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It was seven days later of the new year's day , when the weather got little colder , some spirit forces started acting according their Lord's order . They were all afraid of failing of their mission . Hidden in the darkness of the first dark fortnight of the year , when they reached the start of the Garh Forest , exactly where the guest houses were , numerous owls started hooting at once .

The small force of few spirits panicked , though the owls seemed more frightened . When a white light swooped down , the whole area drowned into silence . The Fate Lord's face was pale , a white owl screeched on his wrist , indicating him to stop . The spot where he stopped was actually infront of the grand railing gate , few closed shops were to be seen on the both side . He had been angry since the human authority decided to establish the guest house complex and a small market just outside of the forest , which was a vital area for Naarook but couldn't take any cautions as that would have made the forest haunted . But eventually it already had become haunted for those spirits and he was grateful as the numbers of guests decreased at least .

Bhargav watched the area carefully , no one dared to come out of their hidings though the spirits knew the person couldn't do any immediate harm to them , but they were afraid of losing good luck . Bhargav was bored of waiting .

He started talking in an even voice
"so you dared to come to this point and thought I'll not be awared ! You fools , go back to your lord at once and warn him , one more move in this arena and I will be on the way to destroy his illegal foundation where you all are cherished ."

Whether they were cherished or perished only the spirits and their Lord knew . A few minutes of silence passed , a black shadow appeared in the darkness on his right and the white owl flew away , he almost thought it was a spirit but when the golden glow of the Death Lord's robe caught his eye , he relaxed as he knew the spirits were long gone not for his warning but for the Death Lord's aura .

"You are early for your duty ! Thank you , your appearance just saved me ."

The Death Lord couldn't believe how Bhargav was keeping his tone casual ,  when he clearly knew the Death Lord would have slapped him first .

"Yeah at least I could do something for you" the Death Lord said coldly.

"Oh ho ! you are angry ! Because I sent him away ! You're so possessive ! It's not good for your job . You know that , right ?"

"So you mean , you sent him away because you thought of safety ?! Bhargav we both are here to protect him including his mom....."

"Yeah his mom . What a critical Lady I've got to handle !"

"Bhargav don't change the topic please !"

"Okay , okay I sent him away because I didn't want him to have a phobia for his life ! At least after going home he is having sleeps !"

"Yes , that reminds me . What is it with his sleep ?"

"I got this information very recently but see you ! You already know ! Wow ! What a progress ! Any other messanger or ghost spy or ........ "

Bhargav wanted to add more sources but seeing the Death Lord's expression , he became serious and said
"D's dreams about strange places , strange things , souls , spirits in all these six months didn't let him sleep peacefully at all ! The Lady didn't want to say anything particularly but she was curious about a sudden change in his dreams . One morning he dreamt about persons for the first time , even more weird the dream was all blurry ! It was the morning after the day you first met him . Do you think these are his memories of his past life ?"

"No . I don't think so ."

"You know , I also don't think so . The Lady told me that he saw four persons . Yes , particularly four . Do you think it's somehow connected to  us ? No , I mean , that morning we four met at that apartment and that morning he had the dream , it can't be a normal coincidence !"

Bhargav looked at the Death Lord's face who seemed to be in deep thought .
He again said "you know something !"

"Don't get me wrong . But I'm not sure about it and I don't talk wild guesses . So let's watch over him when he returns .
When is he returning ?"

The Death Lord's worried face didn't change , So to lighten up his mood Bhargav gave him a smirk and said
"tomorrow ! He has his enrollment the day after tomorrow so he has to come back . His festive holiday is ruined ! I think you'll use it wisely ."


Bhargav felt disheartened , huffing ,  he said "come on ! What are you worrying about ? I'm worried too . Okay , I'll appoint Rajani on it , then we will see what we can do . Okay? What ?! You still have problem with her interference ! You know she is doing her job nonstop , and that day she tried to tell you that she was already watching over D's dream . What you did was really bad ; you glared at her ! How much heartbroken she must have felt ! Now again we are seeking her help . This time don't ruin it , okay ?"

"Hmmm . By the way what were you talking about saving you ?"

"Oh a little force of some of his minions was here to do only their Lord knows what !"

"You are telling me that some spirit spy came here to carry out plans ?! They dared to come here knowing that I would be here ! But how come I didn't know anything about their move and you knew ?"

Bhargav looked around him and said in a low voice "I've resources . Of course , I don't know why they were here ? But I have this ominous feeling that he is planning for something big and this is going to happen on this festive time ."

"Yes I can see that . If you say , I can confront him ."

"Are you mad ?! Since when you're thinking about meeting him ?! I'm not letting another brother war to happen , okay ."

"But he is attempting the office and your........."

"Yeah , let's talk inside the office please."

While they were walking towards the last building of the lane , the Death Lord asked "who is your resource this time ?"

Bhargav knew this Lord had never believed in words easily and this time it was a question of brotherhood . So he decided to be honest
"D's mother of course . Yes , Lady Shweta , the Lady of Knowledge ."

Hey, readers,

So Darshan's mother is directly related to these Lords 😲😲😲

What is the spirit force upto? 😮

What will be the impact on Darshan when he will come to know all these? !!!!!! 😦😦😦

Let's find out more in upcoming chapters. . . . . . . . 😉☺☺☺

Till then stay safe, stay healthy, and enjoy reading 😊 😊 😊 😊

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                ..........Anasuya Raj

29th June, 2020

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