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648 full moons ago, an alpha werewolf named Dante Reddick felt unstoppable. After his parents were murdered by rogues, he swore to build up the empire handed to him, growing his pack as he conquered land after land. Dante's pack stayed loyal through the years, only doing what he asked, and never questioning him.

However, a woman the trees whispered as Gamora Quell wasn't happy with the way he was handling his position as alpha of the Ember Wolves. He was upsetting the balance of nature and the witch feared for just how far he'd go in conquering all he wanted. Gamora even sent warnings to Dante, forbidding him to go farther.

But young Dante Reddick was very arrogant, and believed not in the supposed witch, Gamora. He continued on his path of power, trailing battles across maps. Gamora realized what she had to do to protect the people she cared for.

One day, when Dante was vulnerable, celebrating in his newest addition to the empire he owned, a large castle along with its surrounding land, she sauntered in, making Dante only angry. She called to him as he stood in front of his pack, giving him his last chance.

"Dante Reddick, put an end to this conquering! You are powerful enough as it is, and have already damaged the rules of nature."

Dante laughed at the sight of her, thinking that she could not possibly have any control over him.

"Did you come here thinking that telling me this would have any effect on me?" He bellowed at the witch, who seemed disappointed.

She quickly replaced the disappointed face with a deadly serious expression.

"No," Gamora began, removing her dark cloak, revealing her shining beauty beneath, "I am Gamora Quell, and I hereby declare a curse upon you, this kingdom and your pack!"

A bright flash of light flooded the ballroom, so bright it practically blinded Dante and his pack. Gasps and screams shook the air she continued with her spell.

"You, Dante Reddick, alpha of this pack, shall be cursed to forever remain in this kingdom and castle grounds, along with all the members of the pack!"

Such a gust of wind was sent in through the windows and doors of the castle that it had Dante on his knees. Gamora's, strong unwavering voice echoed throughout the room, the air itself feeling like it was vibrating. Dante started begging, his honor shredded, but it was quite too late.

"And unless, in 650 full moons you have not changed, and your mate has not fallen in love with you, or has not even discovered this kingdom, on the last full moon will be your final shift, and you will become a rogue, immortal, and unable to turn back into human form!"

Then the room exploded with golden light, brighter than it had been before. The witch soon vanished, leaving Dante and his pack alone to figure out what it meant for them now. They all examined each other, Dante's eyes wide with fear for the first time in a long time. He didn't know how to react, his conscious fighting to believe what had just happened. His brain didn't want to understand, and his heart didn't want to rely on the supposed love of some woman he didn't know if he'd ever meet.

"Dante," Xavier, the beta of the back reached his hand out, but Dante shrugged it away and took off, going as far as to run through the castle entrance.

However to his dismay, Dante ran straight into rogue territory. He faced the gruesome beasts bravely, fighting them as he made his way. Unfortunately for Dante the witch had not lied, and he ran right into the invisible barriers, finding himself unable to make it any farther. So, he was forced to turn back around and return to his waiting pack members.

His friends tried to help him, but for several years Dante kept to himself in his room, in denial. Eventually, feeling lost, he came out and wandered all over the kingdom, of course until he hit the limits of the land. Dante was becoming cold, and unreachable by anyone.

Time was Dante's worst enemy, taunting him at every waking moment. Sometimes he stood by the rocky cliffs, and thought about falling, once even tried. Yet the witch had also been right about the immortality of the curse. He woke several hours later at the bottom of the cliffs with only a few scratches.

Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and months turned to years. Dante felt miserable, which made the pack miserable, for they were all truly trapped in this kingdom. Faith began to diminish into the darkness, the light of the once ambition driven pack now only wanting the end to come sooner.

All hope it seems 648 full moons later, is gone. So much time had elapsed that his pack had been long forgotten, lost all it's nobility. The curse prevented anyone who had previously heard of Dante and his pack to have any recollection of them.

But now we watch as Harry Bonnet, alpha of the Nightshade Wolves, returns home to his family from his latest business trip with another distant pack. There is no moon tonight, the wind a fierce thing as he continues through the unfamiliar woods...

"Chilly night, eh Ruby girl?" Harry whispers with a grin, for despite the fear of the cold and foreign path he stumbled onto, with his horse Ruby and hope that he will get home, he is not scared.

Not yet.

Harry shivers, the air again dropping another degree, and the breeze growing a tad stronger.

"Brr," he grumbles, pulling his thin summer traveling cloak tighter around his body for warmth.

Ruby neighs softly with him, sounding tired, but still she trudges on with her faithful master riding atop her. Harry tugs on the reins a little to go faster, peering into the inky blackness and sea of great, dark trees. A paranoid part of him wonders what lurks, hunting him and Ruby. The other part is more concerned on what his youngest daughter Josie will say about being late.

He was never late before.

Harry can only picture her big, hazel, sad eyes watching the road for so long, but her father not returning. Next Harry sees Amabelle, the other daughter that holds a special place his heart, telling Josie with her glorious smile that their father would be home soon. A sigh of relief came from Harry at the thought of Amabelle, who he knew would take care of Josie. Along with his beloved wife Patience.

Now once again assured, Harry pulls more on Ruby's reigns. Ruby snorts, neighing, and goes forward down the wind of the trail. It curves around until it stretches into two paths...

Two choices.

The path that goes left, or the path that goes right.

Stopping, Harry stares at the divided trail, wondering which he should go down. Puzzled, Harry tries to map out where he came from, and which will take him back home.

"What do you think Ruby?" Harry quips, with a slight chuckle.

But out of nowhere Ruby takes a few feet towards the left path, like it's where she wants to go. Should I trust Ruby, Harry thinks.

"Okay Ruby, you've never been wrong before." Harry directs his stead down the left path, though little does he know this decision changes everything...

The wind begins to dwindle, the trees also lessening in number. Even the sounds of the night and surrounding animals silences. Startled, Harry starts to wonder if this was the right trail. More than anything he wishes just to be home or some kind of sign that he is almost there.

Savage growls are the opposite of what Harry is expecting nor is it what he wants... yet that is what he abruptly hears among the gloom of the trees. Ruby stops, with a big outburst of neighing, while Harry sees the glowing of yellow, pure evil eyes lurking in the trees. Feeling the fear creeping up his spine, Harry swallows, listening to the low warning growls of the wolves hidden.

"Go Ruby!" Harry shouts, yanking on the reins.

Ruby takes off just as three or four wolves leap from their hiding places, promising death with their fangs and snarls. Some of the wild beasts take the higher ground, seemingly faster than Ruby, so he pulls harder on the reins. Ruby neighs once more her hooves hitting the ground with more and more speed.

"Faster," He whispers, looking with hope to the incoming clearing.

Wolves begin to leap and scratch at Ruby's legs, making her neigh in pain, and terror. One wolf comes close enough to nip her hind leg, driving Ruby again faster. The chase gets intense as a wolf lunges from high ground and just about knocks Harry clean off of Ruby. Letting out a holler, Harry, stumbles atop Ruby, struggling to hold on, half of him hanging on Ruby's sides. Another wolf latches his mouth onto Harry's pants leg, trying to pull Harry off completely but it doesn't work.

Harry shouts a curse word, kicking the wolf in the face, resulting in the grip on his pants to disconnect. Luckily Harry is able to pull himself onto his horse. And just in time too. Ruby runs straight through two gaping gate doors, the view of a huge castle revealing itself to Harry. Ruby began to slow, her heart rate decreasing to normal pace.

Both now calm, Harry takes in the beautiful architecture of the castle. Massive, stone built curved spirals and golden carved wolves perching on ledges, the place was obviously built for a king.

Finally feeling safe, Harry slowly approaches the castle, gazing at the garden surrounding the path. Roses the color of blood, and carnations shaded in a scarlet pink sit opposite of each other across from the path.

"Whoever lives here sure has a thing for red," Harry mutters quietly.

The castle seems to grow even larger as they get closer and closer to the gates. Harry gulps, wondering just who lives here. It looks untouched and deserted almost from the outside, but Harry knows this is more about waking a sleeping giant.

Beside the stairs, Harry hops off of Ruby and ties her lead to the pole. Weary from his journey, Harry begins up the stairs, searching for someone he can talk to about staying for a night. He makes it about halfway, before noticing a melody. Someone whistling...

"Oh hello," a man's voice says sounding like it came from above Harry's head.

Harry glances up, only to see a man jump down from a ledge of the door to the castle. The guy is much larger than Harry, even though Harry is an alpha, and he is handsome, in a way that seems supernatural.

"Um, yes, uh Hello." Harry stutters, staring nervously up at the man with intense hazel eyes.

"How did you get to this place?" The mysterious stranger asks curiously.

A few moments of silence pass while Harry tries to come up with an answer that makes sense, or is any rate believable.

"I, just found this place by... some kind of accident..." Harry mumbles now his eyes unable to hold the man's stare.

Squinting, the man looks Harry up and down, as if suspecting the worst of him.

"Nothing happens by accident," He says, as if thinking about telling him to leave.

However suddenly the castle doors swing open and a woman is there, stunning, with the same mysterious uncanny appeal to her as the man.

"Kamil, dinner is-" She stops mid sentence, her attention now on Harry, eyes wide with both amazement and fury.

"Hello-" Harry is stopped from saying another word before she has him pinned against the wall, her right arm against his neck, the action making it hard to breathe.

"Who are you?!" She growls venomously.

The man beside her rolls his eyes. "Gavina, he's harmless."

As if ignoring the man, she sniffs Harry, growling once more in anger. The woman digs her arm harder against Harry's throat. Harry gasps again, struggling to take in air.

"Kamil, he's an alpha! Don't tell me he's 'harmless'." She snarls.

Again shaking his head, Kamil sets his hand down on her shoulder and shrugs her off of Harry like she weighs nothing. Harry gags, gaping as oxygen reaches his lungs.

"What are you doing?!" Gavina hisses.

"Letting him go," Kamil states matter of factly, relief settling on Harry's shoulders.

"No!" Gavina shouts, at Harry's side again.

Grabbing the collar of his shirt, she pushes him forward with such force that it brings him to his knees.

"You leave that up to Dante."

Frustrated, Kamil nods, "Fine."

Kamil looks down at Harry with sympathy. "Sorry, but those are the rules here."

Gulping Harry wonders what this alpha will say, or what fate awaits him. The two force Harry to walk through the doors, and up many stairs. The place is massive, Harry thinks, glancing at the beautiful design of inside the castle. But it seems much too big for the building to be scarce of people in which it is at the moment.

"Wait here with him," Gavina tells Kamil, heading up yet another golden flight of stairs.

Harry feels the sweat sliding down the slope of his spine, his nerves yet rattled once again. Be brave, he tells himself, straining to breathe normally.

Shortly, at least forty men and women all with the same bold beauty fill the room, all with the same cold stony expressions on their faces. They eye Harry curiously, for visitors were thought to never arrive... yet here one is. Standing before them, a man from some other pack with a far off landish appeal to him.

Swallowing, Harry stands up once more, gaining his confidence back. He clenches his fists hoping to seem tough, like the Alpha he is. However nothing prepares him for the man that slowly begins stepping down the steps. His beastly shape is enough to make even the most prideful man applaud and bow down. The man wears his facial features in a strongly emotionless expression, not allowing anyone, even his own pack members, to know what he's thinking... This had to be the alpha.

"This is unexpected," the man's voice booms like thunder throughout the huge throne room.

Harry waits nervously for an uproar of anger about his supposed trespassing. He waits patiently for the pack to have him arrested, or worse, killed.

But the man just slightly glances over Harry, not revealing the slightest emotion, not even blinking.

"Just who are you?" He finally addresses Harry for what seemed like ages had passed.

"I am Harry Bonnet, alpha of the Nightshade Wolf Pack." Harry announces, trying his best to act like the alpha he is.

The King grips the hand railing in an iron grip, the only recognizable action that hints about any kind of emotion. He's tense, his bulging muscles tightened in a robotic flex.

"Alpha you say? And why were you in this territory?" The King asks almost accusingly.

"I—I had been returning to my homeland from a distant pack, farther than this one, and was chased by wolves sir. They—they—they were mad with anger and hunger, savage rogues it seems. I hadn't realized that I'd entered your territory until it was much too late." Harry explained only faltering twice in his response.

The alpha's grip doesn't loosen, and his eyes don't blink. Clearly the Alpha was not sympathetic, Harry thought. This may be the end of him...

"So you are here now..." the Alpha looks thoughtful now as he eyes Harry.

Suddenly his eyes darken, sharpening like blades. "And here you must stay for the rest of eternity."

Shocked gasps arise from the crowd, including one from Harry himself. Harry can not stay in this pack forever! He has a family to get back to! A pack that awaits his command!

"I can't stay here, please!" Harry cries pathetically, sounding more desperate than he wanted.

The alpha scowls down at Harry, fuming in anger. "You would rather be executed than take this pardon?!"

Harry's eyes widen at the realization that he can either become a member of this pack, trading from his original one and leaving behind anyone and everyone he's ever loved, or die.

But Harry knows that if he died, Patience would be left heartbroken, and vulnerable to the other males of the pack. Some widowed mates have been said to go insane with depression and in worst cases abandon it all, becoming rogues. Harry can't do that to Patience.

Clamping his mouth shut, Harry grudgingly moves to his knees in front of the alpha.

"I accept, Alpha," Harry states, making the alpha smirk smugly, "But on one condition."

The smirk disperses from the alpha's face at once, now slightly agitated. "Oh? And what condition is that?" The alpha questions.

Harry takes a deep breath. "I would like to travel back to my pack and say my goodbyes. You know better than any that I must also appoint someone to lead my pack in my absence. I cannot leave them unattended."

The alpha thinks this over, watching Harry.

"How would I know that you'd return?"

Harry sighs and puts his hand into his coat pocket. Doing so he feels around for the object. Finally he retrieves his wife's wedding ring and places it on the ground in front of him.

"And what is that supposed to be?" The alpha asks, more irritated.

Harry looks up at the alpha, restraining the urge to shift into wolf form, and tear the alpha to pieces. "It's my wedding ring. I would leave this here and if I did not return to have it back, you may kill all of my pack members."

"Interesting..." The alpha murmurs, hearing the honest truth in Harry's words.

Then a slow smile curves across the alpha's face.

"It's a deal."


Author's Note

Hey guys!! Wooooww. This story has had some serious delaying. I apologize for that.

But it's here!

So yay!!

How was the prologue?


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Let me know! I love feedback.

Thank you!

You guys are the best!


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