Chapter 5: Still Fighting

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Chat's ring flashed and he gave me a silent sorry look before leaping away just in time. Great. Now i'm alone and even more vulnerable.

Nobody appeared at my side. "You can consider yourself lucky. If i made the choice of killing you immediately a possibility, you won't even be alive. Of course, you would if you were swallowed up in that possibility wave. Then nothing exists and you're anything, anyone, you can do anything and reach to heights you never dreamed off." His penetrating stare bores into me. "You know, you still get to choose. Lucky you. Just join me and hawk moth. We'd give you all the freedom . I'm just asking for one thing - and I'm sure you -"

"NO!" I screamed, eyes blazing. "SHUT UP, 'CAUSE IT'S NOT HAPPENING! NOT NOW, NOT EVER!!"

Nobody gave me a grin. "Fine, guess we have to do it the hard way. Sure you don't want to consider that?" He raises a nonexistent brow.

My eyes flash with anger that gives him my answer, all with that one look.

"Okay," he says, his tone hardening, "Then -"

Chat jumped and winked. "Looks like i came at the right time."

Glaring at him, I hissed, "Why didn't you come earlier?"

Shrugging, he mouthed "sorry" again and mischievously led him to the wall of nothingless a few feet away from us, a cheeky grin on his face.

"If i were you , i won't do that," Nobody warned us. "You'd get erased to possibility."

Gritting my teeth, i bellowed, "stop saying that!!" Suddenly, flame lit in my eyes and fire danced around me. The wind howled and lightning flashed. Dark, black, ominous clouds rolled in as the rain came down in torrents. "You. Will. Lose. We'd. BEAT YOU!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and swung my yoyo at his direction before he threw it back at me and let the flames touch him.

Nodody's POV:

Stupid, stupid girl, I thought. No one messes with ME! She doesn't even KNOW that she's being currently controlled under my power. Ha! And Cat is making a catastrophe for sure - ha, ha - he still looks dazed. Wow, these dumb people can't even get what i'm doing. I let the flames lick me and felt searing pain shooting up my entire body as it burned. I never felt so hot in my life. The lightning struck me leaving me thunderstruck - i'm one with puns, kay? I used to be da other cat, but since the horrible pl- whatev!! - chased me away cuz he's jealous, I'd ignore that. Now i can be anybody!! Anything! I can be myself , finally.

No worries, i wasn't dead. I just froze time to rewrite myself out of the situation and turned the girl back normal and the storm and fire dissolved into thin air. She looked crazed and completely confused. Using that as my advantage, i leaned forward to give her a blow only to have the cat rush to her defence while LB stood there rooted to the spot.

I ground my imaginary teeth. CAN'T HE GET THE MESSAGE TO LEAVE ME ALONE ALREADY?? So it's not my fault!! He had a price to pay. I rewrote him as well as sucked him in. A dazed LB woke up from her whatever and shouted NOOOOO but Cat conveniently WALKED right into the hole that opened up in me. I quickly unrewrote him - yes it's a word cuz i made it a word with playing around with possibilities (though no one should toy with me). I didn't say unwrote cuz that's a disgusting sight, with all his muscles and blood and veins and everything unravelling. Yuck. Really not very relishing to think about. So let's move on... i sucked him in and trapped him in my body where he was not mind controlled anymore. I felt him floating around. Shouting help. Ugh, so distracting. I rewrote myself so i could ignore his pleas and thankfully turned a deaf ear to it - i didn't even have to, i unwrote me ears. So i can't exactly hear. But i wrote myself to just not hear cat. Ahhh, that's better!


I floated around in the white space of nothingless. Ugh, i was floating here for what seemed like hours already, but was probably just a few minutes. who cares. I was here bored out of my mind. Definitely will make it to the top of my boring things to do list. not that i had one but who cares.

I desperately hoped that LB could save us. I had no more powers cuz i used it already...

WAIT! I transformed again! I have it again! I quickly destroyed the air around me and fell, fell, fell, and never stopped falling.

Then darkness overtook my vision, and I had a brief dream.

And soon, everything went black.

WHOO! Wow i know this is a longer chapter. 


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