Chapter 5 Train Rides

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            Spell's P.O.V
      I looked around at all of the cardboard boxes that decorated my room. It had been a couple of weeks since I found out about the move, and today was they day we were moving. The mover ponies moved in and out of our house, grabbing a box before the left to load it. I watched as my magic's iridescent violet glow surrounded a small box nearby. I focused my magic on it and made it float to the van. I repeated this action multiple times until the moving van was full. My face was twisted in a scowl as my family and I grabbed our luggage and headed to a small train station. As we walked slowly to the station I took a moment to look around at my hometown, and take the sights in one last time. I waved goodbye to the ponies whom I'd grown up with until now. As I waved to an old friend of mine tears began to pour out by the bucket.

     "Bye HoneyLeaf!" I shouted to her as I continued to move forward.

      Not to long after we started walking we reached the train station. It's colorful cars caught the attention of many fillies and colts that joined in the mayhem of traveling on the train. As my parents went and bought our tickets my brothers and I sat on the benches, that littered the room. Once they returned they sat by us. Bored I opened up my saddle bags and grabbed a good book of mine. I opened it with care, and read as the minutes ticked by till the train came to take us and many others to our destination. My family and I turned our heads as we heard its whistle echo through the train station. As the rainbow colored train stopped with a squeak my family and I lined up to get on. The doors to the train opened we climbed onto it, and with a subtle jolt we took off down the tracks.

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