|Chapter Three: Part Two|

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Maya's P.O.V

I awoke to it being dark. I could hear the faint sounds of the crickets nearby. I took in my surroundings as it was dark. It was still beautiful  even in the dark.

I slowly got up. My muscles ached from running too much. I stretched my legs out, shaking them in the process. I lifted my arms raising them in the air to get out the tension. I then realized I've been gone for a long time.

I mentally groaned. Oh well, I needed some alone time. I then started walking back the way I came, but casting one more glance at the spot I've just been at. I smiled one last time, then started walking to where a challenge lays.

I walked swiftly. The night air was becoming thick and clouds started clouding the area. I caught a glimpse of rain falling in the distance.

I groaned aloud. Why a storm now? I started running towards the village. Rain started pouring so suddenly. Water pounding off the tree's making them heavier. Lighting flashed, striking a tree trunk. The tree started falling. I backed away as fast as I can.

The tree landed with a thud. A strong impact on the ground shaking it. I fell backward landing on my butt. Hard. I grunted when I hit the ground. The tree struck down another tree, then it was like domino's with about three tree's. "I am stuck, and so dead when I get home," I said aloud, "Aj and the others sure are going to kill me if I don't die right now."

Rain poured all around me, getting my clothing soaking wet and making me shiver from the cold air. I slowly got up but only got to be knocked down again by wind. This was unusual. Wind is never this strong.

I tried getting up again, only to be knocked down. I hit my head off a rock nearby. Everything became blurry and I saw lightning flash in front of my eyes one more time before I drifted into darkness.

Liam's P.O.V

I awoke in the middle of the night. I jerked upward, my body shooting up. Where was I? Then it all came back to me. The king. Maya. I looked around noticing the guards. Some were asleep, others were on watch. I was in a carriage I assume. It had seats on both sides, enough to fit three to four people on each side. I was on the right side of the door with two guards by my side.

The other side held him. The man that I thought we escaped from. He looked older than I last saw him. Gray hair, his features looked more sharp. He certainly aged quite a lot. I can't believe he is my father.

I looked around a bit more and saw a window. I tried getting a glimpse outside. It was currently midnight, and a storm was brewing near.

I sighed. Maya? What is she doing now? She must be worried sick. I chuckled at the thought of her running around with a face that only she would make while searching. Her eyes wide and a grumpy face. That would be her probably. I hope she is alright.

I stared at the ceiling of the carriage. What happened when she found out I was missing? Will she find me? I don't want her to know anything of our past, but I think King Wyatt is going to bring it up and she will finally know the truth I've never told her. I sighed, why now? Why must this happen now after so long?

I tried getting up, but failed. I realized that my legs were strapped to the seat. I rolled my eyes at this. Really? Am I that dangerous? I chuckled aloud alerting a few guards.

"What are you doing up?" the guard to my right said.

"I don't know. You know, just chilling," I said rolling my eyes.

The guard didn't look to happy. I was about to say something else but he grabbed his sword hit me in the back of the head with the hilt. Dark spots clouded my eyes as I drifted into a deep slumber.

Third Person P.O.V

As Maya was unconscious something mysterious happened. The storm faded away and the rains stopped all of a sudden. Then the remnants of the plants that have fallen started floating.

As the plants started floating so did Maya. She was floating and then a flash of Red,Purple, and blue went around her. Healing her wounds. After the flash circled her a few times, and then the plant; Maya and the plants got sat down.

The trees were already growing and the flowers. Whilst Maya was quickly healing. Her head wound was already fading and some of the blood she lost was returning. Soon she should reach consciousness, but things might take a toll.


Chapter three is a completed success. This book is gonna be good and a very long books so buckle your seatbelts for the adventure!

With All Love -


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