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The first thing Aspen noticed was the smell. Damp, moss, and...was that beef stew? She didn't know. Her whole body ached, and she felt her head throb to the beat of her heart. She let out a groan.

"You're awake." Her eyes flickered and opened. It was the boy. Shadow. The boy stuck in the fire escape. The boy from the dream. The boy with the crystals.

The crystals...what had that been? She started to sit down, but Shadow pressed lightly on her shoulder. "Don't. It'll make the side effects worse." So that's what this headache was. A side effect. Aspen lay back down. Her eyes adapted around the room.

It was a small round room, made of nondescript cold grey stone. In a corner a small cot was propped up, and she lay spin a cold iron bench. A desk sat near the bed, with a tree legged stool. There was a curtain surrounding what she presumed to be the bathroom.

"Where am I?" Aspen muttered, not exactly expecting an answer. One came anyway. "The Castle of his Greatness, Vaati." Shadow's tone of voice made it clear just how great he thought this 'Vaati' character was. "Where the hell is that?" She swore she heard him murmur 'not where the hell, just hell.' "What was that?" Her time became slightly amused. "Um-" he glanced around. "Hyrule. Welcome to Hyrule, kid."

Shock. "Hyrule? What the heck is that?" She furrowed her brow. "Listen..." Shadow sighed. "We're far, FAR away from your old home. I was ordered to bring you here, as now your stuck here."

Aspen began to notice what was wrong with the situation now. The heavy wooden door reinforced with steel, with a small barred window in it. The barred window by the cot, far above her head. Some chains lying dejected by the cot. Not only had she been dragged away from everything she knew by a strange boy from her nightmare, but she was a prisoner.

She struggled to sit up, and much to her annoyance the headache did get worse, and glared at him. "You kidnapped me!" She dust add the part in her thoughts. I thought you were nice. I thought maybe we could be friends. Shadow gave a title shrug. "Just doing what I'm ordered."

Aspen turned away from him. "Fine. Be like that." Shadow stood up, dusting off his pants. "But you better have a better attitude when my master comes to meet you. He'll want answers, and if he didn't get them..." Shadow let the threat hang in the air. He walked briskly to the door and put his hand on the knob. He muttered something, and the door opened. He left, and Aspen heard the click of a lock being locked. She let out a sigh. This was going to be extremely not fun, she decided.

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