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It was around 4 o'clock in the morning when a black figure appeared in the apartment of No. 2 Brinda Avenue exactly where the murder happened . The figure was tall, dressed in golden-black robe ; the Death Whip shimmering in his hand . The Death Lord was searching for something as his hands were continuously moving on the air and furnitures were moving out of his way . A round thing started glowing dimly around his neck , he clutched the pendant and looked at the university campus through the broad window , his mind had gone to someone .

Suddenly his senses came back to himself , his concentration sharpened. Three more figures appeared in the hall ; a tall man in blue-white robe, a medium sized man in light grey robe , a short girl in dark violet robe and the three of them bowed together .

"Hey , hoodie ! Looking for D ? I wonder how can you clearly see with that hood on ?!" The blue-white robed man said .

"The Lord of Fate must be joking. Whereas the door locked with millions of locks or passwords , no one can prevent Death from entering ." The Death Lord answered while bowing a little .

"Ohh ! Why does it sound like a threat to me ?!" The Fate Lord said .

"Then you must have done something to get a threat , Bhargav ." The Death Lord said with a low but cold voice .

"Okay , I agree with doing something but not something to get a threat . See all went in your favour !"

"My favour ! I see her with you . Can I know why ?" Pointing at the girl in dark violet robe , the Death Lord asked with gritted teeth .

Before the Fate Lord could say anything, the girl said with a very timid , warm voice "I beg your pardon my Lord , I've been living without a mentor for so many years , I've forgotten my way , but still doing my duty......"

"Duty ! You call it a duty ?! Being a part of a conspiracy ! Do you want to know the touch of this Whip ?!" A viciously outraged Death Lord shrieked and the girl flinched away from him .

"Anthraj , my dear, you are not allowed to abuse a Lady , specially not the one who helped in good ."

"Good ? Tell me how it's good from your view ?! He was almost going to die ! If I didn't reach there in time what would have happened to him ?!"

The Death Lord and the Fate Lord were face to face , the other two backed few steps , clearly afraid of the clashing of two powerful being .

"I was there too , I had to be . I couldn't take a chance again ! Or how I will face the Lady ?!" Bhargav answered with a shaken voice .

"Again ?!" The Death Lord's voice was too much chilled .

Bhargav tensed and bringing up a smile , pointing the other two he said
"That's another talk . First these ."
"He is Maruth , currently the Air Lord and he is the one who found him first time and also this time...."

"When was the first time then ?"

"Four years ago , my Lord " the Air Lord feebly answered .

"It took twenty years to find him ! Wow Bhargav ! You did a lengthy job ."

"We can't see his aura , he had to find them with the Lady's aura ; the Lady had never stopped hiding and you know she has her way . You don't know how much difficult it is to handle her ! Now these two are in a wanted list !"
The Fate Lord answered for them .

"Rajani isn't my disciple anymore , she can decide her own way herself . But Maruth's presence must have cost some favour of you " the Death Lord said while looking at Rajani .

"Yes , of course , destruction of few over-polluting factories , illegally constructed buildings and some lunatics who went to the forest . It's nothing actually . The Nature Lady was happy and she lend me him ."

"Then I guess , you are getting blamed by a lot of people ."

"Ahh ! Let them blame me if I'm really to blame because these humans will never understand we're doing this for their own good !"

"What you were saying about his mother ?" The Death asked with impatience .

"That's another talk , my dear . I'll tell you the truth , no worries , okay . First tell me did you get the soul of this apartment ?"

"No , when I first came here the soul wasn't here . Maybe he was too confused and ran out to get help . When he realised what happened to him , he returned here ."

"Then he should be here, but you didn't get him that means either he went on wondering or someone else got him !"
Seeing the hall clearly , Bhargav changed the topic , "What were you doing with these furnitures ?!"

"I was tracking his trace which ended at this window and there is no trace down there or anywhere around . That proves your second guess . But who would have done that ? It's not anyone else's duty , I thought ."

"Of course , it's only yours except.......bless me that can't be !"

"What are you talking about, Bhargav ?! Please be clear or I will not hold my patience any longer " anger increasing in his voice .

"Calm down dear, I will be clear. But first tell me these two are not in your wanted list. " pointing to Maruth and Rajani the Fate Lord asked .

"No . Since their help went to my favour they will be in my mercy , but don't expect gratitude !"

"They will not . Okay . I thank you both . You must response when you'll be needed again . Now off you go ." Looking at the two Bhargav politely said .

Hearing that Rajani left immediately but Maruth wanted to tell something but as Bhargav gave him a knowing look , he also left .

"Now we can have a proper talk . Ask me what you want to know ."

"Who got the soul ?"

"Since someone was temporarily in charge of this duty.......no no no don't take it as a confirmation please " Bhargav's voice was shaken .

"Bhargav ! I . Want . The . Answer . NOW !" The Death Lord bellowed .

Bhargav's face turned pale , he didn't want to utter the name , yet he had no option . In a very low feeble voice he said
"Shanath , the Lord of Karma ."

The Death Lord's face went blank , emotionless .

Hey, readers,
So the Fate Lord and the Death Lord are directly interfering in Darshan's life. What's the connection between them ?
Why did the Lord of Karma take the soul ?
Urgh. ...... so many questions !!!!!!
Hold on tight , everything will be explained ........
Till then stay home , stay safe and enjoy reading 😊 😊
Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE 👍✒👉

..............Anasuya Raj

8th June, 2020

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