage for what felt like a very long time before stopping to go and retrieve something. When he returned I saw that he had brought bathing supplies. Placing all the items in the chair next to us, he turned to me with a lustful gleam in his eye.

"This is for you to help you finish with your bath. I am going to shower, so I'll be over there if you need anything." Dante told me, clearing his throat.

Sitting upright, I pouted uncontrollably. He wasn't going to get in the tub with me?

"Wait, won't you come in here with me?" I asked, sounding a little like I was begging with my tone.

Dante locked his jaw, his eyes averting mine. "I can't, I don't think I'd be able to hold myself back."

"From what?" I questioned, splashing as I scooted myself to the edge of the tub.

Dante took a slight step back away from me. Slowly, ever so slowly, his eyes leveled with mine. His chest rose up and down, hard. "From marking you as mine."

I swallowed down the fire in my throat. "I will stop you."

His smirk sent a deep paralyzing shiver down my spine. "We both know you couldn't."

I blinked several times. He was right of course, which made my face turn bright red. Failing to respond, I let him walk away from the tub. As he strolled away from me, he started removing his pants. I took a shuddering breath, his bare body magnetizing my eyes.

Dante didn't glance back at me, but he didn't need to. I knew exactly how he was feeling now. It was maddening, seeing him so bare, so deliciously vulnerable. His muscular back tensed the longer I stared like he could feel my eyes on him, yet I couldn't stop.

I couldn't think.

I couldn't breathe.

All I could do was sit and admire him. I was supposed to be finishing my bath, but I simply couldn't regain my focus. All my attention was on Dante.

Breathing hard, I gripped the rocky sides of the tub, studying Dante's body. From his broad, intense shoulders and defined back, to his thick muscular legs and large bulging biceps. His weapon below the belt so speak was there to look if I wanted but honestly, I was too nervous to peek. Biting my lip, I imagined what waited for me; it was strangely better than sneaking a glance.

I took a deep breath, watching Dante run his hands through his hair to rinse the shampoo from his curly, coal-colored locks. All I could think about was running my own hands through it, clenching my fists while kissing him until time itself stopped.

My heart pounded and my skin caught on fire simply at the idea of Dante's hands on my body. Of his fingertips gliding along my legs, and up to my thighs until he reached-

"Oh goddess," I whispered audibly without meaning to.

Thankfully, Dante hadn't noticed or hadn't given the appearance that he had heard. Somehow that frustrated me even more, especially my wolf who was driving me absolutely crazy. She growled intensely, making my stomach tighten further.

We need him, she snarled, my legs folding closed, firmly.

I took several deep breaths, and stood, my legs wobbling like pudding. If it wasn't the faint feeling in my body from exertion, it was the overwhelming demand in my body to have Dante pressed up against me.

Bracing myself by holding onto the edge of the tub, I eased slowly out, one foot at a time. Quietly, careful not to alert Dante, I ambled my way over to him. I swallowed, a breath tumbling out of my mouth as his woody, smoky vanilla, and cedar scent wafted through me. My heart thundered in my ears, the closer I got, the more I burned.

Once I was right behind him, I tapped his shoulder. He turned, faster than lightning.

But I was a hurricane.

I shoved my way into the shower, and right against Dante. Without thinking, or breathing, I kissed him. My hands were behind his neck, in his hair. The hot water from the shower mixed in between our lips and over my nose. It made it hard to breathe but I didn't care. We were underwater, drowning in an ocean.

Gasping through our kisses, Dante held me back panting. I fought in his hold, wanting to close the distance between us once more.

"What are you doing?!" He growled, his voice strained.

A pulsating ache made my bones and skin cry out. I wanted him, needed him, so desperately, I thought my skin might actually be on fire at this point. I'd never needed Dante like the way I needed him now, and I had no idea how to hold my wolf back. The mate bond was too strong for me to resist. It was like I was under some sort of spell, unable to fight my desire.

"I need you, Dante." I rasped, my breathing haggard and strangled.

Dante's face morphed into a hungry beast's. His eyes darkened with lust, his lips curving. "I told you, I don't know if I can stop if we start."

I was definitely sober but my head was dizzy like the previous night. Somehow my voice was strong, unwavering.

"I don't care."

He let out a roar, pushing me up against the shower. I groaned, my head falling back. Feeling all of Dante pressed up against me was like millions of tiny zaps across my throbbing body. I was immediately soothed, the ache for Dante's touch being my remedy.

Dante forced my hands up above my head, his glare intense. A tremble of both fear and something like excitement started in my body. He dropped his lips next to mine but didn't kiss me.

Not yet.

"Do you love me, Amabelle?" Dante whispered, his tone laced with an unreadable emotion.

My eyes flew open, and suddenly a cold wave of reality flushed through me. I dropped my mouth open in surprise, shell-shocked into my skin. It was a valid question, truly, it was. Here I was, standing naked in this shower with my soul mate, and I had no idea how to answer his question. It wasn't that I didn't know what my answer was.

Or did I know?

I did love Dante... I thought. Is this what love felt like?

I had never been in love before, and this was all so new. My brain turned upside down, confusion racking my shelves of thought. Of course, I knew for sure that I cared about Dante, that I wanted to love him.

Dante sighed deeply, and let go of my hands. Panick started in my stomach as he took several steps back out of the shower. I opened my mouth to protest, but he held a hand up while looking at the ground, grinding his teeth.

No, no, no, no, no.

"I am sorry, but until you know the answer to that question, I will not mark you," Dante murmured, his voice heart-shatteringly dejected.

"Dante, I-"

"Amabelle, it's okay. I will wait an eternity for you—because I love you." Dante told me, interrupting me.

I took a shaky deep breath, tears welling up in my eyes. "But you don't have forever."

He closed his eyes for a long time before opening them again. Again, my heart broke into a million pieces seeing that tears of his own had formed in his eyes.

"I know."

Horrifyingly, I let him walk away, the hot water in the shower streaming down on me. The water mixed with tears that rolled across my cheeks. My skin cooled to the touch, all the heat from earlier leaving me. The aching desire for Dante died, just like the beating my in chest.

He loved me.

Every part of me wanted to run out, to stop Dante. To explain myself and how I felt. Maybe I could have made him understand. Yet I stood there in the shower, letting the water pour on me. Frozen instead it seemed, I processed my feelings for Dante.

How does one know when they're in love?

All the literature in the world hadn't prepared me for falling in love. I had read about it in novels, stories, and even poetry, but nothing did it justice. Falling for Dante had been like falling down a rabbit hole like in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Plummeting down into a neverending tunnel, and then realizing there was a whole other world out there. Being in love was like counting a thousand stars and despite them all looking the same, somehow you found the one that burned brightest.

Dante was my star.

So why couldn't I have fessed that up to Dante?

Groaning in frustration, I turned off the faucet roughly. I knew what I wanted. The truth was that I wanted Dante, and more than that, I was in love with him. I was so in love with him, I didn't know how to come to terms with it, how to tell him.

Ugh, for Goddess' sake, it should have been easy!

Just tell him, my inner monologue pushed. What could happen that hadn't already?

It will be real, something inside of me hissed with venom. This little fantasy world would become real, and I would be Luna. And not just that, but I would be mated to Dante for the rest of my life. I would probably never see my family again.

Telling the truth to Dante meant saying goodbye permanently to my family.

Although to play devil's advocate, I knew seeing my family again was likely never going to happen the second I left my home. As hard as that was to swallow, it was harder to swallow the fact that I was not being honest with Dante.

My stomach plummeted, guilt clouding over me. I could save Dante and I could save his people. It was selfish of me to not tell him.

But could I be Luna?

I could barely fend off Xavier in a fight...

Clenching my fists, I quickly dried off and drained the bathtub. I fought back tears seeing that Dante had left me his shirt and some underclothes to change into. His shirt smelt like him, which made my insides crumble.

Taking a deep breath, I limped myself out of the bathroom. Dante had set up dinner on the bed for us, though it appeared he had already started eating. Without looking up at me, he continued, not bothering to say a word.

It stung, but it wasn't like I didn't deserve it. My wolf cried in both frustration and misery. She was furious with me for refusing to answer Dante and destroyed that Dante was so hurt by my rejection.

Or what he thought was rejection.

I sat on the bed, the mattress dipping slightly. Still, Dante took no notice or he was pretending like he didn't see me. That was more probable. If roles were reversed, I would have felt the same way. I just hated that I had mortified him.

We ate in silence until both of us finished. When we were done he cleaned up and turned the lights off. Dante climbed into bed with me, but there was no hug, no kiss, not a single glance in my direction.

I understood.

He was licking his wounds.

"Get some sleep, Amabelle. Training will begin again early tomorrow morning." Dante murmured, his voice quiet in the dark room.

The unspoken tenseness between us made it hard to lie down. But I did. I curled into a ball and squeezed my arms around my chest. A few tears managed to slip out of my eyes before I angrily wiped them away.


I was not going to feel sorry for myself. I had no right to, plain and simple. It was either I was going to have to face the fact that I was in love with Dante and admit that or I was going to have to leave Dante.

Leave this kingdom.

The thought of leaving made me sick to my stomach. Cringing, I decided that wasn't an option. Not anymore.

So that left my options limited.

Shutting my eyes, I took a deep breath. That meant I would have to be strong enough to be Luna, to be queen. Today had been child's play. Tomorrow marked the start of my real training. I wouldfight harder than I ever had because I wanted something I had never wanted more before.

I wanted to be worthy of Dante's love.


The next morning arrived quicker than I wanted. My body protested, the ache of my bones making me groan. I rolled over slowly, careful not to make any sound, seeing that Dante was still fast asleep. His breaths were long and deep, those beautiful eyes I had fallen for still closed.

I smiled sadly, brushing an unruly curl away from his forehead. Sleeping soundly, it was one of the few times I could see him at peace. However, with just my light touch, he seemed to stir. His eyelashes fluttered a little and his breaths grew more shallow. I pulled my hand away and rolled back over to avoid him from making eye contact as he woke.

Dante groaned, the bed shifting. I felt him move to sit up. Before he could speak, I got up out of bed and headed to get changed.

I saw no reason to speak since there wasn't anything more to say until I knew I was strong enough. That was going to take some time, and I couldn't handle Dante's indifference from last night to this morning. I didn't blame him for being angry with me, or at the very least upset, but it still hurt.

Shake it off, I told myself, I had a long day ahead of me.

The morning didn't end up being any less painful than last evening. Dante and I ate breakfast in silence again after we had finished getting ready. No one spoke, I wasn't even sure we looked at each other. How ironic that before that ugly ending to our conversation last night, we wouldn't have been able to peel each other off.

After breakfast Dante and I headed off to training. Xavier and Marek were waiting in the arena just like yesterday. Again, the sun was already hot. It warmed my sore body, somehow making it hurt more.

Be strong, I willed myself.

"For Dante," I whispered.

Dante whipped his head, his brows furrowed at me. He opened his mouth to speak, but thankfully before he could, Xavier was greeting me for today's lessons. 

"Look who showed back up for another day. I'm impressed you were able to get out of bed this morning, princess." Xavier quipped.

His comment made me snort. "What, and disappoint you, old man?"

Xavier narrowed his eyes, Marek chuckling. "After today you may wish you stayed in bed."

My sneer disappeared, and I swallowed nervously. Glancing over at Dante, I saw his confused expression. I knew he was still mulling over what I had said. I hadn't meant for him to hear, but it was too late to take it back. I wasn't going to stop though, not until I was strong enough.

I smiled then, painfully as I looked into Dante's eyes.

"Some things are worth fighting for," I finally responded to Xavier, still staring at Dante.

Dante's mouth parted slightly, his eyes blinking a few times. I only hoped my eyes could convey how much I truly cared about him.

"Well let's get started on learning how to do it properly." Xavier winked, and then we headed off to start our initial exercises.

Xavier commenced training with a run. We ran laps around the arena for at least an hour. I hadn't run for that long probably ever. Not only was my bruised, tired body exhausted, but my endurance was nothing compared to Xavier's. My lungs were burning so intensely that my legs were starting to go numb. Yet, Xavier did not stop.

"How... m-much, long-ger?" I rasped, trying my best to keep up with Xavier.

Xavier shrugged. "Until," he breathed, "you say stop."

Damn it.

He was pushing me on purpose. Growling, I clenched my fists as we ran. I wouldn't let him make me give up. I wouldn't stop, not until my limbs gave out or he conceded first. To be Luna, I needed to be faster.

Despite how difficult it was becoming to breathe, I didn't stop. I persisted,  giving everything I had. In fact, I ran faster, somehow staying a little ahead of Xavier. We ran for another half hour, the numbness spreading into my whole body.

I was running so hard I couldn't see, my vision was blurry. It may have been a lack of oxygen, or maybe it was the sweat and tears running down my face. Either way, I was running blindly through the arena, barely able to breathe. I had slowed down significantly, but I was still going.

Or so I thought.

The numbness had changed to pins and needles throughout my whole body. In turn, it caused my legs to give out inevitably. Tripping, I fell to the ground with my vision spinning. I tried to breathe, hunched over and coughing.

Breathe, my wolf begged.

I was sputtering and choking so hard I lost the contents of my stomach all over the ground. Sighing, the numbness slowly went away, though it took several minutes for my vision to return. Wiping my sweaty face, I spit, disgusted with the taste of vomit in my mouth.

"Amabelle, I'm so sorry. You should have told me to-" Xavier started.

"Xavier, you are pushing her way too hard-" Dante snarled, his tone deadly.

I could feel his presence behind me and getting closer but I held my hand up, still regaining my eyesight.

"No, this is what I need," I uttered hoarsely.

When I was finally able to see, Xavier was standing over me, guilt and shame all over his face. Dante's jaw was clenched, affliction swirling in his blue orbs. Ignoring the tug at my heart of seeing Dante scared for me, I looked away. My cheeks burned in embarrassment.

It was humiliating to see him watch me fail again time and time again. I didn't want him to pity me, especially not after last night. Not after I had been dishonest and too afraid to admit my feelings to him. If I wanted to be with Dante, I had to let go of the fear.

"I have to be stronger, faster," I told them both, shakily planting myself back on my feet.

Xavier sighed. "It will take time-"

Beginning to feel weak and aggravated, I stopped him mid-sentence. "We don't have time!"

My outburst quieted them both. Dante's face was twisted in disorientation, the same expression from earlier. He still didn't understand why this was so important to me. No longer was it just about being strong enough to defend myself from Kamil. Of course, I was still worried about him being out there lurking, watching... But this was bigger than Kamil. It was about being strong enough for Dante.

Stalking off toward the center of the arena, I brushed past them. "Come on, teach me."

Xavier obliged, following after me. Already, with the heat of the sun, my now empty stomach, and my over-exerted body I was having a hard time just standing. I preserved, forcing myself to remember why I was doing this.

For Dante.

"For today, I would like to focus on hand-to-hand combat," Xavier said.

I nodded. That would be important for fighting Kamil, or anyone for that matter, when and if I didn't have a weapon. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for more bruises and heavy hits. Hopefully, this incident with the run didn't make Xavier suddenly change and take it easy on me. I needed to be fully emersed in the ability to fight. Being a skilled warrior was important in a pack full of them. Not to mention if Xavier didn't push me to be better, I would end up not being able to face my opponent, Kamil. Or anyone that is stronger than me and wants to harm me for that matter.

It was funny, yesterday, by the end of my training I was wishing for Xavier to take it easy on me. I was grateful he didn't. His pushing, even though harsh, challenged me. I would never have been able to beat Xavier if he hadn't kept urging me to fight so strongly.

"Okay," I answered.

First, we focused on form. Xavier showed me the moves, a proper punch, kick, and holds to break out of. Though it was very different than the fighting style with a weapon, there were a few similarities. A lot of the movement patterns were the same, and defensively I held a lot of the same stances.

The time came for a brawl.  Xavier warned me that if I needed a break, to say something. I simply told him I wouldn't need one. He gave me a glare in response but nevertheless, we started.

Xavier and I circled each other, my eyes on his feet. I watched him move and memorized his dominant footing. He had taught me to do that previously, so this time it was much easier and more familiar.

Xavier attempted to strike first, firing his fist in my direction. Luckily, I had predicted it and ducked. I eluded the next two punches, impressing even myself. In his next attempt, he threw his fist toward my side.

This one I barely avoided, his knuckles grazing my hip. Finally, I decided to fight back and sent a punch at his jaw. He blocked it and retaliated. I didn't move out of the way in time, resulting in his fist connecting with my cheek.

Stunned, I backed away quickly, my head spinning a little. The initial blow hurt, but thankfully Xavier hadn't swung too hard. Dodging to the right to get away from his next swing, I kicked my foot out and hooked it along his ankles.

Xavier landed on the ground, with a big huff. Shocked that I had just beaten Xavier on the first try, I laughed incredulously with wide eyes.

I did it!

My wolf yipped, her pride blossoming like a flower.

Oddly, Xavier smiled at me, one that didn't meet his eyes. There was an awkward pause before he finally stood up.

"Good work, princess. I think that's enough practice for today." Xavier began.

"What?" I stopped him, confused.

There was no way we were done with training. We had only been at it for a couple of hours and we brawled one singular time. Yes, I won, but even that seemed too good to be true. My pride was short-lived, my victory a sham.

"Look, princess, you are pushing yourself too hard, and you need to rest. You have honestly improved a lot, whether you see it or not." Xavier said, speaking to me like I was a child.

I flinched at his compliment, my cheeks burning. Had I truly improved? And even if I had, was it sufficient?

Did he think I wasn't strong enough to continue training? My wolf growled lowly, she was getting more flustered by the second. A thought occurred to me then, was beating him a lie? Did he fake it?

"Did you purposefully lose that brawl with me?" I questioned, my fists starting to shake.

Xavier sighed. "Amabelle, I am trying to take it easy on you."

I was raging now. "I didn't ask you to do that. Come on, we're not done with training."

Dante had grown dangerously close to the center of the arena like he was worried I would do something, or that I was about to break. The truth was that I probably was close to breaking, but I didn't want them to see that.

Especially not Dante.

"Amabelle, we are done with training for today, please, don't argue this." Xavier's voice was firm.

Tears welled up in my eyes, which made me even angrier. "I am strong enough, please, I want to keep going."

Dante's eyes were soft, gentle. He came closer, his hands held up. "It's getting late. We can start again tomorrow."

Shaking my head, I bit my bottom lip to stop it from wavering and looked hard at the ground. "No."

An intense, overwhelming wave of both fury and desperation rushed over me, making my head pound and the tears behind my eyes increase. Thunder sounded through the air, making me jump out of my skin. Glancing up, I saw that grey, and blackened clouds had snuck across the sky and covered the sun.

A drop of rain plopped onto my cheek, wetting my face. Though I was pretty sure it sizzled off of my skin, the pent-up frustration made my skin burn like hot coals.

Out of nowhere, I felt the familiar blazing touch of my mate's hands on my arms. Shaken out of my trance, I saw Dante standing in front of me. He squeezed, trying to dismantle my armed stance. Unmoving, I gritted my teeth, not offering anything other than a glare. His kind eyes made me angry at the moment.

How could he be kind to me?

Dante should be furious with me, he should be anything but understanding. I didn't get it.

"Let's just go get some dinner," He urged, searching my face with concern.

"No," I retorted, my voice low and determined.

Even though my body was depleted, and dinner sounded like a dream, I refused to back down. I wouldn't let them tell me when to quit. I would decide when I had enough, when I was done. No one would take that away from me, not even Dante.

"I said, I'm not done," I told him, ripping my arms out of his grasp.

Dante clenched his jaw, but his expression remained calm. Trying to reach out for me again, I swung my hands out, swatting him away.

"Stop, stop fighting me-" Dante's voice was slightly elevated now.

"No, no, Dante, I won't-" I fought, continuing to try to push him away.

Dante was persistent, attempting to grab me and hold me down. Despite that I was tired, and my body wanted nothing more than to rest, I wouldn't let it. Bursting in flames of outrage, I shoved him.


It took a lot out of me, but it was worth the struggle. Dante's face changed, his face morphing through different phases of emotion. First confusion, then anger, and finally hurt.

"No!" I yelled, the rain now pelting my skin.

Crackling echoes of thunder crashed down around the three of us. Xavier and Marek were silent, the air around us tense. They watched Dante and me, not saying a word. The Alpha and the future Luna were having a disagreement...

They knew not to interfere.

This was not their fight.

It was ours.

Dante and I circled, my footing matching his. My heart was somehow louder than the storm, clapping loudly in my ears as if to root me on. Dante shook his head, the rain soaking his hair and clothes.

"You're not ready for this," Dante's voice was cold, that recognizable cool tone reminding me of the old Dante.

The monster.

The Dante before I truly knew him.

While that probably should have scared me... intimidated me at the very least, I wasn't and it didn't. The adrenaline in my veins only escalated, causing my body to tremble uncontrollably and my breaths to grow rapidly.

"We'll see," I responded back, my own tone full of venom.

Dante didn't say anything after that. A flash of lightning lit the sky up behind us, Dante's huge silhouette making me swallow. He was much bigger, much stronger than I was.  That fact did startle me a little. I tried to remember my training, remember what Xavier had taught me.

Taking a deep breath, I clenched my fists and let the anger in me out. Dante seemed taken back when I came swinging. I was swift-as swift as I could be with my exhaustion. I sent several quick jabs to his sides, not holding anything back.

You love him and here you are swinging your fists at him, my wolf hissed, filled with rage at myself.

Roaring, I continued swinging, though Dante blocked most of them. Abruptly, while I was swinging, Dante grabbed my wrists and pulled me close. I growled, despite that my body betrayed me by humming with his proximity.

"Do you hate me?" He snarled, unrelenting in his hold.


Tears mixed with the rain spilling down my cheeks. Of course I didn't hate him. I could never, hate Dante.

"No!" I screamed and somehow managed to yank myself free from his grip.

In doing so, I almost fell to the ground. Regaining my balance we retraced our steps, circling each other once more. Dante's face was stone, the rain washing his compassion away. His eyes had become steel.

"Then why are you fighting me?" He pushed.

I didn't answer, flying my foot out to kick him. He caught it, and twisted, sending me plummeting into the sand that had turned to mud. I smashed into the sopping ground, the mushy substance covering me. The breath had been knocked out of my lungs, as I had landed flat on my back.

Choking, I coughed, hopelessly trying to pull myself back onto my feet. Dante held his hand out to help me up. Sneering, I grabbed his hand and pulled with every fiber in my being. In spite of Dante outweighing me, I was able to maneuver him down to the ground.

Dante slammed into the mud next to me. My triumph, however, was fleeting. Before I could think or act, he was wrestling me in the mud. The mix of rain and mud threatened to strangle me as we rolled. I coughed, struggling to breathe.

"Dante-" I heard Marek call for Dante, a warning, perhaps worried Dante was taking it too far, but Dante growled back in response.

"Leave us!" He bellowed, silencing their protests.

Xavier and Marek fled the arena. Now, we were alone making my humiliation of losing a little less embarrassing.

Still fighting and unwilling to give up, to face my feelings, I raged underneath him, gagging and choking on the rain. My head was dizzy, the air tight with pressure. Dante restrained me nevertheless.

"Stop," he pleaded, his pale blue eyes returning back to the tender look from earlier.

Only then did I let the aching fatigue in, settled my breathing, and stared up at Dante in defeat. His eyes, once so calculating and cruel, were kind and understanding. That alone made me want to crumble, to sob for hours. It hadn't mattered that I attacked him, that I denied what was true in my heart, Dante was still looking out for me, caring for me.

Dante heaved, his breathing still trying to regulate. He said nothing, watching me.


"Dante," I whispered, the words caught in the back of my throat.

Tell him, my wolf whimpered, broken. She pleaded with me to admit what I was dying to confess. I was conflicted in my emotions. After everything, I was in love with Dante. He was my mate, but it was more than that. I had started falling for Dante before I knew we were mates. I started falling for Dante the second I met him.

It was unexplainable.

What I was struggling to come to terms was that I, his captive, fell for him. A prisoner, who became a Luna. Could I be Luna?

Could I do this?

"Dante," I started again, tears falling out of my eyes, "I do love you-"

Dante gasped sitting up, practically throwing himself off of me. Gripping his hair in his hands, I watched him laugh. It was a unique howl of laughter. 

It was joy.

And I was about to cripple it.

"But," his eyes snapped back to mine in fear, "I don't... I d-don't know how to get past this."

"Past what?" Dante begged as I sat up.

I shook my head, both the coldness of the rain and the conversation's turn settling in my bones. My heart cried with my wolf, the two of them in agony. Holding my knees up to my chest, I let out a sob.

Dante was quick, pulling me into his arms. "Mon amour, please tell me."

Even in his arms, I was still frigid. "How am I supposed to be your Luna? I was a prisoner, Dante. This isn't my pack, and my family, they're not here. I love you, but how can I look past it? And I don't even know if I'm strong enough to be Luna."

His silence was deafening.

I began crying hysterically, the rawness of the conversation opening a wound in my soul.  Dante tucked me in his arms and tried to console me. It wasn't enough, my cries continuing, seemingly louder than the cracks and booms of thunder.

Regardless of the fact that I had finally confessed my feelings for Dante, I didn't feel the heavy weight lift off of my shoulders. Actually, I felt worse. The weight seemed to amass instead.

Paralyzed, it seemed in my own despair, Dante pick me up, and carried me inside. My cries quieted slowly. I didn't deserve his comfort, but nonetheless, I nestled my head against his chest. I would always feel safe and secure in his arms, no matter what happened between us. It didn't matter that just minutes before, Dante and I had been fighting in the arena.

Still not saying much, Dante set me down in the bathroom. Frozen, I stood there watching him grab clothes for me and the bathing supplies from yesterday. He placed the items on the bathroom counter wordlessly. Pausing for a moment, he braced himself near the sink, his eyes closed.

I let out a long breath, my guilt consuming me. He looked heartbroken, devastated. Previously, Dante had expressed his fear of me being afraid or unable to fall for him because of his cruelness and his past... I thought he must be shocked that I did fall for him, that I was able to look past his faults and see him for who really was. For him to find out that I was doubting myself was likely not what he had expected.

Dante finally glanced back at me after what felt like an eternity of him standing with his eyes shut. His eyes grew soft, nothing but understanding in them.

I swallowed as he walked up to me and placed a hand against my muddy cheek.

"Take a shower. I will have dinner sent up to my room for you. There is something I need to discuss with Marek and Xavier." Dante said, giving me a weak smile.

I let out a breath. "Dante, I'm so sorry, please, don't go."

He kissed my forehead, slowly, leaving his lips against my skin a little bit longer than normal. "I am not upset with you, don't apologize. And I will be back, I promise."

My bottom lip trembled, tears pooling in my eyes again. "Okay."

Dante's face broke seeing my watering eyes. Wrapping his arms around my shoulders, he pulled me in. For a few seconds the world was still spinning, his arms keeping me steady. However, the moment he leaned away, my heart sank and the world came halting.

"I won't be long," He assured me and left me alone with my thoughts.

Admitting the truth was supposed to have alleviated how I was feeling, yet I was still just as tortured as I was this morning. Maybe Dante and I would never get the happily ever after we wanted.

Maybe the curse would kill them all.

And it would be all my fault.


After I showered, I barely had enough energy left to put clothes on. I even considered leaving them off. Perhaps if I was sleeping in my own bed, I would have just gone to bed without anything on, but knowing that Dante would be joining me after made me think twice. Under the circumstances, I didn't think it was necessarily appropriate for him to come find me naked in his sheets.

Settling for one of Dante's large dress shirts, I slipped it over my head. I smiled at Dante's scent of amber, pinewood, and sweet magnolia wafting over me. Though he wasn't here, his smell brought me the comfort I needed.

Dinner waited for me. I wasn't hungry, even though I should have been. The food smelled amazing, but my stomach felt queasy. Maybe some air would help with the nauseous feeling. Frustrated, I sighed and wandered out to the balcony.

The sight before me made my jaw fall open. I was surprised to see canvas after canvas scattered along the balcony. A paint set was off the side on the ground, like it had been used recently. Many of the canvases were of a woman. She had long brown, wavy hair, olive skin, and big chocolaty eyes. Sometimes she was smiling in the portraits, in others, she was frowning, an eerie stare from her eyes. It took me a moment to realize that all of the portraits were of me.

I blinked several times in shock. I had no idea Dante painted. He had never spoken about it, never once mentioned that he was into art this way. I couldn't imagine why, his work was absolutely stunning. Though I supposed Dante was likely his own worst critic and had been shy to share this with me. I hoped he didn't get angry now that I had seen them.

Each painting was unique. In some, he had used many different colors, in others he had used one or two and focused more on shading. One of my favorites out of the many littered about, was a painting of the butterfly garden he had done. It perfectly encapsulated the entirety of the garden, each and every color of the butterflies. Looking at it, I felt safe, serene. It was like being in the butterfly garden itself.

As I indulged in his beautiful paintings, one painting, in particular, struck my eye. It was a painting of me, but what was different about this one was that in the background and all around me in the painting were what looked like depictions of my family. I suddenly recalled Dante asking me in detail what some of my family looked like. I had been so thrilled to talk about them that I hadn't asked why he wanted to know.

Somehow he had perfectly painted my sister Josie, and even my dad. I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt the warmth of a tear roll down my cheek. Picking up the painting, I admired how accurate each of them was. Josie's light hazel eyes and her comforting familiar smile were so life-like.  Actually, we were all smiling in the painting like we used to before I left them.

"You should be with them."

Startled, I whipped around, seeing Dante standing in the entryway of the balcony. His sharp blue eyes pierced through me, an aching in them that scorched me.

A sob was begging to come out, but I wouldn't let it. I frowned at Dante, my heart snapping. Before I could reply, tell Dante that I wanted to be here, that I didn't-couldn't leave him, Dante spoke again.

"I painted that several nights ago. You light up when you talk about them, so I can only imagine what you're like when they are around you." Dante said, walking near me.

My bottom lip started trembling. Looking away, I tried to regain my composure, but talking-thinking about my family hurt a part of me I wished it didn't. No matter how long I lived here with Dante, they wouldn't stop meaning the world to me.

"I love them," I replied simply, not trusting myself to speak longer than that allotted sentence.

Dante tilted my chin back up at him and gave me a mournful smile. "I know. And I had no right to keep you from them."

My blood turned to ice in my veins. I took a shaky, raspy deep breath, another tear finding its way down my face. I knew what he was about to say, and I wasn't sure I could handle it.

"Amabelle, you deserve to be happy-"

"Stop, stop. I know what you're going to say. I am happy, here with you," I interrupted him, my voice wavering, but somehow I still got it out.

He took a step closer. "But you're in harm's way here, and it's my fault. I have to let you go."

I knew he was referring to Kamil, but I was no longer scared of him. At least not at this moment. I was more petrified of losing Dante for anything else to matter to me.

I shook my head, more tears falling. "N-no, p-please, I don't-"

Dante pulled me into his arms just as the sobs wrecked my body. He held me while I cried, my body violently quavering. I was weeping so hard that I couldn't breathe.

My wolf howled in anguish, her pain overwhelming me. That in turn made Dante react, his own soft cries just barely noticeable. I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that Dante was going to send me home. When I first arrived here I would have done anything for him to have said those words. That felt like a lifetime ago.

Hearing it now made it feel like my world was caving in.

"Amabelle, mon amour, please stop crying, I am only doing what's right," Dante begged, which only made me cry harder.

Dante pulled my face up so he could look at me. I quieted my sobs so I could breathe. Thankfully he wiped my eyes which made my once blurry, tear-eyed vision clear.

"There you go, just breathe, ma rose," Dante murmured, caressing the sides of my face.

Taking a few deep breaths, I finally got my breathing back to somewhat normal. Staring into my mate's eyes, my body naturally calmed. The effects of our mate bond were like magic. It was amazing that with just a simple touch, or look Dante could make everything better.

The thought of not having that anymore made me sick to my stomach. It was going to tear my wolf apart from the inside out if I left Dante now.

"I can't lose you," I whispered, my eyes pooling once more.

Dante let out a quick, heavy sigh, his eyes closing. Then before I had a chance to think, speak, or move, he captured my lips with his own. At the same time, in my peripheral vision, lightning lit up the skies behind us. A crackling boom thundered around us, but we didn't care.

We devoured each other in the pouring rain.

His hands were in my hair, and mine found refuge under his shirt. The cold rain pelting us did nothing to put out the raging fire between Dante and I.

He kissed me with a need like never before. I reciprocated with just as much passion, barely allowing either one of us any time to breathe. His velvet lips made their way to the corner of my mouth, cheek, jaw, and then to my neck. I moaned, gripping his waist.

Dante let out a possessive growl that sent spiraling, addictive shivers along my seared skin. Releasing his hold on my hair, he instead picked me up, making my legs straddle his waist.

My mouth went dry feeling his lower half between my legs. Out of breath and flustered, we both stared into each other's eyes. Slowly, minute by minute, we both regained our composure.

"You are not going to lose me. I am going to send you home, but I'm sending you home with a peace treaty." Dante told me then, my heart pausing for a beat.

"Wait, what?" I was shocked and confused.

Dante gave me a small smile. "Amabelle, I want you to be my queen, but I want it to be your decision. If that means making peace with your pack, I want that too."

My heart swelled, tears of gratitude filling up my eyes. "I don't think I can ever repay you, or even know how to thank you for this."

Dante grinned. "Don't thank me. This is the least I could do for you."

I smiled, the tears breaking out and running down my pink cheeks. This was by far the most selfless thing Dante had done for me. He had changed so much since the time we first met. The man I knew then was not the man I knew now. This man was no beast, this was a King.

A King I would worship until my last breath.

"Now, before I send you home, I am going to give you the most memorable night you've ever had so you don't forget all about me when you get home," Dante whispered huskily next to my ear.

My stomach dropped, a hum of electricity zapping up my body. Dark images of Dante and I dancing in the dark in his sheets surfaced in my mind. Licking my lips, I tried to soothe my rapidly beating heart, but it was no use.

"H-how might you d-do that?" I stammered, heat surging through my core.

He simply kissed the skin beside my ear, making an unholy flutter caress my spine. In response, I moaned lowly, the butterflies in my stomach flying about and causing a ruckus.

Dante chuckled darkly, his eyes twinkling. "Let's just say there will be no more tears, but you will surely be crying for me."

I sucked in a gulp of air, my heart skipping a beat. Sizzling sensations skated across my skin, the need for Dante riveting through me. I had no doubt in my mind that Dante would make good on his promise.

For once I didn't argue.

It's all I wanted.

"Burn your touch into my memory, I want to have reminders of you that last days." I rasped by his neck and kissed the skin that met between his jawline and neck.

Dante growled, sending excited vibrations down my body. With no hesitation, he carried me back into his bedroom. Even though we were both soaked from the storm, neither one of us was cold. Still, our clothes dripped, making the hardwood floors wet.

He smirked, making another ripple of elation flow through me. Dante took my hand and lead me to the fireplace he had in his room. The whipping flames emanated heat, warming me from my fingertips to my toes.

I might have been too lost in the moment to realize what Dante had been planning. For tonight, I didn't care. I was prepared for anything.

At least I thought I was.

My confidence left me the second Dante stripped his wet clothes off. The breath left my lungs without asking permission as I gazed again upon Dante's perfect, god-like, muscular body.

Goddess, he was divine.

Dante didn't waste any time and helped slip his own wet shirt off of my body. Instantly I was hotter, the flames from the fire heating me up. Not to mention the irresistible heat between Dante and I already burning every inch of me.

Dante pressed himself against me, making my whole body turn from campfire to wildfire. Without meaning to, I let out a small moan, the sensation of our connecting bodies a new kind of intoxication.

"I love you," Dante whispered hoarsely.

His smoldering gaze was too intense for my self-control. Without another word, I kissed him softly.

I love you too.

I had only pulled away for a second before Dante was grabbing the back of my neck and pulling me in for another kiss. This was a deep kiss, a kiss to remember. He slid his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance. I allowed him in, liking the feel of it tasting me.

"Mmmm, tu es putain de deliciex, mon amour," his French was music to my ears.

Leaning my head back, I gave Dante the perfect opportunity to begin laying rough kisses from my jaw, down my neck, and to my collarbone. Another breathless moan escaped me, which made Dante smirk.

The next thing I knew I was laying on the settee that was seated in front of the fireplace. Dante hovered over me, in total control. Part of me was terrified by that fact, but the other part of me was thrilled. I decided that part of me was going to get her way tonight.

My wolf purred as Dante traced his fingers across my chest until he reached my breasts. "So perfect..."

I swallowed, watching him cup them in his hands, and thumb over my nipples. Automatically my back arched, earning a groan from me, and explosions of pleasure to echo throughout my body. Dante's response was a cocky chuckle and to my favor, more caressing.

"Please," I whispered, begging for more.

Dante let go of me instead and swooped down to kiss me. I kissed him back in earnest need, my hands finding their way into his curls. While I was distracted, Dante slid his hand down to my stomach, and further until—

I gasped through our kisses, his fingers reaching between my folds. Our eyes met as he began moving his magical hand. My whole body erupted in flames, an inferno of hunger and pleasure eating me alive.

Encouraged by this, Dante slipped his fingers further and right beneath my center. My head fell back into the cushions, a loud groan summoning from deep in my stomach.

He growled again, lowering his mouth next to my ear. "Does my little wolf want me to fuck her?"

My eyes flew open and my hands gripped the couch until my knuckles were white.

"Yes," I breathed.

His fingers didn't move. "Beg me."

Our eyes locked, an unyielding ravenousness in his. A tremble of desire began in my body, making me lick my lips.

"P-please, Dante." My voice was strange and not my own.

Dante smirked, and I felt his fingers move inside me. A gasp left me, the feeling indescribable. Slowly, he pushed in and out, creating a devastatingly insatiable need for more.

"Merde, you are soaked, mon amour." He moaned, making the butterflies in my stomach multiply tenfold.

"I need more," I pleaded, my hands bracing themselves on his hips.

He gave me what he was depriving me of without hesitation, his fingers faster and further. Instantly I moaned, my eyes shut once again.

Then Dante changed his pattern and movement all over again. But this time he hit a spot that I could feel all the way into the pit of my stomach. I couldn't stop the heavy desperate breaths that left me, or the fervent moans that came from my mouth. Naturally, my hips fell into rhythm with his hand, like it had done this before in a different lifetime.

"Putain de Dieu, you are so beautiful little wolf," Dante praised me, his words sending my heart soaring.

He continued his pace, the feeling of pleasure starting to send waves through me. Dante sent me higher and higher with each movement.

Goddess, it felt so good.

"Yes, oh Dante," I whispered, my toes curling.

Then I saw stars and my whole body spasmed. Shaking, I finally opened my eyes again. I watched Dante lick each finger, my core thundering again like it was ready for a second time already. 

"You are absolutely delicious," Dante murmured, biting his lip.

Instead of calming, my breathing grew faster. Dante smirked, planting a kiss on my cheek. His hands slid up my sides, causing shivers to dance with every touch. He lowered his mouth to my ear again.

"If you think that we're done, you're sadly mistaken," Dante told me, making me clench and shudder.

Before I had time to think about what that meant, I felt his whole length slide inside me. A huff of air released from my mouth following an immediate, loud cry of both pain and pleasure. We were connected now.

We were one.

My wolf howled, as I was sure his did too. My wolf had never been more satisfied than she was now. Her starvation for her soul-bound counterpart was finally sated.

Dante grunted, trying to fit in. Every little movement caused him to hit that sweet spot from earlier which sent cataclysmic jolts of indefinable pleasure to wreck my body. My moans came uncontrollably, the stars coming back into view.

If I had felt good before, this was euphoric.

"You feel so good," He groaned, making my whole body quake.

The waves built quickly this time, his movements agonizingly, perfectly, slow. Our moans were in sync with each just like every thrust. My eyes were still closed, the stars getting closer and closer to my reach.

However, I came back to earth as Dante cupped my face, his eyes a different shade that I hadn't seen yet before.

"Keep your eyes on me, I want to see you come," He commanded, his tone dark.

I trembled, taking a deep breath. "But-"

"You will choose to obey me, love, or I swear to the Moon Goddess herself, I will make you." He growled, thrusting particularly hard.

Though all it did was send me higher, and faster, a moan of ecstasy sounding from my mouth.

Taking that as my answer, he went back to his pattern. I focused on maintaining eye contact, my breathing loud and heaving. Dante liked this, his perfect lips curving into a delighted smirk.

"That's it little wolf," his nickname for me almost taking me off the edge alone, "tell me, who is your alpha?"

"You," I breathed, my lips wobbling.

His smirk grew, and he waited on his next thrust, making me cry out in desperation. My hands raked down his back, likely leaving long marks.

Without warning he thrusted, sending me straight over the cliff with him. Our unified moans echoed through his bedroom while we rode out our wave. I held on to him like he was my anchor, my body shaking and shivering as we climaxed without any signs of coming back down.

Just as I was feeling the pull of gravity, Dante dropped his lips by my ear again. "It sounds like you need a few more reprimands to remember me by when you go home tomorrow."

My eyes widened once more, my body aching with desire. He chuckled, his breathy laugh tickling my ear. Though my body was exhausted, it didn't take more than a simple stroke of his tongue on my neck to jumpstart my craving. Dante made it seem too easy, but he really did feel that damn good.

Giving him my own smug look, I leaned in and left a trail of kisses up his neck. Dante moaned in response, fisting my hair in his hand. I giggled, not sure how I could have any energy to continue to defy him. Nevertheless, I paused my lips beside his ear.

"I think you may be right, my king. I have already forgotten your name." I teased.

Dante growled, barreling himself between my thighs once more. I gasped, my body howling in inexplicable pleasure. That made him laugh, a wicked sexy laugh that had shivers chasing one another down my spine.

"Oh ma rose, you will be screaming it by the end of this." He promised, making my blood chill to the bone.

I believed his threat, but that didn't prevent the night of passion I received after. For hours, we devoured each other, his lips memorizing every inch of my body, and his name being the only thing to leave my mouth all night long. Dante had also promised me an unforgettable night, and I could say for certain that was true.

Only once we had exhausted ourselves to the point of sleep, did we stop. We lied in each other's arms, my heart full and happy, unimaginably so. In fact, happy was an understatement. I was more blissful than I had ever been in my entire life.

Our happily ever after was on the horizon, and I was never more sure about anything than my future with Dante.


Author's Note


How is everybody doing?!

Thank you for reading this longgggggggg chapter! Though I hope it was worth the wait. This has got to be the spiciest chapter I've written so far. So sorry it's taken this long to arrive at the spiciness.

This is probably one the best examples of a "slow burn". LOL

Also I apologize for the long wait. This chapter took forever for me to finish. We're reaching the end of this novel, however, and then I can finally change pace and work on an outline for something with a little more... well, spice.

Not to say I don't love this book to pieces, it's the first I've ever written and it will always be special to me, but I started it when I was much younger. Lol

Anyways, have a great day or night! Thank you for reading!


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