Ch. 1 Ochako

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Walking down the street to the beach I found myself daydreaming yet again. It was all I could do lately, daydream about him. That him just so happens to be my best friend Izuku Midoriya, the most kind, generous, and lovable person i know. And I have fallen head over heels for him in no small manner.

My walk to the beach had more than just one intention and they both revolve around Izuku. He practically spent everyday at the beach cleaning it as a way of training his body, his gorgeous body, for the U.A. Hero course entrance exams He's always wanted to be a hero. The first reason was so that we could eat lunch together like we did most days, I bring lunch because he has a tendency to get preoccupied by training and forgets to eat. The second was so that I could "study" for the support course entrance exams, I've always loved building things and inventing gadgets. Plus, I could never be a hero with how timid i am. Of Course my "study" time was usually spent watching him work. I don't really like new people and it's hard for me to make friends. That's why I spend so much time with Izuku, and why I'm afraid to tell him I love him.

I snapped out of my daydream as i heard a low growl and the sound of a fridge falling from a high place. I turned my attention to my right and realized I was already at the beach. Looking down at the sand that once was covered with large piles of trash from as far as the eyes could see, i was able to see Izuku in his gorila form standing atop the last pile of trash that was removed and banging his chest in triumph.

"IZUKU!" I yelled out which got his attention. He turned to me in my pink sundress and smiled when he saw me, before he tripped and fell down the pile of trash. I giggled a bit as he righted himself and transformed into a bird to fly up to where I was. Once he made it up he transformed into his human form and landed in front of me, shirtless.

"Hey Ochako. So what's for lunch?" He walked up to me and I had to try very hard not to have a nose bleed.

"I made Katsudon. It's the first time I've made it so you'll have to bear with me. I think I used to much spice." I was worried he wouldn't like it.

We walked over to the bench that he kept his gym bag on and he grabbed a towel to dry some of the sweet off him. "Sounds great, but what's with the dress. Something special planned?" I blushed as he looked me up and down with his comment.

"Not exactly." We both took a seat and i opened the food up and started separating it for us. The two of us ate in silence for a bit before he spoke.

"So, you ready for the support course exams?"

"For the most part, i have my equipment piece ready. I really just need to test it out before then." I had a realization and turned to him with excitement. "Do you wanna test it?"

"Of course i would. I'm all finished here so i was planning on taking a few days off to rest. Should we head there once were done eating?"

"Yes, let's do that. I'll have to spend some time calibrating it to you but that will help me figure out if it's gonna work." I said as I pulled my notebook from the bag and started figuring out what will need to be adjusted.

After another thirty minutes we finished eating and Izuku and I packed up and made our way back to my house. "Mom Dad? I'm back, and i brought Izuku!"

There was no response so that must have meant they were both still at work. "Alright i'm going to go set up my workshop. If you want you can go ahead and shower. You kinda stink." I gave a comicaly wave of my hand in front of my nose which received a hurt look from him.

We both started laughing a bit and I walked down the hall to my workshop and started getting my device ready. I quickly changed into some comfy clothes and took my seat at my work bench were my most recent project was.

Before starting my work I pulled my hair back into a bun to keep it out of my face. My device was sort of designed specifically for Izuku, although he doesn't know that. It was made to adjust to his body no matter what animal he became, I had originally planned to just demonstrate on myself but I needed to make sure it would work. And that's where Izuku comes in.

"Alright, your guinea pig has arrived." I turned to see Izuku walk into the room with his hair still wet from the shower and a towel in his left hand.

"Perfect. Take a seat on this stool and i'll get started." He sat down on the stool and I set to work attaching the gauntlets. "Alright, these were designed for people with gigantification quirks or any kind of quirk that would change the shape of the covered portions. Even Kamui Woods would be able to use them. Their supposed to expand and shrink based on the adjustments made to the Hero's physics. The material is resistant to all sorts of things like fire, acid, sharp objects, and the material is actually of my own design as well."

I sat there rambling on completely oblivious to Izuku just enjoying my rants about the equipment. "So it could be used as a new material for hero suits?"

"That's the idea, although people who have meta physical quirks that only affect cells with their own DNA in it, this won't really help because it cant adapt to that, YET!" I said excited as i hook the gauntlets to my computer and started checking the programming.

"This is really impressive Ochako, i know i could never come up with anything like this." I blushed to myself as I continued to work on the computer.

As I was working I wasn't paying attention to anything until Izuku got my attention. "Hey Ochako, what's this?" I turned to look at Izuku and my face paled as i saw what he had in his hands. It was the letter, the letter i had written and was never actually going to give him.

"Nonononononono!! Don't read that!" I said as I tried to jump over the chair to get it from him. However I ended up falling onto the ground. I quickly recovered and shot my head up to see Izuku had a shocked look on his face. He looked over to me and then back at the letter.

"Is this what i think it is?" I slowly stood up with my embarrassment clearly visible. I stood in front of him, unable to respond.

This was what I was afraid of, him finding out how i felt. I only wrote that letter as an outlet for my feelings and never planned on giving it to him. We both just sat there in silence for a moment. "If you want to leave i understand." I spoke as I could feel my eyes start to water. However the one thing I wasn't expecting to happen, happened.

Izuku stood and quickly grabbed me into a close hug and I could feel tears hitting my shirt. I was utterly confused. "Why would I want to leave? If anything, this makes me want to stay." I could feel more tears forming in my eyes as I realized what he was saying.

"Are you saying what i think your saying?" He pulled back from me with a huge smile on his face and nodded.

Unable to contain my excitement I pulled him into a tight hug and started to cry into his chest. "Why are you crying?" He held me closer to him and I could hear the worry in his voice.

"For so long now I've been worried about what you were going to say. I was afraid if I said anything to you then i might lose you, and i couldnt risk losing you."

"I would never leave you." He said as he started stroking my hair. We sat there for a few minutes as I cried into his chest and he stroked my hair to calm me down. "Can I be honest with you about something." I nodded my head that was still buried in his chest to answer him. "I've felt the same way for a while now. Afraid of losing you. Which i know is so unlike me, the lack of confidence involved is ridiculous."

I chuckled into his chest as he spoke. He was right though, for our whole lives he's been the confident one where i've always been the shy and timid one.

After a few more minutes of just standing there holding each other we finally separated and sat down again. As I turned toward the computer i asked him, "So, does this make us a couple?"

"I hope so, otherwise all that crying would have gone to waste." I chuckled at him as i finished the adjustments to the programming.

"Alright, that should do it. Go ahead and change your arms into something." He held his arms in front of him and changed them into the arms of a gorilla, much to my delight the gauntlets change shape perfectly with his transformation. "Yes, perfect!"

He changed his arms back and i removed the gauntlets. "You know I was planning on just showing them off myself, but they were actually made for you. And since their already calibrated to you, do you want to come with me to my test and help me with the demonstration?"

"I'd love to. I can't believe you designed these for me though. Thank you Ochako." He came over and pulled me into another hug which I quickly accepted.

"Izuku? D-do you maybe w-wanna go get s-some food and then w-watch a movie for the rest of the d-day?" I asked as i kept him close in our hug.

"That sounds like a good idea. How about that new cafe down the street? I know you wanted to try it."

With that decided we both got ready to leave and headed out on our walk to the cafe. That's when the best day of my life started turning to utter crap.

As Izuku and I walked arm in arm, i heard some faint crackling behind me and froze with fear. "What's wrong Ochako?" Izuku asked, concern laced in his voice.

"I-i-it's nothing, lets just hurry up and go." I frantically tried to start our walk again but was interrupted by a shout.

"Oi, round face! Where do you think your going?" Instinctively I hid behind Izuku as I felt my body shake. Katsuki Bakugou was quite possibly the worst person in my life. He and Izuku had been friends when we first met, but when he met me he immediately hated me because of how timid I was. He started to bully me when Izuku wasn't around, and when Izuku found out he snapped at Bakugou and immediately cut ties with him.

"Bakugo, what are you doing here?" Izuku questioned as he stood protectively in front of me.

"What's it to ya shitty nerd. I'm here for that Deku behind you. A little birdy told me she was applying to U.A. Now you i can live with, your strong and could make it as a hero. But her, She's just a timid scaredy cat that doesn't dese-" I heard him be cut off by what sounded like a hard slap.

"Don't you dare say that about her! Get lost before I make you." I could tell just how angry izuku was right now and i couldn't help but feel good knowing that he was here for me.

"And how are you gonna do that? Your no good without that quirk of yours." I could feel Izuku's body shaking with anger as he tried not to snap at Bakugou and stoop to his level.

"Calm down Izuku, just breathe and calm down. H-he's not worth it." I said, however shakely, to try and calm his animalistic instincts that were starting to take over. He started steadying his breathing and calming down, but this quiet seemed to enrage Bakugo.

"Just remember round face, if you apply to U.A. I will make it my express goal to make your life hell." With that said he left us and walked away.

Izuku immediately turned toward me and wrapped me in a hug. "Don't listen to him, your a genius and you deserve to be at U.A. just as much as any of us."

"Thank you Izuku, thank you so much." I buried my head in his chest as i finally started to steady my own breathing and stop the tears from flowing.

The two of us finally made it to the cafe where we ate and talked about all sorts of things, including the entrance exams. Once we were done the two of us made our way back to my house and found a movie to watch, and as we started the movie i sat down on the couch followed by Izuku. He sat down right next to me with a blanket and covered us up before pulling me close so that i was practically laying on him. My face was definitely red, but I didn't care. This was by far the best feeling ever.

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