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The Death Lord was at his private room , in the office of "NORMS Come Always For Emergencies" . He was anxious so much that he could not even sit still at one place , wandering around the whole room he was thinking every possible positive thoughts to console himself . The only lightened candle gradually became brighter and suddenly there was no candle, but a bright figurine . A woman with a tanned fair complexion , blazing golden brown eyes with a high nose on the round face , long dark brown hair , stood there in a glowing silver robe .

Bowing politely she said "my Lord , calm down and sit steadily . I believe he will help , even if he doesn't know what he is doing . The engineer's soul will return with success , you'll see ."

"My Lady , thank you . But I can not leave the anxiety aside . I'm afraid that our this much interference in Darshan's life will be risky for him ."
Bowing back , the Death Lord said .

"But we're all lost of vision , even you've lost some of your powers since you came back from Praanheena . We need his help directly now ."

"Yes , I know . I'm planning to ask him to help us more frequently ."

"If that's the matter then you should try to explain some things to him and then appoint him as a worker here ."

The Death Lord was shocked to hear that , he questioningly looked at the blazing eyes of Lady Rashmi and then said "Then we'll push him directly to the arena of his worst dreams . Are you trying to say that we should be that much desperate to remind......."

The Death Lord could not finish his opinion as there was a knock on the door .

Looking at the door the Lady said
"isn't Bhargav trying to do the same in another way ? I think you should think over it . Now , I have to leave you in privacy , I think ."

Then she vanished and the silvery lightened room drowned into dim darkness again .

When the soul of the engineer entered the room , he saw that the room was the same as it was in their first meeting . He agreed with the young man he just met that the office badly needed renovation .

Bowing politely to the Death Lord he said "my Lord , I've got a letter from the person ."

Then he gave the note to Death Lord who accepted it as if it was a treasure . The Death Lord carefully read the letter silently for many times while sneaking at Biswadev . The letter's content about the soul's innocence was satisfying and when he believed that the soul actually planned with only good intentions , he could relax .

Looking at the soul he said ,
"Okay , then you're allowed to continue with your plan . You can't handle the power of the Death Whip , so you need my help . Now tell me how do you plan to do it ?"

"My Lord , can I know how a human can have such power ? He's so much confusing to understand . Sometimes he is an irritated young man who talks without thinking , sometimes he is calm and controlled who talks with balanced superiority . I saw him changing from one personality to another . Yes, his glossy warm brown eyes changed into golden brown suddenly and his manners were all different from before . He also seemed confused about this . Does he have some kind of blessing ?"

"He's not a person who needs blessing but a person who gives blessing . Does he know everything that you have in your mind ?"
The Death Lord asked in a gentle voice .

"I don't think so , my Lord . He , himself was confused to realize that he already had done his job . So I think , if he really has two personalities within him , then it's the other temporary one who knows everything that I have in my mind ."

"Oh ! Then there's not much to worry . Did he say anything else ?"

Biswadev was confused whether to tell the truth or not , but then he thought that if that person could advise the Death Lord like that , so that person must be close to the Death Lord .

He hesitantly said "my Lord , the young man gave some advices to deliver to you ."

Then he intensely looked at the hooded man in front of him . What was that man's expression only he , himself knew .

"Advice ! What did he order me to do ?"
The Death Lord's voice didn't sound raged , but surprisingly excited .

Biswadev relaxed and said "he told  you to behave nicely to the workers and he also said that if he had been here he would have changed the infrastructure of this office ."

There was an awkward silence , when Biswadev thought that the Death Lord would burst with anger and immediately leave to punish that young man .

But to his utter astonishment , the Death Lord laughed and then with a teasing tone said "of course , I'll be nice . But first let him come here ."

Biswadev was confused again, he never heard the Death Lord laughing or talking in such sweet manner as he always remained  preserved , serious and rude for others . So Biswadev also wanted the young man to come to the office and rescue them from the coldness of the Death Lord . He suddenly realised that the very special young man was deeply interrelated with them , but how , he had to find out .

He didn't dwell on that thought for long as his mind was needed more in the solution .

So , breaking the silence , he said
"my Lord, the Death Whip has an incredible weaving of an unknown power grid , even the radiating aura from that can suck in a huge amount of energy , one touch of it is far more unthinkable effective . The Death Whip destroys the surviving capabilities of any active power source . But that depends on the control and striking range . My plan is to take just one strand of it , then extract the power grid, and then create a widened invisible shield of that around the office . But the extracting process even maybe the shield activating needs your help , my Lord ."

Biswadev held his hope on just one nod from the Death Lord .

After a few minutes of silence , the Death Lord finally spoke "you've got a brilliant idea . The Death Whip already has been extracted for so many years , it's not a big task . But be careful with the power grid , it can cause you a fatal outcome ."

Biswadev knew that from the very start even an inch of wrong movement can disintegrate him into nothing and the thought of dying again made him shiver .

In a shaken voice he murmured "what kind of person had such dangerous hairlock !"

The Death Lord immediately asked him "how do you know that ?"

Biswadev didn't know what was wrong with knowing the origin of the Death Whip ; he said "when I was collecting information about the whip , I got that in a book in the library , though I don't have much access there . I couldn't even find out his name !"

"Biswadev , I order you not to search for that person . The less you know the less you're involved in the chaos . Hope you understand ."
The Death Lord said with reasoning , caring tone .

There was an awkward silence again , suddenly changing the topic , he again said "I'm going to extract one strand for you ."

Then he left in just one blink .

Biswadev was still there with one paricular thought running into his head ,
 "The Lord of Vision , what exactly happened to him ?!"

Hey, Readers,
So they are all trying to bring Darshan into the office! !!!!!😱😱

What was wrong with Darshan's personality? !!!!!😯😯

The Death Whip, whose hairlock can be so much powerful! !!😮

most of all, Who is this Lord Of Vision? !!!!! 😲

So many questions......
Let's find out in upcoming chapters.....

Till then stay safe, stay healthy, and enjoy reading 😊 😊

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                  .............Anasuya Raj

27th July, 2020

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