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Tarna remained leader after Wrive's disappearance. She led the others out of Knor's realm and into the grassy plains. Strangely, when the gang returned to the spot they'd left Shawn, they found no trace of him. They'd search and wonder for a long time, but Shawn was never found. Whether he was dead or alive, they never knew.

Tarna led them to The Hideout, which had been taken over by Ultra Tech. However, Tarna found it empty, and Wrive's friends moved back in. In time, many kids who had been freed from Ultra Tech in the group's first raid found their way to The Hideout. The gang's base expanded and became home to anyone and everyone with a Bestowing. Person, when he was in The Hideout, could usually be found near her.

Knor returned to the Collections House, showing anyone who wanted to learn his wisdom. Wrive and his friends found many secrets in the building, but there were many more to find. Knor also took up his title as "the author" again, writing many new books on magic, Bestowings, and the adventures of Wrive and his friends.

Rolly could often be found in Knor's libraries, reading and experimenting as he loved to do. Life was never boring in The Hideout, so he was always helping out around there. Young kids loved to see his golem form, which, when he was friendly, was more majestic than scary. After a few years, though, he wasn't seen around buildings much. Sometimes, people would shout and cheer as he flew overhead, almost always with another golem.

Cass was devastated after Wrive disappeared, but became her joyful, bouncing self soon enough. She spent years looking into Wrive's disappearance, still, talking to Knor and reading his books. She found nothing, though, and eventually accepted that her friend was gone. She met many new friends in the improved Hideout, though, and was happy. She'd always remember Wrive, but she remembered him with a smile.

Ray was a important edition to The Hideout, as he created issues occasionally. This seems like a bad thing, but Cass, Tarna and the other residents of The Hideout were never bored with him around. He occasionally went Overkill and shot flames at random, but in the construction of the improvements of The Hideout, Tarna made sure that there was an Overkill room where he could go if he sensed an Overkill period coming. When he wasn't Overkill, he teamed up with Rolly (when he was around) and Knor, researching a cure for Overkills. He was proud to have been part of the creation on The Ray, which was a medicine that prevented Overkill periods for a while.

Person spent most of his time in the abandon Ultra Tech building, searching for anything left behind. He did find some treasure and equipment that was helpful in The Hideout, and after nearly a year, he found a hidden compartment which held small capsules. On every one of them, there was a label. _____'s memories. The only readable part of the label was the memories part. Person, determined, used old Ultra Tech machines to put the memories from the capsules into his brain. He ended up with other people's memories, which he pulled out of his head with the machines. But, through his determination, he eventually found what he was looking for.


Person smiled. He couldn't help it. He remembered, he finally remembered, and he smiled. At long last, he remembered. He remembered how great Wrive had been. He didn't need a memory capsule for that. Wrive Tacking, a true hero. Knowing him had been an honor. The name Tacking would forever be one of greatness, of honor and dignity. It would be remembered with love. And Person remembered it. He remembered it all. He knew his first name, but it wasn't his name anymore. His friends knew him as Person, and that was the only person he wanted to be. His last name, however, he accepted. His last name was a great one.

Person stared into the sky.

"Hello, Wrive. I just remembered everything. But I don't like my name. It isn't mine anymore. Person will suit me just fine." Person paused. He was sure that Wrive heard him. He was sure. "Well, thanks for listening... and everything else. Thank you... brother."


I open my eyes. Everything is white, just as it should be. I tap my head and I can feel it. I view Nothing Land like never before. Because this time, I'm really here. My physical body has exited reality. Examining Nothing Land with new eyes, an odd feeling fills me. I reach out my hand, and focus on the white nothingness of the sky. I concentrate and close my eyes. When I open them, Nothing Land has become... something. The sky is blue, with clouds. I grin at my creation. If I have to live in Nothing Land forever, I know I'll be able to. Who knows what I'll do? I'm the master of this land. I spread my arms and imagine a maze. Immidietly, a maze springs up around me. I smile as I stroll around in my maze, creating objects at my desire. It feels right, being in a maze. It gives me a comforting feeling. One that I'm used to. The feeling of being lost.

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