Back at the Den

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         *~*~*~* Parakeet *~*~*~*
        It was lonely without Barnacle. Parakeet thought that it would be easier to come up with a plan, but it was just sort of awkward without her. Shade would occasionally clear his throat like he was going to talk, but then he'd just turn around and sulk.  It had to come to an end, they had to escape and find Barnacle.
     "Heyyy Shade, let's find a way out of here. Do you have any ideas..." Parakeet asked slowly. Shade looked up." Uhh well We could draw Hamada in here and..." Shade started. Parakeet scratched her head." Okay. We can make him feed us then we can trap him...." Parakeet's brain was working faster, she had hope.
       Shade looked slightly confused but he nodded as Parakeet started coming up with a plan. It was almost noon now and Hamada was supposed to come in and feed them. Why isn't he here! Parakeet thought. Did he guess our plan?Is he going to starve us!? Parakeet was getting so frantic that she didn't notice when two dragons walked in.
       " He said we had to feed them this slush," A high pitched voice rang. The two dragons were very odd looking. The one who talked was a very slim IceWing with a bunch of her horns hacked off. The other one was  a bejeweled SeaWing who didn't look so friendly. " I'll do Yell, you get Shriek. Let's do this quick, I just conned some stupid SandWing and I want my end of the deal," The SeaWing said angrily.
     The dragons opened the cage, but there were no scavengers in it. " Wha—?" A squeaky voice started. Shade jumped and tackled the helpless IceWing and started punching her in her underbelly. The SeaWing whipped around looking for Parakeet  but still couldn't find her. Inside the cage was pretty full, there was barely enough room for one dragon. The SeaWing decided to go and get Hamada, but realized her bottom was stuck between the bars. " EEEEEAAAAAHHH!" Parakeet screamed. She did a flip and fell right on the SeaWing's head. The SeaWing gasped and blacked out, meanwhile the IceWing was using her frost breath on everything close to her.  The IceWing clawed at Shade missing him by an inch, causing Parakeet to let out a shrill call. Parakeet charged at the IceWing with a chain of beads that she  took from the unconscious SeaWing. She started swinging the beads around like a mad person, then she threw them straight at the IceWing , which made a nasty red mark across the Ice Wing's face. " YYYOOOUU!" The IceWing screeched letting out a ton of frost breath at once.  Shade and Parakeet dived down and instead of them being frozen, the frost breath hit the SeaWing. The IceWing started to screech louder, and turned around so fast that she tripped and fell on her stomach.
          Parakeet grabbed Shade and crawled under the SeaWing towards the exit. " Good plan." Shade said. Parakeet nodded and said," Of course it was. Follow me." Parakeet ran as fast as her tiny scavenger legs could take her. They were almost out of the shop when she heard Hamada say," GET THOSE SCAVENGERS!" An angry mob of dragons stared at them and charged. Parakeet and Shade darted between confused dragons until the roaring died down and they were lost.
         They were almost out of Scorpion Den by now and they could see Queen Thorn's stronghold in the distance. Then three bad things happened. A Huge bang erupted like a thousand roaring dragons, and a familiar voice screamed over the noise clear as day," NNNNNOOOOOO BBBBBAAARRRNNNAACLEE!!! NNNNOOO!" It was Algae. Something bad had happened to Barnacle. Something very bad. Another huge bang sounded and Algae's wails grew louder and louder. This time they sounded more frantic," IT CAN'T BE! NNNOOO NNNOOO NNNOOO!" Parakeet was really worried now. Her face started to stream with tears and she felt a dragon-like surge of energy hit her at full force, she was running like a bull charging at a red cloth. Nothing could stop her. She HAD to save Barnacle.
Algae was still screaming even though it was nearly dark out. Parakeet followed the sound of his cries with desperation. Shade and her were running so fast everything had become a blur of colors, and both of them had tears in their eyes. They were crossing a bumpy surface, when Parakeet face planted. " WHY DO SCAVENGER'S HAVE SUCH LOW STANDARDS!" She yelled extra angry at the situation. Shade tried to help her up, but received a punch in the face instead. " Ow-" He said, but was interrupted by more angry remarks from Parakeet. " WE ARE SO CLOSE LETS GO!" She shouted, then got up and ran tripping over herself and falling over again. Parakeet panted and tried to get up again, only to realize she had a bloody leg . " I'll carry you." Shade said gently. Parakeet was about to punch him and get up, but she knew that she wouldn't last.
Shade brought her up to a mountain and she could hear Algae. Where are they? Parakeet thought. She scanned the area. A mountain, another mountain, another mountain, a dead MudWing. A DEAD MUDWING?!? Parakeet thought. When she took a closer look she recognized the skinny body and box-ish face belonged to Porcupine. Which meant Barnacle and Algae were nearby.
Parakeet hopped off of ShadeClaw and went to a mountain to the left of Porcupine. Then she saw it, on a lower mountain Algae was bent over a tan figure. Parakeet hopped down cautiously, Shade at her side. Algae jumped a mile when Parakeet went to sit next to him. She was about to ask what happened, but her mouth closed up.
Barnacle's tan body was bent oddly. Her back was on the mountain, and it looked broken. Her legs were twisted and one seemed to be impaled by a rock. Her head was twisted, and she had the slightest smile on her tiny face. Algae was sobbing and hiccuping, Parakeet was frozen with a tears streaming down her face, and Shade looked bloodless and distant. All of them started to sob at once and Algae told them what happened between cries. " Aaannd Pporcupine— WWAAAAAAAAHHH WWWHHYY WHHHY ! BBARNACCLE! NNOO!— sshe ppushed hher off," Algae cried. He leaned against Parakeet for support.
Parakeet just wanted to stay there and cry forever. She couldn't leave Barnacle here. Parakeet bent over and picked Barnacle up. She placed her on a different surface, and laid her like she was sleeping. Then something coursed through her like lightning and she was pushed backwards with a bright blue light.
Barnacle's body started moving and a tiny head looked up at shocked faces and said," Wwhat happened?" Everyone started crying harder and rushed toward Barnacle like a stampede. Parakeet realized something. She just brought Barnacle back to life. How had that happened? It's not like she was an—ANIMUS! Parakeet held out her talon and made a circular motion around the group. Turn us back to dragons! Parakeet thought, scrunching up her face. When she looked up, they were no longer scavengers. It had worked. I'm an animus! Parakeet thought. She picked up a rock that was sitting next to her and enchanted it. The rock would get heavier and heavier as Parakeet got closer to darkness. As long as the rock didn't weigh her down, Parakeet would be perfectly sane. She tied the rock to her wrist, then laid down to sleep. The three moons were out tonight and the stars seemed to shine brighter than ever, but  it wasn't as peaceful as it seems, for a dragon cloaked in blood watched them sleep as he whispered to himself," So, they have an animus and a prophet."

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