28 | Rumour Has It

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"You know, it's a funny thing you know,

We'll tell 'em if you like,

We'll tell 'em all tonight.

They'll never listen,

Because their minds are made up,

And 'course it's all okay to carry on that way."


"ALEXANDRA," I HEARD a familiar voice say. Someone shook my shoulder lightly, and I felt something brush against my cheek. "Wake up."

"Wake up," the voice said again, and before I could go back to sleep, I was rudely jolted awake. Grunting, I slowly opened my eyes only to see an amused expression plastered across Robin's face.

"Ugh," I moaned, rubbing my dry eyes and shooting Robin a frown.

"Don't look at me like that," Robin said, before he began to stretch his arm and roll his shoulder. "If anything, I should be the grumpy one. I can't feel my arm anymore."

Blinking, I shot him a sheepish look and muttered a quick apology. I forgot that I had used him as a convenient pillow during our journey back to the Academy. I took a peek out of the window, recognising the buildings that whizzed past us. We were arriving back to school soon. Everyone in the bus seemed to either be engrossed with something on their phones or dozing off.

"Why did you wake me?" I asked, letting out a small yawn. Robin reached into his duffel bag and retrieved a water bottle. He unscrewed the bottle cap and handed the bottle to me, which I gratefully accepted.

"Taking precautions," Robin muttered as I took a swig from the bottle. "Who knows how long it would've taken to wake you up."

"You're exaggerating," I replied, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Maybe so," he said, trying to stretch his long legs in the small space between the seats. "But I wasn't sure if you'd like the others to see you sleeping on my shoulder. You know they'll start to talk."

"Are you still upset about that? I told you I'm not embarrassed to be with you," I said, sighing. Robin offered me a small smile, reaching out to link his fingers through mine.

"I know," he explained. "But I figured you'll take time to adjust."

I blinked, staring up into his big blue eyes that twinkled as he smiled, and I suddenly had the overwhelming urge to hold him close to me and never let go. But instead, I returned his smile and tightened my fingers around his. And when he least expected it, I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Taken by surprise, Robin froze, eyes wide as I waited for him to say something.

Slowly, he turned to look at me, face frozen in surprise. A small bubble of laughter escaped from my lips at the sight of his stupefied expression.

"What?" I couldn't help but ask, suddenly feeling bashful and hiding my face behind my hands.

"I was not expecting that," Robin murmured, blinking. Then, he broke out into a rare grin, and that was how he remained until the bus finally came to a stop outside the Academy.

The minute the bus came to a stop outside of the main entrance of the Academy, chaos erupted as students rushed to get off the vehicle. Unlike the rest of our classmates, Robin and I stayed in our seats and patiently waited until everyone got off the bus in an attempt to avoid getting stampeded.

Robin grabbed our bags and slung it over his shoulder, standing up from his seat. He was bent awkwardly since he was too tall that his head hit the ceiling of the bus. Stifling a laugh, I reached upwards and wedged my hand in-between the ceiling and his head.

"You'd better be careful with your head," I said. "Wouldn't want to be losing any brain cells, would you?"

Robin blinked, looking down at me and allowing a small smile grace his lips.

"Come on," he said light-heartedly, and the both of us made our way down the bus. We easily found the rest of our friends, gathered at the end of the steps that led up to the main entrance of the Academy. The only person missing was Asher, and I could only assume that he had stormed off the moment he got off the bus.

Emily stood quietly next to Logan, looking slightly dazed. She nodded absentmindedly as Logan chattered away, stealing glances behind her as if Asher was just a couple metres away from her.

"I'm tired," Emily said after a moment of silence. Logan paused, tilting his head and staring at Emily with a thoughtful expression.

"As expected after a trip like that," Logan replied before volunteering to carry her bags for her. With a cheerful smile, he heaved her bags over his shoulder and turned to the rest of us. "I'll help to bring her bags to her room. Wanna come along?"

"No thanks," Yuko politely declined. "I'm going back to my dorm as well. I need to start on my next lesson plan for my Astronomy lecture."

"Your Astronomy what?" I spat, eyes wide. I didn't hear him wrong, did I?

"Yuko teaches the Astronomy elective occasionally," Logan replied with a shrug. My jaw dropped as I turned my attention back to Yuko.

"That's so cool!" I gasped, and Yuko looked a little taken aback. A slight blush started to appear across his freckled cheeks and he quickly looked away.

"Not really," he mumbled, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "But thanks."

"He's shy," Logan teased, his brown eyes twinkling playfully. "Probably the first time a pretty girl told him that he was cool. Anyways, I'll get going with Emily then."

Yuko rolled his eyes, adjusting the book under his arm.

"Alright," Logan said. He turned to look at Robin and I, opening his mouth to say something before stopping himself. He hooked his arm through Emily's and shooting the rest of us his signature grin. "We'll get going then."

As they turned to walk away, Logan shot the both of us a wink. I blinked. Was he...trying to play cupid?

"See you tomorrow," Yuko said. He shot the both us a small, secretive smile. With a small wave, he turned around and left in the opposite direction, leaving Robin and I alone. Was he trying to play cupid too?

"So...," I began, rolling on the balls of my feet as I watched our friends go their separate ways. "Wanna go to my dorm?"

Robin paused, before shooting me a scrutinising look.

"You're not going to try anything, right?" he asked, narrowing his eyes as he eyed me suspiciously. I let out an audible gasp, before smacking his arm with the back of my hand and looking around, paranoid that we were being eavesdropped on. What if they get the wrong idea about me and think that I'm some sort of...predator?

"After what happened in the woods...," Robin trailed off, looking away from me.

"Nothing happened! I am not that kind of person!" I squeaked hurriedly, wrinkling my nose as I defended myself. Robin stared at me for a second longer, clearly looking as if he didn't believe me. I let out another gasp, smacking his arm again.

"You stop that right now!" I protested, and Robin finally burst out laughing.

"You should've seen your face!" he snorted, much to my annoyance. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes, but couldn't help the small smile that managed to escape my lips.

"Jerk," I muttered.

"I was just joking," Robin said, before slinging his arm around me. My eyes widened as he pulled me closer to him, and I watched as students around us stopped and stared as we walked past them. I lowered my head automatically, letting my hair fall across my face. My futile attempt to hide my identity didn't do much, but at least it provided me with temporary comfort as we made our way into the building.

"I know I said I'd wait until you're comfortable to be seen around with me," Robin whispered into my ear. "But let me be impatient just this one time, okay?"


THINGS SLOWLY FELL back into place after the short camping trip, and after the long weekend everyone returned back to classes. Talk about Asher and Emily getting lost in the forest slowly faded off from the rumour mill, replaced with the sudden news of the campus' new It couple—Marissa Lee and Cody Ellington.

The two of them were practically Meilleurean royalty; with Marissa being Bianca's right-hand girl, and Cody, the star of the school's track team who frequently graced magazine covers.

While their relationship came as a surprise to many people, it was expected that their paths would somehow cross judging by their close social circles. Besides, talk of Cody Ellington flirting with Marissa by her locker in-between classes has been floating around since two months ago. By the time first period started on Monday, everyone knew about the new couple and it was all everyone could talk about for the next couple of days.

Even I caught myself discussing Cody and Marissa's relationship with Emily from time to time, and I wasn't much for gossip— especially when it came to any one of the three princesses of the Academy. But I wasn't complaining.

Everyone's new obsession about every sighting of and exchange between the two Meilleureans meant that Robin and I were finally allowed some privacy. There were fewer watchful eyes around campus, and Robin and I were able to spend some time alone in the Art Dome after classes.

The school's bi-annual Talent Week was coming up in three months, and I had been one of the five Fine Arts students to be picked to hold a small exhibition during the festive week. Since it was the first time I was participating in a school event, I was more than excited, and I wanted nothing more than to do my very best.

Robin and I spent most of our free time in the Art Dome, tucked away from the public's watchful eyes in a comfy corner on the fourth level that I have decided to call home. While I painted, Robin quietly handled his business dealings. Every so often, he'd offer me some snacks and make sure that I took a break from painting. We didn't talk much, but instead revelled in each other's silent presence, content with doing our own thing with the knowledge that the other was there, right by our side.

We agreed to let things flow naturally, since I was still not used to the idea of being with Robin. It wasn't that I didn't like him...I was sure at this point it's clear that we were both attracted to each other. We just haven't had the opportunity to let each other know. We were both waiting for the perfect timing, but it didn't seem like it was coming any time soon. Every time it seemed like the time was right, something always manages to pop up and distract us completely.

Surprisingly, with our agreement to let things flow naturally, that meant that progress was slow. We weren't very physically affectionate, mainly because we were afraid that people would catch us, and that would be the start of an endless rumour that would surely haunt us. We hadn't kissed, or hugged, or even held hands...not since the day we came back from camp. But for some unknown reason, I was okay with that. Unlike the boys I've dated in the past, something about Robin was different.

Just having him beside me, the rhythmic sound of his fingers tapping his keyboard and his gentle presence— it was more than enough for me.

"Emily's birthday is coming up," Robin said absentmindedly, snapping me out of my daydream. I only just noticed that I haven't painted a single thing on my canvas for the past five minutes. Robin peeked at me from over his laptop, sitting rigidly on one of the many beanbags that littered the floor. How he manages to keep his good posture on a slouchy beanbag is beyond me.

I hummed in acknowledgement, placing my paint brush down. I turned to face him, tilting my head.

"It's this Saturday," I said, pausing for a second. Biting my lip, I pursed my lips and hesitated to ask him a question that has been bugging me for the past couple of days.

"What is it?" he asked, sensing that something was amiss.

"Well," I began, looking down at my stained fingers. "Is Asher coming for the party?"

Robin blinked, surprise flicking through his blue eyes.

"Yeah, why wouldn't he?" Robin replied, looking puzzled. "He was the one who organised it in the first place."

"Oh," I said, relief flooding through my veins. Emily seemed to be really down lately, and I know that it probably had something to do with her grumpy white-haired fiancé. Speaking about the devil, I haven't seen him much these days. Emily explained that he, too, was involved in the school's Talent Week, but it always felt like there was something more to his absence. "With all the buzz you guys were making that day at the lounge, I assumed that all of you were planning her party."

"I don't care much for birthday parties," he shrugged. "I haven't attended one in years."

"Years?" I gasped, eyes widening. "What about Yuko's or Logan's or Asher's birthdays?"

"Is it the social norm to celebrate birthdays?" Robin questioned, his eyebrows furrowing. "We never bothered with elaborate celebrations."

"But...it's your birthday!" I protested. "What about presents? What about cake?"

"Sometimes we have dinner together," Robin replied, tilting his head to one side. "And we can afford whatever we want, anyway. What's the use of having someone else pay for it?"

I blinked.

"Okay, that kind of makes sense, but birthday gifts are supposed to be gestures of friendship! Regardless of the price," I argued. I was honestly quite shocked to find out that the Royals never celebrated birthday parties.

"We don't need special days to remind ourselves about that," Robin refuted, his lips curving into a small smile. "Though, I wouldn't mind a gift or two from you."

"I'm broke," I deadpanned immediately.

"You said it was regardless of price, didn't you?" he questioned, his eyes twinkling mischievously. Realising he had caught me in a trap, I let out a sigh of defeat.

"Fine," I said, trying to sound reluctant. Robin saw right through my act and rolled his eyes, his smile widening. "What do you want?"

"Surprise me."


A/N: Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! I know it's been awhile, I'm sorry about that. I promise to try to update more consistently :) I also created an instagram page for my books, you guys can follow @shevonleck if you're interested to keep up-to-date with my books, get some writing tips and fun facts, or see your fan-art featured (if you have done any fan-art, please DM me on instagram <3)

Also, check out my new story, Misery On Shuffle! It's a collection of one-shot stories inspired by sad tunes. You can find it in my profile~

Song of the Chapter: A Certain Romance // Arctic Monkeys

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