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In the morning, we start the journey back to the forest. Back to the Collections House, too, which means memories. Memories of laughing and crying, all with a friend who's not here anymore. I quickly shake all thoughts of Rolly out of my head. We have enough problems, with the end of the world and all.

It's a calm trek back to the forest, but we reach it right after noon. It's good to be back, with the trees and shade. It feels like home now. We arrived around noon, so that leaves us plenty of time to read more out of the Book Of Knor. The last page we read was the map of Ultra Tech. Tarna opens up to the page after that, and we begin.

You don't have enough information, and never will. But what you've read thus far should keep you alive... for now. Now you need instructions, plain and simple. So here it is: You must break into a building. This building is vital to Knor's plans, and I know you're familiar with it. You were imprisoned there, I believe. Anyway, using my map, find the room I singled out. Inside the room is one of Knor's biggest secrets. Knor, for reasons that don't matter to you, was created in a Realm other than our own. Yes, it's true. There is only one way to access Knor's realm, and that is a portal. The portal is kept in the room you must get into. To defeat Knor, you must be able to get to him. You must enter the portal.

"That's suicide!" Ray cries. "We can't break into that room, with the security they've got, and even if we did, isn't this Knor guy supposed to be evil and invincible? Why would we go to him?"

"He's not invincible," Cass says thoughtfully. "Remember that Cathtonite stuff?"

"A raid like the one this calls for would have to be very well planned," Tarna muses. "It could take a week. Do we have that long?" While the others argue and plan, I continue reading.

Obviously, you must bring Cathtonite, preferably in the shape of a sword or arrow in a bow. Also be prepared for all the Knormites and possibly some interfering Knorspawn. Your main target is Knor, though. SACRIFICE EVERYTHING, if that is what is required. That beast should never have existed. Believe me, no one hates what that creature is more than I.

"The author says we should bring Cathtonite," I inform my friends. "He's also very against Knor." They just keep chattering about plans and risks and strategies. I sigh and turn the page. Suddenly, the world stops. The talking ceases, even the wind seems to stop. I stare at the paper. Everyone stares at the paper. Because on it is Knor. Even without reading the words on the page, I know. Honestly, describing him doesn't do anything to tell how he looks. He doesn't just look, either. He looks, he feels, he is. He simply is, and I can't describe that. On the paper, faded lines show a circle. Inside it is a single eye, black and bare, the very symbol of evil. Four lines branch off of the circle, two on each side. Again, I really can't describe this small drawing. The description makes it sound like just that; a drawing. To us, it is absolute terror and chaos on a page.

Knor, the title reads simply. Then, by the drawing, Knor is the Lord of Destruction, the Master of Chaos, and the very face of evil. The world and all of life with it bends at this monster's very touch. You cannot run, you cannot hide.

"Everyone else wants to scream, too, right?" Cass whispers.

"Oh yeah," Person whispers back. "I have never been this terrified in my life."

"Were we actually planning to attack this thing?" Tarna asks. I slam the book shut. But even though it's not visible, we can all see Knor in our minds. That horrid eye, it seems to really see, even if it's just a drawing.

"Guys," Ray says, trying to sound brave. "Why are we freaking out? Now we know what the enemy looks like. That's great. We're rebels, remember? We can do this."

"Nuh-uh!" Shawn says. "We can go back to the mean tent lady. But not the bad circle!"

"No, Ray's right," Tarna says, showing leaderly calmness. "One little drawing isn't going to scare us away. We need to get rid of this monster! Come on, guys!" Tarna continues to encourage us, and eventually, we're all back on track, even Shawn.

"Our first order of business is to gather some Cathtonite," Tarna announces. "Without that, our attack is useless."

"There could be some in the Collections House," I suggest. Everyone agrees, and we start toward the House.

When we arrive, we're hesitant to open the door. It was almost this exact spot where Rolly betrayed us. But all signs of our former friend are gone, so we enter and begin searching. I read a few of the labels on some boxes.

Minotaur Sweat, Constant-Six Dice, Mermaid Armor. That last one makes me frown as I remember my aqatic attacker. None of the boxes are labeled Cathtonite, though, so I'm disappointed until I hear Person's shout.

"Here! Here! I found it, guys, over here!" I rush towards Person's voice, and indeed, I find him holding a white stone. As I look at the Cathtonite, it seems to have small ripples of color.

"We have three boxes of it," Person exclaims excitedly. "Each box has enough to, I don't know, make a dagger or something." I open a box labeled Cathtonite, and I find a decent amount of the powerful gem.

"This is great," Tarna says. "But how do we forge this?" I feel a blast of heat, and I turn to see Ray with his hands on fire.

"Leave it to me," he says with a grin. "I may need a few hours, though, to experiment with my crafting skills." Tarna nods.

"We can't waste any Cathtonite. Well, I bet the author would keep it all in one spot, and I didn't see any in my search, did you?" Everyone shakes their heads. "Okay, that's fine. Let's move out, troops. We have a little time before dark that Ray can use to master his skills." We all agree and head outside. It's beginning to get dark, and we all decide to settle down for an early night, except for Tarna, who helps instruct Ray. Cass, as usual, settles down beside me.

"So Ray's gotta forge the weapon, and then we're attacking the portal, and then we beat Knor. And that's the end." I laugh out loud.

"Woah there, Cass. That's going to take plenty of time, with the planning and all. We're not finished yet."

"I know, but the fact that we know when it's ending is scary," Cass replies. "What happens to everyone when U.T. is gone?"

"We can do whatever we want."

"So, stick together?" Cass asks hopefully. I smile.

"Sure, if we want to."

"Oh, I'm sure Tarna will, and Shawn, of course, and..." Cass frowns. "I'm not sure about Person. He might want to try and find his memories or something. And Ray, well, he could go Overkill at any moment. I don't know what he'll do."

"It's okay, Cass," I comfort her. "Whoever stays, whoever leaves, we'll adjust. After all, we've lost Shiran and Rolly, and we've gained Person. We adjusted, and we'll adjust in the future."

"That's true," Cass says. "Thanks, Wrive." She then begins to get to sleep. Personally, though, I just can't find any sleepiness in me, so I decide to take a small stroll. The cool night air certainly feels good, and the stars are beautiful. I sigh, content, when I hear a snap. Something moved behind me.

Probably just one of the gang, I comfort myself. I turn, and am horrified to see that I'm right. It's one of the gang, all right.

"Wrive," Rolly greets me casually.

"I will scream if you move," I warn him immediately. He sighs and begins to clean his glasses, leaning against a tree casually.

"That's the thing, Wrive. You act like I'm a traitor. Did I ever do anything to you, Wrive?"

"You killed me once," I remind him, tapping the small metal box under my shirt.

"That was an accident!" Rolly protests. "And anyway, we were friends again after that. I was still a golem then, you know."

"So that's what you are? A golem?"

"Yup," Rolly responds. "I can take human form, though, and I rather enjoy my human form. Plus, you humans are much better than the golems I know. They cost me my friends."

"No," I reply shakily. "You being a mons- er, golem cost you your friends."

"Why do you think I was in golem form, Wrive?" Rolly responds angrily. "I could have pretended forever, and you never would have known. But I showed myself. Know why? Because Person heard roaring. That came from my kind. I snuck out at night and tried to keep them away. I only distracted them. Eventually, they came. So I went to meet and stop them in the Collections House. I told you not to come, but to no one's surprise, you did. So I scared you away, away from all the danger my kind is."

"But... but if they want to kill us, why don't you?" Rolly stares out at the stars for a moment before answering.

"We're Bestowed, Wrive. Cass, Ray, Shawn. All of us. But we're different from the other Bestowed, we are. Shawn has some kind of connection to a stick. You can conjure up objects. Me? I'm a golem. But I'm even more different than that. I'm a peaceful golem." I take this in for a moment.

"I never betrayed you, Wrive," Rolly says quietly. "I kept a secret to keep you safe, but I never betrayed you." I want to welcome Rolly back to the group, but I don't know if I can bring myself to trust this golem. Instead, I ask, "Why are you here now?"

"To keep an eye on you, for one," Rolly says, still staring into the stars. "Stay with you from afar. But also to help. I heard that we're- or rather, you're breaking into U.T. again." I open my mouth to say something, but Rolly holds up a hand.

"I don't need to know anything, Wrive. But I do need to make an offer. As a golem, at the moment, I'm terribly injured. You know, holding off the golems while you escaped the House. Anyway, I'm useless golem-wise right now. But at the time of your raid, I should be mostly recovered. A golem is some pretty serious firepower, Wrive. If you let me stay with you as a golem, then I can give you a huge advantage during the raid. What do you say?" I swallow hard.

"I need to talk about it-"

"Oh no," Rolly says, an edge of threat entering his voice. "I trust you, but there's a chance you might not trust me and attack. And currently, I'm defenceless. Either you accept here and now or you deny me here and now. It's all on you, Wrive." My mind rushes through a billion options. If I yelled, I might be able to gather enough people to take Rolly out. But is that the right thing to do? Rolly's explanation makes sense... maybe we should welcome him back, for his power as a golem if nothing else. After a moment, I've made up my mind. I approach Rolly slowly, and he makes no move. Then, when there's only a foot or so between us, I stretch out my hand.

"Welcome back, Rolly." Rolly grins and takes my hand, and we shake.

"Smart move, Tacking." Then, softening up a little adds, "And I'll do my best to stay out of your way while I recover." I smile. Rolly, golem or not, isn't a traitor. Although, it might take some convincing to explain all this to Tarna.


It's the afternoon now. Everyone (except me, of course) was shocked to see Rolly in the camp. But, after many heated arguments and explanations, Tarna agreed to Rolly and my deal, although she's still not too happy with me. Rolly switched into golem form in the morning to recover, and I once again saw his terrifying might. His hands are huge and clawed, as are his feet. His skin is now a blue-grey, and his mouth is filled with fangs. His eyes are closed while he sleeps, but I remember his slits from before. His might isn't as scary, knowing that he's on our side, though. Even while sleeping, his powerful presence is almost comforting. Rolly is better than any security we've ever had. Shawn didn't like Golem-Rolly at first, but now... well, I think they'll get along just fine.

"Wive? Do you have any sticks?" he asked me earlier.

"Shawn, I'm sorry, but I don't have Fred."

"I know," he responds happily. "But I thought Rolly might want to play fetch when he wakes up." I laughed, of course.

"I don't think he'll want to play, Shawn."

"Okay. Maybe he'll be hungry... I'm gonna go find some bones for him to chew on." Gazing at our base, I feel proud of what we've done. If we're jumping into the end of the world in six days, then at least we've got a golem, Cathtonite, and a few kids with Bestowings. I'd say we're almost ready.


"We're Bestowed, Wrive. Cass, Ray, Shawn. All of us. But we're different from the other Bestowed, we are."
<Six days until the end of the world>

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