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"When a soul enters the realm of the living it is split in two. One half is put into one werewolf and the other half goes into another. These two halves long to be whole. So much so that they can communicate even when they are miles apart. When one feels pain so does the other. When one feels happy, so does the other. They are intertwined. The halves are drawn to each other. They are soul mates. They're meant to be with each other, forever," Rose said softly as her son looked up at her sleepily. His tiny body tucked under thick blankets, he smiled up at her.

"Who's your mate, Mama?" He mumbled before burying his nose into his stuffed dog that's seen better days. Rose offered him a sad smile and brushed some of his thick,curly, brown hair back off of his forehead. "Is he my Papa?"

"Sweetie, I wish he was. He'd be so proud of you." She kissed his forehead before pushing her aching legs to stand up. "Now get some sleep. You have a busy day tomorrow."

"I love you, Mama."

"Love you too, Baby," Rose said as she flicked off the light and shut the door quietly. Tiredly she made her way to her sofa turned bad. Letting out a large yawn she collapsed on it. Her mind flashed pictures of a tall man with dirty blond hair and a strong jaw. She smiled involuntarily as she got comfortable on the lumpy bed. He's the last thing her mind sees before she drifts off.

Rose's gown was a deep forest green. It danced just above the floor as she moved down the empty hallway. The music from the on going ball leaked into the the spacious corridor. The overwhelming feeling was disappearing from her chest as she put some distance between herself and the crowded ballroom. There were too many people there. Rose had never been comfortable in crowds. The nerves of knowing that her mate was in that room didn't help. She'd felt him enter the room and her wolf had been howling for her to find him. But the terrified human part of her won out and led her out here. It was quiet in the hallway. Rose was thankful for that. Her head had begun to pound while her wolf paced anxiously inside, dying to get to her mate. Rose just couldn't handle that tonight. So many insecurities rushed through her mind. What if he didn't fine her pretty enough? Or if he was one of those men who believed hitting their mate was the best way to keep them in line? There was far too much that could go wrong. It made her nervous. The cream colored walls and tile made her feel a bit better. She paused at one of the massive windows to look at the field that sat just outside the west wall of the courtyard. Underneath the full moon the flowers glowed. Suddenly all Rose wanted was to be outside, laying in those flowers.

When she finally was able to tear her eyes from the field Rose turned and pressed her back to the wall and stared at the ceiling. She knew she had to go back there. Her mate was waiting for her, he just didn't know her yet. Deep down inside she knew that everything would be okay. He would love her because that's what mates do. Rose reminded herself that he was supposed to be her other half. Rose took a deep breath before turning and walking back towards the ball room. She stared at the floor as she walked, trying to convince herself that she was ready to do this. Most shewolves find their mates when their sixteen. She was no different. It would be okay. Her parents would be so happy to see her with her mate. Rose had been so wrapped up in her thoughts when she slammed into something hard. The moment she brought her gaze up she had to drop it right back down to the floor.

"I'm so sorry, sir. I didn't see you coming," She said, politely while keeping her eyes trained on the ground. It had been hammered into her head since was little to never look a superior wolf in the eye.

"It's quite alright. What are you doing out here? There's a splendid party going on in there," His deep voice rumbled. He was well dressed in a suit that was obviously tailored made for him. He was undeniably handsome for an older gentlemen, Rose thought idly.

"I was just getting some fresh air. It's a bit overwhelming."

"Yes. I imagine it must be. What with the soon to be alpha looking for his mate and all those pretty girls practically throwing themselves at him." Rose nodded but remained silent, feeling a bit weary of this man. "Why don't you come with me to my room? I have a bottle of whiskey that makes everything better."

"I'm underage, sir," Rose said quietly.

"I won't tell if you won't," The man said with a chuckle. "It wasn't really a question."

With a resigned sigh Rose agreed and began to follow the man. She knew better than to try to tell a man of his stature no. It would be rude of her too, anyway. A servant is to never say no to any wolf ranked higher than her. Rose knew this rule. Whatever the higher ranked wolves wanted they got and that was the way it was.

His room was spacious and well decorated. It was not one of the one's Rose was in charge of cleaning so she'd never seen it before. Rose carefully sat down on one of the fancy over stuffed chairs that sat in the corner around a small wooden table. Rose smoothed out her dress as she watched the male produce a glass bottle full of amber liquid from a cabinet. He carried the bottle and two glasses over to the table. As he began to pour the liquid, Rose felt an uneasiness fall over her. She couldn't explain it but her wolf was nervous around this man.

That's a lovely dress you've got on, dear. Did you make it yourself?" He asked before handing Rose a glass and sitting down across from her. His smile was unsettling.

"My mother made it. She's a seamstress for the Alpha and his family,"Rose explained.

"Your mother is very talented," The man said as he took a long sip from his glass. He leaned forward and Rose subconsciously leaned back. "It's a shame that it'll be ruined in a minute."

The man leapt across the room and grabbed Rose by the arms, forcing her to stand. She could feel his arousal and it made bile rise into her throat. Rose struggled against him, eventually having to bring a knee to his groin, to get away. She began to run to the door as he crumpled to the ground. She didn't get very far before he grabbed the hem of her dress and sent her tumbling to the ground.  He pinned her arms above her head with one hand. Delivering a harsh slap to her cheek he growled, "You'll regret that, bitch." 

The first tear fell from her eye as the sound of his belt hitting the hard wood floor filled the room.

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