Chapter 22

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Alexius whipped out her sword in rage. Charging at Viper with her world blade aiming for Viper's throat. One of Viper's men jumped in her way and fell to the floor as Alexius's blade slit his throat. Everyone in the room went silent with shock. "YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!" Alexius screamed in outrage. Viper whipped out his sword as Alexius lunged for him again. "So Ivy was right, you are the long-lost Princess of Carthya. The princess that I tried too hard to kill," Viper smirked as their blades clashed. 

Alexius stared at Ivy with shock, but Ivy's blue eyes showed no regret, she only smiled at her. Alexius, now more mad than ever, went for Viper's legs. She was so blinded by rage that she wasn't able to focus and Viper had her pinned up against the wall. "I'll give you two choices. You can still go through with the plan and I'll let you live, but you must never return to Carthya. Or, you can stay here and be imprisoned with your parents," Viper said with a smile on his face. "Never," Alexius spat. "Fine, tie there up! Oh, and Cyrus too, Ivy told me that you were plotting with this pathetic excuse of a princess to take me down," Viper said in an enraged tone. "Wait!" Cyrus yelled, but it was too late. Two of Viper's men grabbed Cyrus and Alexius and tied them up in rope. 

Viper opened the door to get out of the small room and let everyone come out. "My father isn't stupid! He'll never fall for Ivy, my father was the master of disguise when he was in his youth. He'll know that it's not me!" Alexius spat in rage. Viper laughed, "Don't worry, I know a way. Oh, and Cyrus, if you had gone through with this plan I was going to retire and let you become the next leader of the great Striker Caravan!" Viper then slammed the door shut behind him.

Everything faded to black, and Alexius felt horrible for letting her parent down. Now Carthya was sure to fall to Viper's evil plan and it was all her fault. It would have never happened if she hadn't run away. She felt like she was about to start crying, but didn't want to. "I'm sorry Alexius," Cyrus said sadly. Alexius sighed, "I don't know what to do, I'm a failure to my father and a failure to my kingdom." Cyrus gasped, "No you're not! You're saving Carthya. If you had never run away, you would have never found out about Viper's plan!" Alexius wished that she could hug Cyrus right now, but they were tied up. "I'll think of some plan to get us untied," Cyrus said. 

He started to talk about crazy ideas to get them untied. Alexius started to laugh and Cyrus stopped talking. "Wait, What happened?" Cyrus asked, he was facing away from Alexius and couldn't see her. Alexius walked over to Cyrus and started to untie him. "What? How did you get untied?" Cyrus asked confusedly. "My father might have taught me a thing or two about what to do if you get kidnapped or tied up," Alexius explained. The two were free now, Alexius put her ear up to the door to see if the group was still out there, but she heard nothing. Grabbing her sword, she put it back on her side and opened the door. They were now in the Library that wasn't far from Alexius's room. "You go a join the crowd, keep your hood on, and I'll meet you there." Alexius ran out of the room swiftly and headed towards her room. She had to grab something out of there that she would need. 

She opened the door to find that her room had been repaired since she had left. Alexius looked into her closet, hoping that it was still there. She found the loose brick in her closet and pulled it out to reveal a dark wood box with jewels on the side. She opened it up and there sat her crown that she hadn't touched in about four years. Her crown had been supposedly lost during the fire, but it was hidden in her closet because she was hiding it from Aria that night. They were playing a game of 'Who Could Find The Crown?' 

Alexis smiled at the memory of them playing the game. She whipped the dust off her crown. It was unique like her father's. Made out of silver with extraordinary details and amethyst jewels. She put her crown into her side bag and ran to the courtroom. Then Alexius remembered one problem, the red hair dye that she had in her hair. Most of it had been added out, but she hoped that it wouldn't cause any problems. Running up to the courtroom, she peeked through the door and started to listen in on their conversation. 

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