Request RULES!

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Hi! I'm Updating to tell all my lovely readers That I have some rules if you want me to make you a cover!

Rules about requesting!

°°-|If you are Requesting a cover I need you to  Give me the title and how you want it written! ( ex: big, small, bright letters in the corner, middle, or top!) Also I need your Account Name!

°°-| If you have a picture in mind, just send me a link after you have made a chat with me!

°°-| When I make you a cover, I want you to mention me in the description or at the start/end of your prologue or First chapter.

°°-| Don't Claim that you've made the cover when  you know that I've created it.

°°-| DO NOT STEAL or TAKE any covers i have made in my Book unless your just there to claim your requested cover.

°°-| No Hate about the cover I've made you or any covers I've made in general! If you don't like the cover then just Tell me to modify it and change it to your liking!

°°-| I will Refuse to make You a cover if you hate on any of my books! I don't tolerate Disrespect to any of my books or Readers!

°°-|You need to mention what your story is about! Also tell me details on what you want for the cover!

Example of a person requesting a cover:

Rando: Hi I want to request a cover! My title is The Edge.  I want Big black letters in all caps! My story is About Bakugokatsuki and how he is really really sick. He is at the point of dying in a few months and Throws up Blood. My account Name is _______! Also I want writing at the Top of the cover saying something that will yank people into wanting to read my story! That's all!

Me: Thanks for the Info! I have now created your Cover and it will be posted in my cover Book! Have a great day and don't forget to follow the other rules!

Rando: Thank you!

Have a lovely day my Fairies!

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