aight .so

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Yeah, it's discontinued, but not because there isn't a plot. There was a plot, I wrote it down, but I just don't feel like writing. Over the years, I've kinda drifted from writing to the art department, and I enjoyed myself way more over there , even though my art is nowhere good. So this chapter will basically be me explaining the plot and what was supposed to happen if I did write this out.




Assassin, lost king, kingdom is currently notches, he's dead pissed and wants his kingdom back.

Has this dog tag sword that's only loyal to him

Dog tag will teleport away if it's touched by someone else.

Mitch uses his bow and hunting daggers.


He's a sorcerer. Normal kid originally, but his parents , seto (okay why tf is his dad seto idk fjdjfjdj) and some random woman experimented and shit hit the fan, mother died, seto turned evil, and used Preston as a lab rat. Preston got turned to a lava mob, and got rescued by old Mitchell . He's a fire wielder (idfk where that came from but ok)

He uses his magic

He doesn't wanna tell his past, nor acknowledge his dad.

Under the alias of entity303, helps notch, he diddled with dark magic and went nuts
Uses dark magic

He's a knight, not the smartest, and is loud. Uses swords

(Can you tell my notes were very well written holy shit)

Honestly i couldn't find much info on him, but I think I wanted him to be a spy. He's small and quiet, lies alot and uses throwing daggers.


He's a healer and can do potions and shit

He's half bacca, mom was bacca (also why she's ded, baccas were like considered monsters)
Has super strength
Crown prince
Father is herobrine but Steve is his "father" (Steve killed hero)
Mom died cuz Steve realized she was bacca

(Lmfao why the hell did I make herobrine have a child with a bacca and that was Jerome )

Knows who Mitch actually is
Works for notch

Right, into the storyline:

We started with Mitch being an assassin , trained to be the typical cold one, and he got caught by his mentor betraying him and working with others to take him down.

My idea of this story is that there was this prophecy, where all 6 people had to be present, but there was only 5, excluding Jerome. So the 5 pack members didn't know of Jerome yet, but Mitch became a stubborn asshat and basically messed everything up. The gist of it is that they were at a cliff where this dog tag, the one Mitch wears, is perched. Mitch was only supposed to hold it when all 6 pack members were present, but he touched it with only 5, so shit hit the fan.

I think old me wanted the dog tag to be able to transform to this epic sword thing that was the only thing that could kill notch.

So Mitch screwed with the prophecy, so the prophecy reset. In my mind, as the 5 members were already gathered, they were flung off to different locations of the world where they slept for 30 years or something idk, this plot has holes for days a truck can drive through.

But since they didn't have the 6 member, at that point in time, if they did find the last member it wouldn't have been Jerome, since he wouldn't have existed in that time period. So the prophecy restarted, giving the last members role to be Jerome's burden to carry.  It took a while to restart, thus 30 years passed.

So Mitch, raised to be an assassin, his memory got removed since he was the one that touched the dog tag. (Yeah awesome explanation ikr old me gave me so much to work with)

So in those 30 years where I don't know how they haven't died, probably avatared their 30 years, the world changed to have cities and like medevial times.

So Mitch killed Jerome's sister. Jerome crown prince/6 member of the pack

So the deal was that Null worked for notch, who knew that Mitch was the chosen one so he made null attempt to lead Mitch astray as best as possible.

I have no idea how tf notch can live this long and what his exact species in this book is so I can't help you sorry ;w;

Preston and the others wake up at the moment like a year or so when Mitch gets caught, and since he'd the closest he tries to find Mitch, but that proves difficult as the times had changed and he has zero clue where he is. But he wants to find Mitch to stop notch.

I'm just gonna assume that he's some cliche baddie that everyone thought was good but tortures people in his dingy basement or something, and stole mitch kingdom out of whim or something. I think notch killed Mitch's parents and Mitch got pissed af I'm not very sure

So the colourful spiders in nightmare woods or whatever the hell it was called. Those were the modded radioactive spider thingies in crazycraft or something. Lachlan lived in the kingdom of knights behind the woods I think. The place had changed but the profession stayed .

They were then supposed to go find vikk, where they booked an inn, and Francis was spying on them on notch's orders (he wore a mask) so Mitch got captured because he was weakened and rusty from prison, and was about to be murdered by entity303/Seto, but Preston recognized his dad and flipped out and rescued Mitch, but got poisoned in the end, and everyone got out safely because vikk appeared.

So in this particular chapter I had wanted to drop hints on entity303 being related to Preston, and in this story entity has purple eyes instead of red, to show that it's actually seto.

Also, 'herobrine' doesn't have white eyes because I think I wanted Steve to kill herobrine and take his identity, and I think Jerome's mom died not because of Mia's (Jerome's sisters) birth but because Steve/herobrine killed her.

So null and stevebrine hate each other but still work together for notch I have no clue why but yeah. Francis threw Mitch into a trap to get captured.

So on with the story
Preston got poisoned after the inn fight, Lachlan kinda disappeared in that fight, vikk joined them, Mitch is still as confused as ever to whatever tf he's doing but they're explaining it slowly.
So because Preston was poisoned he needed medical help, and so they went to find Rob . They got attacked by a those sphinxes or whatever and vikk got paralyzed. Rob came in and healed them.

(Goddamn I'm so creative with these)

So they were at 5 again, and didn't know where the 6th was. But prophecy got tired of waiting and got them into the starting kingdom, where Jerome stayed. So they realized (idk how)  Jerome was the last person, and Mitch is like "oh shoot I kinda killed his sister whoopsie" then Jerome sees Mitch and gets dead pissed because he killed his sis like goddamnit dude, so Jerome turns to this bacca, and tries to kill Mitch, and Mitch is like "Oh shit" then stevebrine apparently really hates baccas and tries to kill Jerome and Mitch saves his ass, giving it a real merome moment, and they kinda go on a truce.

So in my notes, it said " so Jerome trusted Mitch and went with him"

This makes no fcning sense because if someone killed your sister you wouldn't be like "hey man isokay whatever she was just my freaking sister" so that part made no sense, so I'm changing it.

So they do a truce and Mitch gets really upset he kinda killed Jerome's sis, but not super upset since he still is an assassin and everything, and is also pissed Jerome chucked him into the prison. Turns out, the prophecy wanted to help Mitch by showing him Jerome in the funeral, but Mitch shoved shit up prophecy's face and it went south, so Preston had to come to his aid.

Also in that battle Francis kinda goes like "oh yeah, I worked with stevebrine , I set ya up M8" so Mitch is considerably 110% pissed.

(I just realized how much death and despair there was in this book why was I so edgy)

So, they went back to where the prophecy went wrong, to the cliff of the dog tag. Mitch found a hidden underground base because the dog tag kinda pulled him there, and just when he was about to make everything right, Lachlan goes full on jagbattleduty and shoves Mitch away and touches the dog tag, causing it to teleport away.

(But because all the requirements of the prophecy was there, it didn't actually restart)

So I think the requirements of the prophecy was actually that all the pack members were there.

So comes the question: why did Lachlan do such a assholey thing?

Well, in the book if I had written it, I would have added hints and quirks that Lachlan wasn't actually 'right' and he was asking weird questions. The reason to this was because Lachlan was possessed by entity303, or none other than seto, who was also Preston's dad. So seto was controlling lachlan, so he tried to glean as much of the plan from Preston, who was kinda the brains of this operation. That was kinda the giant plot twist in the story

(Jfc this story is fucked up)

So, Lachlan shoves Mitch away, the members have all "wtf" faces, Lachlan stands completely and eerily still before seto tps to Lachlan, laughs at everyone but more so to Preston, and Preston gets hella pissed and kinda cries angrily and tries to kill seto for being a shitty father, then everyone's like ":o"

Lachlan faints after that possession of almost a year, suffers from extreme PTSD. At this point half of the members in the packs suffered and mentally scarred, Mitch loosing his mind, literally, Preston having a maniacal sadistic father that's working with their enemy, Lachlan being possessed for a hella long time, Jerome working with someone that killed his sister, and finding out his mother was a monster and he was one  and his father was actually dead and someone else took his father's name and tried to kill him.
and since past me was so good at making plots, Rob and vikk kinda was just there for the pack.

So this story was supposed to be really long because I wanted to emphasize on the characters and their mental trauma and problems they were going through, that was sorta of the gist of it. There was going to be break downs and crying relevations on their past and their mental past and just a shit load of angst to satisfy 13 year old me.

Back to the story:

The pack now know of everyone evil, and Preston tells everyone seto is entity and he's Preston's father, and he possessed Lachlan. The pack also knows Francis is a total Richard and works with notch, and that Herobrine actually died and Steve took his name, and is also working with notch.

So they stayed hidden for a few days recovering from mental shittiness, and continue finding the dog tag, from Mitch's pull he could feel from it.

Throughout this Mitch sorta has this Existential crisis on who he is and finding himself and all that angsty shizz, with some merome and fluff thrown in and stuff.

So they go to this care of wonders because strategic placement of dog tag leads them to this hellhole of a dream. Basically it's like one of those tempting dreams where if you gave in to your greed you would like be trapped there for eternity

(Yea I'm so creative I know *flips hair*)

Lachlan was  by he Fame, and the promise that he wouldn't be traumatized by the possession nightmares that plagued his nights.

Preston was tempted by getting nice old happy dad seto back and his mom alive

Mitch was tempted by the removal of the memory of who he was, and that his life could go back to normal and he could continue as an assassin, what he 'wanted'

Jerome would be given more strength, and control of his kingdom, and his sister would be alive, along with Herobrine

Vikk would have more knowledge, and would be able to nosy anything if he wanted.

Rob would be the most known healer, and people would acknowledge him and pay him attention.

So that cave. What's up with it's nightmares and shit? So I wanted the dog tag to do this thing where it would teleport to somewhere safe and free from threats. So notch wanted them to die in that cave, so he placed false threats around the area so that the dog tag would teleport to that one specific area. Notch found it funny to toy with Mitch before actually ending him I think

They all deny the temptation, and Mitch gets his dog tag finally, and faints but regains his old memories. While fainted they get ambushed on their way out by the 'false threats' which are actually null, entity and stevebrine. They all get captured and brought to Mitch's but now notchs kingdom.

So they break out of their chains and whatnot, and Mitch gets hella pissed at Francis and kills kills him with robs help, being an assassin it isn't really hard.

Jerome goes for Steve because of obvious family reasons, and I think I made vikk hate Steve because Steve would kill the spies in the castle in the most sadistic and cruel way possible. So in the end they end Steve as well, and he scars Jerome permanently by saying something terrible while laughing like "your father would be ashamed of what you've become, this half breed mutation"

Preston just looses his shit and lets seto go because he can't kill his father even though he's taken over by dark magic.

So notch and Mitch battle, and it's a great battle or whatever I never actually got around to the ending. So Mitch wins, and at the end, notch got killed, and seto let go of dark magic, I think notch was forcing him to be evil by making him do dark magic idk, so seto becomes good and feels like shit and cuddles with Preston or whatever, everyone else trickles away to live their merry lives, Mitch is like "oh my God shit I can't rule a kindgom" and Jerome goes "hey I can help, I kinda killed my dad so I'm the king now" so there's just merome moments on helping each other raising a new kingdom and Mitch telling Jerome that he isn't a monster and he's honoured to have a bacca friend

I wanted to end the story off by those 20 years later thing, where Jerome made baccas not monsters and welcomed into society, Mitch made peace with himself and all the crimes he committed

(He originally didn't feel fit to rule because he did so many wrong things as an assassin)

Preston is living happily with seto, and robs living with them to study on how to further his potions, vikk and Lachlan had created a new occupation and are best of friends, and it's just shipping fluff and happiness in the end where everyone recovers from their mental scars



I just wanted to say, I'm really really sorry that I never got around to finish this book, I honestly just don't have any motivation left, since I drifted away from minecraft, and stopped watching the pack I don't even know what they act like anymore. I had everything planned out, so it's all here. If anyone wants to continue this book feel free to, just dm me so I can read it and credit me in the description :)

Once again, I'm really sorry for letting you guys down, but I just don't like writing as much as I used to. So there you go, the spine of the story.

(I'm uploading without checking so I'm sorry if there's anything confusing, just drop a message or dm if you have questions)

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