The Beginning, The town of Thneedvile, Where can we find a tree, the onceler

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Hey Y'all this is the first Lorax x reader so let's get into the story and I image this in my head so if y'all like it please enjoy this so here we and enjoy this story...

Orchestra playing

As the Lorax comes to the stage.

Lorax: Hello, everybody. Thanks for coming. (he was clearing his throat while he reads the note) I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees, and protector of Mother Nature princess. And I'd like to say a few words, if you please. Regarding the story that you're about to see. It actually happened. Just take it from me. But there's more to this story than what's on the page, so please pay attention while I set the stage.

(Curtain opens to Thneedville.)

Lorax: [v.o.] We open in Thneedville, a city they say that was plastic and fake, and they liked it that way! A town without nature, not one living tree. So, what happened to them? Cue the music! Let's see.

The city was beautiful but everything was made all plastic grass and roses and the delivery guy drives to deliver bottle filled with nothing more than just air and as the ballon looking grass pumps up in to air and the flowers blooms out of machinery and an auto machined bee buzzed and as the delivery guy switches one bottle to another and droves off to somewhere else that's where we meet our protagonist Ted Wiggins getting out of his home and does crazy tricks so that he can get on his motorcycle and drove off the unknown.....

Everyone in Thneedville:
In Thneedville it's a brand new dawn!

A business man has a very huge car and drove off to work like a regular week for any worker
With brand new cars
And houses and lawns!
Here in got-all-that-we-need-ville!

While other people are singing and old man pumps up the ballon grass unknowns to him he was pumping it too much that the ballon grass pops in his face.

At the park...
In Thneedville we manufacture our trees
Each one is made in factories

Kids and adults we're playing or some with their couples and just having time of their life

Maintenance Man:
And uses 96 batteries!

He said this while the batteries go down all 96 of them and our Ted was still driving off.

In Thneedville the air's not so clean

So we buy it fresh!

It comes out this machine!

The lady and Cy sing this while they are in the lady's house and she pays the delivery guy as he puts the gallon of air bottle to the air conditioner machine and they both smell satisfactory.

In satisfaction's-guaranteed-ville!
In Thneedville

We don't want to know!

The poor delivery guy falls down in the sewers while the men before putting batteries in the trees were sweeping and puts the trash in the sewers.

Where the smog and
Trash and chemicals go

A man was "Fishing" while the fake fish go up and down and a little boy swims in the water but he was out of the water when his parents picked him up and say
I just went swimming
And now I glow!

The boy glows for unknown reason and his parents were happy for their boy and people were sledding and others where in some type of beach to catch the sun on their face as it was summer and winter at the same time.

In Thneedville we
Have fun year round!
We surf and snowboard
Right in town!

Some guy was sledding down and was having a time of his life as the sledding was over an chunk of snow came down over a summer dude he was cold at first then immediately he was cool with it and just walk off.

We thank the Lord for all we've got!

The people on the beach who are chilling in the sun who looked like a chorus group from church say this until a sunburn man who sings like a lady said this.
Including this brand new parking lot!
Parking lot! Parking lot!

The people in the parking lot got out of their cars and started to dance without a care in the world.

Up in the sky people are flying their kites when the suddenly see a blimp up in the sky there we see the man waving his the zillionaire man named
Oh look it's
Aloysius O'Hare
(Aloysius O'Hare)

The man rolled his chair as he faces the audience (4th wall) but he got off his seat and walks off to his hitman but the hitman with his one hand holds O' Hare
The man who found a way to sell air

And O'Hare says

Aloysius O'Hare:
And became a zillionaire!

He jumps down like if he was jumping out of a plane but luckily he has a parachute with him people were hip hooray for this man and we see Ted at a small toy store and who knows what he bought and people kept on singing.

In Thneedville
We love living this way!

While O'Hare was going down and Cy pushed a marching band leader off and Cy grabs the Botawn

It's like living in paradise!

It's perfect!

They jumped and pumped up their fist high with pride.
And that's how it will stay!

Oh yeah!

People were dancing and fireworks came on and people were cheering for the man who was a zillionaire and who invented to make their city a better place people were just happy.

Here in love-the-life-we-lead-ville
We love it here in...

Cy was on the top of a limousine as he sings like an Angel people were doing a thing tongue spitting and our musical number ends with a.


At the end people were back doing what they we're doing and Ted drove off to a street that where g/d/n and Audrey live in see g/d/n and Audrey are next door neighbors and they have something in common they both like trees and wish that one day someone would able to give one of them a tree anyways back to our story Ted drove and he stop as he stand he pulled out a toy airplane he bought and was giving it a plane drive using his remote controller with that he made the plane fly and it flew around until he landed in g/d/n house and you ask yourself why would he do that you see Ted had a huge crush on G/d/n so he just want to meet her he knows about her grandma and parents so he wasn't new to this and he thought it was so cool of g/d/n have a cool grandma like he has...... Back to our story.


He runs up to y/n house aka g/d/n home, Yed rang the doorbell three times and all of the sudden the door opens and we see a 12 yr old g/d/n looking beautiful as ever and Audrey was behind her angels can be singed while g/d/n was a beauty to Ted point of view and he looked at her with love in his eyes and that's where g/d/n spoke.

G/d/n: Oh, hi, Ted.

Audrey: Hi, Ted.

Ted awoke from his lovestruck dream.

Ted: Oh, hey,G/d/n. Hello Audrey.

Audrey: Did your ball land in g/d/n backyard again?

G/d/n: Man, I always wondered why Ted's ball lands on my house well technically my grandma house but she'll love to see you Ted even your grandmother.

Ted: What? No. A model airplane, this time and that will be explained when we get older and my grandma says that you and your family can join us to dinner tonight g/d/n.

G/d/n: Really! Ok I'm down for that but as for my parents well they're working in Japan in a few days so it's just me and my grandma y/n soo yeah.

The three chuckle at the moment and Audrey decided to speak up.

Audrey: Hey, do you want to see something cool that me and g/d/n were doing? Come on.

The girls walk inside as for Ted he looks down and he sprays Mint wash on his mouth and he enters to g/d/n home and the three come outside at the background Audrey uncover ted's eyes and that's where he saw beauty of art the art was trees truffula tress.

Ted: Whoa! Did you... Did you both paint this?

Audrey: Do you like it?

Ted: What? Are you kidding? This is amazing! What are those?

G/d/n: Those are trees. (She holds Teds hands and he lets them go to Ted disappointment) Real ones. They used to grow all around here. And people said that the touch of their tufts was softer than anything, even silk. And they smelled like butterfly milk!

Ted: Wow! What does that even mean?

Audrey: I know, right? (She Locke Ted stomach so he can lay down but Ted held his stomach in pain) What me and g/d/n want more than anything in the whole world is to see a real living tree growing in our backyard.

That's where Ted had a question on his mind as he looks at Audrey and g/d/n laying down beside him.

Ted: So if, say... I'm just thinking out loud here. If a guy somehow got you one...

Audrey: I'll kiss the guy right there on the spot, but G/d/n has something in her mind.

Ted: Like.........

G/d/n: I'd probably marry him on the spot. I bet that sounds crazy. Do you guys think that sound crazy?

Audrey: For me, it's not because the guy who will give you a tree did that out of love. What you think Ted?

Ted: No! Not crazy. Not crazy at all g/d/n and Audrey is right g/d/n keep that in your mind. (Ted holds g/d/n hand and she accepts it)

The three spend the rest of the day looking at the portrait of the house back drawing while Ted and g/d/n still hold hands while looking.

Dinner time

Ted and G/d/n are having dinner with Ted's family and your grandma was playing food just like her friend Norma.

Ted and G/d/n are playing their food Ted's mom speak up.

Bernice: Ted, G/d/n, honey don't play with your food. You either, Mom and Mrs. Dawson.

Norma and y/n are playing with their food like a basketball game and they eat so that's when Ted decide to talk.

Ted: So, Mom, do you happen to know if there's any place where I could get a real tree?

💭G/d/n thoughts: what's he doing?💭

💭Y/n: I know what's he doing and he's getting pointers but someday I have to tell g/d/n about my true identity and also her's along her mother's💭

Bernice: Ted, we already have a tree. It's the latest model.

Ted: Yeah, but I mean a real one that grows out of the ground or whatever. You know, a real tree.

Bernice: Really? You would rather have some dirty, messy lump of wood that just sticks out of the ground? And it does what? I don't even know what it does. What's its purpose? Look at what we've got. It's the Oak-amatic. The only tree with its own remote. Summer, autumn, winter, and disco!

The tree opens a disco and Ted mom dances and y/n and her granddaughter are laughing silently at this moment because it was to funny for them.

Ted: Mom?

Bernice: Come on, Ted. Get into it. Dance with the tree.

Ted: Oh, it hurts, Mom.(The disco was off)Please stop. So, anyway... Let's just say me and g/d/n need a tree. Where would we go? What do we do?

Y/n: Then you know what? You both need to find the Once-ler.

G/d/n: (stammers) The What?

Grammy Norma: The Once-Ler, honey.

Bernice: Mom and Mrs.Dawson, it's not really the time for one of your magical fables, okay?

Grammy: That's right, I forgot. We're old and can't even remember to put my teeth in.

Bernice: Stand down. That's not what I meant

Y/n: Oh, no honey really, she forgot her teeth. Would you be a dear and go get them for her sweetie?

Bernice: Sure, Mrs. Dawson.

Ted's mom leave the dinner table and Norma search her teeth in her pocket and puts them in her mouth and she spoke.

Grammy Norma: Okay, here's the deal. Just like Y/n said, The Once-ler is the man who knows what happened to the trees. You both want one, you both need to find him.

Ted: The Once-ler? Mmm-hmm. Okay. Grammy, is this a real thing that we're talking about now?

Y/n: Oh, he's real all right. I meet him and we both......

G/d/n: You both, what? Grandma!

Y/n: Honey, you'll meet him and tell him that "I'm y/n l/n granddaughter" he'll explain everything while you met him honey I want you to wear this around your neck.

G/d/n: Granny, this is beautiful.

Ted: It really is. But one question, where can we find him?

Norma scares them and she claps with the lights go off and she and y/n explain this....

Grammy Norma: Far outside of town where the grass never grows.

Y/n: and the wind smells slow and sour when it blows. (Mimic blowing winds) (Ted and g/d/n laugh nervously)

Both Norma and Y/n: And no birds ever sing, excepting old crows. (Cawing) (Both g/d/n and Ted scream both grandmothers grab their grandchild)

Ted: Would you both quit doing that.

Y/n: That's the place where the Once-ler lives hon.

G/d/n: Wait, outside of town?

The grandmothers drop their grandchild down and Norma explains.

Grammy: People used to say if you brought him 15 cents, (Ted grabs 15 cents)
a nail (G/d/n grabs a nail and she wore the necklace her grandmother gave her)
and the shell of a great, great, great grandfather snail (They both found a great, great, great grandfather snail in the city), he would tell you everything.

The pair are in their own motorcycle and drove off to find the Onceler and they come across a wall and that wall holds a door to get in out side and Ted saw a box where it's hide a red button that will lead our heroes to outside of town once Ted pressed the button a operated stairs came out that lead them to the door so the hop on to their motorcycle or scooters and upstairs and they both open the door to outside of town but little knows to them red flash where they were at in sky the blimp of O'Hare was saw.

Commercial Salesman #1: Mr. O'Hare, what we've got for you is something that is going to take O'Hare Air to the next level.

Commercial Salesman #2:Now, Mr. O'Hare, I know what you're thinking. One, "I've gotten rich selling people air that's fresher than the stinky stuff outside." Two, and here is the important one, "How can I possibly make even more money?" We can tell you, sir! We can tell you.

Commercial Salesman #1:Check out this commercial, huh?

The commercial...

Well, here goes another lame Saturday.

Dude, I don't think so! Huh! (While he grabs a bottle and the other opens it)

Hey!( the hoodie man look at his door and people were in their rooftop partying)

Man! (Some dudes open the bottle and the air let out like a super sonic plane was at their face)

Oh, yeah!

What! (A women did the same thing but looks at the fourth wall and winks at the audience)


O'Hare purified air. Freshness to go. Please breathe responsibly.

The commercial ends there.

Commercial Salesmen: Ah?

O'Hare: Oh, my goodness. Yeah! Love it. You got to be kidding me. You really think people are stupid enough to buy this?

Commercial Salesman #1: Our research shows that if you put something in a plastic bottle, people will buy it.

Commercial Salesman #2:Exactly. And...

Commercial Salesman #1:And what's more, when we build a new factory to make the plastic bottles, the air quality is just going to get worse.

Commercial Salesman #2:Which will make people want our air even more, and drive sales where? Through the roof!

O'Hare: So, in other words, the more smog in the sky, the more people will buy.

Commercial Salesmen: See, that's why he's the genius! It even rhymes!

O'Hare: I'm aware it rhymes. (2 Hitman of O'Hare came in) What do you two knuckleheads want? I'm in the middle of a meeting! (One of the hitman shows their boss of Ted and G/d/n going outside of town) What? Why are they leaving town? No one ever leaves town! See what they're up to.

Back with Ted and G/d/n they drove inside of like factory and see slop and they kept up driving but one camera see them what they were doing when they got to the other side of town the look on their faces were shocked.....

G/d/n: Oh,no what happened to the trees?

Ted: That can be answered by the Once-Ler.

The duo saw the devastation the trees were gone and it was all covered in smoke but the duo kept on going even though the cloud was cloudy and Smokey they duo were ok but g/d/n saw something.

G/d/n:Ted, Behind You!

Ted: Huh? (Screams) Whoa! Huh? Whoa! Whoa. Oh, man.

The duo saw the other side but it was too far so what they can do we'll surprise Ted got a great idea they both of them drove much to their surprise it didn't work so they screamed it felt like they were gonna die but they made it alive so at last they arrived to the once let house crows were cawing and  lightning sound can be heard once they walk to the onceler house and they saw it lightning thunder.

G/d/n: Whoa! So this is it Ted.

Ted: All right, let's go then!

Ted and g/d/n approach to the door and the onceler was watching them from his window the kids continued to walk ted grab the snail it head shake a No but  the 2 continued anyways once they approached the door the kids see the name on the door and they see the door bell ted decided to ring the door bell.

Ted rings the doorbell and Then...........

To Be Continued

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