Devil In The House

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Razdaan Mansion was very silent well it was a silence before the big show ...

The soul Twins were sitting in the theater room with Adhvik .... Well the monster cut his deal with the little devil's as soon as he heard what all they have planned for the brothers .. how  would he even imagine that happening on himself the mere. Though just made him cringe he won't be imagining himself like that no never !!

Avi was munching her popcorns casually leaning on her boo bear while the two were thinking how can she be so calm when they knew after the little stunt the two devil's are just dead meat for the brothers and this little Satan which Nishu calls her as is sitting watching Netflix she was enjoying the show as if nothing happened... Her laughter were just making the other two look at her in disbelief.. Both Nishu and Adhvik were counting every minute.. 

Adhvik thought what would happen to his Dodo ohh just because of his stupidity the rest will see the side of their little one ... He remembered once he just imagined that how will be their little sorella when she will be grown up well she was a complete demanding when she was just a baby she would love to trouble her all brothers.. she would make sure to let all know that she is upset with them when anyone of them ignored her and damn it would be painful because she used to pull everyone's hairs like anything.... Ohh only his elder sibling would calm her or else she would be a walking tsunami for all ..

And today when she is upset she made sure Adit   will pay the price just like old days and offcourse how can she leave any wonderful chance to pull a prank on the other ones as well ..

Aviana was enjoying her popcorns and laughing at the jokes in middle when the mansion was shaking with the screams of her brothers on whom she just pulled that splendid plan ...

Arhaan and Ahaan were running in the whole mansion drenched in Slim and both were painted red when they both came out of their rooms both looked at each other and they both screamed ...

Arhaan / Ahaan : Ahhhhhh save me pink Panda... 

They both were running like lunatics in the whole mansion  Raunak who just came back from Walk with Noah and Alpha he saw the twins running in horror ..

While he was actually amused because most of the time it is always twins who pranks everyone.. who just pranked this two ?

He was looking around when he saw  a head peeping out from the Theater room it was no rocket science to know who is the new prankster of the house who actually holds the power to just pull the stunt and no one will dare to lay a finger on her ..

His Little niece is a devil in disguise ... She was laughing her guts out looking at her two brothers in such state ... They were surely looking like Pink Panda ... And the most amazing part was today she was also making her elder one laugh after she was taken Raunak saw any of  his son's smiling so freely.. Adhvik and Aagam were the most affected one . Both kept each other busy in the work so much that they would be just gone from house for days ... Seeing Adhvik he got to know that his son's got their healing shot ...

The twins were still bickering and blaming each other for the prank pulled ...

Arhaan : Ahaan you are so dead for doing this ... How dare you pull this prank you Idiot ..

Ahaan : ohh really I pulled a prank on you or you did that on me see because of you my handsome face got spoilt you beat wait I will show you...

He ran behind Arhaan while Arhaan ran to save his life ...

Arhaan : oyee why the hell you are threatening me I should be the one threatening you you are younger than me ...

Ahaan : ohh really you are just born 20 minutes before me that doesn't make you elder ... don't pull that elder card on me

Avi was enjoying seeing this banter she never knew her brothers are that much drama queens ...

While she heard someone calling for her ...

That was her next prank on her dearest buddy for not giving her attention.. well it seemed like he was ignoring her but Aviana made sure that she let that person know about her presence you can not ignore Aviana Razdaan and walk like a stranger

It was Pranav screaming for her ... he came out with a frozen cereal in the hand he was hell annoyed  ...

Pranav : Aviana Razdaan and Nishant Rathore you better come out now ... 

Arhaan : hey chill buddy why are you shouting at my sister ..

Pranav : because I know what can that two devil's do ... They froze my cereal ...

Kiya who came inside listening the commotion..

Kiya : Pranav what happened why are you shouting at my kids now what did they do now .. can you for once leave my kids

Pranav: Kiya you spoilt both of them see what they did yours loving kids just froze my cereal adding fevicol ... You better stay away they both are gone today...

Kiya : shut up my kids are innocent they both won't do anything like this stop making any assumptions... They both are having movie marathon in the theater room I myself saw them ..

Pranav : ohh really the let me see ..

While Nishant and Avi ran inside with Adhvik to pretend they are watching movies Avi played a radom movie... both of them were waiting for Pranav to barge in ... Pranav was about to open the door when Kiya stopped him ...

Kiya : dare you moron rathore barged inside and spoil their day they are having fun after so long it's there day let them enjoy...

Pranav gave her a disbelief look ... He was happy and was amused to see her openly defending his siblings...

Kiya dragged Pranav to other side saying she will give him another cereal but dare he spoil soul Twins moments...

Raunak was silent spectator of the things unfolding in front of him ... He was just amused and was feeling proud of the girl who openly too his princess side even if she knew it was her but she didn't budge to defend her ... This girl is something... He saw she made Pranav silent with her only glare ... Damn he never saw the angry bull get silent by just one glare ... When she first came to the house she just blended with all like she is the part of the family from forever... For his mother and Bhabhi kitchen is one place where the family ladies just blend in together without any men in between... Along with the house men's no outsider was allowed to keep foot in the kitchen but she just made her way that now she is the part of the little ladies kitty of the kitchen...

He saw her going towards the theater room ..

Kiya : Aviana & Nishant come here right now ..

She said in a bit stern voice making the soul Twins scared of her ...

Avi first cringed as she hates when her loved ones uses her full name for scolding making sure she gets to know they are angry with her ...

Avi peeked from the sofa not ready to come out because she knows that first she will protect them and later she will scold them on everyone's behalf..

Kiya : Nishant Rathore I said now and Little Devil don't taste my patience..

Adhvik : Are why are you scolding them they didn't did anything...

Kiya : Bhai don't defend them I know who is the mastermind here this two idiots loves to pull such stunts ... It is me only if it would be Pranav they both were dead meat by now ...

Adhvik : Pranav like really he knows how to scold that guy will melt with one puppy gaze of her ... And will he dare to raise his hand on Nishant I bet he would have ever hit a insect ...

Adhvik scoffed.. 

Well it was true Pranav can never raise his hand on this two let even anyone touch them ... All know his anger is name sake .. and this two kids are his biggest weakness...

Kiya : Isiliye toh I have to do this honours they both are devil's Satan incarnated this both will just keep all wrapped around their fingers someone has to keep this two on check... You two out now stop hiding behind Bhai ..

Avi and Nish came infront of her ...

Kiya : look up both of you...

She went and twisted both their ears ...

Avnish : Ahhh didu please don't it's paining please we are sorry ....

Kiya : why the hell you both play such pranks ...

Avi : We were getting bored na didu ... Solly na it was just harmless one and nothing... 

Kiya : Avi it was harmless really what if any of your brothers would be allergic to anything... What if your Dada and Your Dude would had any color reaction did you thought about that ... It's ok what you did with buddy he was actually acting like a moron from few days but baccha you should be careful with your brothers...

Avi hung her head down she didn't thought that her brothers might have any kind of allergy or not when she came here her brothers made sure that they get to know if she have any allergy or not ... But she didn't asked her boo bear once ...

Nish immediately said sorry while Avi also apologize...

Kiya : it's okay bacchas .. I am not angry just go and say this sorry to your brothers.. and hope this is your last prank of the day ...

Avnish looked at eachother gulping down a big lump ...

While Kiya noticed the two getting tensed ... She knew the look very well it means some other is also prey of  their prank .... But who and what is actually gonna happen to him ....

She was lost in her thoughts when she heard a loud horrific scream ... All rushed out to see the source of the scream ....

It was Adit ... 

His Hairs were painted Blue spiked damn the kids had mixed hair gel with the hair color and here you go Adit was looking like a blue balloon ..

At first everyone looked at him in horror but later all burst out in the fits of laughter. 

Kiya looked at Avnish who were enjoying the scene played in front of them but both were hiding behind Adhvik to make sure no one caught them. 

Adit : Ahaan - Arhaan it was you two right you both did that right you both are dead today I will not spare you both.. 

Arhaan / Ahaan : Bhai we are innocent today we it was not us ..

Avi was enjoying this her plan did work on her Dodo she felt proud on herself that she pulled a prank successfully on someone but then she just turned into a scared kitten when she saw two people boring eyes on her it was Kiya and Pranav they knew who can pull this amazing stunts. 

Avi took a step back she was planning to escape but Pranav just caught her ... 

Pranav : I guess Adit you are behind the wrong person .. they both are victims here prankers are someone else ... 

Adit and all looked confused if not the twins then who is the person who is behind this all . 

Pranav dragged Avnish.

All looked at him confused   while Avi was trying to act as if she don't know what is happening here. 

Pranav : Don't you dare  to try and act innocent little one .. Come on shoot 

Avi gave all of them a cheeky smile .. 

Avi : hehe ..hi all it was like I ... ok bye Avi grab Nishanth's hand and both ran from there while the brothers looked dumbfounded at each other what just happened it was their dear little sister who pranked them ... 

They looked horrified with the new information but then the twins were just rolling on floor laughing their guts out their sister did what it never happened she pranked Adit it was wonder  of the world.

Riddhi entered the hall and she just was looking at her  grandsons who were  looking no less than lunatics. well she wondered  who on earth can pull such stunts on the twins and they instead of taking their revenge they were laughing their guts out and her poor elder one was just standing their as  a statue ... 

she looked at Raunak who was standing their all shadowed he did not wished to spoil the moments between the siblings and even he was enjoying it a lot . Riddhi made her way to her son and asked what just happened what she heard was quite a treat to her ears . 

And she even know no one will ever try to scold that little fella for doing this at-least it wont be Adit  or twins she just wish Aagam and Armaan will let this slide away. 


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