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On the way to the restaurant, Darshan's mind was filled with many questions , what was the place in his dream ? What was he doing there ? And why on Jag-Ath was he dressed in an ancient robe ? Why was Yash in such dress too ? The scenery looked like a lifetime old and Darshan was definitely sure that that lifetime had never been in the present unless it happened in his past lifetime .

The affection between themselves felt so original to him , as if he was experiencing that both physically and emotionally , were those also his memories from his past life ? Was that why he felt the comforting familiarity with Yash in such a short time ?

After Yash's mentioning about Darshan's past life and his connections with Yash and the other people , Darshan started to connect every dot and still he was lost , only the person beside him could at least give him some answers .

However the person beside him was silent as ever , and Darshan understood the person had been having problems with the people around him ; just like him , that person also used to see and experience unwanted things , it was just that he was so lost in his own questioning world , he did not pay much attention to his surroundings .

As they reached the V's , they were warmly welcomed by Vinay himself . Entering the restaurant , Darshan suddenly remembered the memories from the lunch time which made a critical expression on his face . He still remembered the parting words with Yash , and he badly wished to reverse the time .

What was he thinking that time ? Nor did he hear out Yash's full explanation neither gave him a chance to reason out any confusions . That time he felt like he was treated well because he was a shadow of a past person whom Yash and the others adored and respected ; was he thinking wrong ? He suddenly felt a jealousy creeping into his mind .

Taking his usual seat in the cornered table , his senses were still clouded with chaos , until the person who had taken the front chair talked .

"Can you please not think about it too much ?"

Darshan's face was literally shocked , he thought how could he know what he was thinking ?

The man , calmly answered
"your facial expressions are shouting out your mind . I did not come with you to see you like this ."

At last Bhargav glared .

Darshan somehow felt pity for his 'brother' , he was there to accompany him and he was all out of his real senses , he did not even notice that Vinay had served their dinner already .

Keeping his thoughts in a row , Darshan asked
"Then why are you accompanying me tonight ?"

In reality he needed to know if Yash had told Bhargav to keep company .

Bhargav checked Darshan's expressions which were not giving him any helpful hints .

He mentally thought
"Why ? Senior brother , why do you have to be the same stoic person with me ? Aaah ! Now what do I answer him ? That I came here to check on him ? If he is okay after lashing out on Yash ? I really can't take this silent demeanour ! First Yash , then him ! Like what went wrong with their mentality ?"

Then very cautiously he answered
"ooh ! I wanted to know more about the person whom my best friend loves so much and of course I want to be friends with you ."

To Bhargav's relief at least Darshan's expressions gave away some feelings ; pain , regret with defeat . Bhargav could not understand what was Darshan fighting against ? Was he confused about the memories or was he really at dead-end about discovering his own identity ?

Before Bhargav could think about more possibilities , Darshan asked
"How is he ?"

Scrutinising Darshan's face carefully Bhargav answered
"Back to his cold , icy demeanour , all over not good . I don't blame you though ."

Darshan had no clue what Bhargav meant by Yash's cold character as he had never seen Yash stiff or icy . But then the vision floated into his mind and he mentally cursed himself . There he confirmed that the only person who felt all those things happening was only him , then how could he not be reasonable enough to know everything about his own past life ?

So Lady Rajani made him look through his own past life's memory only to give him the confirmation that they were meant to be together since their past life . But why are the Lords and Ladies are so much nosy about his personal life ? The Death Lord's caring words on those letters , Lady Rajani's private visit , then the person in front of him ; what are these actually pointing out ?

Darshan decided to give himself time to process one question at a time ,
"Bhargav , how long is Yash staying here ?"

Bhargav , who just felt enough peace to start eating , looked at Darshan in confusion
"Don't you know ? He's here for approx two years now ."

Darshan rolled his eyes and said
"I know that Bhargav , and you know what I'm talking about ."

Bhargav finally decided to let the food stay untouched and said
"You're saying if Yash's identity and all the things about him are just a made up . Com'on , have some sense brother ! He never told you lies , I repeat , he never lied to you . He might have hidden things from you which is extremely necessary ."

Darshan expected to hear that already , his trust on Yash somehow was the most miraculous thing and he was not bothered about it .

He focused on questioning
"So , I was your senior brother and you are also from my past life as that day he said "we" and just now your thoughts......"

Darshan did not complete as Bhargav's expression became worried yet melancholic , but still his mind was locked . He knew the person in front of him caught his every thoughts until that moment and was purposefully testing him . Then he encouraged himself to take a bold step to tell the truth .

"I don't know what piece of memory you've seen and what made you ask this question but I'll be honest , yes , you were my senior brother and even now , I see you as my brother ."

Darshan's expression became a little calm like as if he was ready to be avoided again , and Bhargav's answer made his burden a little less .

"What do you think about our powers ? Don't you think they are quite similar ?"

There Bhargav was lost how to answer and what to answer ? Why do they have these power ?

Seeing Bhargav's hesitation , Darshan said
"I mean , you and I kind of have a similar power , don't you think so ? I can see memories which includes both past and present and you can see futures ."

Bhargav gave a small awkward laugh
"Oohh that ? Yeah , I also wonder why do we have so many similarities ?"

To Bhargav's unbeknownst , Darshan was digging out the most hidden truth possibly which struck to him when Lady Rajani visited earlier that day .

Arching one eyebrow , Darshan asked
"Didn't you say we were brothers , maybe there is still some connections within our blood ."

Bhargav knew this connection was not about blood but about the their souls' Core essence 'Vision' .

He again gave a small smile and said
"Maybe . Who knows ?"

"You know , there is a woman in my life , who is very strict with my surroundings , she usually doesn't let me to interact with strangers , specifically those who have so much hidden behind the facade . But this time I wonder if she did not keep my surroundings in watch ."

Bhargav really could not get where their conversation was going but he felt Darshan's turmoil . Having an overprotective mother who never explained anything reasonable to assure him , was already frustrating . Struggling with his unworldly special powers on his own , he was living okay ; but their own direct interference had made his life upside-down .

Being born as a human , he wanted to live in a normal way of course and he had found that ray within Yash and what were they thinking ? That letting him know one part of the truth will be great ?! And then what ? Just let him digest all alone ! Unbelievable !

Though Bhargav was fighting with his own thoughts he decided to give at least an easy time to the person in front of him .

"Maybe she wants you to leave your comfort zone to know the better you ."

"Yeah , she always lets me do that . This time it's getting tough though ."

Bhargav noticed a familiar stubbornness crossing across Darshan's face .

And he commented
"There is this woman in my life who always cares about me but always lets me solve my problems on my own. And you know she is the most stubborn woman, I've ever Known , but she is always the reasonable one ."

Darshan's expression was full of curiosity , he asked
"your mom ?"

Bhargav at last understood where their conversation landed , shaking his head , he answered
"no , she is one of my many sisters ."

Darshan made an 'o' and said
"Then she is just like my mother ."

Changing the topic into a lighter one , Darshan asked
"So how long have you been staying here ?"

"Oh ! I'm just a guest here for few weeks . Once my vacation ends I'll be gone . Don't worry , before I leave I'll make him come up with some sense ."

Darshan stared at Bhargav for a while as if he was deciding on something vital .

He said
"You don't need to do that . He knows that I need time to accept it . Actually I feel guilty for those words . I should've known that remembering everything from the past life , yet not expressing his true feelings wholly ; indeed had taken a toll on him . And I was just thinking  about myself . I should've been the one making some sense ."

Bhargav did not know what to feel on these two persons who were just blaming themselves for hurting each other when they both knew that they could never stay away for a long time ; not in the past life , nor it was going to happen in this lifetime of Darshan . Though he was glad but knowing Yash's cold character , he would never dare to approach the other , on the other hand Darshan's guilty conscience always had been the most hard thing to be pursued . He had to do something that he was sure about .

"Hey com'on , you both can't blame each other for this okay . If you think clearly , you won't reach anywhere . So it will be better if you suppress your anger over him and make him explain whatever he has to tell you ."

Darshan felt lighthearted, he suddenly understood , that Lady Rajani did tell him that he would meet a wonderful person ; Bhargav was indeed a wonderful person to keep company . He was kind-hearted , easygoing , approachable , influential and all over easy to bend with . Darshan did not regret of coming with him , nor was he disappointed to have such a person as brother , even if he was from his past life .

Seeing Darshan's silent mode , Bhargav asked
"what're you wondering now ?"

Darshan shrugged his shoulders and said
"Nothing . Just how does it really feel to remember your past life ?"

Bhargav took a while to answer
"well , at first it's confusing , whether to accept it or avoid it . But when you get that feelings that no matter what , it always have been you ; whether it was in past or in present , you'll learn to bend your both life and it won't be awkward anymore ."

This speech was not from experience for Bhargav , he just stormed into his knowledge to explain it theoretically . But Darshan felt it with heart , he knew he was gradually accepting this .

Voice full of gratitude , he said
"Thank you ."

Bhargav was speechless , his idea actually had effect on Darshan and he was optimistic beyond measurement . But Darshan's next question made him melancholic again .

"When did you remember the memories of your past life ?"

With a serious face , Bhargav answered
"I've never forgotten about my life , be it past or present ."

Darshan dropped the topic as he knew there might have been something terribly wrong with Bhargav's life . He wanted to know more about himself , about all of them , but had restrained himself .

"I think you two are going to waste the foods , so can I take them ?"

A very sharp voice talked just beside them and Darshan was bewildered to see the owner of the voice . While Bhargav's expression was first startled and then extremely joyous , he leapt from his chair and fell into a tight embrace of Shanath .

"I thought you won't come !"

"Aah ! How can I not come ? Do you think I'll sit back after at least knowing that you waited alone for a long time for someone who had no clue of your conditions ?!"

Shanath's glare made Darshan shiver in his seat , he looked at Bhargav apologetically .

Bhargav retorted
"Ooh! That's fine , Shan Raj . He wasn't informed . Now have a seat and have dinner ."

Shanath's mood was lifted and gladly sat beside Bhargav . When his plate was served , they finally started eating . While eating Darshan realised that the two infront of him was making silent conversation with hidden gestures , Shan Raj's face first looked worried , then Bhargav's shake of his head made him smile a little .

Occasionally Shan Raj would make some signs to question and Bhargav would make the same process to answer . Darshan could not read Bhargav's mind and he knew Bhargav did not want him to know the topic of their conversation , yet his gut feeling told him that he was also involved in those topics .

When they finished eating , Shan Raj's face was glowing with pride and Darshan was totally clueless what might have Bhargav told him .

Standing up from his seat Shan Raj declared
"You two stay here . I'll pay the bills ."

Before Darshan could start his protest , Bhargav snorted and said
"Yeah ! As if Vinay will take any kind of money from you ?"

Shan Raj answered
"That's unfair . Each time he can't just give us free treats !"

"Okay , go on . Let's see what will he do ?"

Shanath left with a confident look and Bhargav spoke
"Stubborn and playful as always ."

The couple once said that they could not come to this restaurant every time , but the conversation between them from a few moments ago said another point .

And Darshan could not help but said his thoughts
"It seems that you both are quite familiar with Vinay and this restaurant , and you said you don't come here every time ."

Bhargav who was admiring the actions of Shanath , could not believe what more suspicion this person beside him , had .

Nevertheless ,turning his head to Darshan , he honestly answered
"It's true that we don't visit here regularly as we barely get off of our works . But when there are chances of getting some separate moments for ourselves , wherever we are , we definitely come here . And as for familiarity with Vinay , we helped him in building this restaurant ; me , with good Fortune and Shan Raj ?........"

Bhargav turned his head back to Shan Raj and with a proud smile said
"Being the Second Prince of the richest family ever , he is very strong in finance . So he carried out all the financial issues ."

After a few seconds , still beaming with that proud smile he added
"I'm so lucky , right ? Actually you're lucky too . Don't forget who is the First Prince of that family ."

Darshan had no interest in any 'good Fortune' or in strong financial conditions , he looked straight at Shan Raj who was in the queue , waiting for his turn to pay . But all the time his gaze was on Bhargav and their occasional gestured conversation continued .

Darshan learned that these two persons knew each other so well that they did not even needed words to express things . They were caring to each other , protective of each other and somehow with so many differences in their characters ; they were well-matched .

He consciously felt that he and Yash were just like that , they were caring , protective and they even understood each other so well , they were getting through smoothly and then these all had to screw up everything ; he missed Yash's caring , comforting presence .

"He cares about you ?"

Bhargav still looking at Shan Raj answered
"yeah , he does ."

Then looking back at Darshan he added
"Don't mind his words . He is always straightforward about his mind ."

"No , I did not mind ."

After a small pause , Darshan asked
"Does he remember too ?"

Bhargav's beaming expression turned into grim , he answered
"No . But I don't want him to remember either . Our life were not smooth at all and recalling those will just destroy this bliss for me . It's better like that ."

Saying so Bhargav gave a small sad smile .

Darshan felt pain for his brother , whatever memories were buried , he did not want them to come out too . Shan Raj returned with a huge smile and that indicated he succeeded .

The three were at the gate and Darshan said
"I'll go first then , you guys can....."

"No way ! We'll accompany you back ."
Bhargav stopped Darshan from saying further .

Darshan noticed Shan Raj's uncomfortable gaze , he assured Bhargav that he would be okay and turned to go back to his hostel .

When Darshan's figure vanished behind the turn into the University Lane , Bhargav was still looking forward .

Shanath assured
"Don't worry , he'll not let him go alone ."

Perplexed at Shanath's words , Bhargav asked
"You mean he is here ?"


Then he indicated to Yash who was approaching them from behind .

Yash did not waste time and said
"I'll go and you two better be careful , Manohar is staying there ."

Bhargav's face turned into a pink tint and he tried hard to avoid the fact . He wanted to tell something to Yash about caring his own side but kept the urge as the situation was not appropriate .

And he made it a question to lessen the embarrassment
"You're stalking him in this form ! Then why aren't you going straight to him ?"

"I won't . Not until he calls me back . And no , I'm not going to give him any hint of me."
An expressionless Yash answered .

Bhargav's eyes widened , he realised that it was fruitless to pursue a stubborn Yash , he let him go . He wanted to warn him that in his original form , even him being invisible , Darshan still could feel the presence of the Death Lord , which was more straightforward way to be caught red-handed .

Darshan was walking alone with so many thoughts running in his mind , he was feeling vacant all again . Suddenly he felt a familiar unworldly aura surrounding him and he stopped on his track . He looked carefully around him but found no one , he realised that someone was stalking him invisibly ; and of course the presence of that invisible one was not unfamiliar to him at all . He did not feel afraid rather he felt unexpectedly safe , relaxed and continued to walk to his university campus .

Hey, my beautiful readers!
Hope you are all are doing well.
But I'm not doing good in this freaking cold ! Winter just had arrived and I'm under three covers !!!!! 😬😬😬😬 don't have any idea how I'm going to survive! !!!!!! 😩😩😩
Enough about my suffering

So , The LONGEST chapter still now! !! 3171 words !!!!😲
Yeah, I also wonder what happened to them?! They took so long to finish their dinner! !!!

So what's going to be Darshan's final decision about Yash ?

What are the memories that Bhargav has but Shanath doesn't?

Why on Naarook, being a Divine being Shanath's memory is lost?

What exactly happened in the past that Bhargav doesn't want Shanath to recall? !!!!!

Arghh! So many questions!
Please bear with these enough explanation less LORDS and LADIES!

Till then stay safe, stay healthy and enjoy reading.


                   ...............Anasuya Raj

20th December , 2020

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