Family Reunion!!! Part 3

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Adhvik's POV 

"Hello Alora I am your 4th elder brother ... " I was about to introduce myself to my baby I just didn't liked my brothers idea to take it slow I wanted to just go and hug my baby sister in that very moment . 

" Adhvik Razdaan  how do you know my name only my close ones knows this name how come you ... " Her face was having mix expressions shocked , confused she looked at Aagam who slowly nodded

"Alora .. I .. " 

" why did you call yourself as my brother , I don't have family my only family is my maa , where is maa and Nish .. buddy where are they " 

and saying this she started to take heavy breaths Armaan bhai asked us to go out I don't want to leave my baby she needs us .. 

" Bhai please let me be here " I controlled my tears which was threatening to fall down any second now. I was holding back myself the moment I got to know about my Alora . 

" Viky please understand the truth she got to know just now its not easy to cope up and accept she is already very week please lets go out let bhaiyu treat her " I reluctantly nodded and Adit da just dragged me out 

she never knew about us she only considers Mrs Singhal as her family she was never told about us. 

it was just because of the lady .. I hate her so much 


The moment brothers came out Pallavi battled to ask what happened and she also wanted to know about Avi's health while Rishabh who just came in the medical wing after alerting his special team for looking out who planned this attack and who was the main target . 

Rishabh : Boys why are you all standing out you were all with stella right whats happening 

Aagam : Dad Adora had a panic attack 

Pallavi : what how ? how is she ? let me go in let me see her she needs me 

Adhvik : It is all because of you Mr Singhal 

Pallavi : what ? 

Adhvik : its all because of you .. you took her away from us and never told her about us ... you never told her that she has a family who is searching for her since years like a lunatics you never told her that we are her brothers she thinks she don't have a family ... It is all because of you Mrs Singhal . what will she think about us now . we all are a bunch of strangers for her I saw her eyes those questioning look which she gave us its all because of you. if she didn't recognise us ITS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU AND I HATE YOU FOR THAT ...

Adhvik eyes were red full of furry his anger was showing the pain he had hidden from years.  

Pallavi was taken aback with Adhvik's behavior . She was about to say something but then she was called by Maan ..

Maan : ummm ... Bad... I mean Mrs Singhal could you please come inside... kiddo needs you..

Pallavi followed Armaan in the room. While rest brothers calmed Adhvik ...

In The Room

Aviana was still Panicking pallavi ran towards her

Avi : Maa ... Maa he.. said ... He said .. He .. he .. said he was my brother.. why did he said that... You only said that we ... We both are each other's family then why they are claiming that they are my brothers who are they .. And if they are my family then .. why .. why they were not leaving with us ..

Pallavi was tongue tight how will she maker her daughter understand how will she answer her all questions.. how will she explain her innocent daughter that she is the reason why she is not with her family

Before she could say anything they were interupted by Rishabh ...

Rishabh: I will tell you Stella ..

Avi and Pallavi looked at him he was standing little far and wanted to just grab his daughter in his arms to comfort her ...

Avi : who .. who are you..

Rishabh: I am your Father Stella ..

Avi looked at her mother who just nodded assuring that the man for whom she has been waiting for years is here finally.. Pallavi was too emotional to explain anything right now her she was battling a long inner battle with herself waiting what the future holds for them

Avi : you .. you all didn't wanted me .. Did you all hate me .. why did you were not leaving with us .. you all abandoned me ..

Rishabh: I am sorry Stella I know you must be thinking that is we are your family then why we were not with you for this long years I won't be able to explain you ... Your mother took you away from us to protect you from bad people..  my child trust me we love you Stella we all have waited for you... We never aban ... Abandoned you never my baby you are my that precious possession that i won't ever will trade with anyone even for the cost of my own life... 

Pallavi: I am sorry baby I never wanted to do that but things were not in my hands .. that time what I thought was a best choice for you I did that .. I never told you about your brothers because if I would have told you about them you would have always craved for them and that would have made you sad thinking you have a family but still you can't be with them .. I am sorry baby ...

Pallavi Rishabh and Avi had tears Armaan who just stood in the corner of the room as a silent spectator was also had tears ..

Avi : Papa can you come and give me a big bear hug please I am having a ouncy na that's why I won't be able to come..

Hearing his Baby calling him papa the word he was craving for years to hear without wasting a single second he was standing beside his daughter his happiness has no bounds today he .. he finally got his star back his Stella and now he will make sure she will never go away from him he is not letting it happen again.. He let his wife or maybe for now his ex-wife took that worst decision of his life he would have seen his daughter grow up but not anymore he is here now ..

Avi : What happened Papa why are you crying..

Rishabh: Say it again Stella ...

Avi : Papa ..

She said with utter innocence her innocent eyes are captivating to melt even a stone

Rishabh pulled her to his chest closer to his heart making sure that she won't go away now ... He won't let that happen...

He peeked her forehead and her cheeks and the tip of her nose only to hear her heart warming giggles ...

Hearing her giggling brothers were even more happy that finally their princess will accept them ...

Well not even having a patience of a min boys just barged in only to find there baby sister all engrossed in having talks with their dad .. guess the Most Impatient mafia lord was hearing carefully to her each words ...

Adit : Dad that's not fair here we all were waiting outside from so long time just to spend our time with Ana and you didn't even bother to call us in atleast you would have given our intro to her

Adit Pouts ..

Rishabh: ohh no was something cooking on the stove i guess something is burning or i guess someone is burning with jealousy..

Adit open and shut his mouth like a fish did his father just now called him a jealous....

Adit : I am not jealous ok dad infact you have taken advantage of our goodness.. we just send you in so that you can make Ana understand fast and come outside ...

Rishabh: oyee puttar I am your dad and let me tell you It will always be my first turn to spend time with my Stella you all come in a que ... Got it

Hearing Adit and Rishabh bickering like a kid Avi was laughing uncontrollably.. her laughter were like the music soothing and innocent...

Which mesmerized all ..

But suddenly she cough a bit ... Since Avi is still week and due to her health issues she needs to be more careful she is not allowed to exert what happened sometime ago was it's clear indication... Rishabh came and lightly stroke her back and make her drink water a bit ...

Rishabh : you are ok Stella

Avi nodded but the brothers had a mental note to make sure that there baby sister will not step down from that bed for next one month and exerting herself nope not allowed...

Rishabh: let me introduce you to your brothers now Stella.. this ..

Aagam : Dad can we atleast do that job by ourselves let us spend some time with our baby ..

Rishabh: Another jealous freak .. it won't settle down with you guys right that I am her most favourite person here ..

While Aagam made faces ...

Aagam : grow up old man ... and don't forget who found her ..

Rishabh: ohh please you substituted me here ..

And they went on n on .. on who's the favourite person of Avi ...

Rishabh: Pallavi tell your son that i am my daughter favourite person..

Aagam : Yess maa tell your Husband that i am my baby's favourite person.. she loves me the most ...

They both didn't realise what they just ... But suddenly reality hit them ... While Pallavi's eyes shined with hope but guess few hopes are born to die when both father and son duo realised what they just said ...

Pallavi blinked back her tears while Rishabh and Aagam were not ready to meet eyes ...

Avi : Maa where is Mr bunny bring him here na .. i also wanted to introduce him to my brothers he is special to me ...

Hearing the last word all brothers snapped back her well they were literally jealous now who is this Mr bunny.. 

While taking it as a que to escape from there Pallavi just walk out informing that she will bring Avis stuffs ..

Rishabh walked out and offered to drive Pallavi till her home .. and both left from there ..

Now it was only brothers and Avi left ...

Maan : Umm let me do the honours first baby i am your sweet charming cute brother your bubba Armaan ... Well i am your only first cousin..  and ofcourse your all time favourite brother...

He extends his hand while Avi gladly take his hand for a handshake..

Aagam : that's not fair bub is Eldest here ...and come on we all know who is her most favourite here .. baby dont listen to this medicine he is just not fun .. I am your bub favourite one and yes we met earlier right...

Avi nodded and giggles.. she is loving this new attention what she is getting from her all brothers..

Adit : ohh older ones never are fun Ana I am Adit you can give me whatever nickname you like i am still waiting for a nickname from you..

He came and hug her while getting a foreign touch she stiffed a bit but then relaxed...

Adhvik: Okay shu away.. it's my turn and yess baby i am your

Avi : you are Rockstar Adhvik Razdan my favourite singer ... my brother...

She squealed like a baby she was excited to find out that the worlds most wanted Rockstar is her brother her brother and this time she was beyond happiness.. she was happy that he was her brother..

And seeing that spark in her eyes made Adhvik forgot all his pain of being away from her ...

Adhvik carefully lifted her up in his arms and gave her sloppy kisses making her giggle more ..

And lastly it was twins turn and in no time she became there friend..

In no time Avi gelled up with the boys ...



Holla guys so sorry for the late update

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See ya



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