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Shinestar tugged her paw to the high rock.She got closer and yowled "All cats old enough to catch prey please attend the Clan meeting" The cats ran to the high rock in plead.Bat'kit peeked."Today.We have good news and bad news.The good news is that AntlerPaw worked hard and suspected that he should be a Warrior.He shall be called from now on AntlerBreeze." The cats cheered "ANTLERBREEZE ANTLERBREEZE!" Bat'kit peaked at AntlerBreeze.He seemed embarrassed but happy at the same time."The bad news is that the Dogs from their territory are coming to fight.They want revenge for when we started the war" Shinestar said in a worried look.As soon as she said that.Mouthfuls of barks came closer and closer.Bat'kit looked terrified as he ran to the wooden log.Yowls came through the opened web.Bat'kit hid under the log then saw a German Shepherd pick up Jewel'Kit and run off."JEWEL'KIT!" Yowled Bat'kit following the German Shepherd.Where the German Shepherd ran off was a terrifying experience.The German Shepherd was running through the Twoleg Place.Right past the barn.Into the lake.Bat'Kit looked in a confused face.The German Shepherd unleashed Jewel'Kit and she face to face fell into the water.The German Shepherd forcing the kit to stay underwater till it drowns holding the head of Jewel'Kit.Then she drowned in the water face down.As the German Shepherd left.Bat'Kit ran to the lake picking up her body and running back to camp.As Bat'kit entered the camp.It was full of dogs.A pup lunged at Bat'kit.Bat'kit kicked his hind legs proceeding the pup from getting off.The pup returned back into the Gazing fire.Bat'kit screamed "OFF!" As he shakes off the pup and claws his eye.The pup slapped Bat'kit with his tail.Then Bat'kit Unexpectedly jumped at the pup throwing it into the fire.Yowls and screams were heard.DarkShine overthrows a Husky.Bat'kit runs into the Nursery laying down Jewel'Kits dead body on the ground and slept.The next morning Bat'kit told himself "Very thing is fine." After he widened his eyes.DarkShine walks into the Nursery and meows "Everything alright in there?"."Yeah." Mewed Bat'kit.Forgetting about Jewel'Kit."Well.ScarToe and Sunreach have a new kit.Wanna check them out?" DarkShine Smiled."Alright." Coughed Batkit.As they moved onto the Med-Cats den.It was weirdly beautiful.Bat'kit sat down and looked at the kits.Sunreach then Meowed "The brown classic tabby is Bubble'kit and the Golden black stripes tabby is Golden'kit and the beautiful peach one is Honey'kit." Bat'kit looked at ScarToe.He didn't seem impressed.Same old Scartoe.Bat'kit Confessed "Scar.You don't look impressed." ScarToe leaches and says "Because i'm tried".Bat'kit Shrugged and left into the prey pile."It looks delicious." Mumbled the kit drips coming down his mouth.As he started lunging in into the rabbit chunk.Shinestar yowled clan meeting.Bat'kit moved from the prey and sat down near the rock."Today we had 1 death.A dead body of Jewel'Kit was found at the Nursery this morning.Please mourn her loss to StarClan." Meowed Shinestar.Sobs were heard from the crowd.But when Bat'kit took a look from ScarToe.He seemed Happy."She will be buried tonight." Bat'kit Covered his tail as ScarToe smirked."Also we're having a apprentice tomorrow.Clan dismissed." Cats left to mourn Jewel'Kit.Bat'kit stepped into the crowded cats.Some of the cats mourned Jewel'Kit.The others went to admire the three kits.When Scartoe took a nap.Bat'kit didn't want to waste tomorrow so he ran outside into Leaf-Bare.

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