Chapter Two

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Amabelle's POV

Ruby seemed to have an excellent idea of where this kingdom was. She lead with stealth and speed, gliding along a visible path only to her. We went through trees and across a river pass bridge. The travel lasted a few miles through thick woods. Normally I would say that I could enjoy the view, but right now as everything blurred past me, all I focused on was getting to Alpha.

A blind force of rage was keeping me going. Instead of feeling the horrible pain of leaving my family, the only thing my heart let me feel was the growing ferocity of towards the man responsible of my grief. He was the one who brought this upon my pack.

And me.

Hot fuming tears dribbled down my cheeks as the wind just as quickly swept them off into the air. Neighing softly, Ruby seemed to sense my ache. I sniffled and gave a small chuckle.

"I'm okay Ruby," I told her.

I had to be.

This was a true test of courage. To trade packs, to venture somewhere unknown, mysterious. Today was an adventure, a very dangerous and unexpected one. But I still had to be brave, to show no fear. Even if it meant leaving behind all I loved and knew.

The long travel was seeming to last forever. For a few moments I processed this, maybe it was better that it was taking a good amount of time to get there. I would have the luxury of calming my nerves, at least having the ability to try to. To meet this Alpha sobbing would be weak. I needed to be strong. I wasn't going to beg, I had the dignity to stay on my feet. This wasn't a negotiation.

Several more hours passed of more beautiful forest until Ruby slowed her pace at the gaping wide gates of what looked like a rose garden. My eyes took on the millions of roses that surrounded the straight path that lead to the enormous, captivating castle in front of me. The sight had my jaw dropped.

"I didn't expect it to be so beautiful." I said, hopping off of Ruby.

It was strange to me that such a beast could have a soft spot for gardening and flowers. How ironic that a monster could like something so fragile and beautiful as a rose.

I began walking down the path, amazed at how gorgeous the architecture of the landscaping was. The castle had been made created in pearly white marble and gleaming stone. Even some of the details of design were sculpted in gold. This was even more surprising.

"Miss, are you lost?"

I whipped around and who I saw before me caused a slight blush to cross my cheeks. He was attractive in a good natured and charismatic way that was similar to what Vergil had. But it was a different look to this man, the way his piercing hazel eyes saw through to your soul and his curvy smirk that said, "I want to know you". He was alluring.

"I am not, why?" I asked, holding onto my bravery.

He got closer, his scent foreign and new, just like the whole territory I was on. He kept a close eye on me as he approached. He was curious.

"Because it was last night when a lost man came stumbling, in a lot like you actually."

I swallowed, my hands clenching. "That was my father."

The stranger's eyes grew wide with both sympathy and wonder. "I'm sorry."

His apology was genuine, however, something was still off. I chose to ignore it. "You can't be sorry for someone's else's poor decision."

He blinked, registering my reference to his Alpha. "But I did not agree with it."

I smiled sadly. "But you did nothing to stop it either."

He opened his mouth to respond, but I did before him. "That's the difference between you and I. When I disagree with a decision I do something about it."

The man sort of smirked, and nodded a few times. "I cannot go against my Alpha, I am to be loyal."

Rolling my eyes, I just smiled sarcastically. "The reason I am loyal is why I am here, do not speak of loyalty."

This thought intrigued him as he blinked and tilted his head at me. "You know I have to bring you to my Alpha right?"

I straightened my back so I looked taller. "It is why I am here."

He seemed shocked, but didn't hesitate to walk beside me. "Then allow me to take you to him."

He offered the comfort of his arm, to which I gladly took, linking my arm with his. We strolled the steps together and before we entered the doors, he whispered, "Do not show fear."

I shivered, not prepared for what happened next. Beyond the doors, people moved and talked, and laughed, all strangely and uniquely beautiful. They appeared mystical, unreal. A small gasp came from me at how fantasizing they were.

As the stranger and I entered, the people altogether stopped; looking directly at me. I froze, every nerve in my body paralyzed. Their eyes were locked, jaws set. Clearly, I was unwanted, and they didn't like me being in there territory. The feeling was mutual however, I didn't want to be in here any more than I was being accepted.

Slight growls began to echo at me as the man beside me still pulled me along until I was walking up steps and into a throne room, where most of the pack members had followed. Sitting in a big golden chair was what I presumed the king, the Alpha of the pack.

And Goddess.

I hoped my jaw was still attached to my head.

He was strongly, masculinely built, from head toe, my eyes trailed. The tightness of his white dress shirt revealed a fully developed set of delicious muscles I'd die to feel under my fingertips. His eyes were paralyzing blue and big, wide doe ones that should suggest innocence but really, it was condescending to how I felt about him. His dark lengthy hair was just an added feature to his beauty, and his lips. The way they curved over pearly white teeth, it drove me wild. This man may have been a beast, but he was a beautiful one.

I swallowed, watching nervously as the Alpha took me in his eyes, however the one thing he couldn't stop himself from looking at was my arm which was linked with the man beside me. It distorted his smirk into a scowl.

When the silence became to much, I lifted my voice to speak. "I am here to take my father's place."

Shocked gasps arose, including one from the man beside me, but the Alpha had only smiled sarcastically. "So that coward thinks he can cheat under the deal we made and pathetically send his daughter to pay his debt?"

It was a rhetorical question, but defiance and alarm spread through me. "No! I... I left out of my own intent. My father doesn't know I left."

He seemed taken back at this and his intense eyes locked with mine, a new kind of respect in them. "Do you understand the terms of this deal I made with your father?"

I nodded, feeling a trembling in my legs.

"Speak!" His voice boomed, the patience wearing thin.

Weakly I replied, "Yes."

The Alpha ran a finger over his smooth looking lips and down over his chin in thought. "What is your name?"

"Amabelle Bonnet." This time no wavering came through in my voice.

The words seemed to rivet through him, his back straightening. "Amabelle..."

Shifting on my feet, I felt awkward at his intense staring. Finally he stood up and took his time to walk to me. The man beside me loosened his arm just when I needed it the most and fell away from me as the Alpha towered in front of me. He gazed down at me, watching my expression in curiosity.

"Welcome to the Ember Wolf pack, Amabelle. Initiation begins tomorrow. For now, I will have Adonia take you to your new living quarters." He said, waiting for me...

To what?

To run?

To hide?

"Thank you for your hospitality," I muttered with an attitude.

To that he first looked like he was going to smirk, or crack a grin. But then his face became stony and cold. "Would you prefer the dungeons? I'd say that'd be more suitable for trespasses."

Taken back at that, a certain fury blew my heart wide open and the hurt from my leaving my back and those I loved behind came flowing back in. Burning, my cheeks flushed. "You are a monster," I growled, feeling my claws piercing at my fingers; I was ready to morph and tear him to shreds.

His expression showed amusement, like he found my anger funny. "Little wolf, I may be a monster, but I rule you now. And you must respect me as your Alpha."

Rage coursed through my veins, blood boiling. I could feel the steam coming off of me. "Rot in Hell, beast."

He glowered at me, "Hell would be too good for me."

Then he quickly turned away, heading back to his throne to sit and sulk I presume. But he stopped, rigid. At first I thought he hadn't been affected my me or my words at all until I noticed his hand lower to his side trembling. Almost to stop it, he clenched until a fist formed.

"Adonia!" He finally addressed a woman who took a step forward at the mention of her name.

The Alpha turned. His eyes locked with mine. They were unreadable. "Take her to her chambers."

Blinking, and shaking my head as if to clear it, I looked away from his intense staring. He was getting in my head somehow. It was strange.

Everything about this place was strange.


A blond, petite girl stood in front of me. She had red cherry lips, and rosy cheeks. Her big brown eyes held a certain innocence, almost like the Alpha's blue ones. Hers were comforting though.

"This way," She said, and padded out of the throne room. Without glancing back at the Alpha I turned away.

Instead my eyes fell back onto the stranger who had been kind to me. He was already staring...

Something in me made me smile. I didn't know what. I had no reason. My life had literally been changed forever just a few moments ago, and not for the better. I had no one and nothing left, and yet. I smiled at him.

He smiled and gave me a wink back. It was part of his mysterious aura that I liked, I supposed to why that gave chills.

Finally following Adonia, I went out the way she left. She was waiting there, patiently and welcomingly. Adonia stared at me in curiosity, like she knew something about me that I didn't.

"I have never seen someone stand up to him like that." She said, and began walking ahead of me.

My cheeks flushed, and I absentmindedly pulled a strand of hair behind my ear. To be the first was empowering. Me, little old me, had the guts out of everyone else to stand up to him. Why was that me? I was sure that there were must of been plenty of others to defy him, she had to of been trying to compliment me to make me feel better.

Adonia walked fast, and to keep up I had to break up my thoughts. The castle was elborately built with rooms and hallways everywhere you turned. But then I guess this was a relatively large pack so the castle had to be big to fit them all. My pack on the other hand was not wealthy enough to afford a castle. My family lived in the manor, but it was really wasn't much bigger than the other houses. Besides, we had a big family so when you add that there still wasn't that much space. This castle was in no comparison in anything that I had ever lived in or visited.

"Here we are," She said abruptly stopping in the third level of the castle.

She opened the door but the room across from mine was what caught my eye. The doors were huge, and black, ringed in solid gold. The door knobs were of solid steel.

"Oh, well Alpha Dante was planning on having your father stay in quarters next to his own close by so he could keep an eye on him." She explained, making me swallow nervously.

My palms began to sweat, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. That would make escaping close to impossible, or even leaving my room without him knowing...

"Come, Amabelle," Adonia said, opening the door of my new room.

I stepped in so casually, when unexpectedly a gasp came from my lips at the sight before me. The room was not simply a room. It was huge, the walls were a midnight blue, and the furniture included a huge bed with private dressings that surrounded it, a dresser that slid along a wall, a standing tall mirror, a fireplace with seating, and there were two other doors opposite of each other.

"It's so bi-"

The door shut behind me. I whipped around to find that Adonia had left me alone. Feeling both curious and lost at the same time, I wandered to the other doors to find out what they lead to. One was a large walk in closet filled with beautiful gowns and dresses, all too familiar. All of the pack dressed like this, in all these strange and gorgeous clothes.

In the other door there was a luxurious bathroom suited for a king or queen. Another room too expensive for me.

Sliding my hands into my hair, I sat there. On the soft and cold stone ground of the bathroom. My mind was spinning in a million different directions, the air thick and choking. I couldn't wrap my head around any of this.

I lied down, letting out a long sigh. This was my home now, my life. Something warm touched my cheek and I realized it was a single tear.

Wiping it away, I breathed again, trying to steady myself. I was strong, I could do this. Shutting my eyes, I tried to think of my family. I pictured my sisters, and my brothers... my dad. My mom...

And then something terrible happened.

A pulse of raging, electrifying energy surged through my body. It was like blue fire delicately scorching my skin, from top to bottom. The riveting wave both thrilled me and startled me until I was trembling.

Shutting my eyes again, I wasn't prepared for the image I saw. It was the Alpha's eyes. Those blue orbs of paralyzing light flashed through my mind. My inner wolf gave a small pur, as if both excited and calmed at the same time.

I flew up from the floor, my heart racing in a panic.

"Oh no."


Author's Note


I knowwww. What a loser. I'm sorry for such a prolonged second chapter. I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues and struggling to get through the loss of my grandmother, someone I loved deeply. She was someone who inspired me to write.

Anywhooooo, sorry to get all emotional, I love you guys! Hope you liked the chapter! Don't forget to comment a vote if you liked it! Thanks!

Hope to update again soon!(:

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