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Hope all of you like my last chapter. It was a bit more dramatic than I wanted to be. Anyway, please like and comment.



I was really sad. I had just lost my son. And moreover, he was right about it. I did like Ronny more, because his mother was a real charming. But now I remember how much better Sally was. She was kind, and honest. I really liked her. But now, the damage was done. 2 years ago, I had declared Ronny as my favorite child. But Perseus, He will always be my favorite and dearest child. But now, he has been taken away from me, by my great grandfather. Percy had also told us the truth about ourselves. How we behaved. Just as if they were yesterday's garbage. And he is the reason I am - we all are living. Otherwise I would be down there in Tartarus. He has saved us not once, but two times. He even went to Tartarus. I don't think I will ever find a better and braver son like him in like the next 50 millennia. 

I reluctantly stood up, from my seat, shrank to human size and went to the Chaos Cabin. I was really shocked by looking at the cabin. I mean I had looked it, before, but never from this close. I knocked on the door. It was opened by another person who was still wearing a hood. 

"I want to meet Perseus."

The person spoke, but with a female voice. "Which Perseus?" 

"Please stop playing games. I know Perseus is there as Legacy."

"You want to meet Legacy?" she asked.

"Yup. Just call him and say him that his d-..., just tell him that Poseidon has come to meet him."

I had meant to say 'his dad' but I knew he would not come if I called him that. The girl ran off and came back, after a minute alone. 

"He is not here. He is training in the fields." she replied. I nodded and went towards the fields. There I saw Perseus practicing sword battle. He did not bother to even wear his hood. I watched him in awe as he kept practicing. He knew lots more tactics than all the Olympians put together. His reflexed were better than ever. He raised only a drop of water, but then charged the drop against a huge rock with such reflexes, that it broke into a million pieces. I wondered what he could do, with a cup of water, and what he could with a pool of water. I was really surprised by his practice, that I did not realize that he was looking at me. 

"What do you want, lord Poseidon?" He said with respect, but a bit of sarcasm. 

"I just wanted to apologize for what I did with you earlier." 

He just nodded. Then he resumed practicing. 

"Perseus, please listen to me. I never meant those things. I know you won't want to be my son. But I want to be just in speaking terms with you." 

"Says the person, who did not even speak to me for 2 months after Ronny came to camp. Says the person, who disowned me in front of everyone. Says the person, whose 'favorite' son is a murderer. You can go now. I need to be ready for battle."

I was really sad hearing his words. I knew that I deserved it.

"Please Perseus, forgive me. I know I have been a terrible dad. I just ask of you one more chance to prove to you, that you are my favorite son."

"I am not even your son. I am Chaos' son. He is the only one who respected me for all that I have done. And guess what, I am once again back to saving all of you." He said with a scoul. Then he teleported to some other place. I returned to Olympus once again. But this time with a broken heart. 


After seeing the whole Olympus battle I saw that Percy had managed to do the only thing no one else have ever been able to do. He had finally pointed the Olympians to the thing that they have been for years. But my mind was on another thing. Why was Percy not talking to me. I mean I haven't done anything to hurt him. Why has he been acting so differently to me. Does he really have another girl. 2 years is a long time though. I went to the Chaos cabin. The cabin was really different from all others. I knocked on the door. A person opened the door. 

It was a she, that I realized from her voice when she spoke. 

"What can I do for you?" I remembered that this was Death. Maybe Percy was dating this girl now. 

"Please ask Percy to come here."

"Who?" she asked.

"Please call Legacy. Tell her that Annabeth has come to talk to him."

"You know, just 15 minutes ago, Poseidon came here for the same thing. I don't think Percy is here. But, I will just go and check If he teleported."

Then she went, and came back in a minute. 

"Yup, he is there. He has asked you to come in." 

I entered the cabin. It was much larger than any other cabin, in fact it was larger than the Big house. Death led the way. I followed her to the fourth floor. There was only 2 rooms there. 

From one room, a person cloaked fully in black robes and a hood came out. Then Death went downstairs. 

"Percy, I know it is you. You don't need that hood." I said. Then slowly Percy removed his hood. He was looking the same as he did 2 years ago. I felt a growing urge, to go and kiss him, and punch him. I restrained myself after a lot of trying. 

"I am sorry, Annabeth. But, I can't" That was all he said. But I knew what he was talking about.

"Why Percy? What did I do." 

Percy gulped, then after thinking for a while, said "Come on my room." I followed him into his room. It was large, but had any empty feeling. There was a bed on one side, a cupboard near the bed, and a huge armory of different weapons. There was a table, and 9 chairs. 

"When, you died, and Chaos met me, he granted me one wish. I wished for you to come back to life. I offered my life to him, in exchange of yours. But, he said, that only one thing can bring you back to life." 

"What?" I asked.

"My love for you."


"Yes. He said that he will restore you to life, but I can't fall in love with you ever again. It was very difficult at first. But now, when I came back here, it is j-j-j-just  i-i-imp-p-possible. I restrained my feelings, with a lot of difficulty. B-b-but, I just can't any more." Then he broke down. I really felt sorry for him. I also started crying. Percy gave up his love just for me. After all that he did, did he really deserve that?

I hugged him, and he tried to stop crying. After two minutes of holding to each other, both of us stopped crying. Then Percy, said "I am really sorry, Annabeth. I never wanted this to happen. But, I can't stay with you. I am sorry." 

After that he just disappeared in thin air. 

Hey, I know that the chapter was really emotional. I started crying at the end of it. I HAVE BEEN TYPING FOR 3 HOURS NON-STOP, JUST FOR YOU. LOVE YOU ALL. BYE. REMEMBER - DO COMMENT.

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