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He also screamed with 2x more loudness.

Sara freaked out and started crying when he turned on the lights and a sense of relief passed through my veins.

It's V.

"Im-im so sorry! It's just I couldn't sleep and thought of checking on you-"
He said with hands surrendering in the air.

He looked funny with that expression.

But I was rather busy in calming down a crying Sara.

"Don't worry baby...its your tae uncle only? You are safe I'm here right."
I said hugging her tightly and glaring at taehyung who mouthed a sorry to me.

Before he could say anything, I signalled him to leave for the sake of Sara.

He nodded and went out closing the door shut.

How tf he even opened it? I remember I locked it.

I jolted back to reality when I felt Sara snoring softly against my neck.

I looked at her sleeping face, what a cutie.

I pinched her small nose and put her on bed.

I layed down for a while but i couldn't fell asleep.

I got up and slowly sneaked outside.

I searched for tae but couldn't find him.

Maybe he went back to his room?

I thought and went on the terrace.

And I found him sitting all alone.


I asked But no reply.

I walked towards him and asked.

"V? Taehyung?"  Still no reply.

I slowly tapped his shoulder but he screamed loudly and jumped back in terror.

This boys gonna die and not let me live.

"Oh my god! Y/n!? You scared me! I was watching the trailer of Hellbound and you just.." He said plopping back on his chair.

I chuckled and sat on the chairs infront of him.


I exclaimed and he smirked taking out his earphones and keeping his phone aside.

"Seriously. Girls do scream when they see me but not as horrible as you."
He said dramatically flipping his imaginary silky smooth hairs.

I just chuckled and kept quite.

There was a little awkwardness until I asked "How did you opened the door? I locked it?"

He gulped and said "Actually...my dad owns this hotel, so it was pretty easy peasy lemon squeasy to get the keys."

He said and I made a O face.

And again silence.

"Sara and aera are sleeping they won't cry again right?"

"They are heavy sleepers, they won't wake up now don't worry."

He nodded.

"You can't sleep either?"

I nodded and...


"Oh come on." He groaned after sometimes.

"What happened?"

I asked confused.

"Why are you so quite? I have been trying to pick up a conversation for so long."

He said frustrated.

"But, what do I say? I have nothing to tell.." I explained.

"Y/n...you literally feel like someone else, I badly miss the old y/n.."
He said staring right into my soul.

"I miss her too tae."

I said avoiding eye contact.

"But the y/n is inside you! Only you can bring her back! WAIT I have a news for you!!"

He suddenly exclaimed.

"What is it?"

"Your father and Ex-husband both are in Jail now." 

He said, I wasn't sure of what I was feeling.

I wanted to cry my heart out but at the same time I wanted to laugh on my justice.

"Hey? Y/n!!! Earth to y/n!!"

I blinked my eyes several time and saw a confused taehyung infront of me.

"What's wrong with you? Y/n because of someone else why are you letting yourself suffer like this? You don't deserve this. Yeah I know so much have happened but now you are free. I really want you to realise that you are no longer taunted, it's your life. Be happy hm?"

He said trying to peak inside my heart while looking in my eyes.

"Yeah." I said, I saw him inhaling a deep breath and then sighing.

We sat there for sometime, silence again surrounding us.

"I think it's going to rain."

He said looking up at the sky and just then I felt a drop of water fall on my forehead.

I got up, ready to go downstairs but he stopped me.

"Hey? Are you really going? It's raining? It's dance time?"

I shook my head in a no, that's so stupid.

"It's literally 2 am."

I said.

"You? Lee y/n the great is saying that? I refuse to believe and you do have to because this time might never come again!"

He said blocking my way and taking out his phone, he started playing still with you by jk.

"But- your phone!" I asked in confusion.

"Don't worry y/nieee its waterproof, my grandma gifted me that. Now let's dance!"

He said and held both of my hands dragging me to dance with him.

Hate to say this but I was feeling uncomfortable, how bad of me to feel this way towards someone as nice as him.

"Tae- it's fine, I'm not feeling well."

I said but he didn't listened.

"That's why I'm helping you!"

"You are not. You are not understanding-"

I tried to say but he cut me off by saying "shut up. You talk too much."

"I'm tired."

I said pool of tears forming in my eyes, he was behind my back with his one hand resting on my waist and other one holding my left hand.

"Me too."

He replied.

Right at this moment, I felt so helpless.

I started sobbing silently.

Taehyung stopped confused, he stepped infront of me cupping my face in his big hands, but I removed them.

"Hey? What happened?"
He asked trying to calm me down but I was crying endlessly.

"Hey! Please stop crying you know I hate to see you like this and-"

I had enough, I screamed on his face.

"I KNOW. I HATE IT TOO. I hate myself. I hate the fact that I'm so weak and dumb. I hate the fact that I'm still alive. But you know what taehyung!? I already feel dead. I don't even know how I was before all of this shit. I don't even know who I am!? I feel nothing but pain. And please stop saying I have changed or what. I'm not that childish and bubbly y/n like before. I'm a total mess. Just leave me alone."

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