14. Infuriating

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This chapter is written in THIRD PERSON!

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"Not gonna let you walk away,
Without sayin' you're sorry.
Without sayin' you're sorry,
But I'm not."

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"Robin, are you coming?" Logan asked. The four had originally planned to go to the school's swimming pool for an afternoon swim to cool themselves from the hot weather, but work had caught up with Robin and he was unable to go. His father's assistant had contacted him via email to inform him that he was needed to do an email-meeting with one of their company's newest shareholders. He could obviously call the meeting off and join his friends, but he just wasn't feeling up to it. The stress his parents were giving him was taking a toll on him. Robin looked at his friend and back to his computer.

"I'll pass," he said nonchalantly.

"Dude, we closed the whole swimming pool just for us. Come on, live a little," Logan said. Robin frowned slightly, and he felt annoyance creeping up his throat and onto his tongue.

"I have work," Robin snapped, and immediately regretted it. He needed to control his emotions, he didn't want to lose any of his friends, too.

He sighed loudly, "I'm sorry, Logan. You guys go enjoy yourselves. You know how my father gets."

"It's fine. If you need us, you know where we will be," Logan offered him a sympathetic smile before leaving the lounge. They were so rich, the school had built a private lounge alongside the private classroom for them. Granted, their parents had probably paid well, but still.

Robin sighed and stared blankly at his computer screen. Sometimes Robin was jealous of his friends and their care-free lifestyles. Even though their parents were wealthy and successful, they let their children do as they pleased. Other than Asher and his engagement, of course. But other than that, the guy had a pretty good life.

Robin's parents, on the other hand, were basically the Kim Jong-uns to Robin's North Korea, aka, his life. In a way, he knew his parents mean well, but it's just too much. He had just turned eighteen a month ago, and after one day of freedom, it was back to boring meetings and endless contracts. He felt so much older than he really was, and sometimes he longed for a simple life. To perhaps have nothing at all. Like one particular girl he knew of.

Alexandra Knight knew just the right buttons to push and exactly how to get on his nerves.

God, she was infuriating.

Infuriatingly sexy, the voice in his head mocked.

Oh shut up, Father would never approve. Besides, I'm happy alone.

That has got to be the single most pathetic thing I've heard all week, the voice said.

"Why am I even fighting with myself?" Robin asked aloud. He shook his head and stared at his computer screen yet again. The words and numbers were drowning him, suffocating his mind. With a sigh, he shut the screen and stood up.

Maybe a walk will do me good.

He opened the heavy oak door and stepped out, only to see a familiar brunette standing in the middle of the hallway, looking very lost and confused.

What the hell is she doing here?

"What are you doing here?" At the sound of his voice, Alex turned around with surprise evident on her features. Well, that's a change from her usual scowl.

"I got lost," Alex mumbled in defeat, causing a smirk to form on Robin's face.

"You've been here for a month and a half," Robin remarked, crossing his arms.

"Yeah well, this school is huge. Have you seen the size of this building alone? God, my town could fit in here," Alex grumbled, throwing her arms up in frustration.

"Where are you intending to go?" Robin sighed.

"The library. I took a wrong turn and ended up here," Alex sighed.

"You do know there are seven libraries in this school, right?" Robin replied. Her jaws were wide open, gaping like a fish.


"Yes," Robin said, adjusting his long coat and dusting off the imaginary dirt on it.

"God, you're so proper," Alex commented, causing him to roll his eyes. Robin ignored her comment.

"Come on, I'll take you to the closest one," Robin said, and without a word, turned and walked towards where Alex presumed was the direction of the library. Alex quickly caught up with him, and gave him a curious glance.

"What?" Robin asked, not bothering to look at her.

"Who are you and what have you done to the real Robin Clair?" Alex asked, peering at him carefully through her thick lashes. He rolled his eyes.

"I am the real Robin Clair, you idiot," he grumbled.

"Ah, that's more like the Robin Clair I know," Alex said.

"You don't know me," he said, his face completely emotionless. She was starting to get freaked out with his lack of facial expressions and human emotions.

"Oh yeah, but from all the things people say about you, I think I know you plenty," Alex remarked.

"And what is that?" Robin asked, raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. How are his eyebrows so pretty? Alex thought, subconsciously reaching up to touch hers.

"That you eat children for lunch," Alex shrugged nonchalantly.

"I don't eat children for lunch," Robin deadpanned.

"Are you sure? Huh, out of all the rumours, I was quite positive that one was true," Alex said, and Robin shook his head.

"I'm not that bad," he said.

"I beg to differ," Alex bit out sarcastically.

"Like you're any better," Robin scoffed, and Alex narrowed her eyes at him.

"Asshole," she grumbled.






"You did not just call me a bitch!" Alex gasped.

"I did."

"Bastard," she cursed under her breath, pouting. Robin finally glanced at her with amusement. The two fell into surprisingly comfortable silence, and Alex decided he was so much more decent when he didn't open his mouth.

"How long have you been a Meilleurean?" Alex asked out of the blue.

"Twelve years."


"Yeah, there's Meilleur Nursery, Junior High, Senior High and University. All categorized under the Academy."

"Cool," Alex said. They fell back into silence, and even though it wasn't awkward, there was so much tension.

They finally arrived in front of heavy, wooden doors with intricate decorative cravings along the border of it. Robin opened the door, and gestured for her to go in. The door slammed shut behind them, and Robin casually walked over to a bookshelf, grabbed a book and sat on one of the leather couches.

Why aren't you leaving? The annoying voice at the back of his head teased.

Alex glanced at Robin, who was sat stiffly on the couch.

"Are you always this poised and stiff? You're like the bloody Queen of England!" Alex exclaimed. Robin looked up, raised an eyebrow and returned to his book.

"Are you just going to ignore me?" Alex asked, crossing her arms. Robin didn't answer, but instead reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his iPod and earphones. He put on the earphones and started to listen to the music on his phone. He kept his eyes on his book the whole time.

Alex narrowed her eyes, and stormed over to the bookshelves to find her books.

"Stupid, arrogant asshole," she muttered under her breath. She grabbed a copy of Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights and plonked herself on the couch adjacent to the one the young heir occupied. His eyes were closed as he listened to music, his book long abandoned on the floor.

"Robin," Alex said. He didn't budge an inch.

"Hey asshole," Alex said louder, and he still didn't move. Alex smiled deviously.

"You know, I hate how you guys have such an easy life. And I hate how you guys take advantage of it. You think that you're all that, but god I just wish you'd open your eyes and realise how much of an arrogant bastard you are," Alex ranted, not lifting her eyes from the first chapter of Wuthering Heights.

"And you look stupid. With your long coats and long hair like you're some kind of posh vampire king. And you're way too tall. I don't get why the whole damn school worships the ground you and your friends walk on. It's dumb," Alex continued, flipping a page from her book.

"My hair and my coats are not stupid, Alexandra."

Oh shit.

Alex's eyes widened, and snapped back up to Robin's still figure. His eyes were closed and he didn't look like he moved even an inch. Anyone else would've thought he was asleep, or dead.

"Y-you can hear me?" Alex squeaked in surprise.

"Loud and clear." His eyes flew open, and he sat up and let out a soft chuckle, but his face was not even close to looking amused.

"I happen to think my hair and coats are amazing. So I suggest you run now, because once I catch you, you're dead," his expression morphed into an angry scowl, and he began to get up from his seat. Alex's eyes widned and she let out a loud squeak before dashing out of the library.

Alex ran down the dimly lit hallway, weaving in between the few students that lingered around. As she turned the corner, she bumped into a small figure.

"Ew! Get off me, filth!" A high pitched voice screamed in disgust. Dazed, Alex looked up only to see the she-devil, Bianca Harding in front of her. Thankfully, it seemed that they were the only two students in this hallway.

"I'm sorry," Alex reluctantly apologised, but Bianca only gave her a disgusted once over.

"Ugh, I see you're still trying to dress like a homeless person? God, you're a disgrace to our school!" Bianca screeched.

"You're a disgrace to the world," Alex gibed, rolling her eyes. Bianca's jaw dropped and Alex could almost see the steam rise out of her tiny little ears.

Bianca grabbed Alex's wrist tightly, and Alex winced. For a small girl like her, she was really strong.

"Let go of me," Alex growled, trying not to let the pain show.

"I'm going to teach you a lesson, freak," Bianca snarled, raising her hand to slap Alex. Before her hand could make contact with Alex's face, she froze.

"You have five seconds to let go of her and get the hell out of my sight," a familiar, cold voice drawled, the warning echoing off the walls of the empty hallway. Alex turned her head to the side to see Robin, again. She expected him to look furious, but he simple just looked bored. Like usual. Like he had better things to do.

What things? Preying on children and snacking on their hopes and dreams? Alex wondered.

Bianca looked alarmed to see Robin there, and she quickly let go of Alex.

"Watch your back," Bianca seethed quietly, before she turned and scurried away. Alex nearly collapsed into a heap on the floor as she tried to calm herself down. Robin's footsteps seemed to sound so much louder, and he finally came to a stop in front of Alex. She stared at the black leather shoes that belonged to the rich heir.

"Thank you," she managed to mumble.

"Don't be too quick to thank me, Alexandra. My school has a reputation to uphold. I won't let some idiot like Bianca Harding make headlines for assaulting another student," Robin said, his voice void of emotion. She looked up angrily at the handsome devil, and he continued to look at her, unimpressed. She huffed, using her hands to push herself off the wall.

"Then I take back my thanks," she glared at Robin and turned to walk away, but his cold hand clasped around her wrist.

"Don't walk away from me," he growled.

"Oh, I apologize, Your Majesty. May I be excused now?" Alex asked sarcastically.

"Learn some respect."

"What? Are you trying to tell me to respect you? You've got to be kidding me, right?" Alex scoffed.

"And how, Miss Knight, is that so funny?" he asked, raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at her.

"Because it's absolute bullshit, that's why. I will not respect a bully that torments innocent people for fun," Alex sneered, trying to yank her hand away from him.

"I do not torment innocent people. Those people deserve it," Robin shrugged, looking as if this wasn't the first time he's heard something like this. His eyes void of human emotion as he carelessly ran his hand through his hair, looking bored and empty.

"You're a poisonous son of a bitch! I won't respect someone that can't even respect others!" Alex yelled, and his eyes darkened in anger. He leaned in closer to her, making Alex's breath hitch in her throat. If she moved just a little bit forward, they would kiss.

"You do not know me, or any of my friends. You are quick to judge others but detest it when others do the same to you. Are you trying to say you want me to respect you? Why should I respect a hypocrite then? Alexandra, you and I are not very different. You just don't see it yet, because you've placed yourself on such a high pedestal, and you look down on everyone else. You think you're better than everybody else, but in actual fact you're just a parentless, stuck up whore," Robin sneered, and Alex's eyes watered when he mentioned her parents. Or the lack of it.

"How dare you!" Alex spat, the tears threatening to spill any moment. Robin knew that, and he had the decency to smirk at her. So she slapped him. Right across the face. Hard. His face was one of utter shock, and already she could see the red handprint on his pale cheek. He growled at her, and glared daggers.

"This isn't over, Alexandra. I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into," Robin murmured, his words dripping with venom. If looks could kill, Alex was sure she'd already be six feet under. He let go, and once again, turned around and walked away.

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"She's infuriating!" Robin grumbled, slamming the private classroom door close. Last year Yuko's parents had donated a hefty sum of money to the school, and in return Meilleur had built the four boys their very own classroom. Mr and Mrs Hideyoshi believed Yuko could concentrate better, and do better in his studies. As if he wasn't already smart enough. Because Robin's mother was the co-founder of the school, they were able to pull a few strings and set up a nice, spacious private classroom for the four boys.

Logan, sat on his plush leather seat with his feet propped up on the dark mahogany desk, smirked.

"Alexandra Knight again, I presume?" Yuko asked, but his tone and expression revealed his lack of care for this strange, feisty new girl. He didn't even take his eyes away from his computer.

"Well, I think she's quite adorable," Logan said, crossing his arms.

"Adorable?" Robin scoffed. "I didn't know you thought rabid dogs were adorable, Logan."

His friend only chuckled whole-heartedly at Robin's frustration. Even Yuko had a hint of a smile on his face.

"What did she do this time?" Logan asked, looking very amused and entertained. It has been a while since he saw Robin show this much emotion, regardless anger and frustration or not. Lately, Robin has been in a very somber mood, and he hasn't really been the same. He's like the walking dead, and his friends were starting to feel concerned. They couldn't blame him though, his parents are bugging him about getting a girlfriend again.

Mr and Mrs Clair believe that Robin should get a suitable girlfriend so he can take her to the many balls and galas he is made to attend. Arriving at these events alone does not help Robin's reputation of being the cold, heartless heir of Clair Corps. Even at the age of eighteen, many older businessmen are skeptical and slightly intimidated by the boy. If they think he is cold and cruel, they will tend not to invest in or sponsor his family's company, as Robin could easily take these smaller companies down in the future, when he inherits the company.

"I think the handprint on his cheek should give you a big hint already, Logan," Yuko teased.

"She slapped you?" Logan exclaimed. "Oh, this is too good! Where is Asher? God, he has to see this!"

"Shut up, Logan, before I give you your own handprint," Robin grumbled. Logan chuckled and shook his head.

"What else did she do?" he asked.

"She, I quote, called me 'a poisonous bitch'," Robin grumbled grumpily, plopping down in his plush seat. Yuko and Logan's eyes widened a fraction, before they both threw their heads back and laughed loudly.

"That girl sure is something," Yuko commented, chuckling under his breath.

"Man, I think I'm in love with Alexandra Knight," Logan sighed, a goofy smile on his face.

"Ow! What's that for, man?" Logan yelped when Robin threw a random book at Logan's head. Unfortunately for Logan, the book just happened to be a 300-page history book on Chinese History. Robin rolled his eyes.

"Where's Asher?" Robin finally asked, when he realized the familiar white mop of hair was nowhere in sight.

"He's out with Emily again," Logan said.

"He's whipped," Yuko commented, smirking slightly.

"We hardly see him anymore," Robin agreed. Logan let out a heavy sigh, a sad look painted across his face.

"Rest in peace, Asher Dane. Oh, the horrors of having a girlfriend. His memories shall remain with us as he descends into his next life," Logan said, putting a hand on his chest dramatically. The boys chuckled at Logan's silliness.

"Speaking of relationships, isn't your damsel in distress dating this guy named...named Jake Lindon?" Logan asked curiously, staring at Robin.

"Who? And Alexandra is not my damsel in distress," Robin grumbled, though he didn't understand why he suddenly felt a spike of annoyance at the mention of her so-called boyfriend.

"Isn't he the boy that got into a fight with Asher last year?" Yuko mentioned. Logan's eyes widened slightly, "Yeah, he is!"

"Doesn't he have anger issues?" Robin asked.

Yuko shrugged, "Heard he went for therapy. Should be fine now, always has a stupid smile on his face."

"Let's hope so," Logan muttered, frowning slightly.

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Song of the Chapter: Not Gonna Let You Walk Away // LOLO

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