Chapter 15 ~ Memories ~ IcelyJohns

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Hello everybody. I'm very very VERY sorry about the lapse in this book. School started for me and I was slow to do things on Wattpad. I'm kicking up my account again, so I'm going to try to keep him going regularly.

Note: This is quite a bit different from what IcelyJohns wrote because I added many details and corrected grammar, punctuation, spelling, and the like. The main events are the still the same.

"Beranda come here, will you? Look at my baby girl. Isn't she a beauty?" said Queen Melissa. Her eyes, though tired from the recent birth, were tender as she gazed at the baby in her arms.

"Yes, Your Highness. She looks lovely. Just like you." The wizards responded, a smile on her lips.

"Indeed, she is beautiful. I can just imagine her when she's grown up...twinkling blue eyes, cascading locks of hair the color of rich wood, a laugh like that of a fairy..." she said, gazing off into the distance as she imagined her daughter in the future.

Suddenly, a rapid knock sounded at the door and the King's voice, slightly muffled, came through it. "Is it over? Can I come in?"

Beranda smiled once more at the King's eagerness. "Yes, your Majesty!" she called, and only a split second later, King Shampan burst inside. His crown was askew and his eyes were full of worry and anticipation which cleared up as soon as he saw the queen and her baby lying peacefully in the large four poster bed in which the queen slept. 

"Shaman, come and look at our baby girl!" Queen Melissa exclaimed, happiness echoing across every inch of her face. 

The King obeyed her, and sat on the bed next to her, taking his daughter's small hand and starting to rub his thumb across it in circles. "She's beautiful," he whispered, looking up at his wife, who smiled softly in response. "What shall we name her?" 

"I have a name in mind," the Queen said slowly. "It is one that is from many many years ago, from an old old language. It came from the name of one of their goddesses, a goddess of fertility in crops and kindness. I think this name will bring luck to her, to her and our kingdom." She gazed as her husband, who in turn looked down at their child.

"And what is this name you speak of?"

"It is Tria."

"A beautiful name indeed, for a beautiful girl. Tria Crystalwood it will be."

And then, before Amy could even process the fact that she'd just viewed her own naming, the world faded in and out of existence and when it solidified again, she was in a different place. It was a child's room, one softly dappled in different shades of blue. Three figures were standing besides a bed, looking over another buried under the covers.

"Tracy! This is the last time!" came Queen Melissa's voice. "If Tria even so yawns because of dream flowers, you will be in big trouble!

"But Mummy, Tria was-" Tracy's whining voice was cut off by the awakening of the figure in the bed.

"Mummy? Tracy? What happened?" The head turned form side to side and she took in her surroundings. "I feel so tired. Dream flowers again? How long did I sleep this time?" She spoke in an innocent tone, with no hint of anger or irritancy at the prank showing in it.

"Three days," Beranda, standing stoic beside her queen, answered as her mother stroked the child's hair. 

"Three days? That's a lot less time than usual. Did you run out of dream flowers, Tracy?" Tria asked, confused.

But before Tracy could respond, the world faded again, and Tria was faced with a new memory.

"Sweety, run slowly." Tria, Queen Melissa, and Beranda were standing in a vast garden. The palace's creamy turrents rose in the background.

"Of course, Mummy," said Princess Tria and then promptly began to run with the exact same speed towards an enchanted butterfly, one that left glittering shimmers that faded almost immediately behind as it flapped its wings. 

Queen Melissa smiled at the young princess's antics. "Beranda? Children grow up so fast, don't they?"

"Yes, your Highness"Beranda replied curtly, watching the child in front of them run about. "Indeed they do."

"It feels like just yesterday that I had Tria in my arms as Shampan and I named her,"The queen said, a wistful look in her eyes.

"MOMMY!!" they heard a shrill cry and both Beranda and the Queen Melissa's heads whipped to Tria's direction. The Queen hurried towards her daughter, Beranda a step behind her. they started to run towards the direction where they heard the sound.

Princess Tria was on the ground, her gown pushed up and her right knee bleeding. "Oh my! My baby girl, what happened to you?"Queen Melissa asked, kneeling beside her and soothing her, ignoring the dirt rubbing off her dress.

"I...I was running after a tripped and... and hurts," she said between sobs and hiccups.

"It's alright, darling, let Mummy heal you." The Queen placed her hand softly over the scrape in Tria's knee, and when she took her hand away, there was no sign of the wound.

"All better?" Queen Melissa asked.

"All better!" came the cheeky reply.

Amy began to smile, but once again, the memory and her settings switched.

"Queen Melissa?" Beranda asked, opening the door to the Queen's Chamber.

"The king has asked..." her voice left her throat at the sight in front of her. 

Queen Melissa laid at the foot of her bed, half conscious.  A man with a dark cloak was standing in front of her, his hand held out in front of him and pulsing, black orb of magic hovering above his hand. Beranda knew he was a sorcerer at sight.

The sorcery hadn't sensed her presence yet, and Beranda opened her mouth to scream and alert the others, but the Queen beat her to it.

"Beranda, run! Get away from here and protect the GIRLS!" With that, Beranda took to her heels and started calling for help as she ran trough the hallways. 

Suddenly, Amy's sight seemed to wobble, and she was back in the Queen's Chamber. It appeared as if she's skipped time. Beranda stood at the front of a group of people. Her face was drawn and serious.

The Queen was nowhere to be seen.

The sight in front of her washed away, and a new scene took its place.

The door to the King's Chamber slowly opened, and in came Tria. Her face was confused and innocent.

The king sat upon his bed, silent tears running down his cheeks. He didn't notice his daughter's arrival. 

"Daddy?" came Tria's meek voice as she stepped inside the room. She noticed her father crying and ran across the room towards him.

"Daddy! Why are you crying? Why is everyone crying? Is something wrong?"She asked. She heaved herself, with some difficulty onto the high bed and sat next to the King, pressing her small body against his. She reached towards his face and wiped away his tears with her fingers.

"What am I to do? My dear little princess." The King reached an arm around his daughter, hugging her tightly, afraid that he might lose her too. 

"Where is Mummy?' The question brought silence to the room.

"She will come back dear. She will be back, safe and sound." the king told her, a determination that was not in his eyes evident in his tone. 

And then, blackness took over her vision and when it cleared again, she was back in the memory chamber.

Beranda's solemn voice came to her."That's all I can show for now, Amy."

~I'm not even gonna say that I have permission to put this here.~

Hello, fellow Wattpaders (if that's a word). It took me some time to get a grip of the plot and to write this chapter. I hope you all will love this chapter, and if it's not what you expected, SORRY!! My name is Icelyjohns and I am 17 years old. I love to read and write (sure, you all have already guessed that). In my free time, I love to read or listen to music. Reading is my very own heaven. I really hope you all like my chapter. And if you all have time, please check out my book which I am working on. Care to share your thoughts about it .

Good luck to the writer of the next chapter. Thanks to helloilovecats for giving me this opportunity.


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