Chapter 23: Walk in a Circle to the Right

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The next few weeks are business as usual. Up with a pegasus nose, then Levise, Trelix, Kyrbast, and Master Sarpedon. To be fair, Sarpedon just wants to check on me. We do some reading and he shows me weird things. He's become the highlight of my day because the only thing I'm expected to do is stay awake. Well, he expects me to remember what he's teaching...and sometimes I do, but most times I fall asleep.

Trelix is trying to kill me. I lost my motivation ten minutes in on the first day.

I like riding Stryder, but it's the other four—soon to be five—unicorns that are the issue. The only thing I can do is do what they ask of me and hope it'll get better. I'm tired of being in pain. My muscle soreness is so deep I feel as if my bones have fused together. Not to mention the bruises, cuts, jammed fingers, and sprains that I have to learn to live with.

Jonah's doing a better job at staying in touch. In all honesty, he's a little overbearing about it. I'm adjusting, though. I like having someone make time for me, even if I have very little time to spare.

As part of our new arrangement I get one afternoon off a week. Today I've ridden six unicorns and trained with Trelix. I have a couple of hours to eat dinner, do what I want, and then have an evening lesson with Kyrbast.

Now that at long last I have my precious free time, I find that I have no idea what to do with myself. I should sleep. Or at least read that book Sarpedon gave me on the flora and fauna of the western hemisphere. It's so boring. A picture and a description. This bird eats these bugs. That eight-legged dog eats that two-headed zebra. On and on. I can't remember any of it and don't understand why I'd need to know that anyway.

I've cleaned up and had my massage, so now I'm free. But I have nothing to do and no one to do it with. I only know my instructors: Levise, Trelix, Kyrbast, and Sarpedon. Albína would do something with me if I asked; she's like the grandmother I never had. But I know she has stuff to do, so I don't want to interfere with her plans. Maybe I could go to the Temple and bother Gurador. My presence just annoys him.

When I step from the bathroom Albína blocks my path with her arms folded over her chest and her brows furrowed in anger. "Why are you limping?"

Whoops, I was hiding it from her but forgot to keep up the charade. She always makes a big deal of it when I'm injured and I don't want to deal with this now. "I took a bad fall off Poberd. He's unicorn number three. Went over his head and landed on my back."

Her demeanor changes instantly as she grabs my shoulders and tries to forcibly move me to a chair. "Oh no! Are you alright? What happened?"

I gently remove her hands and hold my place; sitting is the last thing I want to do. "I did a somersault and fell like six feet. It hurts." The real reason I was hiding it is because it makes me mad when I think about what happened after that. "I had to get back on and keep going through three more unicorns. And then sword fight with Trelix."

I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I wasn't going to say anything. I'm sorry you noticed. And I'm still miffed that I couldn't stop to recover. Once Levise knew I didn't break anything I was back bouncing around on Poberd. You know, there are lots of things that cause pain other than a broken hip."

Her concern shows on her face. I feel bad that she feels bad. It's one of the reasons I was hiding it from her. "Let me see," she says.

I pull my pants down and show her the dark blue bruise that covers my hip, thigh, and most of that cheek. She pokes at the swelling.

"Do you need to rest?"

"No," I say with a sigh. "I've already worked all day. Tomorrow's going to hurt worse." I look at her sad face. "But enough complaining. I promised I'd try and I think I am."

She smiles. "You are doing much more than expected. Everyone is pleased."

"Including the Queen?"

She shakes her head because she truly cannot understand why I dislike the Queen so much. "Including the Queen."

I snort. "Do you know where I'm allowed to go?" I ask, changing the subject.

She shrugs. "You are allowed to go wherever you wish."

"But last time I was almost kidnapped and I promised not to wander off."

"No, no, it's fine now," she says with a dismissive wave. "The guard has changed. And the gap the ésú exploited has been closed. You are free to go wherever you wish."

"Okay then," I mumble. I don't know where I wish to go. "I guess I'll take a walk."

"That sounds like a good idea. Do you desire company?"

"No, that's okay. I know you have a whole routine you do at this time so I don't want to mess up your schedule. I'll just get to know the place."

"All right, then. Do you want dinner here or are you planning to dine out?"

"I hadn't thought of that. I guess I'll grab a bite while I'm out. Do I need money or anything?"

"Oh, no. Everyone knows who you are. It's all taken care of. Shop, eat, play. Anything you want."

"Oh, okay." I don't want to leave now because everyone will be watching me. But I have to go because Albína is shuffling me out the door.

I walk out of the castle and down the path to the uniquestrian center. It's the only place I know where to go. I check on Stryder, who's munching on some grass in the field. I leave and wander down the lane that leads to the main street.

It's noisy here, with lots of elves milling about. Shops with clothes, candy, and household items line the narrow lane—none of which I need. Some people greet me. Most just point at me and whisper to their companions. I sit on a bench and wait for enough time to pass so I can go back to my room without Albína asking questions.

There's a group of kids walking toward me. Two boys and three girls around my age. I've never had friends my own age. Until Jonah I never had friends, period. They're getting closer. How do I approach them? What's the first thing I should do? Can they see me here? I shouldn't interrupt them.

The tallest boy sees me first and nudges the boy next to him, who looks up and locks eyes with me. I do a tight-lipped smile, trying to let them know that I'm friendly. The group stops and stares at me. I stare back. Should I say Hi, or something? Maybe I should let them talk first.

They turn as a group and race down the alleyway, laughing and talking rapidly in Naga-Nuru. I study my fingers. I forgot that a human is not a good friend choice for a bunch of elves. Maybe I should just go to my lesson with Kyrbast. He's fun sometimes.

I need to eat first. Albína is concerned about my weight loss. I'm trying to gain weight, but it's hard with all the training. I search for the restaurant Jonah took me to when we first got here. I can't ask for directions and I can't remember the name. I know Dathid said it translates to The Brewer's Daft, but I don't know the name in Naga-Nuru.

When I find a small camphor tree alone on a side street I decide I'm desperate enough to ask for directions. I find that the trees inside the wall are pretty friendly. They sing happy songs and usually only talk when they're saying hello or goodbye.

"Excuse me," I say. "I was hoping you could translate a name for me."

The tree was singing a song in a foreign language but it stops when I finish speaking. "That was rude," the tree says.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that your song wasn't over," I lie.

The tree goes silent, making me self-conscious about talking to it, but I've come this far so I press on. "I know you can speak any language and I know the name of a restaurant in English but I don't remember what it is in Naga-Nuru so I was wondering if you would tell me."


"The name in English is The Brewer's Daft."

The tree laughs.

"Yeah, it's funny. Can you tell me the name?"


"I'm not leaving until you tell me."

"You'll never find it," the tree says.

"Just tell me where it is and I'll take my chances."

"Left, right, right, right, right, left."

The tree says it so fast I almost don't hear it, so I recap, "Turn left, walk in a circle to the right, and turn left again?"


"I should've never asked a tree for directions," I mutter.

"You know, we don't do a lot of traveling. Never heard of a tree taking a stroll, going for a jog..."

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