Chapter 5

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The orphanage was full of screaming children. They raced down the hallways hollering like banshees, filling the house with their laughter and yelling. Following the headmaster towards the front door, the eldest child didn't help one bit. In fact, she encouraged the children's rowdy behavior. She was by far the most popular one in the orphanage and she was the most eccentric. And her name was Gidget.

"If I have to drag you out to the gate, I will! Stop dilly dallying young lady!" the headmaster ordered grumpily. He was in one of his moods. Who could blame him? He was trying to get a kid who had become an adult out of the house. Gidget was of age, it was time for her to leave. And her waving goodbye to each and every child was not helping one bit! Finally getting to the front door, he kicked it open and tossed out the suitcases he had carried with him. "Alright, your stuff is out there!" he shouted, "Now you get your tail out of this house and never come back!"

"Okay, okay. Keep your cool mister," Gidget remarked, walking past the headmaster on her way out. She made sure to pat him on the head. Infuriated, he slammed the door behind her in anger. Flinching at the loud thud of the door, Gidget adjusted the scarf around her neck as she muttered under her breath, "Sheesh, take a chill pill or something. Or a dirt nap."

"Gidget! Gidget!" a small voice cried out. Gidget smiled. She knew that voice. She turned around to find three young puppies racing towards her. Tiny, Princess and Pickles, her bestest friends in the entire orphanage. Her only friends actually, at least they were the only ones she could remember. Amnesia sucked big time, especially when you couldn't remember your early childhood.

"Are you really heading out into the big wide world?" Tiny asked as he, Princess and Pickles swarmed around Gidget. Picking up the suitcases that held her belongings, the Pomeranian nodded her head and answered proudly, "As a full grown adult, yes I am."

"That's so cool," Pickles spoke with awe. Clasping her gloved paws together as she wagged her tail, Princess piped up, "What are you gonna do now Gidget?" Jumping up for a hug from the older dog, Tiny exclaimed, "You should go to Paris like your necklace says!"

"Tiny, my necklace says together in Paris. And it might be a while before that happens. I need a job first," Gidget pointed out, playfully booping Tiny on the nose. Setting the basset hound puppy down on the snow covered ground, the fluffy white Pomeranian promised, "If I ever do wind up in Paris though, I'll be sure to come get you guys."

"Then we can all live in Paris together!" Tiny yipped cheerfully. Smiling, Gidget replied, "That's right!" Skipping over to the gate, she declared, "Alrighty, off I go to the big wide world! Wish me luck everyone!"

"Good luck Gidget!" the puppies cried out, followed by Tiny calling, "We'll see you in Paris!" Walking away from the orphanage, Gidget bit her lip.

How was an orphan like her going to get to Paris?

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