Knor's Realm

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The day before the raid, we discuss the whole "possession" problem.

"Knor didn't really turn me completely evil," Cass explains. "He just strengthened my fear and confusion. A lot. I was still in control, just with different intents... It made sense when Knor was possessing me." Knor possessing our allies could be a major problem. I can't imagine Rolly in golem form attacking us.

"Hit Knor's real body while he's possessing people," Ray suggests. "I doubt he can defend himself and possess someone at once." The discussion goes on for a while, and eventually we decide to test different methods of attack. Hopefully, we'll find something that works.

Evening hits quick, and we all know this is our last night before the big day. Instead of Cass and I chatting, our whole group sits and watches the sun set together.

"This is it," Tarna says.

"Yeah," Person agrees. We're all silent for a moment.

"Guys, whatever happens," Cass starts. "I love you guys. We make a great team, whether we're hiding in The Hideout or plotting in our forest home."

"Whether we're training or resting," I add. "Exploring tents in Odds And Ends or solving riddles near the Collections House." I remember the different places we've been with surprising fondness. Each event that led up to this was important. And for kids who were kidnapped, stuck in a cage and tortured, we've got some pretty great stuff to look back at. Escaping Ultra Tech, meeting Cass, Tarna, Ray, Rolly and Shiran. Breaking back into U.T. for freedom, escaping with only our lives and Person. Solving riddles, pulling an axe out of thin air. We've done pretty good. Tarna lifts her sword to the setting sun.

"We may be lost. But at least we're lost together."

"Lost together," we all repeat, holding our swords up as well. These two words nearly sum up our adventures together. Lost: usually a bad thing, and we're constantly finding ourselves lost in the chaos and mystery of our lives. Together: a uniting word, and the only reason any of us are who we are. Combined, these two words make a phrase that truly fits us. Lost together.


It's the day. The day of the raid. Possibly the best day in the history of our lives. Or maybe it'll turn out to be the worst. Either way, none of us are turning back.

From behind our boulder shelter, we quickly say our momentary farewells.

"Lost together," I murmur to my friends. They repeat the phrase, and with that, we sneak toward the Ultra Tech building. The first defence we have to overcome: a tall fence, with lookouts patrolling around it. At least, there are usually lookouts. I don't see any today.

"How do we get past it?" Cass whispers. Ray grins and steps toward the fence.

"Simple. You call on your buddy, the guy with hands that could burn through solid stone. Or fence." With this, Ray melts away a hole in the fence. We all head through the fence. We're now on Ultra Tech soil. This is Knor's territory. Once we're through the fence, our destination is the U.T. entry door. There don't seem to be any guards, which is unusual.

"Where is everyone?" Tarna whispers. "Last time, we'd already had to take out a dozen guards by now."

"Expect a surprise attack," Ray mutters. He then pushes open the door, and we're immediately met with... nothing. The entry room is empty.

"We're either lucky or right where Knor wants us," Tarna whispers. We all hope for the first but expect and dread the second. From the entry room, we split up with a silent nod. Cass and I are entering the Portal Room from the left, which means going through the Dining Hall and Guard's Quarters. We go to the door leading to the Dining Hall.

"We're not here for a fight," Cass reminds me. "We just need to get through as quickly as possible." I nod, showing that I understand, and Cass opens the door. The room is empty. No eating guards, and of course, no prisoners, not that us prisoners ever ate at a table.

"No way," Cass whispers. "Did they abandon the place?"

"Let's hope so," I reply, walking through the Dining Hall to get to the Guards' Quarters. Deep in my gut, I know that U.T. didn't abandon this building. They wouldn't leave the portal vulnerable. But whatever they hope to achieve by hiding is helping us right now. I push open the door to the Guards' Quarters, not surprised to find it empty. No guards anywhere, just a dark room. Cass and I share a look, and then I approach the door that I know leads to the Portal Room.

"This is a new room," I remind Cass. "We don't know what to expect, other than a bunch of U.T. guards lying in wait." Cass nods, and I nudge the door open. The first thing I see is light. Unlike the rooms so far, which have been dark with no lights, there's a red light illuminating the room. Then I see other objects in the room. Actually, only one. The portal. It's a ring of metal, covered in symbols and signs. Inside the metal frame, there's a rippling purple substance. If it had all been metal, it would have looked like a square table. I'm guessing that jumping into the purple will land us a trip to Knor's realm. Two other doors in the room creak open, and I summon my sword quickly. Cass gets in a battle-ready stance, and we get a glimpse of the people entering the room... Tarna, Rolly, Ray, and Person.

"Did we scare you?" Person teases. I blush at our panic and my sword dissolves. Tarna and the rest take in the room, examining it.

"No guards anywhere in Ultra Tech," Tarna says, confused. "It's almost as if they want us to go into Knor's realm."

"They might," Ray shrugs. "Knor is their all-powerful god. Why wouldn't they just let us stroll to our deaths?"

"Shut up, Ray," Rolly growls. (And he does literally growl. He's in golem form.)

"I didn't mean-"

"I know, I know," Rolly interrupts. "But you're kind of discouraging." Ray stays silent, and we all look down at the portal. It gives off a faint purple light.

"So this is it?" Cass asks.

"Yeah," Ray responds. "This is it." We all stay silent, thinking.

"Who's going in first?" Tarna asks.

"I will," I volunteer. Tarna nods.

"Okay," she says. "Be careful in there. Look out for Knormites."

"I will," I promise. Suddenly, Tarna grabs me and pulls me to her. I'm surprised by the sudden hug, but I return it.

"Be safe," Tarna whispers, displaying a rare show of emotion. I don't respond, since I can't promise I'll be safe. I can't promise anything, in Knor's realm. The weight of what we're doing falls on me, harder than ever. Knor is pure evil. This is our one chance to get rid of him. Whatever happens, this is the end. We'll destroy Knor or die fighting. This is really the end. Everything we've worked for has led up to this moment. I stare into the purple, rippling portal.

"See you soon," I bid farewell to my friends. I try to hold back tears as I reach out to the portal. Thoughts race through my mind, all screaming to be heard. But one thought is louder than the rest.

This is it. This is the end. My fingers are inches away from the purple light, now centimeters. Now I'm basically touching it, separated by a hair more than nothing...


Wrive disappears from the room with a flash. His friends look at the empty space, a promise echoing around in the room. A promise that they hope is true.

See you soon.


There might be colors flying by. Or maybe I'm not moving at all, just sitting with my eyes closed. I'm not sure. My thoughts are twisted and random, as if my own brain is disobeying me.

Cass. Knor. Victory. Defeat. Author. Portal. I feel a falling feeling, but whether or not I'm moving is a mystery. And the sounds are confusing too. I hear shouts of friends, screams of friends. I hear clashing of swords and crackles of energy. The endless nothingness of everything whirls and screams. And now I'm here. Where is here, you ask? Here is now. Here is where it ends. Here is everything.


Knor's realm is dead. The wind gives off a quiet howl, and although there's grass under my feet, it's grey and lifeless. Looking to the sky, I can't tell if there are grey clouds everywhere or if the sky itself is grey. There are a few small hills as the landscape, some grassy and some made of rock. Behind me, there's a portal, identical to the one in U.T. I know that the others will arrive soon, and then we can find Knor.

This is it. This is the end.


The author paced around the Collections House, wondering what he could do. He knew what was going to happen; he just needed to stop it, somehow.

I have to stop it. Stop it, somehow... The author's eyes shifted to a small dagger on his desk. It was made of cathtonite, a mineral that he believed could have extremely useful qualities. He hadn't looked into it much, but he planned to. Well, he had planned to, anyway... His newest discovery changed everything. But this cathtonite would be useful. The author picked the dagger up and studied it in his hands. Then he slowly pricked his finger. He yelled in pain and jerked the dagger away from himself. A drop of blood fell away from his finger. Once he's calmed down, the author picked the dagger up again. The prick had just been the trial. It was time for the real thing. The author positioned the dagger over his heart.

"I'm ending this," he hissed. And then the author screamed... but the dagger hadn't touched him yet. In fact, it hadn't moved. The author wrenched the dagger left and right, as if invisible enemy was fighting for control. The man screamed as he tried to stab himself, but he failed... mostly. He managed to cut himself along his arm, making his scream louder.

I have to die, the man thought. But the dagger flew out of his hands and planted itself in the wall. The author continued to scream and shake violently. After a moment, the author stopped shaking and screaming. His face was cast downward, and he didn't look up for a moment. And then the author raised his head. He calmly walked over to the wall and attempted to tug the cathtonite dagger out of it. But as soon as the author's hand touched the blade, smoke flew off of his hand, and he hissed in pain. He gave up on the dagger and exited the Collections House. As the mysterious man we know only as "the author" looked back at the Collections House, we receive the final clue in the mystery of the author's. Because if you've read carefully and examined each clue carefully, you may already know what's happening. But for those of you that are still puzzled, here is the final clue. As the author looked back at the Collections House for the last time, his eyes were completely black.

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