Chapter 26: Sonti!

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"You're very pretty," Jonah says when I meet him at the steps leading to the Great Hall.

I'm so rattled by his compliment that my entire head gets hot. I lower my gaze to my feet. No one has ever told me that before.

The hall is packed with all kinds of strange creatures and tons of elves. As we walk the length of the enormous room, all eyes turn toward me. I'm probably going to trip or do something equally as embarrassing. It's hard enough just remembering to breathe. I regret the breeches because I'm the only female not in a gown. I should've done what Albína suggested.

Jonah steers me to the raised dais in the center of the U-shaped table. The Queen is sitting in the middle and on her left is an elf who I assume is her husband. On her right sits a beautiful elf who looks so similar to the pale Queen that she has to be her daughter. Next to the younger elf sits a miserable Dathid.

He's even more handsome in his fine clothes. He's wearing a black velvet jacket trimmed in gold with a high collar that circles his neck. His dark appearance is a stark contrast to the brightly clothed and frilly elves. He smiles at my defiant wardrobe choice, which makes me happier about my decision. I'm glad it brought him some joy because he's so despondent.

Jonah walks me up to the Queen and bows. I still don't know how to act with royalty, so I stand there like an idiot. The Queen smiles and then Jonah sits me next to her husband. "Your Majesty, this is Agatha Stone. Agatha, it is my pleasure to introduce you to His Royal Highness, King Terek."

The King stands for the introduction. We're the same height. "The pleasure is mine," he says with a joyful smile. "It is customary to shake one's hand in human. Is it not?" He holds out his hand and I shake it.

I want this dinner over with already. The King matches my silence with a beaming smile. He's much friendlier than his wife. He pulls my seat out for me and as soon as I sit, the food is served. It's obvious that I made them wait. I hope they aren't too mad about it.

The King pours a bright yellow liquid into my goblet, and Jonah takes it away. "My pardon, your Highness. Many human cultures don't allow their children the use of mood-altering substances."

King Terek laughs. "Of course, of course. My apologies. I have so many questions. You know, the humans and the elves lived together for so long. Now, we've all but forgotten about them."

I give the King an awkward smile. I'm so intimidated by being in front of such a large crowd and having to make conversation with a King that words can't even form in my head, let alone come out of my mouth.

Terek takes a bite of food and with his mouth full asks, "So, Agatha, where do you hail from?"

"Um," I say, trying to force the words out. "Um, New York?" It sounds like more of a question than an answer because I don't know how specific I'm supposed to be. "Queens. America."

The King chuckles. "New York. You don't say. There you were, under the faeries' noses this entire time. That Ziras is a clever one."

He turns his attention back to his food, and we quietly eat the delicious meal. Before I've even finished, more food is piled on my plate. I don't know if I'm supposed to eat it all. I'm already full, so I ask Jonah for help.

"They'll keep serving you until you stop. It's rude to have a guest with an empty plate."

That's the last time I'm able to talk to Jonah because King Terek begins his questions. I can answer some. I'm thirteen years old, lived with my foster parents, and so on. But for others, I have no idea. I've never been outside of New York. I've seen some of its landmarks on field trips, but that's really all I know about Earth.

"So, do humans remember the elves?" I've been dreading this question and had hoped he wouldn't ask it.

"Um..." I say, trying to give myself time to formulate an answer. The elves are clearly a proud people, and their culture is an aristocratic and formal one. "Um..." I say again.

"Sort of...there are stories, but they're kind of jumbled up. I also don't know a lot about what other cultures might have to say about elves. But in some of the stories I've heard, elves live in the woods and have arrows and things like that. Usually they wear green clothes of some kind. Oh, and they're magical. We remembered the pointy ears and they sort of got the height thing right."

The King waits for more but when I don't say anything else he adds, "Really? I heard we are tiny and work as slaves for a fat man, making toys for spoiled human children."

My heart skips a beat. "Yeah, there's that, too," I mumble.

King Terek laughs loudly. "Maybe I'll make you a toy later. Make you feel more at home," he says with a wink.

The Queen calls for the entertainers and I'm saved from any more conversation. I watch everyone not seated on the dais push the tables to the walls. Then an odd assortment of painted creatures that are just a bit over three feet tall bound into the center of the room. They have two sets of arms on each side of their stout body and a thick fleshy tail that they use as a third leg.

They juggle all kinds of objects and even each other, performing mesmerizing and dangerous acrobatics that make me jump with fear. Their show is so exciting and terrifying that I have to cover my eyes a few times. I enjoy every minute of it and clap loudly when it ends.

As soon as the performers have cleared the center area, the band plays a heartfelt song. No one moves, but all eyes simultaneously turn to the dais. My heart drops to my feet. Happily, it's not me they're watching but Dathid, who has just stood and is holding a hand out for the Queen's daughter.

They walk gracefully to the center of the room and perform a beautiful and formal dance. Everyone is watching them closely, and I'm surprised that Dathid dances so well. He and his partner would be perfect together if they both weren't wearing expressions that said they would rather be anywhere else.

Everyone in the room can feel the tension between them. It's obvious that the elfin princess doesn't like the faerie prince and he doesn't care much for her either. It was mean of whoever it was, most likely the Queen, to force them to do this dance. Although a glance at Her Royal Stuffiness confirms that she isn't happy about it either.

Others join the dance floor, and Jonah grabs my hand. "Miss Agatha, would you do me the honor of the first dance?"

I'm glad I'm sitting because the blood leaves my head so fast I get light-headed. I try to be sneaky about taking a few deep breaths, but when I see the humor in Jonah's eyes, it's obvious I've failed.

I shake my head. "No." A flat refusal is rude, so I add more words to soften it. "I don't dance. I don't know how. Not like that. Not to music like that."

Jonah smiles. "Well, you must learn sometime and there's no time like the present. It's a party. You have to dance." He pushes his chair back.

I don't want to get up because standing leads to walking, and walking leads to dancing. But I acquiesce because I can't disappoint Jonah.

He finds my hesitation funny. I glare at him. Considering how terrified I am, he should be happy I haven't thrown up on his shoes. I'm going to humiliate myself. This dance is done as a group. I have to switch partners at particular times and there are so many moves, there's no way I can do them all. Fortunately, I stalled long enough for the song to end by the time we reach the dance floor.

I giggle with relief. "Oh well." I shrug and turn to go to my seat. Unfortunately, Jonah doesn't let go of my arm, and another, livelier song begins.

He escorts me onto the floor and holds my hand out while bracing his other hand on my shoulder. He slowly steps to the side and pulls my wooden body along with him.

"Relax. No one is expecting you to know these dances. They're thrilled that you're making the attempt. Just enjoy yourself."

I put my free hand on his waist and stare straight ahead at his stomach. I try really hard to have a good time, which is a lot of work, which is not fun. It's easier to watch my steps, so I concentrate on the floor. I can't see Jonah's feet under his robes. Does he even have feet? I find my answer when I step on one. I step on the other a few moves later. He spins me, and I elbow my neighbor by accident.

Jonah tries to hide a laugh while I profusely apologize.

"I hit that guy in the head. It's not funny." I don't finish the sentence before he loses his battle to not laugh and that makes me giggle too. "You're supposed to be the better person. Are you laughing at my bad dancing or that poor guy?"

Once I accept that I'm really bad at this, my body relaxes. Now that I'm calmer, it's easier for Jonah to spin me and stuff, and I get the hang of it. I think I'm doing alright, until the third spin.

On that particular move, Jonah lets go of me and I'm caught by an elf. I tense up, but my new partner seems happy about our pairing so I give him my best smile. After a turn around the floor, I relax again. My new partner is about my height, which makes moving much easier than it was with the giant Jonah. Plus, this elf is quick enough to keep me from stepping on him.

My new elf friend spins me around a few times and then shouts, "Sonti!" as he jumps.

I jump too, but I'm far behind everyone else, which makes him laugh. His mood is infectious and soon I'm laughing, too.

"Sonti!" he yells again, and this time, I'm more prepared. I almost jump on cue. By the third time I've got the hang of it, but I get spun again and end up with a different elf.

This elf seems more nervous to be dancing with me than I am dancing with him. He does his best to guide me, but we're both relieved when the song ends. I attempt to curtsy to my partner, but it's harder than it looks. I give up about halfway through, which is a good thing because on the way up, I'm stormed by a group of women corralling me into a line.

Once they have me properly placed in the line of women, we curtsy to the line of men across from us. I didn't know we were going to do that, so I'm late and only get my knees bent when the music starts.

Everyone moves the same way, so it's easy to know what to do. However, soon the tempo increases and I struggle to keep up as the women around me guide me through the steps. I'm beginning to enjoy the dancing and when the women and men join together, I'm actually having fun dancing with my partner.

I dance for a long time through multiple songs and various partners. When one of the elves makes a gesture that suggests he's offering to get me a drink, I gesture back that I'm looking for someone and shout, "Jonah" over the loud music.

Jonah smiles when I reach him. "Having fun?"

"Yes," and I mean it.

"Stay here and rest." He hands me a mug with blue foam on the top, from one of the passing trays.

"What is it?"

"Swillen Beer."

I take a small sip, then follow it with huge gulps until I finish the entire mug. "That's sooo good!"

Jonah smiles and takes the cup away. We stand next to each other and watch the dancers on the floor. I'm so enthralled with the activity around me that I don't notice Dathid until he's in front of me, more dour than ever. He has the Queen's daughter next to him. Why does he spend so much time with her when they obviously don't like each other?

"Agatha," he begins formally. "I would like to introduce you to Princess Elaeria, my wife."

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