Family Reunion!!! Part 2

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It was still few more hrs to go for Rishabh and boys to reach Venice and they will still have 1 hr journey to reach Razdaan mansion.

While here Armaan was done with a long surgery. He was finally able to take out bullet from her ankle a bullet peace was closely pearced in the blood vessel thankfully it didn't rapture any vessel and just resulted in a fractured but still it was critical due her excess of blood loss and She had a rare blood group which was passed down to her from her father Rishabh and He was passed on by yashvardhan..

In Razdaan family only Rishabh , Aagam , Adhvik and Alora have the AB - blood group and as Aagam was himself injured and rest two were traveling they had to seek help from near by blood banks where the blood group was not stocked .. Armaan made a mental note to keep a nice stock of this blood group in near future for his two brothers since been in mafia the threads are real ..

" How is Avi can.. can we meet her " It was Pranav the guy looked really concerned for their sister.
While Armaan also noticed that one more kid was there who looked pale and his badi maa was coaxing him.

He was looking at his badi maa whom he saw after 12 years she is still the same a giver she knows how to give abundance of love and care to others the woman never fails him when it is about that but why did she left behind her other kids why didn't she for once had  faith on them that they can protect their baby sister well they won't have failed her he was sure ... He have seen his brothers longing for their mothers love but is it possible to cover the distance which they have now ? 

Aagam came out from the other room covered in bandages he and with little bit of rest Armaan had to sedate him for some time since his brother was not even ready to let his baby go out from his sight. Hell he was even not ready to treat his wound will luckily the bullet just missed out but still he was exhausted .   Armaan ensured him that he is here till he had taken good rest the guy never knows how to take rest. well he can understand his brother is scared to loose his baby once again the fear is very much seen in his eyes. Aagam directly went in the room where his sister was without sparing a glance at his mother. 

other hand Pallavi was looking at Aagam longingly she wanted to go and embrace her kid in her arms want to give the warmth and assurance but she knows after the decision she took years ago it will be very hard to mend up things now she wont be able to win her kids back . She wont be able to make them understand why she had taken that very step of her life 

walking away just like that was not easy for her ... 

but maybe somethings should be kept hidden in the past or it may ruin the future ... 

She thought maybe Armaan will be easy to approach 

Pallavi : Maan ... 

Armaan : don't worry she is fine now bullet had not done much harm to her ankle just she had lost excess of blood and so she is very week it will take time for her to wake up. 

Pallavi nodded and Armaan just walked inside. 

The brothers settled down beside their baby sister she was their lifeline who is lying their all pale and lifeless. 

After 8 hrs Journey 

At Venezia Airport- Venice Marco Polo : 

Rishabh's Private jet landed  boys and Rishabh came out all of them were impatient maybe if needed might be one of them would have taken jet in their own hands and fly down till Venice in no time. 

hell thanks to Adit who kept the boys in check or else they would have threatened the pilot with his life. 

Rishabh's men were already ready with the cars lined up All were about to settled down in the car when an Impatient Adhvik took lead he literally asked the driver to follow them in another car. 

Adhvik settled on the driving sit Adit beside and Arhaan , Ahaan and Rishabh settled at the back sit. 

There was still a hour journey to cover up but guess what Adhvik Razdaan knows how to cut the distance he was best in this in the underworld he is best car racer in the whole world not just like that. He was is a car expert and he knows how to manhandle his cars when time needed . 

Less than 50 mins they were running like a raging bulls in the hallways to reach the medical wing. 

Bhaiii ... boys called out for their brother hearing them Armaan and Aagam came out of the room . 

"Bhai .. Bhaiyu where is she .. " The little Ahaan asked his brothers 

" shhh champ she is inside sleeping " Aagam said . 

"can.. can we see her bhai promise we wont disturb her " Arhaan asked 

while Armaan nodded 

Getting the permission boys came inside to see their little baby sleeping like a small kid her face was serene without any worry of the world. 

Aviana's POV 

I slowly started to wake up , daring to open my eyes , I could listen some whispers disturbing my beauty sleep . Once I did started to blink faster and faster , whilst my eyes started to adjust to the bright light. I felt like my eyelids were weighted down by huge clips or something heavy ...  

I felt like tired so worn out , all I wanted was just sleep and sleep , I then managed to open my eyes wide enough to realize that I was in a big room with fresh blue walls , brown couches all around and it smell like sanitizer's . 

Where I am ? 

I was with ... Just then I remembered everything happened yesterday , The attack the bad guys and one of them pointing gun at my friend ... And how I pushed him to save and ouchh my leg it hurts ohh yes I was hurt ohh god that means I am In hospital .. 

Panic rush inside my body did they ... 

I checked below my sheets and I was still on my T-shirt on just thank god they teared my jeans only or else it would be bad if anyone had come to know everything but wait how come I am 

I flung upwards only to try and catch my breath I was held by a strong arm I looked up to see the same guy I met yesterday my friend . concern was all over written on his face he was scared but why I am just a random friend right ... 

Are you fine baby ? 

Is it paining somewhere ? 

Tell me baby are you feeling hungry or thirsty ? 

hang on let me speak please he was shooting so many questions damn how can I just answer him . 

" Aagam will you let her speak " 

I heard a sweet voice and turned to look another cute guy just like my friend at my rescue thank god god bless you buddy. 

"ohh yes sorry " 

Aww he is so cute I let out a soft giggle and rest I saw him staring at me .. 

" I am perfectly fine friend Avi a strong " I pouted 


Adit's POV 

I am perfectly fine friend avi is strong she said lifting her hands showing up her invisible muscles 

Aww she is such a cuto . 

I was just looking at her cute antics she is keeping her both brothers wrapped around her tiny finger just like she used to do when she was small .. A I just felt alive once again these 12 years were no less than a nightmare for me I felt home once again we brothers understood she was our home . 

I let out a small laugh only to catch her attention 


3rd Person POV 

Avi looked at the direction where her other brothers were she was confused and hell shocked at the same time only to find she has a audience here. 

her eyes landed on each and every person only to get even more shock to see the person on the right farthest corner of the room 

"Hello little one we are your brothers " the person said 

only to give her yet another shock 



Holla all 

I am back 

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See ya 



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