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by - R. Hasan.


“Just try to understand,” Pete said. Then he left my room.

We got back here after Alex and Helena dropped us near the lamppost. Those two didn't spill a single word. But after I got back home, I bombarded Pete with question after question. Thankfully, he answered all of them.

“How long did you know them?”

“For three years.”

Okay… that is a long time.

Pete doesn't say a word more. He continues to stare at the floor while sitting on the chair opposite me. I'm sitting on my bed.

“What is that Academy about?”

Pete lifts his gaze but doesn't look at me, “It's a secret Academy for preparing rebels for the War.”

“War?” I am curious.

Now, Pete looks at me. But averts his gaze quickly and says, “The OneGov and the Rebellion are going to be crashed against each other in a war.

“Truth to be told, we aren't sure. There is a small possibility of this case being solved in a diplomatic way… but the large possibility says there will be a war,” looking at my expression, he added, “It's not a huge deal…”

It is a huge deal.

This new information takes a few minutes to sink in. Don't be afraid, readers. I don't generally faint or start wailing after hearing rather impossible but true infos. I hardly encounter shocks. So you are safe from facing emotional hazards.

“What do I have to do with all these?”

“Uhh… they are wanting you as a student.”


“I don't know,” he pauses, “Maybe because you are… you know,” he shrugs.

Yes. Because I am the son of my Mother.

I truly hate this title. Yeah… I used the word ‘hate’, I know.

“How many students are there?”

“I'm not sure…” Pete says, “Maybe ten thousands or more.”

Wow. That's huge.

“Every year they take new students in and graduates come out.” Pete explains.

“What do those graduated rebels do after graduation?”

Pete takes his time.

“There is a hidden Quantum World.”

“Quantum World?” I raise my eyebrow.

“Well, you won't understand these scientific terms -”

“Are you kidding?! Dude, Imma Science major!” I state.

Pete scratches his neck, “Well, umm… I don't understand ‘em, so…”

I chuckle, “Okay, I'll search it.”

Pete's head snaps up, “No!” he almost shouts, “Never ever do that.”

Oh, yes. If I do, then the OneGov will catch me, “Okay, okay. I won't.”

“How is it like?” I ask, “The Quantum World?”

“Oh, it's just another sub universe kinda thing… and there is the whole world… and we don't come out of it if it isn't extremely necessary.”

“But I saw you every day!” I exclaim.

“Only on vacations,” Pete corrects me, “But, some of us ain't allowed to come out even on vacations. I could because I am your friend and they practically chose me to take you in.”

“If I don't?”

“That's up to you,” he looks at me, “They may allow you to come out on vacations.”

“What do I need to get in?”

“You basically have everything,” Pete says, “But you need to read the RuleBook first.”


Pete doesn't say anything more. Nor do I.

A moment later, I ask, “What do they teach?”

Pete smiles, “You'll see.”

Another few seconds die.


“Huh?” Pete looks at my face.

“I'll go,” I finally decide.

He just smiles and nods. I kinda expected him to break some more bones by slapping my back and giving me a bear hug.

“But what would happen about the Institution?” I ask. I forgot to think about it, “They will inform Mother if I don't attend there anymore.”

“The Academy will handle that,” Pete assures.


He shrugs, “I dunno, but they will manage it somehow…”

“Hmm… Okay, I'll go then.”

“Are you sure?” Pete asks, “I am sending the confirmation to them.”

I think about it for a second or two. Nothing comes against the idea.

“Do send it.”

★     ★     ★

It's been two months.
And three days.

I've been waiting for a letter to arrive since then.

Pete left two days later telling me that a letter would arrive just like the previous one and it would contain some code called my ‘PassCard’.

I finished Lolita and am now reading nothing.

Not my fault… I couldn't focus. I tried though.

Mother is here. In her room. She will be leaving today. It's been three days since she came here. Three days is the usual time she stays here. Last night, she came into my room while I was sleeping. Or was pretending to sleep.

She sat on one corner of my bed. For five minutes probably.

Then left.

A knock on my door. I stand. Paints are on my hands. Red, blue, green, yellow.

I take a wipe cloth and open the door.

My Mother is standing there. Fully dressed. To leave.

"You are leaving already, Mother?”

“Yes, soon,” she replies, “You have enrolled in a new University?”

I am confused. I enrolled? When?

Giving me no chance to reply, she continues, “This one looks better than the current one. I made all the payments. They said they would contact you today.”

“Oh, okay,” I say, not knowing what to say.

She nods once, “I'll leave now. Take care.”

“You too,” I manage to say this and she turns to leave.

I hear the clacking of high heels on the stairs. Sound of opening the main door. Sound of closing it. The purr of the engine of her HoverCar. And she is gone.

I turn to get back to the table and to finish the painting project. Then I hear the doorbell.

Did she forget anything?

The doorbell rings again when I'm in front of the door.

Deza vu...

Why does it feel like this? I look at the security camera. No one's here.

I open the door. No one. I look down. An envelope. I bend down and pick it up.

Blake Austin.
It reads.

I tear the envelope at it's seam and pull out the paper inside.

Dear Mr. Austin,

At first, receive our hearty welcome for joining the Academy. We want you to know that you will be trained as a real rebel against the dictators of OneGov.

We warn you not to tell anyone about your connection with the Academy. It's for your own safety. We have provided you with the security code for entering the Island. You and only you can use this code. Do not share your PassCard even with your closest friend. And we have taken care of extracting you from your previous institution. Please use the identity enlisted below with the outside public.

We look forward to your joining in the Academy.

Mrs. N. Skeleton,
Headmistress of The Academy for Rebels.
President of The Quantum Island.

A Rebel Academy, huh? And a Quantum Island. Okay.

There is another paper. I look through it. I'd show you this page too but they said not to. So, I won't.

This page has the PassCode - a six digit code that I have to use while entering or leaving this hidden world place. It has the public identity which I will share with the people outside the hidden world. So, I will tell you too. Here -

Name and age : (Won't change)
School : Institute of Science and Business.
School location : High Land, Chemical Lake.

Wondering what High Land or Chemical Lake is? Well, I'm wondering that too.

They said someone will contact me soon.

Soon. How soon? No idea.

My phone buzzes once from the desk. An email.

I walk there and pick the phone up.

you have a new email from blue_moon.

Blue Moon? I have a huge suspicion it's Mr. Blue.

I click it open.

same old house. be there at 10 pm tonight. period.

I start packing.

★     ★     ★

It's cold. More cold than before. Obviously. Now, it's night.

After nine thirty, no one is allowed to come outside. Military Curfew. But I didn't face any problem. No tank was patrolling in the town.

The shaggy house is dark. From outside.

I push the door open and step inside. It's cold inside the house too.

“Hello?” I say.

No answer.

“Close the door,” I hear Alex’s voice.

The door makes a groaning sound when I slowly swing it close.

The light flashes on. I take a few seconds to adjust my eyes.

Helena is smirking.
Alex is staring. Cold blue eyes.
Pete is grinning from ear to ear.

“Hi there, mate,” I say.

“Hello! Nice to see ya again!” Pete comes forward to gives me a hug.

Edit. Bear hug actually. He obviously doesn't know or believe that I need to breathe.

“Did you bring any tracking device?” Alex says, coldly, straight to the business.

“No,” I glance at Helena who very gracefully planted my face on this very floor last time. She seems to know what I'm thinking about. Her smirk grows.

“You know, we have to search you,” Alex states. He is careful not to make eye contact with me.

“Hmm.. alright,” I say and drop my bag.

Alex motions Helena to check the bag. She steps forward. Grabs a strap of the bag, opens the chain and pours all the contents over. On the floor.

“What the fuck!” I am taken aback. Really, “Why did you do that?”

“To search,” she replied, as nonchalant as ever.

After searching, she left the contents on the floor.

“Pick 'em up,” I urge.

“Like hell,” her simple reply.

“Search him now,” Alex orders.

Helena scrunches her nose, “Eww, no way. You do that.”

“Search him,” the dictator now orders Pete.

“Why won't you?!” I ask, smirking.

He chooses to ignore me and continues to stare at Pete.

Pete huffs and comes forward to search me, “Not my idea,” he raises both of his hands, then points at Alex, “His.”

I kinda want to tell him to back off and order Alex to search me if he is that passionate about it. But maybe it's not worth it… I let Pete to search. Who? You guess that. I won't tell.

After searching, Pete stands beside me, “No tracking device. All clear.”

Alex starts to walk towards the door, “Let's get going, then.”

We all get out. First Alex. Then me. Then Pete could come out but he let Helena come out. Hmm… something to notice! Not that the lady notices.

Okay, so when we come out, I just follow Alex and stop in front of a HoverCar.

Whoa! I didn't notice that when I came here.

Not that I was supposed to -

It's all black. Perfectly blending in the background of the dark night.

Alex slides the door open and gets in the driver's seat. Pete takes the shotgun. He doesn't let ‘the lady’ take it. Noted!

But the lady has another intention. She goes around the car and stops outside the shotgun.

“Get out,” she orders Pete.

“Nope,” Pete grins, “I took it first!”

“Get your ass outta here while you have time,” the gracious lady threatens, “Or I'll drag it out. Pete.”

Pete smirks, “No can do!”

Helena maintains eye contact with Pete. She continues… she still continues… Pete stares back…

“Argh!” Alex exclaims, “Cut that shit and get in the fuckin' car!”

Helena listens, huffs, gets in the backseat with me and slams the door shut.
Pete frowns at Alex.
I pray to God to keep me alive through the entire car trip.

After getting in, (and slamming the door shut) Helena glares at me.

“Uhm… hi!” I say. Pathetic. I know.

She continues to glare. Pete chuckles.

“Well young boy,” her graciousness wags her index finger at my face, “Remember to keep your hands to yourself.”

“Uhh… of course,” I manage to say, “There is no way in hell I'm giving them to you.”

In the rest of the drive, time flows on…

★     ★     ★

Twenty minutes later, Alex smoothly brings the HoverCar to halt.

Luckily for me, Helena drifts off to sleep after a few minutes. And then Everything was silent. Now and then Pete and I tried to start a conversation. But I wasn't comfortable talking all friendly business in front of Alex. Nor was Pete.

“Get out,” Alex orders.

Pete opens the door and gets out. I get out too. Alex gets out quite graciously and then stumbles forward. Luckily, he catches himself before he falls face forward.

Pete stands at the left side of the car and hesitates before knocking on the glass window. Helena doesn't wake up. He looks at me, I raise an eyebrow. Then he opens the door and sticks his head inside.

The car is all black. So I can't see anything that's happening inside. Not that I'm curious. No, sir, I’m not.

A few seconds later, Pete's head jerks outside. He is holding his nose. Her graciousness graciously punched and maybe broke his nose. Poor Pete!

Then lo and behold! Helena gets out, grabs Pete's hair and slaps him profoundly.

After slapping Pete, Helena stands beside Alex. Pete comes forward and stands beside me.

“Whaddya tell her?” I whisper at him.

He gives me a stink eye.

I focus on our surroundings. We are standing on the sidewalk. Before us, some old wooden houses are standing together. A little alley can be seen between them.

Alex and Helena walk in the alley. Pete waits for me to go first. Not wanting to be right behind the lady. I walk in. Pete follows.

The alley reeks of garbage and alcohol. It's too narrow even for one person. No way two people can walk side by side.

“What's your PassCode?” Alex asks.

“Not telling,” I say -

“Don't tell,” Pete and Helena say almost at the same time. Together.

“Why did you ask him that?” Pete demands.

“Chill,” Alex says, “I was just checking.”

A few minutes later, Alex comes to halt. Helena stops.

I, being smart, didn't forget to maintain a three feet distance between me and the lady. So I don't bump into her.

Pete, being stupid, didn’t maintain any distance between him and me. So he bumps into me and - I stagger forward and bump into the lady.

Oh God! Save me, please!

Fortunately for me, the lady didn't feel like pulverizing me. Unfortunately for Pete, she pushed me and taking the impact, Pete's butt connected with the dirty concrete of the alley.

Alex opens the door and we enter a pub. A drinking pub. Why are we here? Are we partying tonight? I have zero clue.

As soon as we enter the pub, every single pair of eyes fixes on me. So many eyes! Brown, green, grey, bloodshot, clear blue as the sky…

Then the eyes take in our sight. Chairs screech while moving, glasses clink while taking alcohol in their bellies, in a distance, a music starts. Pop? Rock? Jazz? No idea. No one speaks. No sound of human voice can be heard.

Then someone breaks the silence,

“Well, well, well,” that someone says, “Look who we have here!” Whoever he is, he is not drunk like most of the people here.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” the same voice says, “Welcome the son of the leader of Sector Three,” the voice is cold. Too cold. It's clear he doesn't like me.

“Or should I say,” a dramatic pause, “The future leader?”

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RealPirateKing :)

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