Cass' Return

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After being released from a medic tent, the sun is still stubbornly high. I head over to the green tent, which I've found is the food tent. After avoiding several food fights, I scrape my plate clean. Today's meal is some kind of meat (some people have guessed at unicorn, phoenix, and water buffalo). I liked the miracle-mush better, but I can't complain against this mystery meat. By the time I'm finished, the sun is still an hour away from where I want it to be. I wander randomly, no specific place in mind. I wind up at the purple tent. This is where Cass will hopefully be, later... I sit on a lump of grass and watch the sun. It's moving so slowly... so slowly... so... slowly...

My eyes blink open. I must have fallen asleep! I glance at the sun, checking the time. It's setting, it's finally setting! I jump up in joy, and a few passing people give me weird looks. I put on my most serious face and nod a greeting. The people pass, all thinking I'm a lunatic. I glance around, hoping to see a familiar face. Instead, I see someone with unnaturally pointy ears, someone else with a third arm, and another person- wait, is that a humanlike chicken or a chicken-like human? I'm pondering this when I notice a figure in the distance. It's a hooded person. They're not facing me, so I can't see their face. The figure turns a few times, as if they're being watched. (Which, of course, they are. I'm staring right at them.) The figure turns toward me, and not wanting to be caught staring, I quickly look away. I focus on the sky like it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen, and a moment later, I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see the hooded figure. And under the hood is none other then Cass.

"How ya doing, Wrive?" A massive grin spreads across both of our faces.

"Cassie! I- oh, I was worried, and-" I wrap her up in a big hug. She returns it, and happy energy crackles everywhere.

"Okay, okay, I'm here now, dad." I give her a big squeeze and let go.

"How in Odds And Ends did you wind up in the same Quality Test as me?" I ask, still mentally celebrating mentally.

"Oh, you know," Cass replies casually. "I may or may not have snuck into the planner's office and entered myself in your fight."

"Seriously, Cass," I protest, still grinning. "How did you do it?"

"That is how I did it," Cass replies with a serious face. I wait for her to break out into giggles, but she keeps a completely straight face.

"You're kidding." Her face remains serious. "You're not kidding?" Cass' stone serious face finally breaks, and she looks exhausted. This isn't something I see on Cass. It makes her look... older.

"Wrive," she sighs, "Come with me." She grabs hold of my hand- I blush- and begins to walk. I follow her. Once we've walked a little ways, she stops.

"Wrive, you need to hear the whole story," she begins. "By now you know that Axle came in and kidnapped us. I was knocked unconscious, and when I woke up, Axle was there. She asked me to demonstrate what I could do. So I showed her. She wasn't impressed. She said she had better things to feed, things that deserved her space more then I did. She kept me, though. Once the whole issue that's holding us up started, I was let out of my cage. Buuuuuut, Axle sent a few minions to dispose of me." Here, she shrugs. "They tried. Anyway, I'm not exactly welcome... anywhere. So yeah. I explored, messed with the Quality Tests thing, and that's about it from me. What did you do?" Compared to Cass' epic jailbreak, my story sounds boring.

"Well, Axle let me out of my cage when we got here. I explored. And... yeah, that's about it. I'm kinda boring." Cass laughs.

"Ha! You? Boring? Wrive, you shoot shadowy energy from your body. I hardly think you count as boring!" I consider this and agree.

"So, do you have any plans?" I ask, hopeful for a plan of some sort.

"No. Plans are Tarna's thing," Cass says sadly. "Wait- Tarna's thing. That's the plan, I guess. Find Tarna so we can have a plan." I nod.

"Sounds good." Tarna smiles. Then she glances around, and I follow her gaze. Two guys in black are walking around the tents. Both have scowls on their faces and appear to be searching. For what?

"Shoot," Tarna whispers angrily. "More of Axle's guys." Then she turns back to me. "Sorry this talk was so short. Try again tomorrow, same time."

"Got it," I say reluctantly. I've only just found Cass, and now she's leaving.

"Great. Cover for me, will you?" Then she slips off, and of course, the two men in black immediately notice.

"Hey you! Freeze!" one cries. I look at him, pretending to be startled.

"Me?" I ask in disbelief. "I'm sorry, you must have the wrong guy."

"State your name, species and business," one growls, ignoring my protest.

"My name? Ah, yes. My name." I glance out of the corner of my eye at Cass, who's sneaking away. "My name is... Timmy! Timmy the... the, um... human, of course. Timmy the human. And my business? Well, um, I'm into, er..." I look around frantically, looking for anything that might inspire me with a fake job. I see only one thing, so I use it. "I'm into... grass... shooting. Grass shooting." I nod professionally. One of the guys frowns. Then he leans in real slow. He leans in until he's an inch from my face. I see his bald head and rough face up close. Then, in the faintest whisper, he says,

"That's a good job, that is. Pays good money." He stands up straight and continues, this time with emotion. "You know, people don't appreciate a good grass shooter anymore." He wipes- is that a tear?- out of his eye.

"Good to see someone taking up the old art." He pats my shoulder and struggles not to cry.

"Be strong, Will," the other man says. "Be strong. It's what Old Lu would want."

"Old Lu?!? You had to bring up Old Lu?!?" This pushes the other man over the edge, and he breaks into hysterical tears.

"C'mon, Willy. Let's go." The not-crying man turns to me and nods. I nod back. As soon as they're out of sight, I sigh dramatically.

"They were absolutely insane." Grass shooters? Old Lu? What is wrong with this place?

The sun is barely visible, and I head over to an unoccupied area. I settle down on the grass, thinking about the day's events. I also wonder what Cassie is doing right now. Probably hiding. I plan out tomorrow. For the morning and afternoon, I'll search for Tarna. Then, at sundown, I'll meet with Cass. I briefly wonder how long I'll keep this up. I've got too many friends to find in too huge of a space. I don't even know if they're alive! I quickly shake that thought out of my head. It'll all be okay.. somehow. Sleep still finds me with a troubled frown on my face.


Wrive: Safe in Axle's Odds And Ends.
Cassie: Somewhere in Axle's Odds And Ends, also safe.
Tarna: ???
Rolly: ???
Person: ???
Shawn: ???
Ray: ???

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