Chapter Seven

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Rose had arrived back at midnight and promptly had rushed into the servant house. She disappeared quickly leaving so many questions unanswered. Yet the lack of answers were not what was keeping Thomas awake at 3AM. No, Liam was keeping him up by pacing and whining. Knowing that his mate was less than a hundred yards from him and he wasn't touching her was driving the poor wolf up a wall. Thomas tossed and turned all night unable to find a comfortable position in the plush bed. Even when he did find a position that was semi-comfortable he was cold. He knew that his body was reacting to the mate withdrawal. When everything had first happened he'd gone through the same thing. He was always cold, and could never sleep. It'd gone on for several months until one day they just ceased suddenly. Thomas had never questioned it; he was just glad that they had stopped. Finally Thomas sat up with a frustrated shout. Liam was fighting-pushing- for him to go to Rose.

Honestly Thomas was tired of fighting with Liam. He was sick of his wolf being miserable and depressed because he was missing his other half. All Thomas had ever wanted was a perfect little mate and a yard full of pups. He'd run the pack in the day and come back to his apartment in the pack house to find his mate waiting for him. Everything would be perfect. But it wasn't. Thomas had been so wrapped up in his thoughts he hadn't realized that he'd left his room and was now standing in front of Rose's door. Liam was practically jumping for joy to be close to Rose. Liam seemed to have forgotten that he had yet to sense her wolf. He'd also apparently forgotten that she'd come back with another male. Liam just wanted to hold her and make sure she was okay. So Thomas knocked.

Rose answered a minute later looking as distraught as he felt. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail and her eyes were dead. She hadn't even changed her clothes. Thomas felt a bit naked as she stared at him in a questioning way. She let out a soft sigh.

"I'm sorry," Thomas begins. "I couldn't sleep. I just had to... I had to make sure that you were alright."

"Don't worry about it. I couldn't sleep either," She said rubbing her eyes.

"I know that this is weird, but could I stay here? Just for the night."

"Neither one of us will sleep if you don't, I guess," Rose said before opening the door wide enough to let him in. Thomas recognized the apartment from earlier. The only difference was that the couch was now pulled out into a lumpy bed. Rose climbed into the right side of the bed. She glanced over her shoulder to look at him. Suddenly Liam was calm and practically purring but Thomas was nervous. His heart was beating erratically. "Are you coming?"

"Oh, uh... yeah." It bothered Thomas how this girl was able to turn him into stuttering mess. He was a grown man who had been running his own pack of over a hundred for two years now. Shaking his head in an attempt to clear his head Thomas climbed into the bed. It was lumpy and uncomfortable. Thomas could not imagine sleeping in a bed like this every night. Rose laid down on her side with her back to the front door. She was facing the hallway. Carefully Thomas laid down next to her. He pulled her into him so that they were spooning. They both relaxed a bit at the contact. Liam finally settled down. Thomas could feel Liam calling to Rose's wolf. But there was no response. "Why won't your wolf answer mine?"

"I'll explain everything in the morning. Just let me sleep for now. Please," Rose said, pleadingly. Thomas shifted, unconsciously pulling her closer. He nodded and closed his eyes. Sleep overtook him quickly as Rose 's warmth filled him.

There was giggling that was pulling at his consciousness, forcing him to wake up. Thomas tried to roll over but found that there was a weight on his chest preventing him from doing. With a groan Thomas finally forced his eyes open. A replica of what he looked like when he was five was seated at the end of the bed with a grin on his face. Confusion clogged his sleepy mind. He glanced down and saw Rose laying with her head on his chest. A faint smile played on her lips as she slept. He couldn't help but smile at that. But than the giggling started up again. The child at the end of the bed was laughing but trying to hide it in his hands. Rose started to shift and wake up.

"TJ? What are you doing?" She asked while sitting up. Thomas frowns at the sudden coldness that washes over him when Rose leaves his arms. The toddler crawls up the bed and into her arms. Rose welcomes him into her arms and hugs him. The boy peeks over his moms shoulder to look at him.

"Mama? Who that?" He asked while never breaking eye contact. Rose glances over at Thomas and smiles a bit.

"He's a friend of mine. Come on, now. I bet you're starving,"Rose answered. She got out of the bed carrying the boy down the hall. Liam howled in anger at Rose calling him a simple friend. Thomas forced himself up, realizing just how uncomfortable the bed was. He was about to go find the bathroom when the doorbell rang. Rose hurried past him to answer the door. The man from last night entered as well as Anne and John. Thomas's eyes narrowed at the sight of him. Jealousy flared up in him. There was obvious tension in the room.

"Why don't we all sit down and have a talk," Anne suggested. TJ rushed into the room and hugged the mystery man.

"Uncle Will, Uncle Will!" The kid cried. Will scooped up TJ and the group headed to the kitchen. There was a tiny table in the center of the tiny kitchen. There weren't enough chairs for everyone. Anne had to share a chair with John and the toddler was seated on Rose's lap.

"So where should we begin?" Anne asked one everyone was seated. Thomas looked at Rose who now seemed unable to meet his eyes.

"Who's child is this?" Thomas asked. The question forced Rose to look up at him.

"This is TJ. He's my son," She replied. Her son? That was impossible. How could she have a son without him? Rose seemed to tell what he was thinking. "No he's not yours. I became pregnant before I knew you were my mate."

"Are you the father?" Thomas asked now turning to face Will. Thomas could smell the human on him and it made his lips almost curl in disgust.  The question seemed to make Will laugh.

"No. Oh god, no. My name is William Bourdeu. I am a close friend of Rose," Will answered formally. "Rose asked me to come with her to provide support."

"So who's TJ's father, then?" Thomas asked. Immediately He could feel something change within Rose. She tensed up and pulled TJ closer to her. Her eyes got a distant look in them. She seemed to leave the room mentally for a minute. Silence fell over the room.

"Okay. I think we should spend less time focusing on TJ and more time focusing on the mate bond," Anne said eyeing her friend warily. At Anne's voice Rose blinked and shook her head as if to clear her mind.

"I believe that is the most pressing matter right now,"John said. A knock at the door interrupted him before he could continue. Rose stood to go answer it and place TJ on her hip. She walked quickly and quietly to the door. She was thankful to leave the room. This was becoming too much for her. She was confused and lost about everything. The thing bothering her the most was  the future. It was this large dark cloud that that scared the shit out of her. She opened the door to find Evan standing there with a worried look on his face.

"Is Thomas here?" He asked. "I need to talk to him."

"Come on in," Rose replied. "The more the merrier." Rose held the door open so he could enter. Thomas stood from the table to greet his beta. The apartment was suddenly way too crowded for Rose's liking.

"What's going on, Evan?"Thomas asked going into alpha mode.

"So I was looking over Rose's file last night, like you asked me to," Evan began. Rose felt like she should be annoyed by the invasion of privacy but Evan's panicked tone was more interesting. "The file was incomplete. So I called our pack to try to get the rest of her file sent over. But when I called your dad picked up and I wasn't sure what to tell him or anything. So I told him the truth about what was going on and well now we have a bit of a problem. I didn't mean for this to happen. It just sort of did. You can't get mad at me for this. I was just trying to help."

"Evan, spit it out," Thomas growled.

"You're parents are coming," Evan finally just blurted out. Thomas seemed to pale for a second and Rose's stomach dropped too. "They'll be here in three hours."

As always thanks for reading. Please comment and let me know what you all think. I need feedback to make sure the story isn't actually shit. Thanks!!!! Also above is a picture of what Rose looks like.

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