The second riddle

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Merida POV

I opened my eyes slowly, as I wondered where I was. The room I was in was pretty big and I was sleeping on a large queen sized mattress. I was turned on to the side and when I turned back, I saw Luke's tanned face right next to mine. I could feel my face flush a bright red as I rolled away, falling off the bed.

"Ow," I groaned as I hit my head on the floor. "Are you ok?" I heard someone say as I looked at Luke who was looking at me. "How long have you been awake?" I asked him, slightly blushing. "Since you woke up," he smiled as I blushed a beet red. "S-sorry," I giggled, as he laughed at the same time. 

"I need to go to the bathroom," I smiled gently, leaving to go to the bathroom. "What is it Lumi?" I asked the angel kwami who noticed that my mark was glowing bright white. "Woah, what's happening!" I said, as the white book appeared. "Oh wow! It's the second riddle!" I said, opening the book up quickly. "multae sunt anfractus ac vices, cadavera intus iacentia, virtutis experimentum opus est, alioquin vivam obrui," I read out, understanding some Latin words.

"Well I can understand the first part of this," I whispered to myself. It means that there is many twists and turns, and this part means dead bodies, but what does that mean," I thought hard, as I felt Lumi kiss my cheek. "You've learned so much in such little time," she smiled, but it seemed that she was a bit off today. 

"Are you ok?" I asked her. "Well, umm," she stuttered as I looked at her confused. "What's wrong? You can tell me anything, you know?" I told her as I fed her a candy. "Well I kind of saw the devil kwami," she said, as I looked at her in shock. "Do you know who the devil owner is or where he is?" I asked her excitedly because if I could figure out his identity, I could finally get this over and done with and finally get reunited with my parents. 

Distracted, I was brought back to this world with a scream. "Lumi! Are you ok?" I held her, as she looked limp. "It's the curse of the angel and the devil kwami. If we give hints about the other owner, then we will face unbearable pain. But the devil kwami must be giving his owner hints because he was all beaten up and it's unfair for you."

"Lumi, never do that again!" I scolded her as I hugged her. She had a small bruise forming on her pearly white skin and I kissed it lightly. "I couldn't bear for you to get hurt. You're my best friend," I smiled at her as she giggled. "I still want to help you though."

"Then, you can help me by not getting hurt," I smiled, as I put her next to a pile of cheap candy. After she ate, I heard a voice asking from outside asking if I was ok. "I'm ok Luke," I smiled to myself, hiding Lumi in my bag. "Thank you," I whispered to her, as I exited the bathroom. 

"Are you ok? I heard screams," he said and I looked at him laughing. "Yeah, I just slipped and it gave me a shock, but I'm fine now," I lied, hoping that it was convincing enough. 

"Anyways, I can smell breakfast, let's go," I smiled, heading over to Alya's kitchen. 

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